.flr �-� 11>.'R� � . -, •_.
<br /> G" i ~
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<br /> T�lUB1'HEIt WITN�II Ihc ImpmvemcM�now or berrafler eroctal nn the pp�ny. �nd�(I���h ��and
<br /> /iRtur�ai nuw �x hererOcr w �wut uP Iha prapchy. All �cplwemeM� airl w�dillonr �II Nl�n ha aivatwl by Ihb �ity
<br /> IaN�umenl.All oflho fiite�uin�i�rcfcrcal tu in thl�Saurity iiu�trument�r Ihe"Pr�ohy "
<br /> BORitOWBR COVENANT9 th�u Bnmuwer i�bwfully �ei�ed oi'tho ait�lo hotnby rnnvayod�!tua�he N�ht to�ant and
<br /> rnnvay�he Pmpeny.nd Ihai the Prapeny Ir unencum6erod.except fn�encumhr�nae�of roe��d. Hurrower w�rrnnu and wlll
<br /> defaxf Qenenlly thc titlo to the Property�+�in�t atl clainu rnd demondr.wNJect t�wny encuml�n�ncer of►ecurd.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform ecwerwnts fa�rwtional use und n�m�uniform cuvemnt�with limitad
<br /> vulatians by jurl�dictian to constitute�unifam�secutity inatn�ment covedng real propeRy.
<br /> UNIFOItM COVL�NANTS.Borrower and Lender covenont and agrec as fallaw�:
<br /> ' � 1. P�ymeat ot Principol ond Inter+e�t� Prepnyment and Iate Chn�{es. Bornnwer shwll pn►mptly pAy whcn due the
<br /> principd of and intercst on thc debt evidenced by the Nate and uny prcpayment and lute ch�uges due under thc Notc.
<br /> 2.Fund� for Taxes and Incurance.Sub,�ect to applicAble law or ta a wriuen waiver by L.ender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> .� ,'�,' , [,ender on the dAy monthly payments Are due u�de�the Note,unul the Nate is paid in ti�ll.a sum("Funds')for.(a)yearly wxes
<br /> r�;.a,,y " : wid assessments which may atwin priority ave�q�is Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yea�ly leasehold payments
<br /> �;',•.�.� or ground rents on the Property,if uny;(c)yearly hazn�d or property iosu�ance premiums;(d)yeurly flood insurance premlums.
<br /> _'�'� ���`-�° if any;(e1 yearly mongage insurance premiuma. if uny;and(�any sums puyuble by Borrower to l.ender, io accord�nce with
<br /> �...k;
<br /> ,�:�;::.,�
<br /> -`,, '�y the p�ovisions of paragrnph 8, in lieu of the payment af mongug`insurance premiums.These ltems nre called "Escrow Items."
<br /> l.ender mny,at nny time. callect und hold Funds in un simcwn� nat to exceal the muximum Amount A lender far a federally
<br /> alated mortgnge lonm m�y require far Boaower's e.scrow accc,unt under the foderal Real Psts�te Settlement Procedure.s Act of
<br /> . „ - 1974 as arnended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anothcr law that applies ta the Funds
<br /> � � ,*,M<�°,., ,�.� sets a lesser amaunt. If sa, I.ender may.at any time. collect nnd hold Fuada in en emount not to exceed Ihe lesser amount.
<br /> �-_ t..;;,;:�,.�,�; >.._
<br /> - �;� Lender may estimate the amount nf Funds due on the hayis nf cucrent deta end reasoneble estimates of expendiwre.c nf future
<br /> �`��� • Escrow l��ms or otherwise ln acci�rdance with applicable law.
<br /> �� '�- " � �� The Funds slaall be held in An ins�itution whose deposi�s ore insured by a federal ageixy, instrumentalily, ar entity
<br /> •...., , ' . .�
<br /> '•�� • '- (including l.ender, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federnl Home J.oan Bank.Lender shnll apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> , + �
<br /> . y•. •• ' , Esemw ltems. l.ender may not charge[iorrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzin�the escraw account,or
<br /> �,,.. ...: � �. � ; verifyinc the Escrow Items,unlesti Lender pays Bc�reower interest on thc fiunds and applicable law permits Lender t�ms►Ice such
<br /> .�,: . .
<br /> •.,,.,� . ''•-:•���`�-., rr-�•� •� a churge. However, Lender may reyuire &►rrower to pay u one-time charFe for an independent real estate tax reponing servkc
<br /> t�.;�,.. .
<br /> �;!'',,•:, ,,. . �'" used b�• 'Lender in cannectian wilh Ibis loan. unless applicable Inw provides otherwise. Unless un agreement is made or
<br /> • ., .
<br /> `;��i..���.} � , .�: �' applicable law require.interest to he paid.C.endcr shall nrn l�e required to pAy&►rrower uny interest or earnings on Ihe Funds.
<br /> i��� �' �' `;'������.�,' � �`��'� Borrower und Lender mu a ree in writin however, �hat intcrest sfia11 hc uid on the Funds. I.cnder shall ive to Borrower,
<br /> :''i',.':i:,` :'�`i:.�t;'•;�.�cF��t•t;r.;irq;Y�... Y S �. P 8
<br /> "�'� �� �i� �}"�'����' +•+- ' :.'�r with�u�char e un annual arrnumine��f Ihe Fund., chawine credits und debits to the Funds and the �e for whlch each
<br /> ;; .��, . ,.,,zS;•;y F • P��•
<br /> __ Y debil to Ihe Fu�ut�:w�c niadr. Thc FnnJ�nrs�,lednrd a•addition�l security Par ell sum�securod by this Security Instrumenl.
