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<br /> 17.1'nuder ot 14e Property or�Beocflcl�!lnterat ia Borrower.If all df u�y part of�he Prope�ty ar any interest in it
<br /> is ald or tnnaferr+ed(ar if p tieneflcial intereu in Borrower is�Id or trnnsferrod and Borrowcr is not o ruuural perwn)wf�t�out
<br /> Lender'� pdor wrlaen cancent. Lender m�y, �t i�a option. roquiro immodiot� payment in full of a11 cums aocurod by thi�
<br /> Secu�ity Irwrument.Howaver.this opdon si�ll not b�s axercicod by Lender if eaercire ir prohibited by foderal Iww w of the date
<br /> of this Secudty litsttument.
<br /> � IP Lender exercisa this option,Lender�Iwll give Borrower notico of acceleration.The ootice slwll pmvide a per�od of nat
<br /> la�tlwi 30 day4 from�he dete the notia ia delivered or mailod within which Bornawer must pay all auma secu�ed by this
<br /> Sav�ity Insuument.If Bortower fails to pay these swns pdor to the expirntfon of thia periad, Lender may invoke Any rcmedies
<br /> ', permllttd by thls Saurity Insttument without fut�her notia or demand on Bonower.
<br /> ',�� 18. Borrowa•s Rlgbt to Rdt�state. If Borrower mats certaln conditions, Borrower shall huve the right to Iwvo
<br /> * enforeement oi ihis Security Inst�umrnt discontinued at �ny time prior to �t�e earlier of: (s+) S Js+ya(or nuch other perfod s�s
<br /> applicable low may specify for reincwtemenU before sate of the Propeny pursuant to any power of�ala conteined in this
<br /> c
<br /> Savrity Instrumenl;or Ib)entry of a judgment enforcing this Socurity Instn�ment.Those conditions ere that Born►wer: (a)pays
<br /> l.ender WI sum4 which thc,m would be due under thia Secu�ity Instrument and the Nate as if no acceleration had accurnd: (b)
<br /> � _. _,r,, �, curcs any default of any dhcr covenants or agroements;(c) paya ell expenses ir�currod in enforcing�his Security InRtniment,
<br /> including, but not limited to.reasoneble attomeys'fees;and (d)takes such ution as L.ender muy neusonably requirc to assurc
<br /> , ,� that the lien of this Secv�ity Inst�umn►t. l.ender's rights ln the Property and Borrawar's abligation to pay the sumK secured by
<br /> � - thia Savriry 1nstNrt�ent shall rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by BoRawer, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> �� ���„ obligutlons secured hercby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration hod occurned. However,this right to rcinstate slwll
<br /> "" �,���.:,,.;;;l;.�. not apply in the case of acceleration w�der pzragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Stle ot Note; Cd�e ot I.a�a Servker.The Notc ar n partiul interest in the Note �togcthcr with �his Sacurity
<br /> , ��.r, :;� �, Inslrument)may be sold one ar more times without priar notice to Borrower.A sale muy result in a change in the entity I�nown
<br /> •���. �.u �. F ���.:;,r=4 as the"Laan Servicer")that oollects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Secu�ity Instrument.There also may ba one
<br /> • � � .��,�;�,,�,��'`�:: or more changes of 1he Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Note.If therc is a change of the l�oan Serviar.Bom►wer will be
<br /> ;:" �� As.,;,;;..s;:�„�+�;, given written�wtice of t6e change in accordance with puragraph l4 abave and applicable law.The notice will state the neme and
<br /> �"� addeess of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wili alsa rnntain�ny uther
<br /> ..:` ,.;;' ' �. ..�� ` fnfornialionrequirod by applicable law.
<br /> ,' ' ^ 20. Hozardous Substanee.s. Borrower sh�ll no! cuuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> � ^ tlazarcbus Subs�ances on or in the Prope�ty. Bormwer shall not do, nar ullow anyone else to do. any�hing affecling the .µ
<br /> ..::� ' . ' Property tl�t is in violuion of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to�he presenee, use, or
<br /> ' „ � � , s�orage an �he Propeity af small quantities of Haza�dous Subsu►nce.c thut are generally recognized to be appropriate to nom�l
<br /> �,,; � residential uses and to maintenance of the Properry.
