. . ,,.�„
<br />, ,,�' r'el +�' ' ^
<br /> Q
<br /> 93• so�s
<br /> tl�Prop�rty u w hksn or.d�n�p�d,L.�ndK�h�ll fuiw tl�optlon.in ib�ol��nd ab�oluE�dl�or�tlon�lo apply NI woh P►oo��
<br /> �ftK d�duotlnp tf��hom aU oosq�nd�xp�n�Inaurnd b�r It In ao�n�adon with wah P�oowd�,upon uqr Ind�bbeln�Maund
<br /> I�Nry and In wob ord�A*Lmd�r m�y dN�mlm,or to�pp{y NI ouch ProcNd�,aftW wah d�duotlons.b th�ra�tontlon o11M
<br /> P�o�ty�po��uch canditipnw��I.�ndp m�y d�brmlrn.Any appliwtlon d ProaMd�to ind�bo�dnMS�hall not�xMnd a patpon�
<br /> ��dw O�t�ol�ny payme�u und�t th�Not�,or cun�ny dNault th�nund�r or Mraund�r.My un�ppH�d lund�shall t�p�ld b
<br /> T��pwlon�ana�bp L�ndK.Upon th�occurrance of an Ev�nt o1 D�f�ult h�nund�r,a If�ny�ot I�hk�n a I�pN p►ocNd�nO
<br /> " � • commwncod wblcb materlAtly a(tocta I.ender'a Intoreat In tho Property,lende►may In 1!e own disaretlon,but wlthout obllp�tlon to do
<br /> ��; w,�nd wlthaut�otice to a demlmd upon Truilor�nd wlthout rN�a�inp Tru�Wr trom�ny obllp�don,do any�ct whlch T�u�tor hu
<br /> wrNd but bib to do�nd m�y aUw do any other act it dNma n�cewary to prot�at tM s�ouriry h�reol.T�uuor�hall,imm�dl�qly
<br /> upon demand th�►efor by 1.�nder.p�y to Lsnder all ca�ri and�xp�n�incurnd and�um��xp�nded by L�nd�r In conn�csHon wNh
<br /> ihs�xkolM by l.�ndsr o1 tb6 fo►opolnp ripht�,topeth�r with Inbr�st th�r�on�t th�dd�ult r�ts provided In tM Not�,wh�ch thall b�
<br /> added to q�ind�btednOS1 teaund h�reby.4end�r �hall not incur�ny Ilabllfry b�c�uN af�nythinp it m�y do or omit to do
<br /> � h�nundM.
<br /> g, Mp�rdou�M�t�l�ls.Tru�tor�hdl k�ep th�Prop�rty in compllanes with oll�pplicable laws,adin�nca and rpul�uons
<br /> reU�dn�lo Industrlal hypiene or envfronment�l proteatlon(collecHvely refernd to herefn es"EnvironmenUl Laws'7.Trusta sfuill
<br /> ��" koep the Properiy lrse Iram all subftances deemed to bs hazardous a toxio under any Environment�l I.�w�(collecdvNy►ete►r�d b
<br /> beroln ae"Huardous M�tari�lA'�.Tru�tor hsreby wern�nb and repreaente to Lender that there aro no Hazudous Metsrials on a
<br /> under the Propsrty.T�u�tor haraby apree�to Indemnify�nd hotd hsrmless Lender,Ita directora,officero,emptoyees and a�snb,�nd
<br /> •Y�,,,;,,_,:,.:�,;,.' �ny�uccessors to Le�der'&intare�t,lrom ond apaln�t any end all claims,d�m�pe�.lossee and IlabAfdes arislnp In connectlon wll�
<br /> ; �• ,�-r.;::. ,�,a�;; ;? ths prsaence,use,disposal or t�enaport ot any Hazardous Material�on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOIN(i
<br /> 4��Y".!;,.:•.,. ";.,
<br /> , ... • {,.��.,.,��::. _ SUHVIVE RECONVEYANCH OR TMI8 pEED OF TRU8T.
<br /> , �.i 10. Anqnat�nl M R�nU.Tru�tor hereby easigns to Lender the rer+b,IRauea and p►o11ts of the Properiy;providsd d�ai Tru�lor
<br /> �� h, �� shaH,un1N ths occurrenae o1 an fvent o1 Defeull hereunder,heve the npht to collect and retain such renb,iseues�nd profib as they
<br /> + ��..�'. 1�'� .�.• become due end payabla.Upon the occurrence af en Event ol 0efault,Lender may,efther In paraon a by e�ent,with or without
<br /> • � � � brin�inp any aaHon or praceadinp,or by a rece iver appo in t e d by a c ou n e n d w i f h o u t r e p e r d t a t h e a d e q u e c y o 1 f t s s e c u N t y,e n t e r
<br /> +,; �,;:�,:'.;',� • upan end take po�se�slan al the Property,or any pert thereal,���Its own name or in the neme of the Trustee,and do any acts which B
<br /> deema necessary or deaftable to preserve the valuo,merketabllily or rentabillty of the Prope►ty,or any part thereof ar interest thereln.