<br /> �, .' � lt the Funds held hy l.ender exceecl th�amiiunts permitted to he held hy upplicuble luw, Lender shall accnunt to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Fund, in uccordance with the reyuimme►x+ �if applicnble law. If the umnunt of the Fuads held by T.ender at any
<br /> � timc i�not sufticient to pny the E�crnw Itcm�when duc,Lender may so notil'y Born�wer in writing,und, in such cusc Bomnwer
<br /> shall puy to I.ender thc unx�unt ncrc�sary to muke up thc deficicncy. Borrower�hull make up the deliciency in no more than
<br /> • twelvc nxmthly puyments,at L.endrr'+.olc Ji,crction.
<br /> �', „ Upnn puynxnt in fuU nl'ull wm. KrureJ hy thiti S►�uri�y Intitrumen�, l.cnJcr .hull pr��mpUy refunJ to &irrow•cr any
<br /> f Fuix1�hcld hy IAndcr. 11', unJcr parugraph 31. I..MI�r tihull ucyuire or+rll thc Pro�tly, lAnJcr.pri�►r to ihr uryuixiiion or sale
<br /> '� uf thc Pr���ny. ,hull apply uny Fu�xl.held hy� Lrikler at �h�timc nl'aryui.iti�m��r.alc v.n rrcdil uguin.�thc�um.cccurcd by :
<br /> ,���� • �his Srcuriry Imtrunknt. "�
<br /> 1� i.Applic�Non oi P�rmcnt+. Unlr,.arpliraMr I:�u pr�.��iJc,uthrrwi,r.ull pay mrnt.r.triv�Yi hy IAnJ�r unJcr par�graph. , �•.
<br /> i . • I und 2.hull hc uppli��l: lir.t. ���:��>>�����a)mcnl char��.duc unJcr Ihc Notc: +cconJ.to um�.untti puyablc und�r p•rrrgrrph 2: :;
<br /> � ' thinl, in inlerest Juc:tinirlh.�o prinripal Juc:and I:�,I.Io anc I:�t�diartic.Juc unJcr�hc N�HC.
<br /> - , 4.('ho�cw; I.Ienr�. Burrow•cr tihull pay all taer�.a,.�.,mrrn..rhur��,, linc�anJ im�x+.ilion,attrihulaMc t��Ilk Pm�xrty
<br /> which muy uttuin prfnriq� ���•rr�hi, S�YUrit� Ia�lrurn�nt. anJ Ica.ch��ld pa��menh��r Er�nnxl rrnl�. if am•. Burroucr�hall pay
<br /> . , theu uhlignlium io Ihc nwancr pru�•iJrJ in par,�gruph 2.��r it'nut paiJ in thal manncr. Rurr��arr,hall pu� lhrm an tink direrU}•
<br /> • 1�►Ihc�xraan�►w�eJ paymrm. Nam�wrr.hall pn�mpt I� I'urni.h tu LenJrr all noli�•c.ul'uirn�un�.lu t►�puiJ unJcr thi,paragraph.
<br /> ,�
<br /> ._ 11'&►rruw•cr mukc�thcx pr�•m�n�+.lircctl�.Fi��rrau�cr.h�ll prumpU��t'urni.h tu l.rixlcr rec�ipl.r��id�nring thc pa�•mcnt�.
<br /> , &�rroHrr�hall pnimplly.li+rluugc am 1o:a3 Nhiih ha���ioriq o�rr Ihi,tir�urih In�Irumcnl wilc..Borrowcr: Ia1 agre��in
<br /> .. . � writinE la thc p•rymrm id'thr ahligalinn �.c�rcd h} thc i�rn an a mannrr ar�eptahlr t��LcnJcr: �h►rumr,t.in g�rxi faith thc licn
<br /> ' by. ��r dcfcnJ� u�!uin.l �nlirrremcn� al �he I�:n in. I�:r� �+rnrcrdin�. ��hirl� in thr L�nder'. upinion a�xrate t.� preaen� Ihr !
<br /> � � cnli�rcem�nt of thc lirn: ur Icl ucurc,frarn �h� hn!J:r��t t?�r H�n an agrcemcnt aUi.fa.lun a► Lcndcr�uMirJinatin�ihr lirn to I.
<br /> '.' , thi�Securit}• In�trumem. If L.nder J.�ersr.ien�.ahat :�r.� �r�re nl Ihe Pm�xrl�• i� .uhjrct t„:i hen ahi.h ma�� altain priaru� u�er �
<br /> � , thi�S�turily In.trwnem. L�ndrr mu� �i�:Fi��rra,+�e�r :i�».c:s i�l��nnf��n�thr lirn. B�.rrm�rr.l�.dl..ui�c� ahr I�rn.�r ial�r onc ur �.
<br /> �� . more of thr ur�iona.ct ti►nh uhu��c uiihin !�"Ja},•�.`e�^::,��ctt��ul n��l�«.
<br /> `
<br /> •! ' . form 3028 9/90 �
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