4. +.' , .. -`.L
<br /> -' �.1k"r;yi 'l. :e •P
<br /> �
<br /> 93" io�s
<br /> pw propwty I��o Wan a d�n►p�d,L�ndK�h�ll h�w th�optlon.In Ib aN�nd�b�olub dl�ontlon,bappy�II woh ProoMds.
<br /> �}w�qnp 1h�nt►om ul ooas�nd�xp�n�Incwnd by It In oonn�oUon whh woh PraoMd�,upon�ny-i -iul�bl�d��Mour�d
<br /> Mr�ond In wah o►d�r u I.�nd�r may dMKmin�.or b apply�II woh ProcMd�,�fhr woh drduafl�ons,to tM rMloratla�d tlf�
<br /> p�opKty upon wah oondltbm u L.MfdK may dMKmin�.My�pplloaUOn ol ProoMd�b I�d�bl�dn�N�all nol�tMnd or poMpo�N
<br /> qw dW d�l�of�ry P�Ym�nb undK tlt�Noq�a oun�ny drhuit th�►�unde or M►wnd�r.Any un�ppll�d fund�N�W b�pdd b
<br /> TruMot.
<br /> e. f�for�a�by L�nd�r.Upon�h�oaaurnnc�of an EwM o10e1�ulth�nund�r,or It any aot b tak�n a Ipd p►aa�Ydlnp
<br /> commN�wd whloh nw1KW ly�iNab L�nd�r'�Int�rwt In tM Prop�Ay,L.�nd�r rtu�y In iq own di�cr�tlon.but wHhout obllpolon b do
<br /> ^ ip,�nd�yifhout notia to w d�m�nd upon Truttor�nd wlthout rN�ulnp Trurtor lrom�ny obtlp�tlon,do�ny�at whloh Trwia hu
<br /> a�rMd but fall�tor do�nd m�y�Iso do�ny oth�r�ct It dNm�n�euwry to probot th�s�curity h�r�of.Tni�tor�If,Imm�di�Mly
<br /> upon d�mantl th�nfor by L�nd�,pay to L�nd�r all Co�a�nd�xp�nta inaurt�d�nd sums�xp�ndod by L�nd�►In aonn�oUOn wlth
<br /> th�exaolp by L�ndsr of d��forpolnp riphb,top�th�r wifh Inb►eat th�rron at th�d�f�ult��t�provid�d In th�NMt,whloh sha11 b�
<br /> add�d to Nf�Ind�bt�dn� waur�d h�nby.Undr►�hall not Incur�ny Ii�blllry b�cauN of�nylhl� It m�y do a omit to do
<br /> h�riundM.
<br /> � , �. Hwrdou�Ma1Nii.Tru�tor thdl k�ep th�Proporly In oomplfpnco with dl appllubls Isws.adlnencss snd rpul�Uom
<br /> rM�dnp to MdusMal hyQlens or enviranm�ntal prat�cdon(collscdvely�etsrred to henin a"Environmantal L.awa'y.Tru�tor�II
<br /> ke�p ths P�operty IrM Irom all�uMtance�dNmed to ba hu�rdoua or toxlc under sny Envlronrn�ntal L.�wi(coll�cdvsly nNrt�d to
<br /> h e r s l n��"H�urdous M�t�ri�le").Trustor htreb y warrAnW And represent�to Lender thst there�re no Hat�rdou�M�tNlals on a
<br /> y, T under the PropeKy.T►ustor h�nby Rqren to Ind�mnify�nd hold ha►mles�Lendor,its dlroctors,oMiceh,�mploye�a and ap�ntt,�nd
<br /> � o�,�, any suooeswrs to lender'�InMrei4 n���d apNn�t any�nd all cldms,d�ma�a��oasa�nd Ii�bllids�a�isinp In conn�ctlon with
<br /> �l' thll pfYfYtIRO,uea.dl�po�el or transporl of any H�zardous M�teride on,under,irom or about the Propsrty.THE FORE(i01N(i
<br /> �� tsf4.•;r;.C�,.!�i�`. �
<br />� � ��`-z��-���-`��"�����`t� 8URVIVH RHCONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUBT.
<br /> j°�;�'�c�/,�yi.,,.,.�.