<br /> � increase the Income lhe�etrom or protect the aeaurily horeoi and,with or without takinp possession of the PropeAy,sue ior or
<br /> � ��• otherwiae collect the rents,laeue�and prollm thereof,Inctudinp thoee paet due end unpald,and epply the seme.less coets and
<br /> . , expenser of oparapon an0 aollaatlon includinp atlomeys'fees,upon eny Indebtednese aecured hereby,ell in such ader as Lender
<br /> ' . may determine.The enlering upon end takinp posoeasion of the Property,the collactlon ol such renta,lsaues and proflta and the
<br /> � � appllcatlon thsreol as atoreaald,ahall not cura or waive any deloult or nottce of default hereunder or InvalidaM any act done In
<br /> � , � � � responae to wch delault or pursuant to such aotice of deiault end,noMrlthafandlnp Me condnuance in posseesfon of the PropeAy a
<br /> the collactlon,receipt and appllcatlon ot rento,iaeues or proiib,and T�uatee and Lender ahall be endGed to exerclee every rlpM
<br /> „ = provided ior in anr oi ihv Lc,an inairumenia or by iaw upoa accarranca a!sny Even!a!Deleuft,lnclutlinp wlthout Ilmltetl��thw rk,�ht
<br /> fi
<br /> �` to exe►abe the power ot eate.Fuhher,Lender's riphta and remedlea under this paragraph shall be cumulaUve wlth,and In no way a
<br /> `� ., , Nmltadon on,lender's rlyfitsand remedles under any asalpnment of leases and rents recorded ayainat the Properry.Lende►.Trustee
<br /> �;� � and the recelver ehall be Uab1a to account only lor thoae rente actually recelved.
<br /> j., r. • 11. Eweb ol MI�uN.The followlnp shall conatitute an Event o1 De/auU under thfa Deed of Trusk
<br /> j; ._ . (a) Fellure to pay any inatallment ot prinalpel or Interest o1 any othei sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> p • � (b) A breach ot or.detautt undar any provlelo�contalned In Ihe Note,lhis Oeed of Trus�any of the Loen Mstruments,or any
<br /> .i"1��, other lien or encumbranae upon tha Psoperry;
<br /> �°, � (a) A wrfl o1 ext+cution or atlachmenl or any almtlar procesa ahall be entered epafnet Trusta whfch 8hell beCOme a lien on
<br /> . ' fhe Properly or any perAbn thereot or inlereet theretn; M;..
<br /> •' ,� ,: • �, ..;:�i . . (d) There shall be Illed by or ageinsl T�ustor or Borrower en actlon under eny present or luture federal,sfete or other
<br /> � S'�� ':<':t' � statute,law or regulatbn relaling to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliel lor debtors;or there shall be eppolnted any trustee,
<br /> � , "�'�?�i�".�'; � � rece►ve�or Uquldator q1 Truator or Ba�rower or ol all or any peN ol the Property,or the rents,issuea or profltathereol,or Trunor �,,.
<br /> �';� ' or Borrower sh81�make any ya�eral aeelpnment lor the benellt ol creditors; �+
<br /> . �. � � �� � ��`,, (e) The sele,trensfer,leaae,easlpnmenl,conveyance or fuAher encumbrance of all or any pan ol or any inlereat in the "��
<br /> . �,.•�
<br /> '����,, Properly,elther voluntdrlly or Involunterlly,wlthout the express wiltten conaent of Lender;provlded that Truator ahall be 1;11`�:
<br /> {, • pemnitted to execute a lease of the Property that does not comain an opnon to purchase and the term of which doea not exceod
<br /> �t�';;�.�. ' oneyear,
<br /> ��,�:;: � (� AbandonmeM of the Properly;or �
<br /> � ' (p� If Tru�tor is no!an Individuel,the I�suence.eele,trenefer,essiqnmenR conveyance or encumbrance o1 maethen a to1a1
<br /> �`ti of perceM a1(it a corporatlon)Ila leaued and outatanding atock or(i1 a partnership)a totel ol percent of
<br /> � pa�ershlp Interests during the perlod Ihla Deed ot Trust romains a Aen on the Property.
