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<br /> •pplicabb law m�y ypxity for neinuatement)boPoro ulo ot the Properry pu�swm to�ny power oi�lo canuined in�
<br /> Security laurunwnt:or(b)enpy of�Judpment enforcin�this Security In�uumen� 71�ae canditbn�+u'e thu Bonower (U
<br /> PrY�Lender dl �unu which 11�ea wouid be duo unde� 1hi�5ecurity In�wrncnt uid the Noto a if no�ccelarWon 6ad
<br /> orcutrod;lb)curaa any defwit af�ny otlxt coven�rtts a a�neemrnu:(c)P�Y�dl oapenrie�Incumed In erfa�cin�Ihf�Security
<br /> In�uuroxn� includin�.but nat Nmited to.reaw�W�lo�ttamoy�'farr:md fd)tAlce�wch acUon as Lender may reawn+�bly
<br /> roquiK W�xrum U�t the Ncn oP thfs Secw9ty lnatnu�Kn1.l.ender'��iQhta in the P�upetty�uf Bo�n�worl�obligiuion w pay Ihe
<br /> eume aecurod by thl� Secwiry Insuument clwll conlfnue wctian�ed. Upon rcfnrtatemcm by Borrawer. thio Sacurity
<br /> Inwument�nd tho obN�uions�ocw+ed horcby cFwll remain fully cffxdve��f no�ccelenuion had accurrod. However.thi�
<br /> rf�thl�it�,r�incluto ahall not�pply in tho co�c of accelcmtion ut�der paro�taph f 7.
<br /> 19,.�3�In at Nobi L'����^'�r• T�Norr or a�i al intercst in the Nao(together with thi�Saurlry
<br /> Inauumant)mNY be wld one or morc timex without prior notice to�ocrawer. A+wle may rewlt io a chonQe in the entity
<br /> (kpaw�pg ihp"1;nan Servfce�")tlwt collects monthlY puYmenw due under tho Note and this Security Instrument. Theoe also
<br /> may bo ona or mmq ah�nges of the Lovn Servfcer uareluud to u�ale of thc Nac. If thero is a chango aP the L.oan Servicer,
<br /> &lrrowqe wiil ba giwon,wtitten notice of Ihe chaage in accordance with parqgtaph 14 above andepplicabla law. The notice
<br /> wlll stata tha aama and Addrees of the new Loan Servlcer and Ihe pddrcea to which puymenw�hould ba modo. 77�e notice wUl
<br /> �IAa contain any othnr ini'i�rmation required by appiicubtc luw.
<br /> ?,p, Hw�rdnup gyhq�uc�, Bormwcr shall not cuuse or pern�it the presence,use,diapasal.storage.or releasc of any
<br /> �� HnxuMaua SubctanGea an�ar in the Plraperty. Bomawer ah�ll not do.nor allow anyonc else to do.anything afl'ecdng thc
<br /> Property thut ia in.viqlqtian,af ony Envlronmen�al Law. Thc preceding twa senteircea shull oot apply W�he pnesence.use.or
<br /> stoa+ga a�tho FropOtty of Fmull qusinAtiex af Ha�aodcwa Sub.g�anccR�hat are genc►ally rccogniud to be appropdata to aormal
<br /> � �� maidemial ue�s and ta mafntanwicc oi�he Property.
<br /> ,.� ea
<br /> `�• . Bomowar�ch�lh prompdy give l.ender wcinen noUce of any invesdgution.clalm,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> n
<br /> .�<;�;;�,..,*. govommental.or ragulatory ogancy or private parly involvfng Ihe PtapeAy and any HazaMous Su6swnc�e or Environnxntal
<br /> .'x'�''��-�' �` � Law of whioh.Bomower has uctural knowledge. li Bortower learns, or �s notjficd by any governmcntal or regulawry
<br /> :,�.., ' �•'.,,:,;r,:•_�';.=j:�-� authadty.thab any removal or wher remed�ation of any HazArdouw Subc�e offec�ing U� Property is necessiuy.sarrower
<br /> , : �: shali promptly wke wll�necessary remedial ucdons in uccordance with Enviranmental Ls�w.