<br /> �. :,; �.,y;;,..,.,:;,..,,,; 10. Mtipnm�nt rA RMb.Truator hereby essipns w Lender the renb,isaues and profite of ths Proparty;provld�d that Tro�tor
<br /> "!"'•r::' � � shall,undllha oacurr�nce of an Event of Delault herounder,hpve the rl�ht to colloct and reteln tuoh rsnb,iaua and proflts u 1My
<br /> ;':��'r•'�;'r"''' '`' '�', becoma due and payabfe.Upon the oocurrence of an Event of Oelault,Lende�mey,ellher In person ar by�pent,with or without
<br /> ��;•, �� � ,, b�inpinp any aodon o►praceedlnp,or by a recelver eppointed by e couN and wUhout repard to the adequecy of ib eocurity,anbr
<br /> `�. � ` • •.;n,.� ,° '� upon�nd faka poas�slon of the Property,or any part thereol,in its own neme or fn the neme of the Trustee,and do any aeb whlch it
<br /> .�„ ., : .:, .
<br /> � �j,-„-? �� deems�eoasaAry or desireble to preaerva the value,merkevbiliry or renteblUly of the Property,preny paA thereol or inte�eat thereln,
<br /> �;'�"•� ';;;:,��'• ' increaee tha Iqaome therefrom or protect the securlly horeof and,with or wfthout takinp po�aession of tM Properry,�us for or
<br /> �'�� � A��,�' � ' � otherw�sa aolf�at the rente,leauea end proflta thereot Includinp those paot due and unpeid,and epply the eame,lest cosb and
<br /> '` � > `�� � . expen�of apereNon and colleation Includinp attaneys'fees,upon eny Indebtedneaa�ecured hereby,all in suah ad�r e�Lend�r
<br /> ,� may determine.The enterinp upon and teklnp poaestion of ihp Properry,the collecuon ol euch�ents,isiuea and p►offts and tl�e
<br /> �� • �,�.� • applioatian thereol ae aloreeald,�hall not cure or waive any defauR or noltoe of delault hereunder or Invalidat�any act dan�In
<br /> '� responee to auah default or purouent to auch noUce of defeult and,notwithatandiny the conUnuance in pos�ealon of the Property or
<br /> -- the c�llecstMn,�eoelpt end appllcatlon of ronto.Irsue�or profits,and Truetee and Lender ehall be endded to exerclw every rlyht
<br /> ' provided for In any of theloen Inetruments or by lew upon xourrence o1 any Event of Defeult,includinp wlthout Ilmltetlon me npht
<br /> i to exeralse tha power of eele.Further,Lender'a ri�hta end remedlea under thla pampraph shall b�cumulaUve with,end in no way a
<br /> • � Ilmitation an,4ender's rights and remedies under any aesipnment o1 leasea end�ents recorded apefnet the P�ope►ty.Lender,Truetee
<br /> ' � � and the recelvqr ehall be Ilable to account anly for thoae rents actually received.
<br /> ::,:;;,.,•,.
<br /> :.:'r,:; 11. Eweb of WI�uN.The following shall conatltute an Event o1 Default under thle Qeed ot Trusk
<br /> • :�'.`' (a) Fallure to pay any inetallment of princlpal or interest o1 any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> ;, ,. �. (b) A brqeoh ol or defeult under any provlelon contelned In Ihe Note,thie Deed o/Truat,any of the Loan In�humentp,or any
<br /> � other Ilen or enoumbranae upon the Prope►ry;
<br /> a• � (c) A writ ot executlon or atfechment or any almilar proceas ahall be entered ageinat Trustor which�hall beaome a Ilen on
<br /> the Propertp or any portlon thereof or fntereat therein;
<br /> �y ' "`•` (d) There ahell be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under eny p�eaent or luture lederal,atete or other
<br /> . �.' ;+;s; ' statuta,law or repulallon relaUng to bankruptCy,ineolvency or other reNef for debtors;or there ehetl be appointed any truetee,
<br /> �� '. � �eceiver or Uquldator of Trustor or 8orrower or of ell or any pert o1 the Property,or the rents,lasuee or prollta thereoi,or Trwtor
<br /> � or Borrqw9r shall make eny qenerel eesipnment lor the benefit of Creditora;
<br /> ; (e) The sale,traneter,tease,asaignment conveyance or lurther encumbrance o1 ell a eny pan o1 or any intereat In the
<br /> �' Property,eliher volunterlly or Involunfarily, without the express wrltten consent of Lender; provided that Truetor ahell be
<br /> permittad ta�xeaute o leaae of the Properly that doas not contaln en optbn to purchase and Ihe term of which does not excasd
<br /> ,..
