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, =ti.; <br /> . ��. <br /> 7. . <br /> � ,,,�.. <br /> . , , �� _. �11�11��. <br /> , � t. <br /> - , . - .� , . �., <br /> '... •� .. �� . ,. <br /> � <br /> � �3• 10�0�� <br /> periods tlul Lender roquims. The lnrurancyo a�rbr pmvWfnj the inru��hdl be chaon by Norrower wbjxt b I.�ndorti <br /> y�rnvd Which ahiJl no16e urmaa�on�bly wUh1wW. If B�xrnwsr falb w mwlnt�in eov�ra�e deicribad above.t.end�r a� <br /> L�nder�apion,�61dn coven�e to protact l.ender'r dQhtx in�hep�t y in�ccard+uire wUh prraBnph 7. <br /> • All iiuunnco polisks�nd ntnawala�11 be�ccep1abk ta Levaior�nd�!I lactudo o�widard ma1��Qe cl�sue. L.awler <br /> ;hall I1AYQ IFIC IIjjI1l(0 FIOI{)(Ilq p[1IIGIOY�fQ(iOWYIA. 1P Lendcr rcquirc�,Bort+nwor Khpll pranplly�ivo ta I..ender d!roceipt� <br /> oi paid pr¢miumr wnd ronow�)nptiao�.. U1.Iha ovonl�pf.loex,Borrowrr shdl Qivo prompt naico w�I�o inrur+uioo cu��nd <br /> • Lxnder. i.ender mpy m�ko�nnc►f.of•Ia�iP nnl,mNC1a p1»tiqtlly by Borrower. <br /> Unkaw 4cndur+utd Bur�owor utharwia�c a�ro itl+�'rllip�,�nsurance proceedR Hhall he e�►lied�o rcstoralion or rr�air nf <br /> thcPr�perly dama�od. if tha rect4rntfan�or,.nsppir•ia ecannmiG+�lly fe�xibl� and l.endcrk cecud�y ie aw Ic�ened. If tha <br /> rrctoration or rcpair ia nat cecmamiaally faasibla or Lcndnra�rurity wouid hc IeKCenal. tlie inFUranca prcxeeda shall be <br /> applied to the �►uma secut�ed by thiA 3caurity In�tn�m�nt,whetthqr ar nat thea due.wilh any eacea�puid to Bocrawer. If <br /> Bortower abandons tha Propmty,or dacs nnt anawo��wlthlq;tl�dayg u naice from Lender tiwt tha inburaurce cwricr ha� <br /> aftercd la sepla a claim,thon I.endor may callsct�ha in�umna�pmveed�. Lender muy ure�he prc�eeda to rrpuir or n�xtorc <br /> �hc Property or�o pay sump roaured by�hip Seour�ty Inwuumant,wh��herc:or,npt�hen due. The 3tl�doy period will be�in whon <br /> tho notirc is given, <br /> Uniesx Lend�ut�d Bortx►wer whetwi�o agr�in wri�jnp� mty uppliaation of proceed�to principul shall not extend or <br /> pc►stpone the dua data of the manthly paymantK refsm�d to in psuogrnpha 1 and?.ar change th�amount of ti►e p�yments. If <br /> under parogrs�pb 21 Iha Propeny is ncqui�d by I.enda�.Borrowor4s right�o any insuru�ce poli�lea urtd proceedv resuUing <br /> fran dc+mage tu the PrQpe�ty p�ior lo the a�yuiaitian shall paxv to I.endar to the extent of Iha sumg sccurcd by thia Security <br /> Inctrument immc,Miutaly pdor to�ha acquiFition. <br /> �. Occupancy, Preservatba, Motqtenance And;I'rotectbn oT the Properly; Borrower's 4ep� Applta�tton: <br /> l.e�bolde. Borrowor shall occupy.e�;tablish,and uraee tha Propeny a�Borrowerg principal re.cidense wi�hin siaty daye aft�er <br /> :� ' the execution of thix Security Inx�rumsot and hhall continua to accupy the Praperty a.s Borrowcris principnl resiJ�m:r fi�r ut <br /> �;�. ' � lenxt one year nftar the dAte of occupuncy. unlass Lender otherwl.r•e a8rees in w�iting, whici� conr,ent shul) not be <br /> unreasonably withhald.or unles.c eatenuating circumr�tuncas�eKiFl