<br /> . ��,�jY� 7�� • �."i.
<br /> 1
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<br /> �g3- io'�soi
<br /> p�YmaNa rruy no ton�er be roqulred.At tlq opdon of t.ender,if mort��e inwnuwe cOven�e(in the artio�unt�nd for U�e period
<br /> th�t L,eed�sr nqulros)provided by�n i�tunR+pplmved by l.ender a�ain bcroma avail�ble�ad Ir oMained. 6orrower�tWl pay
<br /> the pnmiwn roquirod a nWnuin mwtp�s iauur�e!n ef�ect.ar w provide a low naarve.unUl the roqulrom�nt for n�ort�ye
<br /> inau�nce aid�in�eoordanoo wlth a�ry wt�tit�►+g�e�n4tM b�Borrower a�d l.eatu or�pplicable law.
<br /> !.IMpectloa. l.cnder w iu�Cat mAy muke t+a�wnplak�mtrla upon and inspectlone af�he PropeRy. l.eidix �baU=ive
<br /> Bomower natloe�t tha Ume of or prfor ta.u�inlpipctipa a�pcify�,rea�x�bla cause fcx the in�pation.
<br /> 10. Coadantuitloa. The procaeda at'w,y award ar.cWm far,darn�ea. direct w.eonROquentf�l. in cotu�octlon wilh �ny
<br /> oademnstion or athu tNcia� of any put af tht Pmperty,ar•far,000vay�uae ia liw uf ea�demouion.�r�e huoby aisi�ned�ad
<br /> eFwll be p�id to Lcnder.
<br /> In tho ovent of a wtal takia�of Ihe Prnpeity.{h�p���hltl,be rpplkd a►�hr eumr savrod by thir Socudty IrulramaM.
<br /> whether o�not thtn due. with�ny exoa�a p�td ta Bormwar� In th!evau of o p�rtial Wcin�of tix Property in which the f�i�
<br /> nwrkct vduo of tha Property immodiatsly befara tlio uJcing ir eqt�tl�W ar grest¢r ttwn tlx Qnwunt of�he swm€sec7u�ed by thf�
<br /> Sewrity Inwumaq immedi�t�ly befon the u�king,unks�8amnv►�ar pnd Lender athenvise�groe in wdti�g.tha wma securod by
<br /> thi� Secur�ty Incwment siwll be reducad by the amount of the pnkoeds muldpqed by �he followin� fractioa: /a)�he wW
<br /> amaunt of t4e sum�sa7urcd imoiediuely befara the Wcing,di�ided by (bl tt�f�ir morket v�lue of Ihe Pmperty imn�di�tely
<br /> before tba Wciag. Aay bal�nce sl�all bd p4id ta Bprrovrer. In the evmt of a putW•takiag,af.lhe Propeny in which tlie fair
<br /> maricet valuo of 1ho Propeny immediudy befaro tht ta�ing i�ler,�ti�n Ihe�nount of�tat�wm►t secured immaditaely 6eforo the
<br /> taking.unlass Bormwer and L.ender otherwise ngra in w►iNng or unleics app�icabk•law mtbrsnris�s p�ravidea.We p�noecdi sh�ll
<br /> be�ppliod w tha wmc sxurod by this Security Insuummt whtther or�wt th��sum9 aro�hea dua�
<br /> IP the Propwty is abandoned by Bornaw�er,or lf.aftor nuticr by Lendeir ta Bomnwer tl►at ti�.ca+damnor offers to m�ke au
<br /> ` ry� � ,., award or sdtle a cl�im for damagca. Bormw�er f�ils ta roapond ta I.endec within.30 days afttr tha date the notioe is given.
<br /> --- t.e�dar is autharizod to colloct and applp Qlte pt�cceds.at iu aptian,¢itbe�to rauorntiaa=�or erpair•af tha Property or w tiu wrt�s
<br /> `,. "i. • iocurod by this Securiry[nstnunent.whether or not then duc-
<br /> , . .� .,;,•„� Unlass L.ender and Borrower otherwise ogree in writing, anY apPlicntion of pra�eedx�ta�prfpuipul•stntl not e�c[ad or
<br /> "�•'�,Ni:�:.. '"' postpone the dua date of the monthlY p�YmenLS referied ta in pa�agraph� 1 and 2 or ch�ge Ih¢�noe�Af such p�ymenis.