<br /> one year,
<br /> (n Abandnnment of the Property;or
<br /> (q) II Tniotor is not an indlvidual,the laeuance,sale,traneler,assipnment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more then a totel
<br /> k ot percent of(if a corporetlon)ita Issued and outstendinp stock w(If e pa►Inerahip)a totel ol perCent of ,.;;
<br /> . � p�rinerehip i�terests during ihe perlod thls Deed of Trusf remeina a lien on the Property.
<br /> � ' 12, Remedb�;Aoc�l�►allon Upon DNaul�In tha event of any Event of Defaull Lender mey,without notice except as requkad by
<br /> Iew,declare ell{ndebtednesa secu►ed hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeble
<br /> � without pny presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demand thet Truetee exercise the POWEP OF SALE�ranted hereln, and Trustee ahall tfiereaRer Cauae Truator's
<br /> ,� intereot fn the Property to be eold and the proceeds to be dletrlbuted,all in the manner provided in the Nelxaeka Truet Deeds
<br /> Aot
<br /> f � � � (b) Exerclae any and all riqhts provided for In any of the Loan Instrumenta a by lew upon xcurrence of eny Event of �
<br /> i ;' Defaulk and :
<br /> (o) Commence an aotlon to foreclose this Deed ol Trust ea a mortyaye,appoint a receiver,or epeclfioally enforce any ol tha
<br /> ,��� � covenents hereot.
<br /> � `.R No remedy herein Conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive ot eny other remedy herein,In the
<br /> ; � � � Loen Inatrumenis or by law provfded or permitled,but each shell be cumulative,shall be in addition to every other remedy glven ` '';
<br /> hereunder,fn the Loan Inetrumenta or now or hereaker exfating et law or In equlty or by etatute,an�!may be exerCfeed concurrently, �•
<br /> , ; .;,�,:. • Independentiy or succesalvely. �
<br /> ��� 13. Tru�. The Trustee may reafyn at any tlme without cause,and Lender may at any tlme and without ceuse eppolnt a
<br /> � � �;.;� ''�" � euccessor or subatltute Truatee.Truetee shell not be Hable to any party,Includl�g wlthout Umitatlon lender,8orrower,Truator or eny '
<br /> ��• puraheaer ot the Property,fa any losa or damaye unless due to reckless or wllltul mieconduct,end sheN not be required to take any
<br /> � ��___, actton In connectlon with the enlorcement o1 thla Oeed of Trust unlees fndemnifled, In writiny,for all coete,compeneatfon or ;
<br /> �..-^ � -"-'-- expenses wnicn may oe osaoc�aieo cnerewim.in aodiaon,7rusiee may vb�:in��v 6 yu�i.��aeoi ai di�ji oo�'vµo.°:G�i�L'�d�`w:�: ;
<br /> under the power ol sale prented hereln);postpone the sele of all or any poNfon ot the Properly.es provlded by law;or eell the
<br /> ' ' ` Property as a whole,or in eeperate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscreUon.
<br /> " � � 14. F�n�nd Exp�o�.In the event Trustee sella the Properly by exerclse of power ot sele,Truetee ahall be entltled to epply
<br /> •• eny eale prxeeds t{ret to payment ol all costs end expenses ol exercislny power oi sele,Including all T�ustee's teea,and Lender'e
<br /> •,': ,`� end Trwtee'e attorney's leei,actually Incurred to extant permltted by eppllcable law.In the event Borrower or Truator exerciaea any
<br /> 1. rlpht provldad by lew to cure on Event of Default,Lender ahell be entilled to recover from Trueto�all casts and expenaes actually
<br /> incurred as e ro�ult of Tru�tor's defeul4 fncludfnp wlthout limltetlon all Truttee'�end ettorney'a feef,to the extent permlflad by
<br /> � ;k� ' , �
<br /> pppllcabls Isw.
<br /> �. , 15. Fufur�Adwnw�. Upon requeet ol Borrower, Lender mey,at Its option, meke oddlflonal end lulure advances and re-
<br /> f�, , advances to Borrower.3uch advances and readvancee.wllh Intereat thereon,shell be tecured by thfa Dead of Truet.At no time ahall
<br /> � the princ{pel�mount of the indebtedne�s secu►ed by thie Deed of Trust,n�t Includlnq suma edvenced to protect the securly ol thl�
<br /> j � �,u�, D«d ol Tru�f,�xcNd tM arlpinal princlpAl amounl etated hereln,a S_--}(�v��-.w�chever ia preat�►„ .
<br /> , •t
<br /> � � !
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> f.��- . _ . . . ._ ._ ... . ... 1
<br />