. ,.._�u
<br /> /�A . �.�±� r�«/ T.�raf
<br /> '• ,. ._....
<br /> TRUBTOR R6A0 THIS BEFORE 810NM�Ki: ��7� �
<br /> l0�
<br /> TnMb�und�rwnd�qwt eM daaum�nt q�t Trwtor I�about to�x�out�1•.DMd ol Trua.nd�wl.monpp�.nd tMt tlN poww
<br /> 01�pro�rW�d fa In MN Owd M Trud provid�s wb�t�nWllY dlfhnnt rlphb�n0 obllpndoM W TruWa fhan�mo�'qi�in th�wN�t
<br /> ol a drhult a b►NCh of obllpatlpn unde Ih�OMd of Trud,lnoludinp,but not Ilmlt�d!o,th�lMd�r's rlpht lo h�w tlN Pro�t��old
<br /> �p�� �yqo i of tM O�i�d a TI�Tru�tor r�prn�nb�nd w�rranq Ih�l thl��aknowl�dp�m�nt wa�x�auNd by
<br /> T
<br /> VA • • pYN MII
<br /> p s�r. y �-s
<br /> ` .•-yx�� - THI9 O6E0 OF TRUST,Is mads u of th� l��b d�y ol �P• ,�� 93 �and amon�
<br /> tn�Trutwr, Rivmid� Invnt�rn! Ino i StRph�tn B�ltz�r. S�or�t�ty ,
<br /> 4� 1611 St�p�ao�ah ad f3r�nd I�i�nd N� f,88o1-9376
<br /> .a �k�. ' whos�malllnp addnss is (Mroln"T�ustor;'wh�tMr on�a mo��),
<br /> ' ' :�'�'�'��_. Fiv� Point� 6�nk, a N�Oruk� Corpor�tion
<br /> ' _f,.. . �..,. . . . tlw TnntM, '
<br /> �.�..�,:�.:.._ -, �
<br /> �" P.O. Box 13e7 Gs�od Iol�nd, MB 68802
<br /> �'�;�•`:�: �a�`'� whow mailinp addreas Is .— (hereln"TrustN"►��r�d
<br /> , . � . .
<br /> ^ � � Fiv� Point� Bank
<br /> :Hv. :,';;...,.. *,; tt��NBCiary. .V .
<br /> ° '•!�`t"+,::�_�*: �� whose malunp address Is �1S r. Bro�d�fll 6r�nd I�land. IiB. 68602-13�7 Ihereln"�e�der'�. -�
<br /> �R"wa.:s^4:h.;.`-. � .,� .�
<br /> " . FOR VALUABI.E CONSIDERATION,includinp Lender a extenwon of credll identlhed horein t R�'���id� Inv�atNnt Ieo
<br /> „ � St�ph�n B�ltz�r. S�ar�tary
<br /> (herein"Borrower",whether one o► more)and the Uuat herein creatod,
<br /> •`t � the recelpt of which ia hereby ecknowledyed, Trustor hereby irrevocaby�grents.Iranalero, conveye and aesiyns to T�ustee,IN
<br /> TFiU3L WITH POWER OF 3ALE,!ar the benetit and aecurity of Lender,under and sub�ect to ma terms end condlUOns herelnaker wt
<br /> �`.�, 'T �4������11���i�1��8i0E ACtt� SUBi�IiiISI01i. IN T�8 CI'fY OF GARiiD
<br /> ,,, • ISLAMD� HAI.L COUNTY, NE9RAS A.
<br /> • —.--—.�-U-- �•
<br /> . �y
<br /> . ..',�ji:��,.'i :'
<br /> �;•,�%��;,};� � 7opether with all bulldlnqs,improvements,tiztures,streets,alleys,passageways,sasemenls,righta,p�fvilepes and appurte-
<br /> �' ' �ano�s loCated thereon a In anywise pe►t�mmg thereto,and the rente,issues end proHts,reveraions and remeinders thereo},and
<br /> ��'� .�', , , tuch personal property that is atteched to the improvamanis ao as to conalltute a Ilxture,�ncludinp,but not limited to,healing and .
<br /> Cooliny equipment;and toqether with lhe homestead or mar7lal interests.�I any,which intereats are hereby released a�d waived;all
<br /> +a„ �''!;.�,d,,.... . , : of which,includinp replecements and additions thereto,is hereby tleclared to he a part ot the real estete secured by the Nen of this •
<br /> � • '• +��-�+ =w" OeOd ot Trust ond all ot the lorepolnp beiny referred to herein as the"Properry". ���
<br /> 4� '�'..a:;;.: ..
