<br /> - . .�
<br /> r ���. .-.,r.:a
<br /> ♦ ,� `. i ' r ,i
<br /> . �Ialr
<br /> . •• BOROWM IIIMy CI�� W0�1 � i�{I� M� f�l{�� p p10Y{f� MI��1�1 /0. b�l 0�1�+I�M�011��lp 10�
<br /> d�mNwd wNh�ruNnp thM.In I.mdr'�pood W�h dM�tlon.PndudM brhNun ot th�BoROww'�kd�nst N th+f'�oprrty a
<br /> • olhn m�fwi�l Ynp�kn�rd of th�Mn on�t�!by thr B�oWkY InsOnrnmt a L�ntMr'�aowNy MtMwt 8arowrt shM Mro M b
<br /> d��ll N�troww�dwN�O tM lom �p�oMian ProoN��p�w eM�iMMN hN�a kwoa�nt�blaeMtlon o►qUMn�nb fo I.�ndw(a
<br /> Wrd b poNd�L�ndK wMb n1► m�twiY Inlonnstfon) In oant»dlon wllh th�lo�n wleMnord by IM NW��M�oMidnO� but nM
<br /> N�it�d to� npnNnallons aonownNO 8a►owM'� oow{rnay d th� PropNty u � P�� �«. H 1hM 8�a�ily
<br /> In� b on� I�u�ho�d. BarowK shM oompy wkh�II th�poNslom of IM IMw. M 8orroww�oquMw IN tMM to th�
<br /> P�op�ty,!h�IMtN�old�nd!h�N� dtl�ahd nM m�rp�unla�L�ndK��to th�mrprr N wdtlnp,
<br /> 7. Prot�atlon af L.�++d�r's Riphts In!h� Prop�rly.n eorrow�r wb to p.rtorm th.ow.n.nu ana.p►Mn�nts
<br /> ;' , , oad�N�d In thb S�aKNy MslnmMnL a th�n i�• Mpd procMdinp th�t mrY dpnill�ntly�fbat L�nd�►'s iiqhu In ih� Proprrty
<br /> :�R (wah ao q proewdfnp In b+nWaptey�Probat�, fa condenu�aiUon or todefturo ar to entorce I�wa or repubtlona),Ihen lender m�y
<br /> do�nd qry lor wh�bvK Is matsary ta prot�ct th�wiw ot th�RopMty and Unda's�Iphtr in th�Propwty. L�nd�►'s aatlon�
<br /> , � ;r; . m�y bdud� p�ylnp my swru��d by� Wn whkh ha� pdaNy ovw thh S�ourNy In�lrumM�L�PAM�tnY In oourT, P�Y��
<br /> . .' n�so�wbM sttomeys'f� and mWYip an th�Propwty to m�k�np�Ms_JlMhouqh Lmd�►mwY fda�otion undr tl�it parapnph
<br /> �t:�r:y� 7.LN1dr doM not h�v�to do to. ',:,�,
<br /> � St f�,. f��. .. My�maunia dlebu�t�d by l.�dK undw puag�ph 7 ahal b�caro MdiUon�l d�bt of 8orrow�r a�aund by thl� S�aulty .�';:
<br /> � �'��}'"�`'�`•�"�"�j���+� ' InsirwrNnL Unte�a 8alrowar �nd L�ndK�qn� to othw hrma of p�ymwit�tha� �mainb shqM bw► int�nst hom th�d�b of
<br /> ,�^;,:o;;�';r.:;;",...r. �, `_ JYo_ y��
<br /> • 'x!: �' �i � dbbaswnad at ihe Note rate�nd sh�N M p�y�bla,wilh Intarsat,
<br /> .�y .t .F..... UpDII IIO� 'IWI,L�{M�9Y�W�����0 �7•••^'1.
