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<br /> .` -.r�4 .. + RE RECORDED �� 1�6 ��3-�0��
<br /> condemn�tlon or otlta t�icina of,Rny pwrt of iiw P�openy,or for canvoyanco jn lieu of cundemrwlion,�ue hercby er��i�{ned wtd
<br /> sFull be p�id to Lender,
<br /> In tlro cvent of.a tautl �qkin� +►f.iht+ Propeny. thoproc ecdn �hall bo applied lo tha suma xccurcd by tMw Sn.u�ity
<br /> [natlurtknt, whather or•npt.thon dua,w1ih��y oxcera paid to Bomowcr. In Iha cveni of o�Aiul twkin� uf thc Pmperty in
<br /> which tiw fsir mwket valua af.lhe+PrnFxrt�immediwtoly bcfore�he tolcing iK cyual ta ur grcatcr ihw►thc wnount ol'�he cumr
<br /> sccured by this Securit�r lnuiument,lmmadicualy befarc ihc�ukiny,unles�Barowe�and Lc�der ahcrvvi�c ugrce in wri�inQ,
<br /> the aumR eocu�ed by�hic Sxudty laNtumcnt,sludl bc rcduccYl by 1he umount ui thop►ixced.r muUiplial b the followin�
<br /> fracdo�: (o)the to[al amaunt.of�ha sumc�ocumd imme�iia�ely bePorc�he taking,divided hy (h)tho feir mar�C!VUIUQ 11f(IIC
<br /> propetty imm�diataly brforo tb� �aking. My dalance ehall he pr�id to Bo�rawer. in�hc evcnt of a puhiul tuking uf tiw
<br /> Property in whloh tho fair mwtket valua af.�ha Rtoperty immcdiwcly before ihe�aking ix leK��han the amount af tha numa
<br /> securod lmmadiat�ly befure Iha takin$,unlass antre�we� und Lender wl►erwine ogree ln writing or unlesx upplicabla law
<br /> oth�nviso providos.iha pmceedF�hp��he appliad t�tha*urna secured by I�is Security Insuumem whe�her ur not thn Kum»Are
<br /> then duo.
<br /> If tho Property is abandoncd by B�rt�►w�..at.iG after aMice by l.ender�o Borrawer�hut�he condem�ur offcrr�tu mukc
<br /> an awar+d or senle a daim for dwmagas.Barn►we+r f�itfi to r+espond to L.ender within 3Q duye nfter the dute the nodce is givcn,
<br /> Lender ie Au�harizal to collact and Apply ihn p�aeeeds,at i�R opdon,eiiher to resiorntbn or rcpnir af tha Property or to thr
<br /> sums secu�d by this Secudty lpstmmant,whather or not then due.
<br /> Unlass Lender and&►rrowcr o�hanti�)ae a�rev in writing,nny applicution af praceeds to pr�ncipul�hall na extend or
<br /> poctppna tho due dat�af d�a manthly paymnnifi roferred to in puragraphK I end 2 ur chnnge thc.amount of�uch puymenlg.
<br /> 11. Borrowar NAt Releswcrli Farbearnnce By l.ender Not a Wpiver. Extension of U�e time for poyment or
<br /> f :,, modificsuion of Amani¢atian of tha sume secured by thiK Secudly Inst�ument granted by Le�der to uny successor m interest
<br /> ,- ''« of Bomower shall nat opemta to �el�aso tho linbility of the originul Borrower or Bormwer's succeswrx in intercst. l.ender
<br /> � -.,�� shall nat be raquited ta commencc proceedin�s nguinst ainy 4uccescar in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or
<br /> othetwisa madity amattl�Alian of ihe sums secured by this Security Instrument by reaeon of uny dems►nd made by the ariginal
<br /> �`� `' Hotrowar or Bomnwer's suacessoB in iMerest. Any forbeprance by L.ender in exercising any right or rcmedy shall not be a
<br /> � -.�.,.�. .
<br /> ' �.•4• .a,_.,,-•: ..,� waivar of or pt�ccluda Q�a examise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ��'{•��• '� °���� � 12. Suoeessot�s And�As�ignc Buundi Joint and Several L.iobility;Co-signers. The covenunts und agreemants of this
<br /> '�'^'�'':� �...i,,;., ' ' � Socurity Instrum�nt:rhalhhind and bene8t tha successors and ussignw of'Lender and Borrower,subject to�he provisions af
<br /> ,'��'�� :� ,�,���� �t puagmph,l7. Bartnwer's covenr�uitK and agreemems shAII be joint nnd several.Any Bo�rower who casigns this Securiiy a
<br /> �i;,.�' _.�,�."�yt�� InsuumeM�but�da�s nai eaeeu�e the Note: (ul is casigning�hifi Secur�ty Instrument only lo mortguge,grant�nd convey that
<br /> :��,y�:�,�x�.�,.:: Bortower's inl�rest in the RopeRy under the tcrms of thir:Security Ins�rumenr, (b)is na personally obligated to puy the sums
<br /> , y- ., secu r e d by t h is S e cu�ity Ins�nime a;an d(c)ngr e e c t h o t l.r n d a r n n d a n y a t h e�B o R�►w e r m u y u g r e e�o e x t e n d,m o d i f y,f o r b e n r "''
<br /> 4,�':�'3'Y�,:�:; � •r�, or make any accommodations wkh r�egord to Ihe terms of this Security Insirument or�he Note without tUut Bortowerk
<br /> �;��..' a«�s�:;x:,•^.,,:a �' consent,
<br /> , �K; ; ,..
