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<br /> condemnatlon or Wher lukln�af�y port of the Property.or fot canveyanca in Iku of condemnation.arc he�+e6y nri�ed tud
<br /> �hwll bo pxid to l,endcr.
<br /> In the event of a tdal taking of�he Property. �he praceedx ahall be applied to the suma secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> Inxtrument,whcther ar not then duc,wlth any excesx pAid to Borrower. In the evcnt of a.patylpi taking af tha P�pgrty.ln
<br /> which the fair mar�o�vuluc of�hc Propcny immediately beforo tha taking ia equal ta o�greuta�Ihun�he amount of tha sump
<br /> �ecurcd by thix Sccurity ln9trument immedintely beforo the taking,unlass Barrowe�ond Lender otherwi�e ugrca in wdting.
<br /> �hr sumx secured by this Security Instrument xhell be reduced by�he omount of tho proceeds mul�iplied by tho follawFng
<br /> ftactian: (u)the totnl amount of the sumx r,ecured fmmediately before thu tuking,di�ided by(b)ihe i'uir murkot valuu of.the
<br /> 1'mperty immc�liately befu�the laking. Any bulance ahull be paid to Botrowcr. !n th�evem of a purtial taking of tha
<br /> Pmpersy in which Ihe fair market value of thc Pmpeny lmmcdfately 6eforc tha tnking is lasc�Man ths nmount�oF.tha Rums
<br /> recured immediately before the taking,unleas Barrowcr and Lendcr otherwise ugrce in writing or unlusx oppliaubl� law
<br /> otherwigo pravldeR.�he praceeds sh�ll be applied to the xums xecured by this Secur�ty Instrumant wha�h�r ar nat Iqa sumN cim
<br /> thcn duc.
<br /> If Ihc Pruperty ir�ub:►ndoned by Borrawer,or if,ufter noticc by I.endcr ta Barrowcr thal tha candamnor offorri a make
<br /> rn awurd or netile a cloim far dwn3ges.Borrawer fuils lo reripand lo Lender within 30 duys oftar�he dz►te Ihe nciticc ix giv@n,
<br /> 4ender i�uuthorized to collect and apply th�praceedv,at its option.either to�estomtion or m.puir oi tha 1'rapuAy or la�ha
<br /> RumR�cecured by th9s Security In.gtrumem,whethcr ar not ihen due.
<br /> Unleyx Lendcr un�i �ormw�r othenvige ngree in wriling,any application of pra:eeds«� principal shnll nat extand on
<br /> p���pone Ihe duc dale of thz monthly payments referred to in parugruphs I and 2 or chonge the amount of nuch puymenlr+.
<br /> 11. Borrowe� Not Rtleasedi Porbearance By i.ender Not a Waive� Extanr:ion of thc tima for payment ar
<br /> �� modiflr�tion of umonizutlrn of the yumr secured by �his Security Intitrument granted by Lender w uny .r•ucce,�ar in.intereat
<br /> i�P Harn�wer Fhall na operate to releuse thc IiAbility of Ihe originul Barcower or Burrowerk succes;w�s in interetit. Lender
<br /> ehall twt tie reyuired tu commence pnxeedingti pgainst uny sucre�.or in inte�est ar refu�;e to extend time for pnyment or
<br /> °°`' •�����'""'�, oihenvi.re m�xiii' umunirnlion of the sums r,ecu�ed b this Securit In4trument b reuson of un demund madeb Ihe ori mnl
<br /> ,:..,;= ,�.• Y Y Y Y Y Y S�
<br /> ,c. ,�A�,'1�;•�'.`;',";¢ry.'z'�.�,� Bom�wer ar Barn�weri succexhars in interetii. Any fortiearnnce hy Lender in exercising t►ny ri�ht or remecly shall not be e
<br /> �•' • � • wuiver�►f or preclude Ihr exercise of�ny right or rcmcdy.
<br /> IZ. tiucceasorx and Asxlgox Round:Jolnt and tieverul Llabllity;(:asigners. The covcnunts and ogrcemonta of this
<br /> �'�~'�ti":`-�:°��•� Securiry Invtrument shall binJ and henefit the xuecesxor�anJ u��ignz of Lender und Borrower,subjcct�o tho proviainna of
<br /> = p�uu�ruph 17. Borniwcr;coven�nts and ugrcemcat� ,hull tx:,µ�in1 und n�verul. Any Burrower whu co•xiRns thix Securliy
<br /> '� ,�• '.�•', Inwirument twt docs not caecute ttx;Note: lu)�s c�►-�igning�his Security Instrument only tu mortguge,gran� and convey�hut
<br /> A�. � . .
<br /> ' ' ` Horcawrr;imcrc,�in�he Prupany unJcr tlx:tertm uf thix Scruriry In.trumcol: (b)is not perwmully obligu�ed w pny tha xumn
<br /> • �ecureJ by Ihi.r Security (nstn�me�c and(cl uRmc+tha�Lend�r unJ uny ather Barr�wer muy ugrce�o exlend, mcxlify,fofi�ur
<br /> . " nr m•rkr �my uccommixlatNx�K with m�urd to the�crn��oi'thi. Security In�:trumenl or the Nute withnu� ihm Burtoweri:
<br /> . . � c��nye�u.