<br /> z� �� A.g uAed in d�iF paragraph 20."Hazurdoua Substances"vre those substances defined as toxic or ho�urdous subs�ences by
<br /> �+r.� �; „;,��,-'•��°•:,r Enviro�mantul iaw and�he following substpnces: gasaline.kerosene,othcr flammuble or toxic petroleum products, toxk
<br /> � '"``•'`'''�� sticidos and hoci�ioidas,volatile solvents, muterinls conta�ning osbestos ar formaldehyde,and rudioactive mnterial9. As
<br /> :"r;:�.�;:.i,_�:': . pe.
<br /> � • .,i?��j�¢�r;?'•. �; used in lhfe pp�sl8ruph�ZU."Environ►rKntal Lr+w"means federal faws and laws of�he jurisdiction whene the Pmperty is located
<br /> s ,: : � that�elute to haalth�safaty or environmental protection.
<br /> .;,:.•j•�,'���,� ' NON-UNI�OR.A1 COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funhcr wvenant nnd ugree as follows:
<br /> t:`,... ::,•.s�;,� 2 1: A c c e k r a H o n; R e medies. l.ender sluill�ive notkr to Borro�er pdor to wccelemtton tdlovriog Bon+ower's
<br /> •.,��;:•.�. ; breAah of nay covenant or Agreement la tais Security Ia4trument(but not prior to accelerntba under p�r�aph 17
<br /> „�,� , ';.' .� , onlass appli�ble low provides Mherwtse). The notice shs�N apecify la)the defAOlt;lb1 t6e acNon�equt�+ed to cure ihe
<br /> _— . '��•."�=;:'; deltsttlt;(r?s�ate.uM less the��1 dnya�rnm the date the notice is given to Borrower.by whkh t6e dei�Wt muct be
<br /> �', , ... � ' cured;and(d�f�at tailure to care ihe default on or before the date specifled in Ihe notice may result In�eceleratioo ot
<br /> ,:,,• . . We auma secured by t6iv Security Inslrument and sale oi lhe Property. The notice shAU furt6et inCorm Bon+nwer ot
<br /> ;'` We rig6t to rei�tate aPter pcceleration�nd the right to bring a court actbn to asserl�he noa�e�isteuce of a defAdt ar
<br /> '��'�`��:•'�' Anv otl�er doi'ense of Borrower to ucceleratbn and sale. If ihe detault L�not cured on or betore the date specitied In
<br /> " . '� �'�-' � Wa sotf�.�e.Ixnder wt tts optlop may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity lostrument
<br /> ,,:,.
<br /> �.;�- .':'.'��,.�� •.�.r, witLout[urther dompnd Aml may invake the power of sale And any other remedles permitted by appltaible law
<br /> � . ''•::' • I.eadar shalU be entlUed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in tlits paragraph 21,
<br /> ' .,, •.�•.,.
<br /> • ;f:�'� inuludiny,but not limited to.res�sonabk attorncys'iees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> r ' �:;:��':� I[tha powcr ot sale is invoked,7Fus�tee shall record�notice ai default in each caunty in whkh any psvt ot tde
<br /> f�' ' � . Proporty i�lucated and shall maU coples ot such notice in tde mwnncr prescribed by oppllcnble Iww to Borrower and to
<br /> ' "� � ' We other perso�s prescribed by appltcablc Ipw Aner the Ume required by Applicable low,7Yustee shWl give publk
<br /> "�l�,• ' � natfae af saln to the pensons and in the manncr prescribed by applicable Ipw. 7lruslec.wiWout demand oa Borrower,
<br /> ° ; „ �. . � shulb�eq�tNe Property At public AuMion to the highesl bidder at the Ume and place And under Ihe terms dest�wted la
<br /> ! tha notice of sate in one or more parccls and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7tagtee may postpone sAle of nll or any
<br /> !• . � pa�el nf the Properly by public announcement at the time pnd place of any previausly scheduled eale. I.ender or fls
<br /> ���'�", dm�ee muy purrhase the Properly s�t Any�sslc.
<br /> �� , Upon recelpt of payment oP Ihe p�ice bid�7Yustee stiall deliver to the purchnser 7lrustee's deed conveying We
<br /> . Pr+operlv Thr reciiala bi tl�e'iYa�ler'a derJ ahul{Ur priu�a fa.ir eviiku.�r of the t�vlh uf lhe s1�tRments mwde thcrcia.
<br /> 7Y�uetee shall apply the proceeds nt the sale in Ihe foNowing ordcr: lal to all costs end expenses of exerctsing the powe�
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