�{' �° MM�t• ..A" .�"i:;;}
<br /> . . ,;
<br /> �f! .' j� .K'A�'�.1+,.(: . -. at�i�
<br /> � � �w�. .i•T�A+^w.c.�w..�:�p.- ..J�fN:u1�� � Y� .
<br /> i• �M� •
<br /> y�a.. �-.�..,, n.Y.Y.K.A ,sr
<br /> 1
<br /> •y ...�wii
<br /> 17. TnnsN► af th� Prop�� a a B�n�flclal Inbntt in BarrowirJl�N or'yQ�ot'ti�9�np�ty a
<br /> • my Mwwt b k b�old a tr�mtwnd(a N� b�n�AaNl N►t�t In Borrow�r h �old or transiwnd�nd Bor►ow�r i�not�n�tunl
<br /> ' pMSOn)wbhout UndM'�prbr wdtt�n oonsmt, u�d.r m.y,.s n.opuo�,nquln Nnn�dl�t�pRym�+t In fW of d ana ��aur�d by
<br /> � �� d�ls S�auNy In�tnn�4 Howww,thb optlon sh�A nW b� �x�olt�d by LarM�►N�xwdw Is prahfbk�d bY f�dsr�Mw u ol th�
<br /> � i d�t�01 thl� 8�anNy In�Wmw�t.
<br /> �w . ,ct.�:�d� H L�nd�r uc�ois�thb optlon, Und��h�l qhr�Borrowu notlrw ot�oc��tlon. Th� noUu th�M provld��p�od oi not
<br /> ��n::::�.;�+'a;�..;�.;°. las tlw�30 daya tram th� dw th�aoUa is dtlivu�d or m�l�d within whloh Bortow« �,n P.y .a wm: ncund by thls
<br /> - � 8eeurfty M�trum�nt. H 8orrowa 4iYs to pay Iheie suma pdor to th� �xpkalbn d thl�padod, l.�ndw'nwY Invok��ny renwdla
<br /> �� ,..
<br /> �'�=k> - • :.� pmNtt�d by thls S�aulty(n�pummt wilhout lurth�r notlw a dan�nd an Bortow�.
<br /> "..,_-. ., . :►: 1 B. Borrow��'a Ripht to Rdn�. It Borrawr mNta c�r41n oonditlons, Bartow� �hM h�v� th�dyht to h�w
<br /> . ; wdorcwn�nt ot thH SeourNY In�trumw�t dlaoontYwed �t any tlme pbr to Ih� euIIK of: (�) 6 d�ys (or suoh othe►pwiod �s
<br /> ' .� f�'', r,,..: .•R, appYc�f'►b Niw m�y speely for r�Inst�Wn�nt)befon taM o1 the Propwty punwnt to�ny powK o1�aonWn�d In thls 8�curfly
<br /> ��I_ �� .. . Inst�ummt; or(b)mtry o1 a JuQpm�nt M►Torolnp thb 8eauity InsWmenL Those oondiuons an th�t 9orrower. (�)p�ys Lendw�ul
<br /> `,.t;',y.,,ti : .. .sn,u M:i�. sum� whlob ih�n wou►d b�du�und�r lhls Inatnwnent ond tha Not�as M no�oal�mibn had ocouR�d; (b)ou►�s anY
<br /> .;�::.,,�.:; 8�cudly►
<br /> I' � - �,:,::,. .. : . . . dM+wft o1�ny othK cov�nu�t or�pr�n�nU� (ol Wfrs aN expinsn Incwnd in mforolnp ihis S�aurity In�trum�nt.InGudinp,but
<br /> �n r�t .:;•;, , aot Ymited ta,waonrbl��riomys' f�a� �nd (�t�kas wch actlon�s L�ndo m�y rM�on�bly nquin to�s�un th�t ih�IMn oi
<br />�;;r,,s�; thlt Seowlty Instrum�nt, l.�nd�►'s riphis in th� Propwty and 8ortowa's obilp�tbn to p�y Ih� �ums t�ound by ihb S�aulty
<br /> 3�'�' � :. �� In�Auma�t �h�N oontinw uneh�np�d. Upon rMn�Utwn�nt by BorrowK, thla Srwdty In�trummt �nd th� obNp�tlom �cur�d
<br /> ';�r'�,x , ^ • h�nby ah�N rwn�b fuNy df�otN�as N no �oaM�ntlon h�d oaaurt�d. Howw�r.Ihl�dpht to►�Yi�t�fhaA not�pRly M th�ap
<br /> ��'.. ���' 1 of�aoN�mtion undr►pu�pr�ph 17.