<br /> . y,�•.;,,rS-. 11.Botrower Not Rde�sed;F�By Leader Not p Wdver.Extension of ths Gtaa fcn paymcnt or modification
<br /> ' '�'�°��+t�`"'°""� of amonjzation af tha sums secured by this Security Insaument grarued by Lnder to�ry sucae�sor in interest of Borrower slwll
<br /> r'.�'e�.�:.:�:"='�� '� not oporate to release 1he liabilin•af t1�e original Borrower or Bormwcr's succeswrs io incac�at.l.rnder shall not be�+equirod w
<br /> .rr�.+s�'.":�". commenoe pmcaedings against any successor in intaest or refuse ta extend tima for paytrant or otArsrvvise modify amoKimtion
<br /> '' •�: ' . . ." '' ^ of tha sumc scwrcd by this Security lnstnunent by reason of any detrs�nd made by th� origis�l Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> •. ,: _. .;;..., ..,
<br /> , '''""'�� suooes.sots in intarest. My forbearance by Lendes in excrcising any right or rnmady sl�ll�not bB a weiver of or preclude the
<br /> t • ;��;��� z,; s_; ex�ncise of any right or remedy.
<br /> '� !2. Ss�ss a�� :�ssl�ns S�au�; ,lo4si asss! SrverQ! Lls�3!lty; C�s. T'!r! corettnr!� sns! agreanrnts of th�
<br /> , .� : �::..,,.
<br /> , Security Inatrumant shall bind and benefit ttw:successors and assigr►s of l.ender sud Bormwrr. su�ys�t to the provisions of
<br /> � • .' .. � patogrnph 17. Borrower's covenants sud agnaements sh�ll be joint and se��eral, Any Hornawer wdva�.tirsigns tliis Security
<br /> �: . . , Instrument but does not execute tha Note: (a)is easigning this Security Ingtrument onl��ta mongage.gwnnt and cortvey lhat
<br /> c.. Borrower's intcnest in�ho Pix�ony under the tenns of this Se�vriq�Insirumcnt:lb)is•nat p�rsonatly obligated to pay atxs swsis
<br /> .,
<br /> • secured by this Security Inuroment:artid Ic)agre�s that l.etdar anal sny other Bomnwer may�agree to extend,modifj•, tcx�~i�tar or ''''
<br /> . m�lce any nccommodutions witb re�ard to tFx termg of this Securiq�!ns[rum¢nt or thr Not�wicf+out tlut Borrower's consent.
<br /> ' 13.Loan Charges. If tha loan secure� by this Securiq�Instn►ment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan chuges.
<br /> , � and that law is finally intarpreted so tFwt the interest or other Iwn ch�+rges cvlttcuxi or to be rn0ened in connection with the
<br /> . �� ' loon exceed the permiued limits, then: la)any such laan chugr shall be reJuced by tht amount necesswy to reduce the charge
<br /> ,�. • • � to the permittod limit;and Ib>any sums�Iready collectod fmr,� Borrower ahich eaeeeded permiaed IimiGc will be refundod ta
<br /> , ;• „ Bomower. l.ender may choose to moke this refund by reduci�g Ihe prin;ip�l owed und�r tFw Not� or by making a direct '�'
<br /> ,:�' , payment to Bomower. If a refund reduces p�inci�l. the reductian wi{1 ba trented as a p�rti�l F►r,e{:aYment without any . .,
<br /> j � � �' � prepayment chargo under thc Nae. :�
<br /> � 14.Notices.Any notice to&►rniwr.r provi�°d for in ah�3 S��:urit�•Invtrurrant 4hull he given by deli�•ering it c.r by rruiling �°�-
<br /> :���,;�� •{ it by first class mail unless applic�ble laa requires use of an�y?n:r metfiai. Th�n«ticc shul!be directed to[!x Property Address ���
<br /> ±•; ��' � ,,� or any other nddress &►rrow•er designut��x by na�ice to Lend�r. Any noticc ta i.enJrr �hull be gi�•en by first clatis rruil to •�
<br /> 'w ' l.ender's addr�ss stated herein or uny atkr nddress Lender detiignr�an by r�utice ta Hnrrowc�. Any Mitice provided for in this ���%�+
<br /> � ��:�; •• Security Instrument shall ba deemod to huve been giren to&►rmwrr��r l.crxLtr whan gi�en ati pro�•ideJ in this paragruph. �f'
<br /> •f,:' IS.Governing I.uw; SeverAbility. This Securitp Inwirurrw:nt �h;�ll�br g�»crnud by feclerrl law iu�d the lau of the �."���
<br /> ' .��,�,.,,, �.•.ti, _...
<br /> � �.�: �., jurisdiction in which�he Pmpeny is I�kateJ. In�he event thot oiiy provision or cluuNe of this Serurity Inslrument or the Note
<br /> '� i ,.=.�-�' '" conflicts with applicablc law,such conflkt shvll not affect other prmiaion4�f thiv Securil� Instrum�nt or the Note which can be �
<br /> � given effixt without the canflicling prcrvision. To Ihis erni Ihe pmvisiixu+af Ihi:+Security Instrument and the IYote are declared I
<br /> y• •• to be severeble.
<br /> � • , , �
<br /> � r 16.Botro���er's Copy.Bc►m�wrr shull�givcu one cunforr►ud�opy��f Ihc Ni��anJ of this Security Inslrument.
<br /> -�' ,, � form 30Y@ 9190 ;
<br /> �r° } P�1 4 d f• �
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