<br /> j;��� � • ; 8. Mort� Imunno�. II L�ndK nquk�d moR�pe Inwnnoe�s � condNbn o1 m�khp lh�Iwn s�sd by thls
<br /> }'<•�'j�' •�t „ '..�.'i' S�cwity InsLummt� Bor►owrK �hd py th�prMnMMns nquk�d to m�hW�th�maty�p�inswuia+f�Mf�at.N,la any�w�on,th�
<br /> &.M'°"Ar`''°`'.:.•,, >p"' mortO�W insunwia�aov�ra�t nqulr�d by I.w�dw I�p��s a cMS�a to M in NbaA, Baraw�r�h�M p�y th�pr�n►iunn nquind to
<br /> . almt to th�
<br /> wb�t�n
<br /> '� In�urano� alou In Ml�at� �t a aast �quM
<br /> mort �Y
<br /> ,: :. .,.. ��:,a?�i.:.raJ.'�� abl�in oowrap�wbs4nqaNy puNabnt to th� �� Pr �N
<br /> •, � r�':',• ,. . .. . ., ooq to Bortow� o}th� moAq�� Inwnna pnrlousy In �fleat�kom �n Nl�t� martp�p� InsurK �pprov�d by L�ndw. II
<br /> ���- � wbstmtWy�quNdent nw�1Wp�hwnnw aovw�p�a nM�v�WbM� 8atow�r�hY pry to L�ndw Mah month �wm�qwl to
<br /> • :�. . ' � µ on♦1wNRh d 1M yarly mortq�p�Mwrona Pnmk+m bNnY P�Id bY 8onoww wh�n Ih�Nwnnc� oovan0�M�P�d a au�d to
<br /> �- ° b�N�I�at. Lrndu wi aaa�pl,us��nd nlsln Ih�p�pmnb n�bu rM«v�N Mu ot nwrt�Inw�a. lou�o�v�
<br /> ". �� p�rnmq nMy no IonpK M �puk�d,�t th�oplbn ol L�nd�r�H naAp�q�In�umw oovMap�(M�tM�mount�nd la th�prlod
<br /> tlwt LmdK nc�WrN)Provid�d by�n h�w�r �pprov�d by lrnWr Wdn b�oomM�v�NbN utd It obukud. 8orrown �h�1 Wy
<br /> IM pr�nlumt nquU�d to nwMWn n►ottq�p�N�unnc�In Nbot. or to provld� �b��rMMV�,untM IM nqulnnMnt b►mo�tp�Y�
<br /> o � Inw�o��nds N�ooad�no�wNA �ny wdp�n�yrNrt�t bMwNn 8ortow�r�nd L�dK w�ppicrbN I�w.
<br /> �. IOSp�4tlo11. Und�r a R��p�M nwy m�k�n�wn�bt��ntrin upon �nd In�p�ctlons o1 th�Wop�Ay. Undv�h�N plv�
<br /> . 8onowar noqo��I ih�tlm�ol a peior to�n In�p�ntlon sp�oNyhp msomM�cw��fa Ih�In�p�ation.
<br /> 10. Cond�nmdlon.TA� proaNd� af�ny�w�rd w etakn lor Wm�ph.dk�ot ar aanseqwnWl,In oonn�oUon wNb�ny
<br /> condmwwtlon a othR W�Yip d�ny part o1 th�Propaiy.or fw conv�yanos N Ww ol condanwu�tbn, an huWy u�lpn�d and
<br /> , " . �h�N b�pNd lo L�ndv.
<br /> • In th� w�nt of � total Wdny ot Ihe PiropsNy, th� proaeade shW b� �pplNd to Ihe sunu s�cured by thls S�aulty
<br /> Instrummt,wh�lher or not lhen du�,wNh my excsu pald to Bortoww. In lh�ww►t ol�pwlttJ t�klnp ot tM PrapKly In which
<br /> _____ ���� y�e/tbe Prone.fy Inu�lt�tely bdon th�taking Is aqwl to or prNtar th�n!hs rnount of!ha sume:�cund
<br /> by this Saawlry Insbum�nt im�dUtdy bNor� Ihs ukinq, unlaas Bor►owx �nd Lend�r othpwis��pree �n w�itln0� iM sums
<br /> s�eund by thls S�auity Inst�nt�q b�r�duced by the unount of the proeeede mu111pYed by th�toNowinp fraatlon: (�)th�
<br /> � toW�mount of the euma aeamd Nron�di�tely belon tha t�ldng, dNWad by(b)the lak mark�l vdw of lh� Prop�ty kmnedl�tNy
<br /> before ihe tNdny.My bdanee�haU be pUd to 8orrower.In ihe event o/a paAid f�king of the PropKly In wh�h ihe I�Ir muket
<br /> � wlue o1 the P►opeAy Immedlatay belore the WcYip la leas then the unount o1 th� eums sewred Nxn�di�tsly beloro the Uklnp,
<br /> ,, unlsss Bortower end Lender othe�wlse ayroe b wrttki9 or unleae applicable law othe►wlse provldas, tho proa�ds �hwM be
<br /> � applkd to ihe sums eecured by lhla Seeuriry InoWment whether or not the tums ve then due,
<br /> H ihe Property la abnndonad by Borrowe►,or R,ailer noUce by Lender to Bortawx th�l tha condemnor ottero to m�ke�n
<br /> ' � award or seltle a cWm for drnayaa. 8orrower lalls to reapo�d to Lender wllhln 30 days �fler the dde ths notic� Is yNen,
<br /> .��' ' . , � � Lender la authaaed to colled�nd�pply ihe proceeds.�t Ita opUon, ellher to reeto�tion or r�pdr of th� Properry a to iM
<br /> ' � sums eecured by thls 3ecurfty Instrument,whethe�or not then due. }
<br /> i�� � . � Unlesa Lende► md Bortower othenvise epree in w�itMp, any appl�atfon of praceeds to qincipd shail not axtend w ,:,��•
<br /> ' postpon�ihe due dds of 1he monthy p�ymenta referted lo in paragrephs 1 a�d 2 or chanye tha omount of euoh p�yments. :�� ..
