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<br /> .. � ,r„ '�..�• _ .��
<br /> . `��Y� . - �`:
<br /> � �
<br /> 93� 1o'��q
<br /> Trwlor und�r�fand�Ilu�t tlN doaum�nt thN Trwto�I��bont to�x�out�1��Dwd o1 T►uM�nd�ot a m4rtp�p��nd th�t th�paw�r
<br /> of NN provid�d 1a In th�0«d ot Trurt provid„�ubrtontl�lly dlft�nnt rlphti�nd obllp�qom to T►u�tw th�n�mortp�p�In th�w�nt
<br /> of a dMault or bnrah of obllaUon und�►th�DNd of Tru�t,Inoludinp,but not Ilmlt�d to,th�l.�nd�r's rlpht iEO h�v�1h�Propey wld
<br /> by tl�TrupN wlthout�ny Judlol�l ptooNdlnp. Tru�tor npr�s�np and wunnt�th�t thls aaknowl�dpMrant wa�unout�d by
<br /> T�usta bMon th��x�autlon ol th�DNd of Trust
<br /> R�v�r�id Inv��tru�rol
<br /> ►' 7 )
<br /> St�PMm H�ltz�r. S�Ortwtq�Y'Y """"°
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRU8T,b made�s ot the_.1'1Lh_day ot �p• ,1A..�.by end amonp
<br /> th�T►u�tor, Riv�nid� Iavntw�nt Ina i St�vh�a 8�1lzn'. S�or��ry
<br /> 1611 8t�p�ao�ah Bd tir�nd I�l�nd Nv 68601-7376 �
<br /> �ti~ �� ��� whos�maHin�addrew i� (heroln"Truftor;'.whether ons or more),
<br /> r.. �
<br /> ,�E�:�'�Y't`-�".=` the 7ro�tN, Fiv� Poiot� 8ank, • Mebraaka Corporation
<br /> i >��"'*'�'� �'`'-d` P.O. Box 13�7 liraad I�land. NE 66B0Z � ,
<br /> '� �t�•'. •; •: :, whoaa maNin�addreW Is (he►eln"'frustw').and
<br /> � Piv� Point� B�nk
<br /> i ��v_: .::�'_.�..�::-�' th�B�nmiclary, � ��.
<br /> •,=
<br /> ��- - � •-��= whow mailiny addrats is 2015 M. Bro�dr�ll �ir�nd I�land• NE. 69902-iS07 �hereln "Le�der"►. '�
<br /> . � s
<br /> '�' � , FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,Includinp Lender's exteneian W credit Identitled hereln toR�YQ�id� IDVf�t�nt I11C
<br /> - :�' i St�ph�n 8lltz�r, S�ar�t�ry (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)ancf the trust herein c►eetad,
<br /> " the rece�pt of which Is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocebly granta,trensfers, conveys a�d asslyns to Truetee,IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benelit a�d securiry ol Lender,under and subject to the terms and conditlona herelnefter�et
<br /> ., iodi�,Uiu reai p�o�rty,d8sorlbad as toibws:
<br /> �. �
<br /> � .. �•
<br /> ''Ec•�
<br /> `�j�': Together with all bulldinps,improvementa,fixtures,streets,elleys,paesa�eways,easoments,rlght�,privflepes and appurte• '
<br /> � ��?;���� � � nances located thereon or in anywise pertaining ihereto,and the reMS,Issues and proffts,reversfons and temafnders thereof,and
<br /> �{.,: � '��:' suoh peroonal property that Is atleched►o the Improvementa so as to constitute e Ifxture,mcludinp,but nat llmited!o,heatlnp and
<br /> f �� ' '"' eoollnp equipment;and together w�th the homestead or marital lnterests,ff any,wh�ch Interests ere hereby reteased and weived;all
<br /> � ,,,;� of whloh,includfnp replacements and addrtions thereto.ia hereby declared to be a part ol the real estate seoured by the Ilen of th18
<br /> !{- � .. " Deed of Trust and all of the foregoinp being relerred to hereln ae the"Properry"•
<br /> i�':" . Thls Deed ol TruYt ahell eecure(a)the payment of the princlpal aum and�nte►eat evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> J/,..r' .
<br /> ��, ,. a�rewnent deted �•pto�e.r i��_�993 ,having a mewriry dete ol S�p���bee,i�lth 1994 ,
<br /> �, � ,. • . s: .