which orc beyond Borrawer R control. Borrower shull not <br /> ,J, destroy,dnmage or impair tNe Property.ullow tha Propeny a�da�eriorotQ.a commit wavte on the Propeny. Borrower shull <br /> be in defuul� IP any forfciturc Action or proceedfng,whnthar civil,or cdminal. is begun thnt in Lender�good fuith judgment <br /> �;r�> could resull in fn�'eiture of the Propeny or otharwi�aa mcHuriully impuir the lien creAted by �hig Security Instrumant ar <br /> " ..�, s�:;`; Lender r t:ecudly inter�est. Burroa•cr muy curc suah u dafuuh�und r+einstate,ax provided in puragruph 18,by causing the netlon <br /> �'" or proceeding W be diRmir�sed with a ruling Lendar R good fuith detertnination.precludes forfeiture of�h�Barower� <br /> ' , interexl in Ihe Propeay or other mAterint impairnreot of the lien created by this Security Ins�rument ar Lenderk security <br /> intereat: Borrower shall also be in defuult if Butrower, during Ihe Iwrn applicntion process, guve matedally fAlse or <br /> �,�-;. inpccurnte infamution or�tatements to Lender!ur failud•ta provide Lender with ony mnteriul informntion)in conneclion with <br /> '�.� � the k�an evidanced bv ihe Note, including, but nnt liinited to, repr�esenlatian� conceming Borrowerr occupancy of the <br /> r%'�'�• pt.,��y gg a�►li���rc��.�ai�enre. If thix Sucur�ry 1nF�ium�nt is on u leusehold.Borrawer shall comply wi�h all the provixionx <br /> .;��.�.` � nf the lea+e. IP Borcower acquires fec tiUe tu thc Property,the leasehold und the fee tiNe xhull not me�ge unlsss l.ender agtres <br /> , •_Y>.,�'a.:,�,.�,..s <br /> � .•• . r, r ,x�v}�� . tolhc mergcr in writing. <br /> �. . � ,, , 7. Protectiun oP l.endev's Righttt in tN� Property. IF HoROwcr failw to perfurm �hr cuvenantw und ugrcemants <br /> '�G�:•� <br /> ` •� , ,;_,. •.�r�,,R•�Y; • contuined in ihie; Securi�y In�trument, or thuns ie a lupul proceedin� thut may sigmficnntly affect Lender's rightx in the <br /> �.' � �'�t�"��•"" Property(such u�u pnx:eedinF in Munkrupt�y.pmbu�u.Pur condemnation or forfeiture or to enfarce laww or regulations),then <br /> ':.,„,��v;w,,, '.: <br /> �=• ,., , :: Lende�may do and pAy for whntever is nucc�s;�ry�o pmtec�thc viduc of�h� Property und Lendcrti righ4K in the Propeny. <br /> ��0 Lenderk actionw may includr paying uny xumh tic:runsd hy u lien which ha.priariry over tbis Security Inxtrumeot,Appearing <br /> �:s:..�-5�.,.. � <br /> . • " " ' in coun,puying reu5nnublc utromey�'fcew and en�urinp an �he Proprny �a make repuirs. AUhough I.ender may take nction <br /> ,�h�'4:.� � k;�;r:� under this puragr3ph 7.L.ender di�ex not h�we tu du so. <br /> � � � � Any amountK dir:Nur.ced b}� l.endur undcr tltfH pnr�gruph 7 shall lx:came udditionul debt uf Borrower securcd by thi++ <br /> , ~� Security Inxlrumcnt. Unlur;s Iiurrowcr•rnd lAndur ngn:r tn uthcr trrnix ot'payment.thesc umount.r�hall bcnr irxerest from Ihc <br /> � ='�` dula oi'Ji�;hutKement�+t�he Na1u rutu und shull he puyuble,with intcre.t,upcm notice Gom Lendcr la Borrower reyuesting <br /> o.i; : .,;, ..�° .'.