<br /> � .• Bortawer shall promptly give Lender w�iuen notice of any investigation.claim, demand. lawsuit or othe�action by any
<br /> „ •, �.,, ; governmentel or reguiatary agency or private party involving the Propeny cuid any Haxardaus Substance or Gnvimnmental Law ,��,
<br /> of which Borrawer has actual knowledge. [f BorroK�er leams,or is notified by any governmental or regulataq•authority,that
<br /> . „ �, any removd or ather remediution of any Hazardous Substance offecting the Propeny is necessary.Bormwer shall prompdy take
<br /> � all�sary remedial actions in ncoordance witB Environmental Luw.
<br /> ' As usad in this pa►agraph 20. "HAZardous Substances" are those subslances defined a�coxic or h�rdous substances by
<br /> -- , Environmental l.aw and the following subslances: gasoline, kerosene. other tiommabie or toaic pe[roieum �roductr�, waic
<br /> pesticides and Aerbicides,volatile solvents, materials carria+ning asbe�tos or fornwldehyde,and radioucuve matenals.As used i�
<br /> � � .� this pnmgraph 20. 'Environmentul l.aw" means federal luws and lews oP Ihe jurisdiction where the Prop�ny is lorated that
<br /> rrlate to heylth,safety or envimnmenwl protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower:uid Lender funher rovenunt anJ ogree us follows:
<br /> �.�:�:�� , � - 21. Accele�tion;Remedies.l.ender shall�qive notice ta Borrower prior to acceleraUon Pollowing Born►w�er's breach
<br /> ��''� � � of Any oovenaat or egreement in thia Secu�tly Inctrument (but not prlor to ecceleration under paragmph 17 unlcss
<br /> `�' • ' applicable I�w provides otherwise).The notice slwll specify: (�)the default;lb) the action required to cure the dePault;
<br /> �`� ' � (c)a date,not less tlwn 30 days irom the date the notice is given to Borrower.by w•hlch the deteult must be cured;and y
<br /> ,�F (d)tlwt fallure to cure the default on or before Ihe date specified in the notice may r�ult in ncceleration of the sums �
<br /> ;�� .� � 5ecured by tht�Securlty Instrument and sale uf Ihe Property. The nMice shall funher inform Barrower of thc riRht to '�'
<br /> �� � " relnstate after acceleration And the right to bri�a court pction to Asserl the non-existence of e detault ar any other
<br /> ± '�" de[ense of Borrower to acceleration And sale. Ii Ihe default iti not cured on or before the date speci0ed in the notice,
<br /> , • I.cnder.at its optton.may require immedivte payment In iuil of s�ll sums secured by this Seca�lty Inctrument Nilhout
<br /> ( ,:`'l, '_ iuhher detnwnd and may invoke the pow•cr of salc and anv othcr remcdiex permitted bv appIlcable law. I.cnder+hall 6e �..
<br /> +.. � �'��t;..•'�' eMitled to collect All expens�incurnYl in pu�uing the mmedies provided in this paragraph 21�includin�.but not Iimited
<br /> � �. to,reasonable attanc��s'iecs and costs oP title evidence. ���
<br /> `, � !i thep�nwer nf mle ic invok�l. Trustec�6all rernrd a nWice nf default in each count� in w�bich an�• part of the
<br /> ,'�'.. .• - Properly is located end shall meil copies of wch notice in the maoner prescril�ed b}� applicable Ipw•to Borrow•er ond to f
<br /> '�� ," the other persoas prescribed by s�pplirable luw. Alter the timc required b�•applir�ble laN.Trustce sh�ll�ive puMic notice �'
<br /> of salc to Ihe petsons and in the manncr prescribed b�epplirablc law�. Trustec. «�ilhoul demand on Bonrow•er. shall sell
<br /> ' the Praperly At�wAlic Auctinn to the highest bidder at Ihe time and plare und under the trrm�desi�nated in Ihe notice of �,.
<br /> . sale in one or more porcels wnd in�ny onkr Trustec dMcrmincs. Truskr mn�� po�lpnnc�alc of all ar am• parcel oi thc �
<br /> ' , PropeHv by pulyllc announcemenl at the time and place oP am� previously scheduled wle. I.ender or its desiRncr mav
<br /> ;' t �'�' pw+dwse the Property«t any sak.
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