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<br /> cy�amw�r lM111a..�M.Exw�lon a a�.an�.ror wrnNnc a moa�naiaon o/.nwruuaon o1 a,.wnN..ound b�►M+�.
<br /> DMd M 1'wM b1►w�b�m�uoo�o►In InMr«t of Bortow�►�II nolop�nM b ntMM.M�rnr mmnw�tl�II�bI1N!►
<br /> a MI�pHpinl�l �� �1d 9orrowws Wo��In InM�►Mf.l.�nd�t�hall not b�r�qulnd b comnwno�P�ooMdlnp���
<br /> woh�tioo�or a nh�b�xl�ndll�fa P�1�t a oth�rwiw modly�moNtatlon d Ih�wm�Mound bY tl�N DMd of Ttwt
<br /> by ro�son of nrry demanrl�nude bY Ihs o►ipinal8onowr�r u�d Bortow�r'�wccwon In IM�r�t.
<br /> mmroHon�d� ,�uid wf�Msotl�np tl�i���o�Oh�i�r�i�ot q�:aOMd W�it u�pon.�a�p��a a���
<br /> nNaNd w Meurity b►tM lull imount ot�II uapald oblip�tlon��L�nd�r m�y.irom tlm�to Unw�nd witl�oul notlw(i)rMNM any
<br /> pw�on�p IIsbN,l�q�xynd ttM nwturNy or�It�r�nr Of th�tarmi ol�ny woh oblip�tlon�,(lll)pr�nt Wh�►IndulpmaN,(lv)rMwM
<br /> a noonvh►,a o�uw to b��NMwd o�r�conwy�d�t am am.at L�nd�►'�optlon�nY p�reN.Pcrtlon a aU of tlN Propwty,
<br /> (i n�p�n�i�nb wi�d�ibi s��n��Maurity tor�ny oblip�tlon h�nU mmtlomd.a(vi)mak�compaltlon�«oth�
<br /> (a) Foebwane�by Land�r Nal�Walwr.My lo►bpnnu by L.�nder In�xwclslnp�ny�Ipht or am�dy h�nundor.or
<br /> otlNrwip affad�d by�ppliabl�I�w. �hall not b��walM�r o1 or pnalud�th��x�►olt�of any wch ripht or rem�dy.Th�
<br /> prxunmeM of In�uranc�or ths paym�nl of tuca or oth�r Il�m or oA�rpa by Lend�r th�ll not b�a w�iv�r ol t.�nd�r's ripht ro
<br /> aco�l�nte qN matu�lyr W tM Ind�btdneu Ncured by thl�D�sd of Trust Ths aov�nenb�nd�pr�emmts haroln con-
<br /> td)�uO��on�nd MdYns Sonndi Jo1M and iw�M WbYll�i�+pMo�.
<br /> qln�d ehell Wnd,�nd th�riphts hsrwnder shsll Inun to,th�nsp�cUvs wcce�wn�nd aalpns of L�nd�r�nd Tru�br.All
<br /> cowln�nb and�pr�nmb af Tru�ta�h�ll be Jolnt and aw�ral.Th�oapdom and headinp�of th�p�npraph�of thl�ONd of
<br /> : :��:� TruN�n far conwniane�only and us not to b�w�d to Int�rpret or ddin�ths provluom h�r�ot.
<br /> u�t
<br /> �" �,n,� (�) ppuNt Ia No11oM.Th�pud�s har�by requsst th�t a aopy of ony noUce of dolauft h�nundu end a copy of eny nMics
<br /> �`:�'�� � 01 sal�herounds►b�mdlod to qch paAy to thi�D�sd ol T�wt at the�ddress�et forth above In the mennar preecrlb�d by
<br /> sppllcablo I�w.Exa�pt for any otber eotic�rpuind under�pplloabts law to be plvsn in another mann�r,any eotico provlded
<br /> e
<br /> � "`^�� br In thls Wed o1 T►ust�hsll be�Iven by moilinp�uch notice by certllied mall yddreseed to the othe►pardes,d th�addras sn
<br /> �, . � � � toAh�bov�.My nodcs provided tor In thls O�ed ot Trust thall be eHecdve upon maNinp In the manrwr dalpRatad M►N�.11
<br /> � Tnator Is more tl�on one p�rton,notics�ant to the addre�sst foRh�bove ahall W notta�to aN such p�nons.
<br /> �.,;,� �t��n�p�etlon.I.�nder msy mske or aauw to be mado reafonable endiea upon and Impeadon�of the Proporty,provided
<br /> fhel Lende shall pive Truator noda�p�lor to any�ueh impsation speclryinp rMfombls cauN th�rNor nlat�d to l.�nd�r's
<br /> +•�b� tnMn�!in the ProMrty.
<br /> (a p��.Upon p�yment of all sums�eeured by this Desd oi Trust,Lendsr shall requeet Trustee to reconvsy ths
<br /> �• - � prop�rty and shall aunendsr this Oeed of Tron and�II notw evidencinp Ind�bt�dnsss�eaur�d by thi�Deed o}TruN to Tru�.
<br /> 't, 1� Truate��hdl reconvsy th�P�apeAy wlthout warru�y�nd without ah�rse to qie peroon or peroons IepaNy entltl�d tMreb.
