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.r �4�� <br /> ,�, <br /> �, , " , <br /> i �7��♦ <br /> +�e <br /> p�yments may no lonQer bo roquirod,d tho option of Leoder. iP mart��e in�wnu�oe oover�e Un the�maunt�nd for the peciud <br /> tiut Lendei roqulr+a)provided by�n in�wror�pproved by l�ader+�in bxo�ria�v�il�ble aad ia oMained,Horrow��h�U p�y <br /> �ho premium�nequined ta maintain mon�a�e iosuranoe in elbct,or w provide�low naerve.w�til the roqulrom�ot tw'mo�1� <br /> inwnrae enda in woord�nca with�ny wri�ten�an�ent beiwan eorrowu�nd l.a�der or applia�ble law. <br /> �. l�sp�ctlaa.I.endcr or it�a�ent mvy m�ke rcuomblo antrias upon�nd intpectians Af Ua P�npoMy. Letwkr�11�ive <br /> Horrowu natice u tho timo af or prior to iu►inspocKion apecifyinR rcaronablo cwaa for the incpoctMn. <br /> 10. CoiWMnwtba. Tho proceedi af�n��wud�r cldm fw�ianu�ea. dlroct or oc►r►xqua►tW,in cauiection with�ny <br /> candcnu�tian or athcr wkin�af any pert of the Propetty,or for axweyance!n lieu of oondemnuion,u+e hereby wf�nod aud <br /> �hall be p�td tu l.ender. <br /> In the event of a tdal tekfn�of the Pmpecty.the procrood��II ba�pPliad to tho wmc savrod by thia Scarity In�trumant, <br /> whether or not thcn duc,with any oxcass paid to Bomawer. In the event of a partial wking of the Property in which the fdr <br /> maricet v�lue of�he Property immediately beforo thc taking is equal to or g�te�th�n tho amaunt of the wms sacurod by thie <br /> Secudty Instroment immodiately before the takinQ.unless Borrower and L.ender otherwisa s�groe in writing.the wms securod by <br /> thi� Secu�ity I�ment shall be reducod by the amount of the proceeds multiplisd by the follawing frpction: (a) the tot�l <br /> unount of the sums sccured immodiately beforo the wking. divided by(b)tha fair market v�lue of the Property immodiotely <br /> before the taking. Any balw�ce shall be paid to Born►wer. In the even� of a partisl taking of tho Property ln which the fair <br /> marku value of Ihe Property immediately before thc taking is less than tho artwunt of the sums sccur+ed irnmodiAtely befora the <br /> laking. unless Borrower and l.ender othcrwise agree in wdting or unless applicabl�law otl�erwisc pmvidas. tMe procoeds shatl <br /> be applied to ihe su�securod by this Security ingtn►ment whether or not the sums ara then due. <br /> •°: -� � If the Property Is abandonal by Borrawar,or if.after notice by I.ender to Borrower th�t tha cundemnar affe�s w make an <br /> ;. award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to rcspond �o L.enJcr wlQiin �0 days after the date tho naticc is given, <br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the praceeds,at ils option.either W ro9tamtiun or sepair of the Prupeny or to the cum� <br /> ,� �• : .... eecurod by this Socuriry Instrument.whether ar noc then due. <br /> t '`7 �-`�r. 'r° Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwlse agree in writing, any application of pmcoeds to principal shell not extend or <br /> ,�.,a,�r :� ".,,, postpone 1he due date of the monthly payments referred to ln paragnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such pAyments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not ReleASed;Forbearance By I.eader Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modification <br /> 4i•;'.�;�Nr`" of amorti7atian of the sums securod by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender w any sucxe.gsor in interest of Borrower siwll <br /> '���n�`;�?��,�s`�;E`S7�� not opere�e to reM,use the liability of tt�e original Borrower or Borrower's suocessora in interest. �nder ehall not bo required to <br /> ��,;��t5�„•:.. ,, . commencx praceodings ageinst any successor in interest or refusc to extend time far payment or otherwise madify Amortiuulon <br /> • • T'9 `�'''�•� �. ' of tl�e suma secured by this Security Instrument by reason of siny demand mado by the original Borrnwer ar Borrower's <br /> n <br /> "'' ''�"�'�'a '"�� . •. successo� in Mterest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising eny rfght or remody ehell nat be a waiver of or preclude tho <br /> •� � , exercise af any right or rcmedy. <br /> � �. ' ° . , . 