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. �•:4 <br /> �' �� �l " <br /> ��.'IA� � % ' �5 .�f, <br /> j <br /> S. Ha�rd or PhorutY loiau�nc�. Borrowor Rhdl kap the impmvanau� now eai�'& �I�e�aece on Ibe <br /> PropertY inwrod�i�t Ir,�nn by firc.ha:a�+d�inaludad wilhin thc tertn"eactencied cove�ge"snd�ny other hwrdr� includlaj <br /> Oa�od�or floaiing.far wlqich Lader roquira in�ur�ncx.Thia inwrmoa�11 be m�intained in tho�nowas wd fw 1Ms periods <br /> Ilwt Lender requir+c�. ThQ inxur�ncc carrier provlding the insurance ahell bc chasen by Barrower rsubject to Irrnder's uppmvd <br /> which sFwll not ba unm.��nabl3r withheld. If Rnrmwer fail�to maintain caverage described sbove, Letwkr may. u I.arier'� <br /> option. obtdn coverage to protect I.ender's righte in tha Property in a�cordanoe with paragraph 7. <br /> All inxurance policla�rud rer�ewals siwll ha wxeplpble to l.etder and�all include a aw�dard mort�e ciwse. Lender <br /> �s shall have thc�ight to hdd�hc policies and renewals. If l.ender roquires,Borrower slwll promptly give to Lxnder all raeipts of <br /> paid prcmlume and rcnewe!twtices.In the cvenl af lass,Barnnwer ehall�ive prompt rrotico to the imunnx ca�rder tuM Le�dOr. <br /> Lender nwy make proof of IoAa ii not made pramptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lender end Borrower otherwisc ag�in wdting, insurance p�oceeds shall be applied w rrstoratian or repair of the <br /> PropeKy damaged,if tha restoration or repair ic aconomicelly feasible and l.endtt's security is not lessened. If the rcstoration or <br /> rcpair is nat ecorwmicalfy feASible or L.endcr's seaurity would bc lessened.the insurance pracoeds ahall be applied to tha sums <br /> I I aecurcd by this Security Ingtrument, whether or nnt Ihen due, with any excess paid to Borrnwer. If Borrnwer abandons the <br /> Property,or docs not anewer wi�hin 30 doy�a naUce from L.ender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, chen <br /> � l.ender may collect thB in.gurance prace�ds. Lendar mey use the proceeds ta repair or rcstor�the Property ar to pay sums <br /> °�``� securcd by this Secur�ty tastrument.whether or nat�han due.The 30�day pedad wfll begin when�he notice is given. <br /> _ Unless Lender an�t Borrower otherwise agtae in w�iting, any applicutfa�of praceeds to principal sh�il) not eztcnd or <br /> , � ° �, postpone the due date of the monthly paymems r�aferned to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br />_�{..:::., ;y{;�,��'. `.`;�;.;.;. , undar paragrnph 21 the Property is acquircd by l:.ender.Barrawer's right to uny insurnnce policies and procads resulting from <br /> �:i,�. .,. : � .-��': <br /> s� �. dmm�ge to Ihe Property Frfor to the acquisitian shall:pas�to L.ender to the extent of!he sums secured by ihis Security Instrument <br /> �i�;.,:; t,�.�`:• .: , <br /> w immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> : " �'� ,';��� 6. Occupancy,Presarvatbn,Maintenance and Protection of Ihe Property;Borrower's I.�an ApplicRtton;I.easeholds. <br /> �_.. <br /> ''� �'��;�:., ;,{:�. . . Borrower shall occupy,e�tablish,and use the Property as 8orrower's principal residence within sizty days afier the ezecution of <br /> ;.,:;:; '4is'�;.; :'s;:� �' •:i:°�:, Ihis Security Instrument and shall caminue to occupy the Praperty as Borrower's principal resldence for at IeASt one year after <br /> • �. t�' �%`;'��'����`;� "�'i`,''��:y.':.� the date of accupancy,unless l.ende�athenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, ar anless <br /> •: e�:;',4,7,'d'`!.::r�:i'•1t`:�'�`':�' <br /> `�<����� •,;�;��,���,;, ;,,�;:,,;,�,;:,,� extenuating circumslancea exiat which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall nat destmy. demage or impair the <br /> Z i�',�;�t •,.. . : . . ,.�,:�, <br /> ,.�,�;:;�s;::• .� ° ,r, Property,allow the ProFcny to deteriorate, or cnmmit wastc an thc Praperty. Barrawer shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> ��, ;I E; ��'�;`'•`'�'.:r: ��' �� -•��� actian or proceeding. whrttiier civil or criminal, iH beRun that in Lender's gaod Paith Judgment could result in forfeiture of Ihe <br /> ir;,;:,, .�+�?,•;_:����..,� . :;�;r•�--• , <br /> � ���.