,; .r�
<br /> ,�,•k.
<br /> e �� Y_
<br /> •;�(�, ,,1''•�„ �i �,,�.....���}����•
<br /> .. . .�w �. ....:Yd.�x.+.�
<br /> • •� -�,i_
<br /> .�•
<br /> . �g3- io�►:�s ,
<br /> MIII P �+I�,W�n a d�0�d.4�M�slt Aaw tbo opebn.In ft�at�Imd�b�olull dNorMlon.la.Mp ���,
<br /> a1Mr �MrnM'Am�i ooq��nd�xp�n�Inwmid b1►R In oonn�tian.wilh woh P'rooMdh uPan.a►Y M�
<br /> h��t►p .M,MM�►�ardMr�s��nd�r may dM�nnlnr�a b�pphr uf wah Mroa�d�,�wch d�duotloM.�o NN�Na�allon ol Mr
<br /> Prt►PIM11►�+i1pn,�h oa�ditlom u L�nd�r nwy dM�min�.Any�ApP�lo�tlon M Pras�sd�b Ind�bqdnM�NMII nol�xMed ar poMaa�
<br /> 1h�du�dl�ot�►P�Ym�nb ur�r q�NoN,a aun�ny dalauk 1MnuncMr or MrlwndK.My un�PPN�d h�Natl b�pNd b
<br /> T�P��by LtadK.Upon th�oaaua�no�of rn Ewnt ol OM�ufth�nundM.a II�mr aat Is Wan or Np�l Woo�d�q
<br /> ��p�p,�►1�ptl.m�arlal�r�ihob L�nd�r'�Intar�N In t1w PropnRy,L�ndor rtuo In lb own dlacretlon.buf vrMhou!ab1�10 do
<br /> 0
<br /> �a��nd rrlfhAUt�naMa�10 or d�nd upoti TnWar�nd without�NMpUto Truitor .nr oab.aa►,do my aat whbh hu
<br /> prp�d but,M11�W do and m�y wo.do any olher�ot It d�sm�n�amtary to prot�ot th�N4urity Mr�ot T►uNa Nu�N�tmnadl�My
<br /> uppn dam#ndah�bl►L.�ndu�Wy to I.snd�r ell ao�u�nd�xplmaN Inoumd�nd sum�exp�nd�d by L�d�►In aonn�atlon wNh
<br /> addad Milhp IndrbMdaMS t�aund h�►�by.�t.and�►�hMl�l eot 1 oum�n�y�14iWImlhidb�auN ofinytlUnp��y�do or�omit�o�do
<br /> h��und��,.
<br /> A.�H�a�dow�q�,T►ustar�hall keeP tlw PropsAy in aom�llenae wtth all eppAanbU lawa,aanllnRAi�nd�pul�tlOr�
<br /> �oy•ta Indutlri�l hyqisn�or environmental proteadon(oollpatively nMa�d to hsntn as"Bnvironment�l I.aw�").Tnu�r�h�ll
<br /> kp�p 1hb Prop�rty fns fmm�II�ubdancs�cl�emsd to be ha=�rdous or toxlo under any Erni�onmental Uws(aoll�atiwfy aMR�d b
<br /> hprnM�*��llaz�rdow MnNdAlq"�.Truebr hsnby w�nanfs and repraenb to l.ender that Ihar�ar�no Haz��dous M�Md�an a►
<br /> undath�Prop�pr.liruNor h�roby�prNa to ind�mnliy and hold hArmlew Lender.its dlreatora,ottioen.�mPtoyes� ao t�.�nd
<br /> a�r auoc�won M I.�nd�r's Intsrs�t,lrom and ap�lnat anY and�II cl�im�,damAps�,loua and Ilabllftle�urislnp In oonMaiton wilh
<br /> thp prw�nop,u�s.dlepoMl or lnnsport oi any Has�►doue Materlels on, under,hom or about ths Propsrty.THH FOAE(�OING
<br /> ' 10. AalOnm�nt ol Rrnh.Trusror hereby esslyn�W Lender the ranb,iaues and protits o1 th�P�operty:provided MUt Tru�to►
<br /> �h�ll,unNl ths occunence of�n 6vent of Dsfautt har�unde�,have the rl�ht ta coll�at and retaln aoh renb,Issues uid Pro�s w theY
<br /> Wcome due and payable.Upon the 000unsnce of en Evont of Deleult,Leod�r mRy,dther in pe�wn or by apsnt,with or witlwut
<br /> b�ln�lnp�ny aaHon or procesdinp,or by�roceiver eppointed by a cou�t aod without repard�t1�e pdequaay of Ib t�euriry,�ntK
<br /> ,,;r�° .. . . .,, upon and tske pas�sfon ot the Property,or any part theraol,ln Ite own nams or In ths nems of the Truatee,And do any aats whlah fl
<br /> `: ' *'- '` d�em�neees�ary or deairabte to preserve the value,merketabillry or rontebllity ot the Property,or any paA thereof or Mterat tl�erNn,
<br /> �� Incre�se the Incoms thsrefrom or p►oUat ths seourlty horeof and,with o�without hkinp powe a l on d th�Pro p e r l�►.�ue tor or
<br /> . �x7,� othervvise aolleat ths rents,laues end profiq thereof,Includinp those paat due end unpaid,�nd apply the�ame,less co�ts�nd