12. Successors wnd Assi�nc pound; Joiat aad Several l.iability; Cacigne�rnn. Th�covenants and agreements af this <br /> • ' •� ' Security Inr�trunxnt shall bind and beneiit the succeasars und assigns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the provisions of <br /> � . ' paragruph 17. Borrower's covenants and a�re�ments shull be joint and severaL Any BoROwer who co-signs this Security <br /> � ' Instrument but doeK not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> •• Borrower's interest in the Pmperty under thc terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is nat person:Jly obligate�to pay the sums <br /> �;�� ��... <br /> � secured by this Security Instrumenr und(c1 ugrees thut L.ender and nny other Borrower mny agree to extend, modify,forbear or <br /> �, ; , ,,!�!;:. � muke any accummodations wi�h reRurd to the terms of this Sccurity In�trument or the IVote with��ut that&�nower's conscnt. <br /> � �'~•�•'%��•' �t�� l3.I.oan Cha�es.If the loan secured by thia Serurity Instrument is subjort to a luw•which isets maximum loan churges, <br /> `� �°• �� ' •-��'-;;:i:'��`-� und�hat luw i+ finully interpreted u�thut Ihe entercKt ur other k�un rhargcx colloctod ur to he cullected in connection with the <br /> • � ° ��',ti ,, loan exceed the perniitted limits,then: lu)any surh loan charge shull be reduanl by the amaunt necrssary to reduce the charge <br /> '� ���` ' to tha pem�ined limit: nnd (b)any sums olrcady coll��cteJ fn�m Horcower which ezceeded pern�itleJ limits wlll be refonded to <br /> ';� ' Borrawer, l.ender muy chcx�se t�� muke this rePund by reJucing thr principal owed mxfer the Note ar by mukin� u direct <br /> � " • puyment �o Bonower. If u r�fund reduces principal, the r��luctiun will he tn:ato.i ac � paniul prepuymen� withaut any <br /> � . . . <br /> , � prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> • ?' �. 14.Notices. Any nrnirr a�B��rr��wcr pruvidcd f��r in thi,Security Ins�rumem ahall hc givcn by dclivering it or by muilin8 - <br /> � it by�rsi rlu+s nwil unle�,upplicable luw reyuire�u.e uf an��Uier mctluxi. The notic� shall Ix dirert��i tu the Pmpeny Address <br /> ' or an�� �xhcr udJress Borrawrr dc�ignaicti by naticc 1�� l.cnJcr. Any noti�r t�� Lender tihull lx given by lirst da,s mail to <br /> ' ._ �'.'i . . l.eixler's uddres+titutcd hcrcin or•rny othrr udJr�.. I.cnJcr�1c+ignatcs hy nulicc t�� Nutmw�cr. Any n�uice provided firr in thib <br /> .. , , <br /> • � � � S�:curity Instrunxnt shs�ll Ix drrnxxl to huvr becn gi�•cn�o Burro��•rr ar I.rnder wh►n given a,pnrvidcJ in thi+paruFruph. "� <br /> �• I3.Go�•crnln� I.aK�: f�cvcrabilily. Thi+ Scruri�y Intitrumcnt +hall hc porcrn��1 hy fcdcral la��• und the luw of thc '� <br /> t '. � jurisdiction in which the Pruprrty is IncatcJ. In thc�vrnt thut any pro�•i,i�m ur�lau�c�d'thi�Scruri�y In,�rumrnt or Ihc Notc ''.. <br /> 'l '. 7� � . . �� «�m<<ti���cn;,�+r��nir i:�.�.wnc�ontlicl.hall nut al'tcct olhrr pruvi.iun,ul'Ihi• S�v:uri�}� In�irwnent or tlx Ni�lc whi�h cun lxx <br /> � given rt'1'crt wilhuu��hr ranilicting pr�»•i�iun. Tci thi,rnJ thc pr��vi,ian,at'thi� ticcuri�y Intiwnk nt :uid �he Nule ure declured <br /> :� '.. <br /> { ; ta be.evcruMlr. <br /> i . ,. .�. 16.Borroa•er's Cop�•. Bnrrower s�nll Ix gi�cn�mr runlittnuYl cupy�d'Ihe Nutr a�xt uf this S�-�urily Intitrumcnt. . <br /> �;.��;,�` . <br /> �:* � Form 3028 8190 <br /> ��J I 1�'� • .. N.qM a o�6 1 <br /> a <br /> . ' <br /> , <br /> � � _ '. _,. . .. . ' , '" „--1,-;'. ...-. . . ' . • . <br /> i <br /> � . t . <br /> �q <br /> � + . <br /> . Z �� � <br /> �°' . <br /> f ��� � <br /> J ? , <br /> t <br /> ,., . . <br /> . ,� .� .� .. . , <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> .� � . <br />