<br /> ' in the orlglnal princlpal amount ol$ 79��•� _, and any and all modlifcations, extt�nslons and renewels +�•
<br /> ' thereot or thereto and any and all luture advencea and ►eadvances to Borrower(or any of them il mare than one) hereu�der
<br /> � pu►auant to one or more promisaory notes or credlt agreemenis�herein calied"NOte"►;(b►ihe payment oi other sums edvanced by
<br /> Lender to proteCt lhe eeCUriry ol the Note;lC)the perlormance ot all covenanta and agreements ol Trustpr 8e1 torth herein;and(d)ell
<br /> present and future indebtedness and obligetlona ol Borrower lor any ol them it more thon one)to lender whether direct,fndirect. M;
<br /> absolute a contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdrafl or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed Oi Trust and any and all
<br /> otherdOCUente that secure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection therewllh,fncluding without limlt�atfdn gua►anteee,aecurfly
<br /> ��, ayraemente and aealgnments o(leases end renta,shall be referred to herefn as the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> t C �� .�°� Trustor covenants and agrees wlth Lender as followa: �'
<br /> •� S� t. Paym�ot ot Ind�bbdn�ss.All fndebtednesa secured hereby 8hell 6a paid when due. "
<br /> 2. THI�.Tru9tOr Is the owner of the Proparty,has the nght and authority to convey the Prope►ty.and warrant8 thet the Ilen
<br /> �'• �, � ...+' creeted hereby Ia e tlrst and pnor Ilen on the Properry,except lor Ilens and encumbrances set Iarih by Trugtor In wHting end .
<br /> ." � � , • , �
<br /> . . • dellvered to Lender before executlon of this Deed of Truat,and the executlon and delfvery ot thia Deed ot Trust doea not vlolate eny
<br /> � coMrect or other obllpatlon to whlch Trustor is sub�act
<br /> �.f• 3. Taxh,A�NUn1�nU.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,apeciel aeaeasments and all other ch�rges aqainst Ihe Property �
<br /> ' �.�;:,: ` :•," ��c,,
<br /> � now or hereaRer levled.
<br /> ��,; �� � 4, (ntur�ece.To keep the Property Insured agalnst damage by fire,hazerds Included with�n the term"eKtended covorege".and
<br /> " , � r� '� euCh other haxarda as Lender mey require,In amounts and wfth companles acceptable to Lender,nam�ng Lender as an additional �
<br /> ' ' t�� •_, : nem6d Ineured,Wlth 1o9s payeble to ihe Lender.In cese a1 losa under such policies,ihe Lender is authonZed to ad�uBG colleCt and
<br /> �� . Compromfse,all claima the�eunder and ahall have the option ot applyl�g ell or pan o11he Insurance proceeEa(�)toany indebtedness �
<br /> • `�'• `-� seCUred hereby and In auch order as Lender mey determine.(il)to Ihe Trustor to be used tor ihe repair or IestOratlOn ol the Property
<br /> �••t t f� .�I��� or piq tor eny other purpose or obJect satlelactory b Lender without eHecting the Nen of thla Deed of Trust for the full amount securad
<br /> . hereby before such payment ever took plece.Any eppllcation of proceeds to fndebtedneas ahall not extend or postpone the due ;
<br /> -� date of any paymenro unde�the Note,or cu�e any delault thereunder or hereunder. i
<br /> R C�I1MW I IMII WII110I1 fIOTqI1fI I'fV I ARfIfIf TIIl4�f1►filfilll ffAV�A I AI1[IAf in such menner aa Lender mav desian9te.9uNiCi@nt i
<br /> . . ' " ��.�...��.�""""�.._�..."__ _• _' _" ' __" _ _' �'• ' _" '
<br /> ` ' , aum�to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the tallowing:(f)all texes,aeaesamenis and other chergea agalnst •
<br /> ' � � tha Property,pl)the premlum�on the properly inaurance requfred hereunder,end pli►1he premfums on�ny mortQe{�e Insurance �
<br /> �+� .. • requlnd by Lender.
<br /> �� :� 8. Mdnt�nane�,R�in and Compll�ne� with L�wi.Truetor ahell keep the Propery fn pood condltion and repelr; ahall
<br /> � promptly repair,or replece any Improvement which may be demaped or deelroyed; ehell not commit or permit eny waste or
<br /> '+ �" deterloradon ol the Property;eheH not remove,demolish or subetantiaMy alter eny of the fmprovements on the Property:ahall not
<br /> � commit,suNer or permit eny act to be done In or upon the Propertyr In vfolatlon of any law,ordinance,or regulatlon;and�hall pay end
<br /> � prompUy dl�Cherpe et Trustor's cost and expense all liena,enoumbrance�end cherye�levled,impoted or aseessed apalnst the
<br /> , �� Propeny or eny pert thereof.
<br /> .. 7. Emin�nt Donuln.Lender I�hereby esalp�ed all compeneatlon,awards,damegea end other paymenta or relfef(herelnafter
<br /> � � ' ° "Procseds")in connecUon with condemnadon o�other taking of the Proparty or part thereol,or 1or conveyence In Ileu o1 condernna-
<br /> �' i • Uon.Lender shall be entNled at Ite option to commence,appear in and prosecule fn Ila own neme any actlon or proceedinpa,end
<br /> � shall dw be ontlNed to make any compromi�or wttlement In connectlon wlth such tekinp or damaye�1�th�ovent any portlon of
<br /> - .f - M�C 71i�(��PKUNwU DwA111w tOiN
<br /> O tfM wnar��a c«nnMa r.�wi Ma tnmp Awnn�an��nmu�.Nw.a. �
<br /> l
<br /> 4 ' .. _ _'_ ___ _ __ . . . ._' � _' � �. _ .. -.._ � � -
<br />