<br /> '1' sxpenses of o ratbn and eolleaUon inaludl�p ettomeya'tees,upon any Indsbtednea oeoured hereby,all in weh ade�u 4endK
<br /> .��: .�_ ,,�.v,. P�
<br /> _ �.s"' rn�y dstermine.T he ente�lnp upon an d t a k i�p p o s f e e s l o n o f t h e P r o p e A y,fhe coNeadon of wah reMa,bsuea and proflts and d�e
<br /> ,��':., �. ;,!�r,���h,r��� !pP���i weQ�i�ult or pu�euent t wah notioe oi defauit and notwl�tandinp the c IeMinue cen�rposaesflon ol Ui�o P�io�psMrl�►or
<br /> ths colleaUon,ac�lpt�pd applioaUon ot r�nb,iaue�or proQt�,and TrusUe�nd Lender sh�N be entlH�d to exerclse svsry ripM
<br /> ~; `.' .^' , "��, �'' provldsd for In any of the Loen Inetrumsnts or by Nw upon xauRence oi anr Ewni of aei�uii,Inctudisap wt!lsaut llmlta!!on tAe�ht
<br /> �`v,::=�•;n".• , ,;•ti to exeralse ths pow��of sale.Further,Lender'e riphts and remedfee u�der thia pare�raph ahall be cumuladve with,and In no w�y a
<br /> �.�._' x��„ ., .
<br /> ;, „ " �c.._,••..,.• Ilmitation on,Lender'a riphte and nmediee under any atefpnment of leaaes and rents weordsd�pelmt 1M Property.lsndsr,Tnubs
<br /> � : �". � �nd Ihe recelver shall be IlAble to aceaunt only tor thoee rento eatually recelved.
<br /> y ..IJ.' ..•. .
<br /> i c.''.'4" , � '* 11. �wnt�d Mhull.The lollowinp eheM consdtule an Event ot Oelault under this Deed of Trust
<br /> � � (e) Fsllu►e to pey any InstalMnent of prinalpal or intere�t ol any other eum secured hereDy when due;
<br /> °'' "' -„ � �� °~ (b) A br e a o h o f o r d e f a u l t u n d e r e n y p►ovleion contelned in the Nota,thl�Doed o1 Tru�t any of the Loan In�dumenb,or any
<br /> ° � othar Iisn or enaumlxance upon the Property;
<br /> .. .. ,,�•.::'.
<br /> (o) A w�it of exeaudon or alfaahment or eny elmllar procees shell be entered spelnst Trustor which ahall boCOm�a Ii�n on
<br /> � � , Ihe Prope►ty a eny portlon thereof or fnlereat therein;
<br /> • � ,° �,: '.. ,',_. ,.;,y,;,�; (d) There�heN be Iiled by or apeinet Truetor or 8orrower an ection under eny preaent or futu�e federel,state or other
<br /> •. ��� uatute,lew or repuletion rQlatinp to benkruptcy,ineolvency or other relief lor debtore;or there ehpll be appolMed�ny tru�.
<br /> . �; � •��• �� ., receiver or tlquidator of Truetor or Borrower or of ell or eny paA ol the Property,or the renb,iaues a prollis thereol,or Tru�tor
<br /> • • or 8orrower ehall make any general aalpnment lar the beneflt of creditore;
<br /> �1�,. • ,;, (e) The sale,traneter,leaae,asslpnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any parl oi or any interett in the
<br /> f `��� ,;?•. Property,either voluntarfly or Involuntarlly,wlthout the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor ehell be
<br /> 1 ' ` • ' permUted to ex�cute a Isaae of the Propery that does not contal�an opHon to pwohese and the tertn of whiCh does not YxCe�d
<br /> � . one year,
<br /> " .. , (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (p) 11 Trustor Is notan indfvlduat,the lasuance,eale,uenafer,easl�nment conveyence or encumbra�ce ot mo�e than a Wtal
<br /> 4' ` of � perCent o1(i18 corporatlon)fts lasued and outstending Btock a(if a pertnerahip)a total 01....4�percant of
<br /> • � partnerohip intereits durinp the period this Deed of Trust remalna e lien on the Properly.