<br /> Tn�tor�hall p�y�tl cwta of recordadon,if�ny.
<br /> �h) p�p�i�►op�ir;�cu�qyn�n�i.A�stW�ta.zal securlty!or!ha psy�t o!!he t�lete.TrueM►Fm►!�hY 9renh
<br /> A'•� ' Lende under ths Nebrc�ka Unifam Commerclal Code a seourity Interest�n�II iixturea,equlpment,and other personal ptopeAy
<br /> ,�• ' � ueed In aonflOCtlOn wNh the teal 6Ataie or Improvements located thereon,and nototherwise decierad or deemed to Ee a p��t of
<br /> - ��°��'' the��I estets aecured hereDy.Thle inshument shell be construed as a Security A��eement undar eaid Code,and the Lender
<br /> '�,�-• ' '�`''i• �hall have dl the riphts and romediee of e seaured party under eaid Code in additlo�to the riphte and�emedles ereated under
<br /> '� •�'�����7•'�' and�oaorded ths L.�nder pursuaro w thle Deed of Trus�provided that lender's rlphts and�emadiea under thle para�raph shNl
<br /> ;�' � .i�F�( •,.,:�;t;, •���'"• be cumuladve wNh.�nd In no way a IImlUidon on,Lendor's riphts and romadlas under any othor�eou�ity a�resmant sipned by
<br /> .,?`,4'}^'- .- •',`'.:�'" eo►►ower or Tnistor.
<br /> :•��"`9#0"����'. (q LNn�and Enc��nbnncM.Trustor hereby w�rranb end representa that thero 1�no dafeuk und�r tha provl�lon�of amr
<br /> .Mr�r.:�.��. >w.. -
<br /> ., .. ,..t;•-• mortpsps,dsed oi trust laue or puroha�s contracl describinp all or any pert o1 the Proporty,or othe�conhac�InWument or
<br /> t
<br /> M epreiment aoneNtutlnp e Iten or sncumbrence apalnst ell or any pert of the Property(colleatively,"Llens'1,exfsdnD aa of ihe
<br /> ` d�te ot thle Deed of Truet,end th�t�ny and all exlaGnp Liens remeln unmoditled except as diecloaed to lender In Trustors
<br /> ''y • ~ .vs��r�.�,.�ixs. written dlYOlodure of Ilans end encumbrancea provided lor hereln.Trustor ahell timely perform aN of Trusbr's obllqpdaM,
<br /> '�,..
<br /> ,�', �;s�t+•�. • : cwrensnb,r�presentetbne�nd werronUes under any and all exisidnp and future Uena,aha11 prompUy forward to I.ender coples
<br /> ,,, '��+�1!��•";� ; of ell nodcss of deteult�e�t In connection with eny and all exbtiny or tuture Lien4,and ahall not wiU�out Lender's prlar writlen
<br /> � �j :,�E.,,w:�;��,��;?��•x:" content in eny manner modiy the provieiona ol a a11ow any ivare adve�ara w�un�any exiai���p or Mu►e Uens.
<br /> �,�r •,:•t�je,�+�,+rx,�:�y„ti�r..�; Q) Applla�tipn o1 P�J►m�nb.Unless otherwlae raqufred by law.8ums paid to Lender hereunder,Includinp without limltadan
<br /> .�; � • `� � . p�ymenb oi prinalpal end Intereat,insurenca proceeds,condemnation proceeda and rents end p►o111s, �hall be applled by
<br /> '�° '"'�"c`•'��°`.�.``i�rr' L�urder to the amounla due Ynd ow{np hom Trustor und Borrower in�uch order ae Lender i�Ne aote discrt�tfon deAm�desi►adl�.
<br /> ,- ., � :...,.�;t:: II en r II
<br /> �~' , .; :; .;•,,,;;,;:� ,, •� (k) 8�wrabiNry. y p ovlelon ol thie Deed of Truet coMlicte wHh app ceble law or is declarod invalid or otherwlFe
<br /> �.� � 1�',.!;,;,�'; unenlorcetble,auch confllct or MwHdlyr shall not aHect the other prpvisons ol thle Deed ot Trust or the Note wh�h c�n be
<br /> � ' '�'�r`��;+.;`r.`; �� • iven etteat wkhout N�o conAlctlnp provulon,and to thi�end ihe proWeions ot thi�Oeed of Trus!and the Noto ara daClared Lp be
<br /> .;�,� ;•,�� , ..,.t`i.,�� 4
<br /> . 71•.1 i� ' �V�la�e. _:..
<br /> �,�y. ._
<br /> �'"-���` �' '"`�'�`~••^� Q) T�.The terms"Trusta"end"Borrower"shall include both aingular and plu�al,and when tfia Truttor�nd Bonowsr
<br /> ,,.....r.. :.� .K,,, .. �
<br /> ,� � �-�::;.•;?" are the same person(s),thae terme as uted in thla Deed of Trust shall be interchanyeable. �U
<br /> • ��,;.. (m) �iowmin0l.�w.Thie Oeed of Trust shell be yovern the laws of the State of Nebraska. `
<br /> •�; ,. ' Trusbr has oxeeutsd this Deed ot Tn�et�s ot the date wrltte � �••
<br /> :R 'I
<br /> � ..A� � �
<br /> � `• . � � g�� Truffior �
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