<br /> � "a � 1 i. I.�wn Cl�ry�er+. It'Ilu: Iwn recureJ by thi, Security In.irumeni i, subjert to u luw which u���: muximum loun
<br /> • Lhu�ge:.um!thst!•»s+�n lir.s!!� ir.t<tp:�tcd,c�th:;:thr intaw•:t or other ln;sn chargc�,colle�ted ar!o tu ca!lected it:cona�ction
<br /> ° � Wilh Ihc luan ezceed�Ixt �:nni�ted limitr,ihrn: li�l any�uch lan chur�e shull be reduced bv ihc urm�unt nece�.�ury to rcduce
<br /> " ° ihe rhurge lo Ihr.�x:rndlhd limit:and(b�ony zums ulreudy collectrJ from Borrowe�which exceedeJ pc rmitted limits will be
<br /> •• �� refun�kd�u Ni�rcawer. L.enJ�!r m�y chcx�xe�o makc thiv refund by nducing ihe principul c►wed under�he Note ur hy muking u
<br /> ` Jinct paymen��o Hnnower. If u mfunJ redure�priixip�l.thr n duction will Ae treated u+a paniul prepuymeM wilhou�uny
<br /> pr�p,�ynwnt rhar�r unJcr�hc Note.
<br /> • 14. N�NiceK. Any nwirc 1�. Horrnwcr pruviJcd Ax in Ihiti Scrun�y Imtrumem �hull br giv�n hy Julivcring il or by
<br /> '.Y muilin�i1 hy lint cla�+mail unle.x npplicahl�la�r reyuirr+u�e nf anuther methoel.The nn�ic�shull Ix dircr�r�i I��the Pr���rty
<br /> 't"� Addrc.,ar uny udkr uddres� Hi�rrowcr ik.i�na�c.hy nuiire u,l.rnJrr. Any natirr w Lcndrr.h�dl hc�givcn hy tinl rlii..
<br /> �� mud tu LenJer:ndJrc��tila��d hercin��r any iNhrr adJrc+,LenJrr de.igna�c.h�•m��ice a�Rurru�scr. Any nulice pmvided I�,r
<br /> �'y, in Ihi� ticcuril� Imlrumcnt ,hal! Ix drrn+cd d, ha�r Iwrn gi�.•a to Hurrow•rr ur l_rnd�r «•hrn givrn ati pro�-iJr�l in Ihir+
<br /> • parrµ��q�l�. •'�,..
<br /> �i- ��, I;o�erninR I.awt tir�erubilit,r. 'fhi, Scrurit�• lii.trumrm ,hall Ix g�wrrnrJ t►� i'edcral luw and Ihc luw of thc `��"
<br /> junulicti�m in which tlw Nrt��:n� i�I�x:uied. In thr r�•ent iha�vny pruvi,i��n or rluu�e uf this Scruri�y Imvument ur the Nrnu ,
<br /> �' ., runtlirl�w�Ih a�pplica�bla luw,�UCIt�tN1t�1C1�I1:III OiN:dfect��ther provitiiun.ol'thi,Srrurin: In.trument or thr N���e which cun �s•
<br /> . Ix N�vrn cllerl wuh��ul tlw r��nflicling provi+inn. 'li,thi. �nd Ihe provi�ion� of Ihiy Scrurity In�trumrnl and the Nut� are
<br /> • ikrlurrd 1�►I+r u v�r:�ble. +��'
<br /> IM1. NurrnNer'x('np). l�ur�uv.��r.h:�U fx�itien onc runfumird copy ol'Ihc Nolc:mJ nt'thi>Scrurity In�irunx�nt. '!'"
<br /> !7. 'lYemfel'�►f tllt 1'n►�tePf1 nr N Ilen�ficiHl Intrrrvt in Rurrow•er. It'all ur imy p��ri uf Ihc Pru�x:rty��runv int�retii in '•`'^
<br /> n i. ,uld��r n:mtif�n.til lur if u h�nrftci:il int�rr.l in li��rru�+�r►. .i�ld or trun�tcrrrd:md F3�irr���vcr i,nui a nntnrul penan� ��''''.
<br /> w�ll���ut I.endr�:�,ri�K a�•iltro cun,rnt. l.ea�lcr m:n. :i��t.�ipUnn. r.quirr immrdiatr pt���mrnl in IuU ul�all tiuo��+ecumd by
<br /> � Uu.Sccurn� Inr�rmn�ot. I I��wr��r,ih�,upti.wi.huU mw h�rrrrri..d by Lendrr if rxerri.r i,pn�hibited hy teJutul luw;�ti�,f
<br /> � IIk datr ul Ihi,tircuril� In�lrunwnt
<br /> ' II I.�•lul�•1 Ctr�c�.�•.Ihi�upti.�i.LrnJar.h:dl gi��•linrn���er nulirr uf arcrlrraUon. Thr nulir��hidl ptr.ivide�i prti�td uf � `
<br /> S . oul li•..Ih�w +Ilday+Iru�n Ihr dal�Ihu nulc�r i.ilrli«r�d ur m:ii1�J��ilbin��hirh liarru��rr mu��pin•:dl r�on��e�unrd hy�lhiti �'
<br /> '� ' \rrw�h In,Iruuicnl. It liurruxr�� Lul+ 1�, �,a} thr�c .um. �,riar a, �hr c�piraiUon ul Ihi� �xri�Kl. I.rudcr mny invukr any
<br /> �a. rrmrdu•.�x•umurd ht Ih�,tir�•unt� Im�rmaunt��nhnul lialhrr nu�irr nr demand un li���rm�rr. � .
<br /> � IM. I{�Mruw�r'� Rluht lo Rrintilatr. U liorn�wer mcrt. crrt:�in cund��iun.. I��nrnwcr .lisdl li�ivr �hr riphl 1�i hnvr
<br /> f �; � ��nlu�a�mr+d ul Ib��ticrunl� la,uum��nt Jivc��oiuiu�d.n :m� hmr priur I�►thr r:uhrr uL• �al S Jay�U�r .uch udt�r prmid u+ ;
<br /> �• � \nn•1�•I.�nuH Frnnf��\IuaFrrdiU���lacl�IPuN�11\slitl �lF:1T� Indwmc�u��•nam. 4N11 �p�erJ.�ln���av
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