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. . ,::,, <br /> -�,:r�_ <br /> .� a.M�.�g,,��1 <br /> ,� .` � .E. <br /> ;r j <br /> .. + <br /> 93- io�s <br /> candemn�tion or qtiur t�kin�oP pny part of tha fa conveyance in lieu of hereby wi�ned�nd <br /> �tu�ll bo pdd ta i.ende�. <br /> In the event of a toul taking of tho i�vp�rty. 1ho prooeeds �h�ll bc�pplied to the sums tocurod by thi� Secudty <br /> Insttumcnt.whelher or not tlKn due,with any excess poid to Barower. In tho evenl oi p puti�i ukin�of tha Property in <br /> which the f�i�muket valuc of tho PropeAy immediately beforc tho tdcin�ia eqwl to or�r�ter than�he amaunt of ti�e wm� <br /> accui+cd by�hia Sa:udry Insuvmem immediatcly before tho laking.unless Barrower wnd Lender wherwiFe pgree In writing, <br /> 1ho�umr securcd by this Security Instrument ahall be rcduced by tho anwunt of the pnxadx mullipNed by Ihe following <br /> frection, (a)�he total amauot of tho sums secured immexlietely befare the laking,divided by(b)the fair market volua of the <br /> Praperty immediately beiore �ha taking. Any balan��e ahull be pbid to Burrower. In ihc cvcnt uf u p;u�tial taking oP the <br /> Property In which the fair maicet value of tha Property immedia�ely before the udcing is lecs thnn the wnount of the sums <br /> eccured immediatcly before the taking, unless Borrower ancl Lender othervvir+e agrce in writinR ar unless opplicable law • <br /> othenvise ptovider.lho proceed�ahall be applied to�ho suma r•ecurcd by this Security Insdument whe�her or not tho wms arc <br /> then due. <br /> If the Propedy is abandoned by Bomower,ar lf.uQcr notice by Lender to Barrower�hat the condemnor offcrs to make <br /> an uward ar settla a claim for dnmagea.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days ufter the dute the notice is given, <br /> Lendcr ia uulhorized to collect and upply the proceeds,at its option,either to restnrwiun or repair of the Property or to the <br /> sums secut+ed by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> U�leati Lender and Bor.uwer otherwirc agree in writing. uny uppliration of'praceeds ta principal sha{I not extend or <br /> powpone tha due dnto of the monthly pnymentg referted ta in parugrnphs I und 2 or c6unge�he umount of xuch payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Releasecl; Farbearance By l.ender NM a WAlver. Bztension of the time for puyment or <br /> modification of amonlzation of the sums sccured by thia Security Insttument grunted by Lender ta uny successar in interest <br /> '• �<« of Borrower Rhall not opernte to rekase the linbility of the ariglnal Borrowcr or Borrower's successa�in interest.L.ender <br /> . shnll not be required to commen¢e prviceedings against any xuccetisor in inlereR� ur refuse �o exten�� ti� �e for pi���ment or <br /> � otherwise modify nmortization of the sums r,ecurcd by thi+Security Instrument by r�eason af uny demand muJe by thc original <br /> Borrower or Borrowerk auccessars in interegt. Any forbenrnnce by Lender in exer�cising any right or remedy�hall nat be A <br /> ,,�;;,,. ,:;:µ waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right ar remedy. <br /> ,: ��, <br /> , ' ���'s � v�� 12. Successors and Aaslgns Bound;Joint and Several LiAbifily;Co-signers. The covenuntx nnd ugreemenls of this <br /> �» �, Securiry Inh�rument shull bind and benefit the succe�snrs and ussi�na af Lender und Bortower,subjec��o�he provisions af <br /> . ``°''x� ` •«,-•:s• �{� purngrnph 17. Borrowert covenants and ugreements shull be joint nnd severnl.Any Borrower who casi�s this Security <br /> � '�i�` ^,. � a��' lnstrument but daeti not execute the Nate: (a)is co•signing this Security Ins�roment only�o mongage,grnnt and convey thul <br /> �� .. �� . •.+: Borrowcr c imerest in the Propeny under the tertn�uf this Secu�ity Inswment; (b)iti nat penonally obligated to puy�he sums <br /> •A� ...•'�Y�. µy7:-�t�. <br /> 'ri�'��(t3•°�•��:�� �cured by this Security Ing�rument;And(c►ugrec.r•that I.ender und any other Borrower muy i��e to excend,modify,forbear <br /> �,��.,,,,�,.,,�.. , _ <br /> . �F,�;,�,,�,,,.,,� : .� ,$ or make any uccommcxluiians with regard to d�e terms of�his Securiry In++lrumenl or the Nae without that Borrower's <br /> �� ' ,,�•,,,;.,.,�l��:"r•;,_•. .°.. ,. conxent. <br /> "�{''���;::�'�' • 13. Lonn ChA�e�. If�he lonn secured by Ihis Serurity Inslnimenl is subject to u luw which sets maaimum laun <br /> , .; .