<br /> ' � 12. R�nNdia;AawNratlon Upon OMauH.In the event of any Event of DefaultLender may,without notice except ae requfr�d by
<br /> r �•'' t"` lew,declare ell indebiedness aecured hereby to be due end payeble and the aame shalllhereupon become due and payebis
<br /> 1'�r �°� wlthout any preaenpnent,demand,protest or noUce of any klad.ThereaRer lender may:
<br /> t4 E ;� (a) Demand that Truetee axerclse the POWER OF SALE�rented hereln,and Truatee ahall lhereaHe►cauae Trustor's
<br /> � ••'.�; Interett In the Properly to be sotd and the proceeda to be distrlbuted.ell in 1he manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Dwds
<br /> �r.. ,.;;;?,} Aok
<br /> � . (b) Exercl�e any and all riphts provided lor in any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any Evant of
<br /> ��, ;� .. . Detault and
<br /> � `� (c) Commence an acdon to lorecloae thle Deed of Trust as a morfyaqe,eppant a recelver,or epeCflfcally enlorce any of the
<br /> �•�': covenents hereo}.
<br /> � • � ; .' �.; No remady herein conferred upon or reierved to Truatee or Lender ia lntended to be exclusive o1 any Wher remedy herein,in Me
<br /> �1l�?. � ,
<br /> fi;, � � , Loan Instruments a by law provided or permltted,but each ahall be cumulative,shell be in addition to every other remedy 9fven
<br /> ;M � hereunder,In the Loen I�8bumeMa or now or hereoRer exfstinp at lew or 3n eqWty ur by atetute,end may be exerCifed conaurrantly, ;r�_
<br /> �., Independently or auccesaively. � :
<br /> i.;, '� 13. TruNN. The Trustee may reslpn et any Gme wlthout ceuse,and Lender may at any tlme end wifhoul cauos appolnt a - ,.�
<br /> �� � eucceasor or subatltute Truotee.Tru�tee shall not be Iieble to any paAy.lncludinp wfthout Ilmftetlon lender.Borrower.Trostor or�ny :�:..
<br /> '":`';, <• N.L". � : purch�asr o1 tt�e PropeAy,tor any loss w dema�e unteaa due to reckleaa or wltlful miaconduc4 and shall not be requfred to taks any
<br /> �ction In connectlon with the enforcement of this Oeed of Truet unless Indemnflled,In writinp,tor all coata,compensatfon or
<br /> _�.u��� r....�...�..�.ew.....��n�urhnur af anu wsl0 Af tlIR PIOOeAV I�Ud�Cli�O�
<br /> ' :w_. - OII�1�WIIICII Ill�r OB Y6aVGi6i�a ii�oie�iiu�.u�a�u�uv..,�.v..o.......��..��...���_._.._ _.--- • -- � . . -'
<br /> p;�� _ � � under the power W sato qranted hereln);poatpone the sele of all or any po�lfon o1 the Properry,as provlded by law;or sell tho �
<br /> �• , P�operty es a whote,or In sepa�ate parcela or tota at Truatee's dlecretlon. �"°
<br /> • � 14. Rws and Bxp�M.�n the event Truatee sella the Proparty by exerclse of power ol aale,T►uetee ahell be entldsd to apply �.
<br /> u'. .. �ny tale proeeeds flat to payment of all costa end expenees ot exerclslnp powar of eale,includinp all Trustae's lees.�nd Lendar's ��
<br /> . ` �nd T►ust�e's attome 's faes,actusly incurred to extent parmltted by applicabte law.In the event Borcowar or Truetw exerclaea ony f
<br /> �`-;� dpht provlded by I�w to cure an Event ol Defoulf,Lender shall be sntltled to recover fram Y�uetor all costs and expensss actuslly
<br /> .•'? �� � Inauned as�nsult of Trwtor's d�f�ult,Includlnp wlthout Ilmltadon NI Trusbs's end attorney's tear,to die oxant p�rmitbd by
<br /> . ' ,� �ppllCabls law. �.
<br /> .; • ts. RuWn AdrancM.Upon rsqusst o1 Bonowsr, Lender m�y,ot Ib option,make addltfonal and luturo advances ond re-
<br /> ��• ' �dv�nce�to Bonower.Such advancss�nd nadv�nae,wtlh inMreft thereon,shall be aecured by thls Deod of Truet At no tlme ehall j
<br /> . :�. . +, �DNd of 7ru�f.�xw�d th�orlpinal princlp�l uimouM abd h�n�n Tw t��l f� I�d i n p um s whic�ev�r Ii r��srcu�i ry of thb f
<br /> , .. ti. ,'�+'.�y* 1 1 �.
<br /> . �.
<br /> .,� . ..
<br /> A t
<br /> �
<br />