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<br /> 1?.Tnuder o�tbe�Or i SlqiACIY�IIIlM'MI Ip BOr1�ON'!!'.if�11 ar�ny rart of iho PmpWCy or ay lntaat in it
<br /> Is�Id pr tr�nsfemed(or If w brne ci�l iotorc;!in Bnrn�wa�is�old or tnuuforrod u�d Aorrowcr Is�ol�netutal peraon)withatt
<br /> L.ender'a prior wrltten con�ent. Lender m�y, at iu optlon. ulro immediue payme�t in tLll of dl wu�ru iecurod by Wis
<br /> Se�vrity Iminiment.Hawever,thls opk�n�twll not be e�uuclrad�►y La�der it exercire i�prohfblted by federal law iu ot�ha d�te
<br /> ot Ihi�Socurity Inanument.
<br /> IP Lendar cxercf�er�his option, 4erxkr siWl Qivc Bormwer notice of aoceleation.Thc notice shAll provide�periad of not
<br /> lau► Uwo 30 dAye from !hc datc lhe nottice iu delivered�r mailal within which Barrower muat pay all sum��erured by this
<br /> Secu�ity Inctrument.IP BoITawcr P�U��a p�y thesc eumr p�lar ta �he ezplrntion of this perlod, l,ender moy invoke wny rcmodks
<br /> pem�i�tod by thi�Security Inntturaent wftlwut Nrther nafco ar demuid on Barrowcr.
<br /> 18. Born►wer'e Right to RelqttWe. IP Bormwe� mats oerlain canditions. Borrawer shall havo the right to hevc
<br /> enforcement of thiR Socudty Instrument discontlnued �t aqy lime prlor to the earlicr af: (a) 3 days(ar such oUuer periad as
<br /> ,; � applicablo law may �pecity for reinaotemcnt) befare sale oi the Property purswmt to any power af sale amta�ned in this
<br /> Security Inctrumenr ar(b)entry af a Judgment enfarcing this Secu�ity Instrument.Those rnndilions aro that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all suma which then would be due under this Secu�ity Instrument and the Note as if no xc¢leratian had occurtcd:(b)
<br /> curcs any dePault oi uny other covenents or agncements; (c) pays all eapences incurrad in enforcing this Secudty Itutrument.
<br /> including.but nat limited to.r�easonable attomeys'fces: and(d)takes such action as Lender may rc�sonabty rcquirc to assnne
<br /> that the lien of this Secu�ity Instrumenl. L.erder's rights in the Property and Borrower's abligadon to pay ihe sumg savred by
<br /> this Security Instrumen� shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, �his Security Instroment ond the
<br /> obligationa secured hereby ahall remain fully effective as if no occeleratian had oecurrcd.Hawever. this rlght to rcinW�te shall
<br /> not apply in the case of ucceleration under parngraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; ClwnQe o[ Loan Scrvker. The Nate or a purtial interest in the Note (together with this Secudty
<br /> Instrument)muy be sald one ar more Iimes without prior notice to BoROwer.A sule may rexult In u changc in the entity(known
<br /> ,.. ,n• ns the'Loan Servicer')that collects moatt�ly payments duv u�der the Note and this Secu�-ity Instrutnent.There also may be one
<br /> or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sale of th¢Nute.lf there is a changc of the Loun Servicer,Bomower will be
<br /> ` ,,;�; ; given writren notice of the ohange in accordance with paragm�+h 14 ahnve and applica�ble Inw.The notice will stata the name and
<br /> .,� ,.�."'� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address ta which payrnents should be mude. The naice will alxo contain any ather
<br /> ,. 4�,�, e
<br /> �� informstion rcquircd by applicable law.
<br /> "q��'�'� -'`•°:'���•' ^ 20. H�rdous SubstA�cea. Borcower shall not cause or rn►it the resence, use,dis cal. stora e or rele�ase of an
<br /> �. . ,. .►� • Pe P Pp. g . �' Y
<br /> • Hazurdous Substances on or in the Propeny. Bortt�wcr shall not do, no� allow anyonc elsc ta do, anylhing affecling the
<br /> � ''�"��"1`R"'�r�iQ.��.' Property that is in violution of any Envinmmental Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> • • � e • u ��: stornge nn the Propeny of smnll quualities of Hazarctous Sulntances�hat are generally�ecognized to be uppropriate to nornial
<br /> ::�`�s ':r��'*�:9:•;�� residentiul uses und to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �` � � ' Borrower shull promptly give I.ender written notice of uny investigation,clnim,demand,lawsuit or other oction by any
<br /> � �� ' ��' � governmental ar regulutary ugency or private party involving the Property and nny Hw•.urdous Substance o�Environmental Law
<br /> • � of whkh Borrower has actuni knawledge. If Bormwer leams,or is natified by any�tovemmental or regulatory authodry.that
<br /> • ° �*. , any removal ar other remediation of any Hauirdaus Substance uffccting the Property is necessary,Borrawer sliall promptly t�lce
<br /> , :� . .`•' �� all aecessary remedial uctinnti in accordance with �nviranmentul I.aw.