<br /> ry,..f.'. .
<br />�. . ���= � - .. , . 19. 6s1� d Not�; Chanp� of Loan 8�rvlcK. Th• Nou «� �p�AW Int�t h th� Not� (lopNha wAb Ihb
<br /> �• �,_`• l..:..... • S�auHy In�trum�nt)m�y M�old on�a mon timn w8hout pia notlo�to Bonow�.A�N nwiy nwlt In• ah�►p�In th��tity :. •'•.'
<br />� . (lo�own��th�•�an BMVIar')th�t aoN�ats monlhN p�ym�ts due undv Ih�NoU u�d thb S�ourhy Imtnxn�nt. Thw�dso m�y
<br /> b� ono a moh eA�npa of th� Lan 8arvloer un►etated to • s�le o1 Ih� Not�. II thM� Is • oh�ny� 01 th� Loan Srnia�r, •��... �._..
<br /> 8ortoww wf0 M yN�n wdlt�n notb�01 th�oh�nps In�ccoMmr�wflh panpraph 14�bov��nd y►pNc�bN I�w. The notk�wW ,
<br /> d�t�th�n�nt��nd�ddras ot th�nrw Lwn SNVIoK�nd th��ddrats to whbb p�ymwds should b�m�d�. Th�notia wM Wso r-
<br /> conWn�ny oth�►Nfomwtlon r�quk�d by�ppllaabN law. {°�� ,
<br /> 20. H�sudout Subst�IlCq. 6ortoww�h�N not aiuse or pemnit th�pr�amw, us�. d�po�al� storap�,or ralMe� ol �
<br /> �ny Hwrdous SubsUnc�s on w in ths PropeAy. Borrower stWl not do,nor Wow anyor» else to do, Anylhlnp Nlsctlnp the ._
<br /> Propwty that is in vlol�don of my Envlronm�ntd law. The pree�dinq Mro ssntences ahdl not �ppry to the pre�encs, us�, or : d
<br /> stonpe on ths Prop�rly ol smd qu�niflles of Fi�zardous 3ubstancta th�t u� penereW aeopnlzM to M appropriate to nartW •.-•---
<br /> � n�WenWJ uva and to m�Yihn�nco o11he Propeity. '��',.�•'�
<br /> ; Borrower shd prompty 91v� Unde► written nodce oi �ny investlqatlon. dNm, dem�nd, lawwit ar otha �ation by any ' . ..
<br /> yovwnmeMed or nput�tory ay�ncy or prH�h p�nly invohring the Property end my H�ardoua Suhat�nee a EnvkonmenW Law ot �►,:�'"
<br /> 0 /
<br /> '".• wbkh Bort�wer h�s �ctud knowl�dq�. If Borrower I�ma. a is nolfAed by�ny yowrrxnental w re9ulatory authority, tlwt wny •�^'.�: "�'
<br /> --- ----= ramov� ar athcx ranc�atlon ot any Haurdos� Substencs afttcllnQ Roperty h neneeeery. Bor►ews �hall prompty take all �-'=
<br /> n�eessay nmedlY�cUone In�eeordmos wllh Envkonmental law. .. • �
<br /> . As ueed In ihla panqr�ph 20, 'Hw►dous Subetonces' oe ihose eubsfances de�ined a�to�da a nax�rdous substancea by
<br /> Envkonmental Law �nd th� followlny aubetonaea: yaaaAne, keroaene, otha flamm�bis or to�do petroleum producta, toxlc :t���.,-ay., ,
<br /> pesUaldee�nd herbicldes,vol�ipe soHents,materlwle containfnp a�6estoa or fomuldehyde,and�eidloaotive materide. As uaed In '
<br /> � • pangnph 20, 'EnvkonmenW I.�w' meana ledenl lawe�nd lawa ol ths JurlsdloUon whera the Prope�ty le (ooated th�t roltle to . :,�t�.c�. :;�
<br /> heWb,s�iety a envhonmental protaaUon. • ` ° �
<br /> '� NON�UNIFORM COVENANT8. Borrowe►md Lender turthcr covenant end egree�t IoAows: � � `�'',
<br /> " � � � 21. Aacokratlon; Romedlos. La�der ahall give notice to Borrower prlor to accalarAtioa �
<br /> .:��}� � followinp Borrow�r's broach of any covonant or apr�oment in thia Soaurity Instrumont (but �ot � �" '
<br /> ,�� prior to acc�l�ratlon und�� p�spraph 17 uhless applla�bt� I�w provida� othorwisa). Tho notico i •
<br /> sh�ll �aity: (�) tha d�hult; (b) tho acNon raquind to cure tho dohult; (a) a d�te, not lesp than