<br /> ��. � � Thls Oeed o1 Trust ahall secure(e)the payment ol lhe principal eum a�d interest evaenced by a promiasory note or credlt
<br /> %, apreement dated �P�Q��r 1�lh 1993 __,heving a matunry dete ol �Pti�wb�r 14th 1994 �r`
<br /> , .::
<br /> � � In the oripfnel princlpal amount of$ 93'�'� .and eny and a11 modlllcat�ons,extenafons and renewels
<br /> �, there0l or thereto and any and ell future advancea end readvances to Borrower(or any of them If more than one) hereunder �p�
<br /> purouent to one or more promissory nMes or crQdn agrFemQnis(herem caned"Note");(h)tna peyment ol other sums advenced by ik •
<br /> �� � Lender to protect lhe seaurity of the Note;(c)the performence ol all covenants and agreements of T�ustor set forth herefn;and(d)all �t� �
<br /> ' preaenl and luture Indebtedness end obligatlpns of Borrower�or any ot them If more lhan one)to Lender whether direcf,lndlrect,
<br /> r:.^.�: abaolute or condngent and whett�er arfsing by note,guaranry,overdrafl or otherwiae.The Note,Ih��Deed o1 Trust and any and all
<br /> " � other docuente thet secure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection therew�th,Includlnp withoul Ilm�tatfon guarenteea,security
<br /> , . aflr9ements end aselpnments of leases and rents,shell be relerred to hereln as the"Loan Instrumenta".
<br /> ; Truatot covenants end agreea with Lender as follows:
<br /> ; l'."�• t.`� 1.Payn�nt O11nd�badnMS.AH iudebtedness secured hereby shall be pe�d when due.
<br /> ���,;'.;, �'_ ; � ,t��� 2,TIQ�.7ruetor is the owne�of Ihe Properry,has the rlght and authonry to convey the Property.and warrants that the hen , ,
<br /> ��.� , �•:,� created hereby la a first and pria lien on the Property,except lor hens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in wrding end
<br /> � �'%���•� } •��� dellvered to Lender before executlon ol this Deed ol Trust,and the executlon and delwery o1 th is Deed of Truet does not vlolate any �
<br /> { "'�"" ,j �•:". �. !�'-`��� cantracf orother obllgetlon to which Trustor is sub�ect. .
<br /> � ���' � k ��'� � •"�: 3.Taxq,Ats��m�nb.To pay before delinquency all taxes,Bpeclal assessmenls and al l other chergee a�elnet th6 Properry �
<br /> ��`;;..': ;: ; �"`,,c: now a hereattar Ievled. �
<br /> � ;.. , , � , '•.�, 4. In�uranco.To keep the Property Insured against damage by ffre,hazards included wnhi�the term"extended cove►ege".and
<br /> �•��.,:. , � � such other hazarda es Lender may requlre,In amounts and with companles accepteble to lender,naming Lender as en addltfonal
<br /> �..Y�'; ' s named Insured,wilh loss payable lo fhe Lender.In Case ot loss under such policfes,the Lender�s authorized to edju9l.Collect and
<br /> �,�.;>�" • � com,promise,all Cl01ma thereunder and shall have the option of applymg all or part ot the inaurance proceeds(�)lo any Indebtedness
<br /> ,��,�, , � � secu�ed hereby end fn BuCh order as Lender may determme.pq to the Trustor to be used for the repau or restorat�on o�the P►operty
<br /> G�..,�� 4 or(iN)fot any other purpooe or object saUsfattory to lender without eNectlog the lien ot this Oeed ot Truat for the lull amouN secured ,
<br /> ��•�.��� hereby betore such payment ever took plece.Any epplication of proceeds to Indebtedneas aheM not extend or poetpone the due
<br /> ���'(�`�`'�� T . � dab ot any paymente under the Note,o�Cure any del8ult thereunder o�nereunder.
<br /> 5.Eaerow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,ln such manner ea Lender may desl�nate.euHfcfent �
<br /> , eums to enYble l.ender to pay as they become due one or more ol the tollowlnp:li)ell taxes.asaeasments and otner cher�es a�einst
<br /> '�" �� the Property,(8)the premlums on the property inaurance required hereunder,and(ii�)the premiums on any mort�ape Insurence �
<br /> ' • requfrad by Lender.
<br /> ••. 8. MaNt�n�nc�.Rpdn�nd Compll�nc�wlth Law�.Truator shall keep the Properly in�ood condlllon end repair;shall
<br /> >•� . '•� prompdy rapair,or replace any Improvement which mey be damaqed or destroyed; ahell not commlt or permit eny waste or
<br /> 4 , d�lerbratlon of the Property;shall�ot remove,demolish or subatantially alter eny ol the fmprovements on the Property;ahall not
<br /> 1 y , commlt,suf(er or permit eny act to be done In or upon the Property in vfolatlon o1 any law,ordnance,or reyulation;and shaM pay and
<br /> � ( � prompNy dlacharye ot Trustor's cost and expense all Ifens,encumbrences and charyes levied,irnposed or aeseeaod apeinet the
<br /> � . \� P�aperty or any part thereot.
<br /> � •'� 7.EmM1�M Donialn.Lendsr 11 hereby aeaiqned all compenaellon,awerds,damayes and other paymenls or rellel(hereinetter
<br /> ' � 1l "ProCeed�'1 fn connecUOn with condemneUon ot other taklnp ol the Property or part thereof,or lor conveyance In Ileu of candemna-
<br /> r4; , � " • tlon.Lender shall bQ enUUed et Ita optlon to commence,appear In and proaecute In its own name any actlon or proceedln�s,end
<br /> , shall alao be Yntlded to meke any cvmpromise or setdement In connecUon wiU►such fakMp os dampe.In fhe event any pordon of
<br /> Y �. . N/C 5�671NaryrsuhvM D�M M.10.M
<br /> O 1/M Nw�aw�«+d to�nww T�ua�ne sw.�Mwewon.►.�car+.ww.M.
<br /> . �
<br /> .� .
<br />