<br /> ' � 12.R�nNdIN;AocNOnitbn Upon DNaufl.In the event of any Event ot Delault Lender may,without notice except as requlred by
<br /> law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same sha8lhereupon become due and peyeble
<br /> � t, ;.:,� � . wlthout ony presentmeM,demand,protest or notice ol any kind.Thereaker Lender may: f
<br /> ,�, ,-.�� . . (a) Oemend thal 7rustee exercfse Ihe POWER OF 5ALE pranted hereln, and Trustee shall thereatte► cause Trustor's �
<br /> Interast In the Ptoperty to be sold end the proceeds to be dlat�ibuted,ell In the manner provided in the Nebraske Trust Deeds
<br /> �. • '� _"'�., ACt
<br /> ' f �� (b) Exerclse any pnd all riqhts provided lor In any ol the Loan Inatrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any Event of ;
<br /> f,'4� •. Defeul�end f
<br /> t.�'` ?•��. : ' (a) Commence en eotion to fo�eclose thls Deed ol Truat es a mo►tpaye,eppofnt a recelver,or apecNlcelly enlorce any o1 the ,
<br /> z'�;.• •' covenenb hereol. F
<br /> � � � � No remedy herefn conlerred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender fs intended to be excluslve of any other remedy hereln,in the �
<br /> ": � �f�+ ,• Loan Inetruments oo by larv provided or permftted,bul each ahell be cumulative,ahall be In addltlon to every olher remedy glven •
<br /> �� 3•...:, .. .
<br /> ;: 1��:�� hereu�der,fn the Loan Inatrumenla or now or herealter exlsllnq et law or in equlty or by stefute,and rtiay be exerclsed concurrently,
<br /> :•r� '�:•' ,,.` independe�tl or auccessi��el �
<br /> .r,.,. ;�..•: .r. �' � Y Y�
<br /> :��•,; . , �;,�;;:.:,,,, .���, , 13.TrwIN.The Trustee may resign et any tlme wlthout cauae,and Lender may at any tlme and wlthout cause eppolm a �
<br /> � •,
<br /> succeaeor or substltute tru3tee.Trustee ahall not be liable to any parry,including whhaut Ilmltation Lender,8orrower,Trusta or any �
<br /> � `�, ;� ',• � � ��'; purchaser ol the Property.for eny loss or damage unless due to reckteas or wllNul misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any
<br /> �`` ��'�'r � ' ` ' aollon In conneollon wiln the enlorcement ot th�a Oeed ol Trust unless indemnliied,in wrNiny,tor ell costs,compensatlon or �
<br /> ••��' •, � �r.�on.n.u,n�r.h r„nv ew,assoclatad tharewith.In addillon.Truatee meY becOm@ e purCheeet et eny sale ut Me Properly QudiClel 0►
<br /> � �� uniler the power ot eale gtented hereln);poatpone the sale ot all or any portfon ol the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the '
<br /> , . !,,,;���! , Property as a whole,or in separete parcels or lota et Truatee'e discretlon.
<br /> � ;::�� ,•� 14.F��nd R�pe�.ln the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of power ot sele,Trustee ahall be enUtled to epply
<br /> {r. � ' , '�, any eale proceeds flrst to payment ol ell coats end expenaes ol exerclafng power ot sele,including all Truatee's teea,and Lender's
<br /> u� .� •� � and T�uetee'a attorney's 1�,ectually Incurred to extent permided by appllcabte law.In the event 8orrower or Trustor exerClses any
<br /> ' "��' rlpht provfded by lew to oure an Event of Delault,Lender ehall be entftled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and expenees actuelly
<br /> � ' inaurred a�i a re�ult of Yrustor's detault,includfnp wlthout Ilmltetlon all Trwtee's and attarney's feea,to the extent permltted by
<br /> � appucaWe law.
<br /> tb.Rufun Adranoos.Upon reque�t ol8orrower, Lender mey,at ite option, meke additlonal and future advances and re-
<br /> ad�encea to Borrower.Such edvances and readvencos,wfth Interert thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed o1 Trost At no thne ahell '
<br /> ' �,. . the prinolpel amount of th�e indebtednesa secured by this Deed of Trua�not�nc0lud�in0g�su�ms Wh che erla yreater����a�Is '
<br /> E ,. Died ol Truq,exceed the alqfnal princlpal amount etated hereln,or 5—�3—. ,
<br /> .
<br /> .�i' • '
<br />