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<br /> Toac�iBR wrn�v�the m,pro�anenu now a nerc�t►a eroctaa on ub propaty,ma v��au,neau..p�ten�ce.,
<br /> aad A�raw ar herattcr a pip�t of the p�upaty. A�I ropy�oemena a�d�ddidans�bdl dw be oovaed by thb Seaaity
<br /> l�upunxnt. All of the fae�oln�i��+eter�od to in tld�Security Imh�umenl as the"Property."
<br /> HO1tROWBR COVBNANfS �fiat Horrower(�I�wfully�eircd of�he eeut�herieby canveyed aad Iws thn rf�ht to�nt
<br /> �nd convey tho Propa�ty�nd thu�e Pr+nperty is unencumberod,eacept for ancumbrancea of necord. Bamwu w�mats ond
<br /> w1U defaid�enaalfy tfie tltle to the Pro�x�tY�fn�t�II clelms wd dem�odi.wbjeet w�ny encumb�ances of r�ecord.
<br /> THI3 3ECURl7'Y INSTRUMENT combinea unifam covennnta for nuion�l uce and non-unifarm coven�nt� wfth
<br /> limitod vui�Brns by Juri�dlction to consdtute a uniform secudty inrt�urnent coverin�r�l pmperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COYBNAM'S. Bortower�nd Lendar covenrat and agrce a:follows:
<br /> 1. Pl�ymeat ot Prindpd aod Ioteraai�P�Y�t�wd I.�te CNar�es. Bozrower shdl P�'omPUY PaY when due�ha
<br /> priaci of�nd inteneat on the dobt evickncod by the Note wid any prepayment and�ate charges due un�er the Note.
<br /> �Fbsd�for 11u�a�1 lawriu�ea. Subjxt to appIicable low or w a wrltten weiva�by Lendcr.Borrower ehall pey to
<br /> L.ender on the day monihly payments ane duo under the Note.unUl thc Note ia peid in full.a eum("liinds")far.(a)ycarly
<br /> t�uces and acsessinent�whicn may atu�in priority over this Security Instnunent as a lien oq t6e Propetty:(b)yrarly leasehold
<br /> PaYaaenl� or ground n�nta on Ihe Property. if Any: (c) Yearly hazard or property insurance premiums� (d) Yearly tlood
<br /> insuranca prcmiums, if ony;(e)yearly mortgago insurance prcmiums,if any; and (� any sums payable by Horrower to
<br /> I.ender.in eccondance with the pivvisiona of paragraph 8,in Neu of thepaymcnt of mortgage insutance premiums. These
<br /> items arc callal"Escnow Iams." Lender may.at any dme.collect and hold Fi�nds in an amount aot w eacad the maximum
<br /> amount a lender far a federaUy related martgage loan may roquir�e for Bwmwer`a escrow account under the foderal Real
<br /> Estate Settlement Pmcedw+ea Act of 1974 ag amended from time ta time,l2 U.S.C.¢2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> F`" law that applies to the R�nds sets a lesser amoum. lf so,Lender mwy.at any Wne,collxt and hold E�unds in an unount not to
<br /> exceed the Iesser amount. I.ender may esdmatc the amount of Funds due on thc basis of curreM dotr and neaconable
<br /> esdmates of expenditurea of future Fscrow Items or otherwlse in accordance with appl�cable law.
<br /> Tlie Funds shwll be held in an institudon whosc depasi�s ere insured by a federal agency, instrumentelity.or enlity
<br /> � ��= `� �Y� (including ixnder.if l.ender ia such an institut�on)or in any Fedejvl Homc Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> ,�� the Escrow Items. Lender may not chuge Boirower for iwldU�g and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escruw
<br /> �;�'' {; aocoun� or verifying the Escrow Itcros. unless l.ender pays Borrower interest oa �he FLnds end appikable law permlts
<br /> ? l.ender to make such a charge. However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a ane-time charge for an independent real
<br /> -� ;�;``�.>:� estate tax reporting servke used by Lender in connecdon with this laan,unless applicable law provides otherwlso. Unless an
<br /> '�{�'1��� agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to 6e paid,Lenckr shall not be requited to pay Borrower eny in�erest or
<br /> 4•y,.;1 i;1�i.����
<br /> �:��,��ti�,:���• eamings on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing,however,lhat interest shall be paid on 1he Funds. Lender
<br /> -� }�••��r�� shall ive to Borrower.without ch e.an annual accountin of the Funds,showin credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> � � �y 4t `.°yV�, 8 �B � B
<br /> � r. c°•.•;� '��'� se for which each debit to the Funds waR made. The Funds are ledged as additional securi fbr all sums secured b
<br /> . �,:,.. , . .. , P►uP� p �3' Y
<br /> .'.'�� .. this Secerity t�Rm�m�nt.