��; ,•.�.:�r.�t j,;�.,;,,,��`�,,.,���''�•,� Property or otherwise mulr�rially impnir the lien creu�ed by this Securiry Instrument or Lender s security interest. Borrower may <br /> ; � ,:.: � > cure sueh a default und reinst�te,ax provided in paraRraph 18,by causing the ection or praceoding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> �=-�:�-='�:'' that. in Lender's good 4'aich c�etPrn►�nati�n_ �+recludes fnrfeitore�f the RonnwPr's inlPr!x1 in the ProreAy or nther meterial <br /> -- .�-�:=r�.. . � <br /> , impairment of the lien cneuted by tbis Securily In�tn�mem or L.ender's security interest. BoROwer shull also be in default if <br /> • Borrower,during the loun appliration pracess,guve ma�erially fulr,e nr inaccurute infornu►tion or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> ' �o provide l.ender with am� muteris�l infurmAtion) in connection wilh�hc Ic�an evidenceJ by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> lo, repre�enwtions canccrninR&�rrower's occupAncy nf the Propeny uti u principal resiJence. If this 5ecurity Instrument ix on a <br /> . . IeuseholJ, &►rn►wer �hull a�mply wi�h ull Ihe provi�.inn�+ nl' thc Iea�c. If&irrower ucyuireti fce tiNe to the Prnperty, the <br /> � . Ieaseh��ld und the fcc tidc tilwll n�n nkr�c unlc��I.cnder ugrec+In Ihe mcrgrr in writing. <br /> 7. Protectlnn oi I.en�er'�RiRhtv in the Pn�peMv.II'Bnrn►wcr I'uik to pe�ti►rni�hr rovcnnms und ogreemema contained in <br /> � � •• � �hiti Securi�y Intitrum�nt.�x Ilkrc i.a Ic�al pnxrcdin� Ihul muy ,ignilicunUy al'1'rrt tArxlrr'�right,in the Praperty Isuch as u <br /> ,�: �� prcx��eJing in bunkrup�cy. prulwte, tiir ruixlcmnuliun ur forfciwrc �ir i��rnli,rcc luw.ur rcguluti�m+), thcn Lencler may do und t <br /> f• . , puy fi�r whutever ir nec�ws:iry tu prutut ihr valuv ol'thr Nro�xny wxl I.cnJer'. righ�. in the Prnpeny. l.ender's actions may <br /> �� incluJe p•rying vny �wns u:cur�J hy u li�n which ha+ prinriry �we� this Se�urily Inytrument, uppeuring in coun, paying <br /> reU,onuble uuurncy.' lecy;tn�f cnt�ring un thc Pm�xrly to mukc rcpuir�:.A qM�ugh l.eiuler may tuke oction under this paragraph ;,:.a <br /> ' 7, l.encicr d�xs not huvr�u J���n. <br /> " „ Any unwum.r Ji,bur.eJ By L..cixlcr unJer tliin pnragr.�ph 7 �hall bcrumc aJJi�ionul dcht af&mowcr secured by this ' ,' <br /> Security Intitrumen�. Unlati,&�rruw�r u�xl Lend�r s�grec tu��ther trrms��t�pay�mrnt, thesc unwunt� +hull heur interest fmm the <br /> Jatc nf dishunennnt at tfk N�xe rutc unJ ,hall t►c puyublc, wi�h imcre�t, up�+n no�irc i'rom Lender t�� Bnrrower requesting ' '::; <br /> • puymcnt. '��� <br /> 8. 11foMSwae Insurunce. If LrnJrr reyuir�tl rouitEugc in.ur�mrc u.a caixluian ul'making the I��an secured by this Sccuriry <br /> p' In.rtrument. &�rrower .r•hull �� the prcmium.nrquircJ U� nniimain the mon�ragc in,urunre in cftect. IP, ti�r uny rcasan, the <br /> .• mortgu�c insur.�ncc covu�r�e rcyuir��l Ny Lc�xlcr 4ip.c+or hc in rt7cri, Borruwcr.hall p:�y�h�prrmium,rcyuireJ to <br /> t ;, , nbtain�nvcragc.uh��antwlly �yuivalcnt to thr m�nt�u�:r in.uranrc rrevi�x�.l�� m cffrr�. at a ratit.uh�tantially cquivalrnt ti�the <br /> co�t m &►rmwcr af tha murtga�tc insuranr� prcviuurly in cliccl. t'rom an allcrnalc nu�ngag� in+urcr vpprovcd hy Lendcr. If �` <br /> subsluntiully cyuivulent mon�agc in�uranrr ru�cragc iti nnl availahlr.Rumu«cr .hall pa��1�� LenJcr rach m�mlh a tium cyual to i <br /> � � ' i�ne-tweltlh�il'the yrurly ntanr:i�[c inwraiw�prrmimn bring �>:uJ h� R��rr�i��cr���hen Uir in.uranc�r���•cra}.e I•rp�eJ ur rc•r�rd t�� , <br /> � � � � ' . bc in effert. I..enJer will ac.:ept,u.c anJ retaio dir.e pa���mrot.u. a !i»� re�enc in lieu al nH►n�agc in.uranrc. Lu" rc.�rve <br /> '��' ' � Form 3028 8190 <br /> i . <br /> ��� �'�ir•�.•��. � . <br /> �'� . p • <br /> � � <br /> ' w <br /> . t ,� --- - • , . , .. <br /> ,• ,�— <br /> �• . <br /> , . �,, � � , <br /> . �' • � � . <br /> ; � • ,,1� . . • , . :'. • � . . „�.� �. . .. <br /> � , . . ;• • . , • . . <br /> ' � • . •, . ,'�i;r:: • • <br /> t�'' /�!•��,� �i��. '�..�. . .. � .. <br /> �. � <br /> i � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> J . <br />