�� , Puymem. <br /> ' '� � 8. MoMp{age InRUranee. If lxnder rcyuiruJ munpuge imurancr uw u cnnJitiun af muking thc: loun tiecured by this <br /> . ,s. Security Inr;�nimun4 Burruwer tih�dl p:iy thc prumiumr. rcyuirrd tn mairnain �he mortgugr insurvnce in rffect. If, for wiy <br /> �;.. <br /> ,•% . ' ��'.•.r,::�. ' reason, thc mortRuge insurance cnverage n:yuiiud by Lcndcr laptic, or to Ix in effect, Borruwer shull puy thc <br /> .�k, . .,.;c�:t:.,..:.� �c___.� <br /> �,r y:;,,;.:;•; _ pnsmiwu�. myui�eJ lo ulNuin c�x�eragr �uh�u�nli�dly cyui�ulcni tu the mnn�nge insurunre previ�wsfy in etiect. at u cutit <br /> �''�;s:.l; , subxluntiully eyuivalcnt tn U�r ro�1 a�Rorr��x•cr nl'thc nwngoge in�urancc prrviously in effect,from un ultemute moAguge <br /> � ° innutttr uppmvcd by L�:nder. If.uh�,tim�iully cyui��nlrnt murtguge inwr�ncc ruvrraEe i+not avuiluhle.Borr�iu•er shull puy tu <br /> .� , � �r� . • LenJer cuch m�mth ryu�d to unc•Iwcll1N uf�hc yrarly mungu�c in,unncc prrmium Ixin�t puid by Bormwer when the <br /> •t inxuruncc covcroge Iiipu:J ur ccuneJ Ia hc in ei'tirrl. l.rndcr�eill acupt,u,c anJ rctuin�hr+r paymrntx i�.u lus,rcxrrve in liceu <br /> .. �"'�.`'.. .�, of m��rtgugc inr.urnncc. Lo.,re.�n•c puy�mm�rnny nu lungcr tn requind, at th�upti�a� c►f L.rnJrr. ii'mortgu�c inwrsuice ` <br /> t�r�.�.,' ' cnverugc(in�Ix: umnunl und fur thu�xriod il�u� LenJrr rrquirc.l pn►vi�kd hy an inyurcr•rppmvcJ by Lendcr aguin becamex <br /> �,�„, uvailnt►lu und is c�hlnineJ.Borro�vcr�hull p►ry dtc prcmimn.reyuir�J lo muintuin m�►rtgu�c in,unncr in cffcct.or to pn,vidc� �; <br /> ` ���; �' ' lu,s rescrvr,unlil Ihc rcyuiRmenl ti�r mnngupr in�urunre rnd.m urcurdamc with ony wriu�n u�trerment brtwcen Borrowrr <br /> „r's ' � ,. � und Lender or�pplwahlc la���. <br /> . ;i�}.;;,:" R `� •'. 9. Ihr:pertiun. l.ender or iir agrnl mny mnkc rca,onablc�ntrirs u�m anJ in��xrtiun+��f Ihr Pm�xrty. Lender,hcdl '�• <br /> ' givc Butruwcr nntice at dx timc of or prior m an in,prrliun a�rif��ing rca.nnuMc ruusr f��r thc inti�xrlion. :� <br /> "�'. I� l � , " 10a Condemnatiun. Thc pmreed��,1 nn.-i�u:�rJ or rlaim f��r damagc,.dinrt ur cnnn�wti�m with uny <br /> .�` � . 1�• Siq_li Pamil�••Faank�tuciFnddk�1�c 1'VIF'11lt\11N�7'Rl'�IF:\'f -l4utumi t'u�en�m, 9�90 �p����•?,qn p,�cru <br /> o-'••.,,,''� +• ' ••. , � IIf.N Il1IM MfJlllNn F�ffM.IM � , v <br /> .�,{'�":.,� �.' ...4 ' '• .:�r Tu1MMt1YY tdI11O:�T►D:f!7;IU►.QUIf4TN1•It:ll . • <br /> T'< <br /> -f-..a; ;��n �, <br /> ��r � � ':,y•5)' a�:� <br /> :Y S�l -'S,� , . �,i,5 <br /> /Ff i�" � �� . . . .. . ... . '� —'. ' . ����:� ` � . .. � . . , _ r���,�,_ -• +'.� ,!�� <br /> � � • a.�: , '•`�`.. '��'^��t'',W�j�'����'•�W1u��Ywj��'Mw'�}�''i9'•:��p6 ;�f <br /> �r_, snx�.......�._. .. .. . , ' . . <br /> �� : � • <br /> - . - � • .: •. . , �, <br /> .. _. . . <br /> ..� : •:.,. . • <br /> ---. ._..._ �, . . . ..... . _.....: .------- . .',,. ---•---�-=-'------ <br /> ------•—. ...... .,,. .. . . --- �- ------• ------------- ... .... ..- -- - -�-- <br /> .�, ". � <br /> ., �14 i.J,�. ' .. 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