` .. . ��� charges,snd tltst lau�is lina!!y in�etpsesed so lhat�he intere,t or!nher l�n chnrv�e cnlle c�ed or tn F�collected in connection <br /> . with the I�um exreed Ihe permiucd limitx,thcn: lu)uny�uch loun chArge shull be redured by Ihe amaunt nccessary�o reduce <br /> t ' � " , " � the charge to�he permitted limit;and(b)any sun�.ulmuJy rullected from Borrower which exceeded permiued limila will be <br /> � • ' • refunded to Bonower. Lendcr muy cha�xc�o mukc this refund by rrJuring�hc principul owed under�he Note or by muking u <br /> �: ' . ` � ., � dir��puymen�to Baniwer. If u rel'und reduce�prinri�nl,the rcduction will he irra�ed ur u purlial prepayment without uny <br /> •:t.:���,; p�rpaymenl rhurge underlhe Note. <br /> ;;:,;.,�::;.,��� � 14. Notices. Any notice t.► Bu�mwer pruvi�kd fur in thiti 5rcuriry Inslrument ahall be given by drlivering it or by � <br /> muiling it by fir�t clus+muil unle.,applicuhlc law reyuin�+uu uf unothrr melhixi.'I'he notice shall tK directed lo the Properly ` <br /> � AdJn:s�c o�any othrr uddre+�Be�rmwer dc+iHnulex by notirr lu Lrnder. Any nntice 1c� Lender shull be given by �nt cluxs <br /> ' ����, muil lo l.ender;uddrer�ti�latcd hcrein or uny cilhcr cKldmti,Lrixlcr Jr�iFnutrs by notice tu Born�wer. Any notice provided for <br /> ;,,,;, ,� in thi� Security In,aument ,ludl be dccmed io huvr hecn givrn to Borrowcr or Lender when giveo as provided in Ihix <br /> .�� ;i.,.,;,-' purngruph' <br /> i„y,,.,,,• ' IS. (:overning; tievers�bUitv. Thi+ Security In.trumenl .hal) he gu�•rrmd hy Icdrrul luw aud Ihe luw of the <br /> • ; ' , jurindiclion in which�hr Pro�xny i�kxined. In Uu evem�hu�uny provi,iun irr rlau�e ot'�hi�Securiry Ins�rumem or the Note <br /> 1 � • conflir�,wi�h uppliruhlc law.wch conllic�,h�dl no�aflcri�nh�r pn►vi.iun.o(thi,Sccurity Im�rumrm or thr Nutr which cun <br /> ; <• : . <br /> � •,. ;. �� Ix given effec� without �hr ennllictin�! provi+ion. Ti.�hiti rnd th; pnwi.i�im of�hiti Sccuriry In.trument und thc NOIN UR <br /> t��'�7"� (�CC�AfI'l��ll hl:til'Vl'1'L�l�l`. <br /> „ ��''t,, �� 16. Bnrrnwcr'x Copy. Borruwrr�hall tx giren one runli�nnrd cupy of�hr Nutc:mJ ot'�hi.r 5rruriry In.[rumrnt. <br /> .t;,'::�,.. . . • : <br /> . i��;at(: 17. 'IYrnsfer�the Pruperty or u Itenclicial IMerext in Rorrow•er. If all ur any pun uf thc Pn►�Ay�r uny iulerc.l in .i,+k, <br /> � � .: it i�+old c,r Irun.frmJ lur il'•r txmtirial imrrc.i in Norro��•cr i,�ald ur tr:m�ferred anJ Borruwer i. not u nulurul�xnon) <br /> • ,�,'�:•. withaw Lender:pri�ir wm�en c�mkm.Lendrr ma}•.u�it�ap�iun.rryuirr immeJi�ue p�q•menl in full ul'all,um��rrureJ hy . <br /> � , . ;.:.�^; this Srcurity Inslrument. H��wevcr,thi.��pti�m whull nal Ix rxrrri�ed hy Lrn�lrr if r.rerciu i�prohihil�d by fi:derul law ux of <br /> the da�c of thix Scrurity Inx�rumrnt. ,.;,,. <br /> ;:,�t�: ' If LcnJer rxercix,thi`iry�tion.l.rnder.h�dl give Burr�iwrr noticr��f urrrkration. Th�ni�licr.hull proviJe u�xri�►J ol' ;.��+ <br /> ! r�i,1'�,;�Ff• not Ics.�han 3U Juy.l'rum thr Jatr the natirc��cnJ or muilcJ�viihin whirh B�,no�vrr mu�t pay all,um.,crun�J by thi, ;;:;:i <br /> �� ';�YSR(1. ;;,ar.:• <br /> ' Security Instrumcnt. 11'Borniw•rr faik H�p:ry thrx ,um. pri��r to tFk rspirulion ul'thi, �xri�xl. Lr�xkr muy invakc an� <br /> �� • .' ''���'`' remedirs�xrmitleJ hy Ihi+S�ruriry In�trumcm��•ithout I�unhcr nutice ur Jrmand un Horc��acr. �%`�� <br /> '�� ���.; <br /> .�� 18. Horrower's Right to Reintitute. If Runr►���rr mrnc�rrtain ronditi�ai.. Bunu��cr.hull hurr ihr right tu huv� :�._ <br /> � �• ��``;it � enlorcement of Ihis Scruril In��rumrnt dixuininued ut un uni� ni��r lu 1h�eadirr ut`. ui► S Jay�li�r wch athrr ruxi u. „` <br /> t'wr \• '' ' ' � •.y. <br /> I 7 <br /> L I ", ;��.��� tiin}k P�md� ••Fonnfe Hacitreddic�fuc l'�INIIR�1 1\ti'I'Rl'S1F.\'1'_t'ml��nn Cu�rn,uih 9/911 ya�¢r�J n!n p�e.•.v ::`1�x, <br /> �• . : !, <br /> .41i . , . , �����}�''' <br /> tii' y t ,i1.� `J,�'. <br /> . ,��.. ��: . <br /> , �jji�) . . T..__. ._ . . . .. . - . -�—.'--_'.- -.. .-'----�—' .. ,K"..�"T•G.o�{Gl':�''it��' <br /> Y <br /> . . . _. _. . .__ �P: .. . , <br /> __'_. . _. .. . _ "'_.r- .._.. ., .. .: . . .. . <br /> -� ` '4'` .• " - � - � <br /> '�►'1� <br /> � „ , <br /> 'i . . , u <br /> j �-.. . 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