<br /> '''``'""` �"� If the Funds held b Lendcr eaceed Ihe amoun4s rnutted to be hcld b a licable law. Lcnder shall account to
<br /> rti,.,.s,..aJ'w5
<br /> . :��.tlw`::u',..,:;tl.f�";
<br /> •������'� �;,...� ,.,,f�r.�•� Borrower far the excess Funds in accardance with the requirements of upplicable Inw. If the amaunt of iha Fl�nds held by
<br /> '��i� a:;,,� ,;�,t;yr��:`.� Lender at any dme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Sarrower in writing.and,in
<br /> ' >� �• '��f: such case Borrower shell pay to Lender Ihe umount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Harrower shall meke up the
<br /> ��: "��'::i!',: � �:~, • deficiency io no more tFwn twelve monthly paymems.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Y..�.c, " ���.,':; . ��•,��•,' Uponpayment in full of all gums secured by this Security Insqvment,Lender shall promptly refund ta Borrower any
<br /> ' � ' ���";j� Funds held by Lender. If,under psvagrnph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell�he Property.Lender,priar to the acquisition or
<br /> ``'�����"��'� salc of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at thc time of acquiqition or sale as a credit against the aums
<br /> , '. �'�,•,;`r�3ti���'� secur�ed by this Security Inswment.
<br /> ,���: .A'�YK}::;t. 3. App1la�Non ot Paymenta Unlesx applicable law provides othenvise, all pnyments received,by l.ender under
<br /> '°�'� paragraphs I und 2 shAll be applied:fint,to any prepoyment churges due under the Note;second,to amounts pnyable under
<br /> �:`= ; i:_,4.,:�� •+ �:��,i?}�; : puragmph 2;third.to interest duc;fourth,to principul duc;und last.�o any late chtv$es due under ihe Notc.
<br /> !t,���;::f 4. Chprqeo; I.tens. Borrower shall pay all tnxcs, assessmeots, churges, fines und imposilions aUributnble to�he
<br /> � "'�'f=�•��-�'•'��"r'� Property which mny nttain priodty over ehix Security lnstrumem,and leosehold payments or grnund rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> � • ' ��"'3"' � sholl puy these obligutions in the monner provided in purngruph 2,or if not paid in thut mnnner,Borrower shall puy�hem on
<br /> �.;� . .,�,tY,�,�," . `� ' time dirccUy to the per�an owed payment. Borrower shAll promptly furnitih to Lender all notices of nmounts to be paid under
<br /> :''-, .;�;�;i.:;1:^�• this paragraph. If Borrower mukes the�e paymemr direcUy, Borcower shnli prumplly furnish to Lender rcceipts evidencing
<br /> . '.�:R,�r� thepayments. `�'
<br /> , Borrower shull promptly dixch:uge any lien which hax priority over this Sccurity Ins�rument unless Borcower.(n►ugrces �•
<br /> ,�, •• in writing tu the payment of thc nbl igutian sa:ureJ by Ihc licn in a munner acceptuble to Lender:(b)contests in goud faith�hc t�;-
<br /> • ' �h.� lien by,or defends ugainst enPorcernent of�hc lien in,Icgal pr�xcedings wbich in�hc Lender's opinion opemtc to pnevent 1he
<br /> '"� �� -.''a•-` . '.,- enfbrcement of U�e lien;or Ic)urure�fmm thc holder of the lien an aRmement .utisfactary�o Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> " i;a��:,;' � . ' to lhis Security Inswmem. If Lender determines thut uny pun of the Pruperty is zubject to u lien which mny uttafn priority
<br /> '�'���•` over this Security Inswment,Lender muy give Bomower o nrnice identifying�he lirn. B�xre►we�.r•hull sa�isfy 1he lien or lake
<br /> � �� "�'� ` � one or more of the uctions sct forth abave wilhin 10 duys of the giving of noticc.
<br /> �`�� ` h...� • S. Hs�rd or Property InsurAnce. Burn�wcr shull kccp the impmvcmrm.now existing or he�aRcr ere�:ted on�he
<br /> �r , . Property insured aguinst loss by firc,hazards includrd wiUiin the terni"extcnded covcruge"and any othcr hazards,including
<br /> Sr flaods or tlooding, for which Lender require+ insurunce. Thi� lnsurance ,hull bc nwintuincJ in �hc umount� und for the
<br /> �•t .
<br /> �'� + � _ .. � � L,':.
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