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<br /> • applicebk Inw may spocify for ninatAtemeat)boforc eale of tho Propetty pursuant to any power of rale contnln�;d in tl�s
<br /> Security lashwnent;or(b)cntry of a jud�ment enfot+ciaa�hle Security Instrument. Those condidonc are�hat Bormwer. (A)
<br /> paye I.ender all sums which ttien woWd bo due undar this Securlty Inaqvmcnt wid Ihc Note ns iP no�ccoleration had
<br /> cecurn�d;(b)curcs�r►y defiult af pny dher covcnanta or agrcemcats;(c)pays all expensea incunrd ln enPorcing this Security
<br /> Inetrument� including,but not limlted w. reasonable attomeys'feea;and(d) talccs such action as I.endcr rnay �easonwbly
<br /> tequi�to as�urc that the lien of thia Socur�ty Inswment,Lender's righta in the Property end 8orrower's obligadon to puy the
<br /> wmg secwed by this Security lnsaument sball condnue unchanged. Upon rcinctatement bp Borrowar, thia 5ecurlty
<br /> lnauurnent and the obiigations secured hercby shall remain fully effective as if no acseleretlon had occurrai. However.thia
<br /> ,•��, ri�ht w reinatate ehall not apply In the case of acceleration under pamgrnph 17.
<br /> 19. 3ele ot Notei Chanae ot I.aa Servker. TI�Nwe or a partial intercnt in the Note(together wflh thia Se�urity
<br /> Instrument)may be sold onc or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in the entity
<br /> (lu�own as the"Loan Scrvlcer")that coAecis monthly payments due under the Nwe and this Secudry Inswment. There also
<br /> •� mey be one or more chunges of the I,.oan Servicer unrclated to n sele of tho Note. If thare is a change of the Loen Servlcer.
<br /> Borrower will be given written nodca of the chenge in accordance with parngraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> wiU state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to which payments shauld be made. The notice will
<br /> • � also conWin any other infamation[equirr.d by applicable law.
<br /> 20 Hnzardous Subotaacea Borrower ahell not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.atorage,or release of any
<br /> ;;;�t, Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowe�shall not do,nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecdng the
<br /> � #±,, Property that is in violation of any�nvlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pr�esence,use.or ,
<br /> ' "� storage an the Property af small quantides of Haza�dous Substances that are generally recognized w be appropriaus to normal
<br /> 4 + �
<br /> � �.:•.,, � , : .,.,, residendai uses and to mnintc:nsnce of�he Property.
<br />�.•�'`'+, �'�!�`�"'"'`• � �• '�'°�• Borrawer shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any invesdgation.claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ,;�'``.,,�`:'', . $�e.��!'... ' 'i•::� B 8 rY B Y P P Y 8 Re Y Y
<br /> n.}k. "� ..,. ovcrnmcntaf or nc uluto u enc or rivntc art involvin !he Pro rt and an Hazardoua Substance or Fnvironmental
<br /> ;'-`� "r�`""'�'' �' � . Law of which Borrower has actual Imowledge. If Borrower learns, ar is noti6ed by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ��� ��;s�'��:su`�- `:<<;-" `.
<br /> ,:'�'��:��; �,� authodty,that any rcmaval or other remedfation of any Hezardous Subgtance affecting the Property ia necessary.Bomower f•
<br /> .1.-. . � JrrS :- �. -y- tt•
<br /> shall pramptly take ull necessary remedial uctions in accordance with 6nvironmentAl Law.
<br /> '�� '' '�-.,•.•"�"- • �tx �.' As used in Ihis paragmph 20."Hazardous Substances"are thase subs�ances defined as toxic or hazardaus subuances by
<br /> '°� � '`���'` '. ��"'' Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> , •. pesticides und herbicides,voladle solvents, muterials containing asbestos or formalJehyde,and radioactive materlals. As
<br /> ' � • ' used in this paragraph 20,"Enviranmcntal Law"means federal laws and laws of�hc jurixdiction whcre the Praperty ia located
<br /> ,:,
<br /> „ , .,, ,�; �hat relate to health,suf'ety or environmental protcction. ���,'
<br /> . • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows: •,{� •
<br /> ti;�� ~ � . 21. Accekratlon; Remedtes. I.eader slwll give noUce to Sarrower prlor to acceleradon tdlowing Bon�ower's ,Y
<br /> 's� ' ". � brepch ot nny covenant or wgreement in this Security In9trumenl(but not prior to AccelernNon under{wragraph 17
<br /> � ,� � .:;� ualess applicable law provides otherwLce). The notice ehall epeclt'y: (a)Ihe defAWt;(bl the actlon reqaired to cure ihe
<br /> - — defAUit.(c)a dwte,noi iess ilwn 30 dqys irom ihr dair ii��wtke is gi�en ta Bon'oires,Dy tr6tch tlse dcfsuf!ru�s3!sc
<br /> T � cured;And(d)tlwt tailare to cure the default on or bePore the dale speci�ted in Ihe notice may result In accekration ot
<br /> ' � � d�e sums secured by this Securlty Instrument s�nd sale ot the Property. The notke shall furlher intorm Borrnwer ot
<br /> � the right to r+elnstate efter ucceleradon and tde r(ght to bring a court actbn to asserl the non�exlatence ot e detault or
<br /> ` �ti;:,:':�� , .,� . Any other dePease ot Iiorrower to Accelerelbn and sale. If the detaull is not cured on or betore the date spectited in
<br /> � . the notke,I�ender at its option may require fmmediate p�yment in full ot all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument
<br /> , ' . without flirttier demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permitted by Applics�ble law
<br /> " ' I.ender shall 6e enNtled to collect wll expea4es Incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this puragraph 21,
<br /> ' ' including,but not Ilroited to,reasunable attorneys'tees end caats of litle evidence.
<br /> ;,�. .. � • It the power at sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notiee of default in each county in which any part of the "
<br /> ��y'? ;''
<br /> PropeMy l4 located end ehell mail copies af such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Bo�rower and to '"
<br /> 1� , ` the other persons prescribed by Applicable law AfYer the time required by AppNcable Iww.7Yustee shall give publk �.,.,;
<br /> ; � nodce of snle to the persons and in the manne�presc�ibed by appltcable Inw 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower. "
<br /> �� shall sell the Property t�t publie auctton to thc highest bidder at the lfine and placc and unde�the terms designated iq '`"`
<br /> f , � lhe notke ot ssde in one or more parcels And in any order 7Yustee detcrmines. '[Irustec mpy postpone sole of all or s�ny ,'
<br /> ' � porcel ot the Property by public announcement at the time And place of any previou.gly scheduled ssde. I.ender or ils � „
<br /> ';,•-:� � ' designee mpy purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ���: ' , � Upon receipt ot payment of the pricc bid.'I�ustee shull deliver to thc purchascr'IYustee's deed conveying the
<br /> • , Property Thc recitals In thc'Ilrustee's deed shs�ll be prima i'acir rvidr�Ke uf ll�r lruth of the statements made the�•elu. r'
<br /> \
<br /> � 'lYustee sholl apply the procceds of the sale in the followinR order: lal to all costs and expenses of exercis{ng the power
<br /> i • �
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