<br /> ; .,,- -•...�;;:,�.{,,� 13. L.oan Charqes. If the loan secured by�hi�:Securiry In+lrumant is subject tu u luw which yetx maximum lonn
<br /> ,.�� ,� , t ehurges,and[hat iaw is inaiiy in�crp�ctcnl nu ihai thc inicrest ar c�tixr fuan charges coflecicd or to!x:collccted in ca�nectfo�
<br /> • ' • with the bun exceed the permilted Iimilx,then: (a)any such loun churge shull be rcduced by the umuunt neeessury to reduce
<br /> ' � the churge to the permined limi�; and(b1 uny sums alrcudy coll�cted t'rom Bormwer which exceeded pertnilted limitx will 6e
<br /> 'k.���:;.; ' ' � refunded to Barrower. Lender ms�y chaose�o mnke this refund hy�educing the principul owed undrr the Nate ar by making a
<br /> •,,;�,�•:.,, � , ,,;,".;:�.•. di�ct payment ta BoROwer. If a refu�d rcduces principul,�he reductian will be treated ps a purtial prepuyment without an��
<br /> , , "'^'' prepayment chargc under the Note.
<br /> • 14. NoHces. Any notice to Borrower providrd for in�hi,Se�:urity Inxtrument shull be given by dclivering it or by
<br /> `�' ` •� •�t. " mailing it by first class muil unle�s uppliruble Ww reyuircx use uf nnrnher m��hcxi.7'he notice xhull be dirccted to the Propeey
<br /> � ' AddreFS or any othor uddress Borrower dc,ignutes by notirc�o Lender. Any nwi�e�o Lcnder zhall Ne given by finl class
<br /> � mail to Lender's uddmtis swtad hrrcin��r any othrr siJdrc.+l.ender designule�by notice 1�Bormwer. An�nntice provided for
<br /> � . in thir� Security In�trument sBull br deemed to huve 6cen given �o Borrower or Lcndcr when �iven us pr�vided in this
<br /> • ,,�_ � paragruph.
<br /> '�' o , ' l5. Governing Law; Severabflity. Thi�:Serurity Inr,tmrnent .hull lx �ovrrned by federul luw und the luw ot'the
<br /> � - . , jurisdiction in which the Praperty i+ lucwed. In Ihe evrnt thut uny provi�ion�ir cluusc ot'thi. Security Instrument or the Nwe
<br /> , . �' � eonfliets with upplicvble luw,sueh ronflict�hull nM uffcrl Wher pruvivions uf thi�S�curity In+trument or the Note which cun
<br /> t� + . • � •�''`'"• be given effect wi�hout�he conllicting provision. To thi.end the pruvi+iuns of thiti Seruriq�Instrument uud the Note ure
<br /> �t�`` ' declared to be severable.
<br /> r'�. . I6. Horrower's Copy. 6urruwer.hall Iw givcu�,uc cunfu�wed cupy u(the yute and of thiz Security lnstrument.
<br /> ' 17. 'IYt�nsicr oP the Property or a Beneficiul lntercwl in HorroN•er. It'ull or uny part uf�hc Pmperty nr uny intere+t in
<br /> ,.,, ;;��•,'.:;� . ic is sold or tran.r•femd lor if a txnrfirial inlrrc.t in Borro«•er is �nld or trumterrcd and Burtower is not a nuwrul per�on) :,
<br /> ` ,,.•.�. �;`�,:{^+' withoat Lender�prior written con+.rnt.Lender mny.ui it�uptinn.reyuirc immcJi.u�paymrnt in full of ull sumx scrured bY ,�::
<br /> � '`�''��'' " �his Security Instrument. H��wever,thi�opli�xi shull rn+t Ix rxercixed by Lendrr il'rxerci,e i�prohibited by frderal Inw us of
<br /> r::,..,.:., ...
<br /> ''�s���� ` �' the date oF this Security In+trumeM. `�
<br /> ��• � If Lender exenisrs thiti optiun.Lender�hull givr B�ircowrr naiirc af ucrrlrruti�m. '1'hr natire shall provide u peri�xl ai' • �
<br /> � ���� '�"�*' not less than 30 dn �fmm the dute the nolicc is Jclivcrrd c�r mailed within H•hirh B�irn»rrr mu+t pay all tiwm xecureJ by thi.
<br /> �,.,.. v� l�,�
<br /> ',�,,�' . Security Instrument. If B��rn��ver fail.tu puy tix�x sum. prior In Ihe eepiruliun uf Ihi. Fxricxl, Lender may Mvoke uny
<br /> �' remedies permiued by thiti Srcurity In�trumrnl wiUx�ut further noiice or dcros�nJ un Burraacr.
<br /> '�'�; �•�'�� l8. Borrower's Right lu Reinstale. li' BuRa��•rr mectz rcrtain cundilian+, RnROwrr ,hall huvr �hr riEht to have
<br /> t� '�� • .. ''��r.; '� enforcemerx of�hi+S�uri�y In�tmmem diuontinurJ:u any�imr prii�r io thr rarli�r�d: �:�) S da�.lor�urh olher period a.
<br /> A'J'. :n?�`;: • . Sinpk Fmnil�..FYnnk I►tue�FYMdk�1nc l NIF�Nt�11%ti'1'Rl'�IF.\7'..l�ndnrm Cwenamv 9/90 �puqe 4 u)n pu.�eu
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