<br /> •; 30 d�ys from th� dd� th� notiao Is givon to Borrowo►, by whlch th� d�fault must be cu�ad; and :
<br /> �' �� (d) th�t t�llun to cur� the dafault on or betore the dat� spoaiflod In tho notico may roauR in :
<br /> ! aced�ration of tho �ums socurod by thi� Seaurfty Instrum�nt and salo of the Proporty.Tha notieo
<br /> ' �holi furthor Inform 8�rrowor of liia righ! to veln�tato �ftor accoloratlon send tha right to brinp a
<br /> � court �ctlon to ass�rt tho non-axialence of a dafau{t or any othar dofonso of 8orrowor to
<br /> � accolo�dion �nd sal�. If tha dohutt is not cured on or boforo tho data epaciflod fn th� notico,
<br /> Lpnder wt ks option may roqulra Immadlato payment In iull of all �uma secured by thia Sacurity
<br /> . instrumaM wfthout furthor damand �nd may Invoko tho pawar of ��lo and any othar �amedios •
<br /> pormittod by applic�blo law. l.ondo�shall be entitlad to colloct all oxponsos Incurred In purauing
<br /> �� tho romodt�s providod in this para�raph 21. includfn�, but not IfmR�d to, r���onsblo altornoys'
<br /> fo�s And costs of titlo ovidonco.
<br /> If tho powor of salo is invokad, T�ustee ahall rQCOrd a notica of dofault in each county In
<br /> � � which any pNt of tha Proqarty IR located and ohall mall copios of such notice in the mannar
<br /> i � ,� preacribad by appliaablo law to eorrower and to the other parsons p►ascribed by applicabla law.
<br /> After tha timo roquir�d by appUcoble law, Trustee shall gtve public notice of sale to tho paraons
<br /> �• • and In tho m�nnor proscribod by applicable law. Trueteo, without domand on 8orrowar, ahall sell
<br /> ; . tha Proporly at publla auctlon to the highoet biddar at tho timo and place and undar tho terms �
<br /> � dosi�nrtod In tha notico of aalo in one or more percels and in any ordor Trustee determines.
<br /> ` TrudN m�y postpono �alo of all or any parcel of ttw Proporty by puWic announcement at the
<br /> ; , tim� �nd plaao of any proviously uhodulod �Io. Lond�r or Ito dasi��o� may purchaao tho
<br /> : Prop�rly d any uila.
<br /> j Up�n roc�lpt of paymont of tha prica bid. Truatea �hall dolivar to tlw purchA�er Trustao's
<br /> .J d� eenv�vina fh�Pronorfv.Th� r�citale In 1i�o Truetoo'a dood �hall I�a nrtlna facio ovidonc� of
<br /> , � th� trWh of th� �t�tam�nts�made theroln. Trustao shall apply tha procoads of tho aal� in tlw
<br /> i tollowinp ordar: (a) to all coet4 and oxpen�ea of oxarclsing tha powar of �lo. and tha aala�
<br /> •� InaludMp tho paym�nt of tha TruBt��'a fooa actually Incurrod, not to exceod thrae
<br /> � � , !6 of the prMcipal amount of the
<br /> '��, �. ��� nde at tFw tlmo of tho declaration of dafault� and roesonablo attornoy's fees aa pormitt�d by law;
<br /> i !i ,. . (b) to �II �um4 oocurod by thie Sacurity Inatrument; end (c► any excess to the pe�son or peraona
<br /> �� {r, , logally ontttbd to it.
<br /> �,Y f � . .
<br /> � � �
<br /> {i F1318.LM0(/�B3) Pape 4 0�y i
<br /> j:� + f. ,
<br /> I.
<br /> � Y
<br /> 931SO.LM �
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