<br /> ; j 11. Borrowor Not iialaawd; Forb�aranc�8y L�nder Not �W�IvAr.Extenslon of tha trne 1or payment or '�`��'�
<br /> � modHicatlon of wnati�aUon o11he auma aecured by this Security Inetrumenl granted by Lender to �ny aucceasor In Inlereet of "�,
<br /> � Borrower shall not opaate to nisses ihe p�bilHy of the original 8ortower ar Borrower'a aua�essora In Mtereat. Lender ahaq not
<br /> be requl�ed to commenw� �+rae�edings �gdnst any aucceaeor In intereat or reluse to extend tNne ia payment or Wherwiae
<br /> � modfly amoAhaUm ol the euma secured by thle 3ecurity Inatrument by reason ol any demuid med�by the oriptn�l Bortowa o� r
<br /> Bortower's successors in Intereat. My lorbaaranca by lender In exe►clsMy any rlpht w remedy shMl nol be �waNa ot or 4
<br /> preclude 1he exerciae ot any dpht or remedy.
<br /> , 12. Suoces�ors and Aseipns Bound; Joint and Several Uablltty; Ca�ipnora. 7F�e coven�mte.nd �
<br /> apreemenis o1 ihla Secudty Inahument ahaU bind and benefit the auccessora and�aalgns o1 Lerider�nd Bortowar,wbjeet to th� '
<br /> provlsbns oi paragnph 17. Borrowe�'s covenants ond apreementa ahall 6e Jolnt end nevend. My Borrower who ao•slgns thla ��
<br /> � Securily Inatrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•signMg ihie Secwily Inatrument only to morlgage,grant�nd eonvey
<br /> thet Barower'a Intereat In the PropMy under the terme of this Security Inetrument: (b) ia not peroomNy abMgated ta pay the ��, •
<br /> suma aecured by this Secudty InaWment: end (c) agrees thal Lender and any other Bonower may agree to extend,modily. �•
<br /> forbear a meke��y eccommodetione whh regard to the terma af this Security InsWment ar 1he Note wNhout ihtl Borrow�r'a F
<br /> conaent.
<br /> � � � 13. L0811 ChAI'�66. II the loen necured by thle SecurNy Inshument la subJect to o law which aets maximum loan
<br /> cherpes, end th�t law la flnaly Interpreted so that the Intereat ar olher loon chorges collected or to be coUected In conneeUon
<br /> '�s wfth the loan exceed the permNted Nmits,ihen: (a)any such loan charge ahaM be reduaed by the amount necesaary to reduce
<br /> • � � the charye to 1he pertnitted rnit; and (b) any sums already caNecled Irom Bor►ower whlch exceeded pemdtted IImHa wl� be
<br /> i telunded to Bortower. Lender m�y choose to make thfs relund by reduclnp the princlpal owed under the Nole ot by mwking o
<br /> I dkect psyment to Barrowa. M a rofund reducea princlpal, the reductlon wlll bQ tre�ted �a a putl�l prepayment wHhout my
<br /> � prepaym�nt cherye under the Nate.
<br /> � ►� •�� 14. NOtIC�s.My noUce lo Borrower provlded for In Ihfs 3ecurlty Inatrument eFudl be qNen by dellverMy h or by maWng It
<br /> .� , by fkst el�ae moll unl�aa �pp�c�ble yw requlrea use ol�nolher method. The notice ah�A be directed to the Property Addroaa
<br /> or �ny other addreea BoROwer dealpnatea by notice to lender. My natice to lender eh�ll be qlven by fi►sl clasa mdl to
<br /> .�—_ _ _ I.n.1.r'■ .�1dr... at.�w�f l+wr.ln er anv n�h�r iddrasa La�dor deelonotea bv nollce to Bonow�r. Mv noNce orovlded tor In ihls
<br /> � 3acurlly Instrument ehall be de�med to heve been glven to Borrower or Lender whw►glven na provlded In thla paregraph.
<br /> 3� � 1b. G1ov�rning l.�w; S�voraWlily.Thla 3ecurqy Inatrument ehatl be govemed by fedenl I�w md Ihe law ot the
<br /> ' jurisdlcdon In whlch the PropeAy le bcated. M the event that any provlsbn or ctause o1 thls 3ecu�lly InaUument or Ihe Note
<br /> , � eonAlota wNh appllcable law,euch con111ct aheN not�Nect olher provlslone ol iMo Securlty Inatrument or the Note whfch can be
<br /> � �a � qlven efkct wNhout the confMctlnp provlslon. To 1hM end the proNalons ollhle 3acurNy Instrumant and the Note ere dedarwi to
<br /> ; . �� be sevenble.
<br /> � ; � .; . •�' 18. BO��OW6r'8 COpy.Borrower shall be glven one conlarmed copy of the Note end of thls Securlty Inslrument.
<br /> i t J/ '
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<br /> . . 93790.LM 1
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