<br /> !�8 0� ]t!!�lj5 pA!'AgfR�! �0. "�I�2H[�.l5 S!lh414lI1CC5� e1'e ih�!�P tiUh�tnRrrc��SIIf14'd Ha��xic �r h�ia�d��na ruMWa�ICC!t hv
<br /> � • � .�"''�� Environmanlnl I.uw und the following substunce+: F•rsolit►�:, kerasem, nther ilummable or �oxic petroleum Qroduc�s, toxic
<br /> ' �<:�' ,� ' �����`,: pesticides and herbicides,vulaule s��lvents,m;+teriulx containing ashest���ur fornuildehyde,und radioactive matenels.As u�ed in
<br /> ' , ' this parugmph 20. "Environmentul Lnw" mean� federul lawx u��d law•s of the juri�dictjon wherc the Pmperty is loc�ed �hat ,+
<br /> �' '!��:�� relatc�to heaUh,safety or environmental prrnection.
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horcaw�r uncl I.c�xier further covenant urxi agn�c a+1'ollows:
<br /> ' � 21.Acceleration; Remedi�.l.ender r,hall gi�•e notice N� Horro�ti•er priur to ecceleralion followin�Borrower's brr,ach
<br /> H
<br /> ' of any covenunt or a�recment (n this Secu�ity Instrumenl Ibut nik prior to accelerAtion under pnragreph 17 unless
<br /> ��'��;`.� � eppli��ablc(aw provfdcw ntherw•(sc).Thc noNce shall specliv: lal t�e dePault;(b)the aclion required!u curc t6e defpult;
<br /> (e)x dute.nM less than 30 doys froa� the dete the aotice is�iven to Borrow•cr. hy w•hich the deiault mus�t be cured; And
<br /> ;t (d) thut PuHure to cure tlx�deioutt ix� ��r bePi�re the datr gpeclfied in the nntice ma,r• result M accelerntion af tbe sums '
<br /> •-�• • recured by Ihie Secu�ity Inslrument and�wle uf the 1'ropert�•.The notice shall fLrther intorm Borrower of the d�ht to 4
<br /> �.� �, reintitute after acceleration s�nd Ihe ri�ht In brinR u couH Aahion to usseM 1he non-existence of e default or any other
<br /> .•!� � deiense uP Barrawer to accelen�tfon wnd sule. IP thr default Iw not cur��d on or bePure thr dale specified in the nolke,
<br /> f�'�' I.ender. at its optfon. may reyuire immcdi�le pu�•m��nt in full ��P ull tiumti sccun�d b�� thls Security Inrtrument without
<br /> j� further dcmund uad n:a; intii►ke ti�.��wc�ot wlc and ue�J•ulhcr rrmcdf�w permilted by applirablc law�, l.endcr shall be
<br /> entitled tu collect all expenses incurred In punuinR ihe remedie�pr�wlded in thi�peraRraph 21. includfng.but not limlted
<br /> �, to.rcu.umable altorney�;'fees and cmts of tillc e�idc�xr. ��.�,
<br /> � If the power ni'tiule Is in�ok.�l, Tro,tcr tihall ntiord u noiice nP dePuult in euch cuum� in ahich �nv parl oP the ���.
<br /> Properly ix(ocated und xhull muil copi��ol'wcN nutirc in Ihc munmr prc.crilmd 1►�•appUcahlc laa lo Borruw•er and lo .,��
<br /> �• - the other per�on�preticribed b��applicalik la��. Afler the timc reyuind b�upplicabl�lue. Tratit�Y+hall Riv�publlc nollre
<br /> •,�:
<br /> of wle to Ihe persons and in tMc mvaner p��.�urfl►ed h� upplicabk lua. Tru+l�ti. �+flhuut demund on Rorm��•er. saall scll
<br /> ' the Properly at pui►Ik uucUnu lo the hi�h�wt biddrr at tfie time and pluce und under the termti d�wi�nuted in the autice of ..,;_
<br /> �• sulc in one o� morc purccls and in um• ordcr Tru.t��c�e�crinimw. 7'ruvt�w uw� p�►ht pmc ,ule�►P ull or an} parcel uf Ihe .',j.,
<br /> � , .." Propert�• by public announcement ut thc limc und pls►c. oP um pre�iousl� xl�edul�d wle. Lander or its d��i�nee ma�•
<br /> . purcha.ce the 1'roperl�•at an���ale.
<br /> �• . ', t'",'
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