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<br /> oi m.m,�i a.n►ItNd to�nforo�thls Tru�t ONd�nd�ny othK sacuriry now a haMn.►nNd�y eon.na�►a rrua..In weh ad�r�nd m�nn�r
<br /> �r th�y a NfMr of IMm m�y In th�k aWolul�dl�crolbn dNMmin�.No��m�dY MrNn c�f�rcb upon a r�Nrv�d W TruqM a NtpAcUry is NKM�d�d
<br /> ro a�ncauaw at.ny ou�r«n.dy nKNn«ay av►p�ovided a p«mia.a,but a�ch�h�ll b�eumulatfw�nd�h�ll b�M�ldilion to w�ry olh�r r�nNdy
<br /> pwn Mrwnde a now or hamRa�xk1ln0 u taw a M puity a by�lul�.Ewry Pow�►o►nm�dy provW�d undit thN TnKt QMd b TrultNa BmMfcUry
<br /> a W wt�lch Nlh�r ol lh�m may b�oth�rwlw�ntitl�d,m�y b�sx�rcbsd,concunantly a Ind�p�nd�nliy,lram tlrm to tim�Nnd�s oh�n�nwY b�d�sm�d
<br /> �zprdi�nl by Trwte�a B�nNicluY�nd N1h�►of th�m m�y W►w�Incon�la�nt am�dN�s.Nothlnp hKNn thNl W aoMtrwd a prohWifinp BMNtlolry
<br /> ham�wklnp�d�fkbnoy�udpm�nt ryalnu tM Trwta b tM�xl�nt wch�etion Is p�rmittW by I�w.
<br /> 11.TRANSFER OF THH PIIOPBRTY;A4itlYPTION.11 all a�ny part o1 ths Properry a Int�rqt thKaln li aold,amsf�rt�d a alhs�wlW conwY�d
<br /> by Trustor withaut 9�nN�l�ry's prlor wrltt�n oona�nt,�KCludinp p)ths cnadon of a Ii�n a��cumbranc�subordin�le to thia Trust D»d,(b)�banq�r
<br /> py q��qpn q1 Niw upon tp��Wt�qJ�Trutta who is�Joint tenant or(o)Ihe grant of any Iwshold Inursst ol ih�ee 13)y��n or lat which doss not
<br /> conWe an option to purchaq,woh�ctlw�it a bnach ol thif agr�ement,and�neliclary mpy,�t 8�neficiary'�aptian,declars ul 1M wm�c�cured by
<br /> lhlt Trust Oe�d to bs Infmbdlat�ly dw and payabN.prwfded,luAher,thle Trual t]eed may,at Bemfki�ry's oplbn,be d�elu�d fmm�dln�ly due u�d
<br /> ppYablt,M(t)Truata li a pattnsrit�{i and�nY intarest In the paztnarehlp la wld a essipned hy�ny mNnr whatsoever,or(81 Il tlu Truata Is�aorpontlan
<br /> and�benafsr o}ths maJority etxk own�rship Intereat in Ihe corpaatlan occure,or 1he Truata oapaatbn margeR In enY torm wllh anathix corporallon
<br /> Of MtUy.8lMflCitly ih�ll hYV9 WiIYBd R11Ch G�1f011 IO ACC619tYt91(,prior to the sale,UenafK a eonveyance,BeneHClory end Iha porson to whom the
<br /> Propety b to be sold or bandsrrad reach apreemant in w►Iting ihat ihe crodit of sueh perton I��alhlactory ta BeneflclAry�nd MN�t IA�inbrpt psyebi�
<br /> an tM wms s�cund by Ihis Tn,at De�d shall be at auch rata as BensHclary sMll rpue�t.
<br /> 12.ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;REMB0188i SAL@.The fellure by ihe T►ustor,to make any paymant a to perlorm any of Ihe terms and conditians
<br /> ol this Trust Deed,or the terms end conditiona al Me Note,a eny renewals,modlficatlona a extenslona thereot,a Ihe failure lo mek�p�►men1 of any
<br /> othn indebteQnsse,p►�or w�ubsequenl to Ihii Trust Deed.and secured by this property,a Itw death of one a more Trusta�shell be a breach and
<br /> ,� delault ot Ihis Trust Deed And the BenellRfary may deciere a detault iH�d mey dac:lere all wms eeeured henby immedlatNy due and payabl�and ihe
<br /> S� eama ahall thareupon become due and ptfyeble wllhout presentment,demend.pratest or nodce ol any kMd,providad,Truetw 8hat1 havs any alatutOry
<br /> -.��
<br /> rlpht to cure the default before any notice af delauit and demend la sale mey be dellvered to tha Trustee.Therealter,Benellcfary may de ver to ruatee
<br /> a wrftten declaradon ot default end damend la cele.Trustor agrees and hereby g►ants lAat lhr Truatee shall have ih�pow�r ot�ale ol the Prap�rty and
<br /> 5,; 118eneticlary decfdes tha Property ie to be 8old N shell deposN wllh Trustee ihis Tn�elOeed and the Nole at notes and any other documents evidencing
<br /> expenditures secured hereby,and ahall deliver to Trustee a xrritlen notice ot defaull end etectlan to cause the property to be eold,o�d Trustee,In turn,
<br /> � , shall prepa�e a slmllar notfc�in iho fam raqulred by law,wMah ehali be duly Gled fot�ecad by Tructee.
<br /> (a) Afler ihe lapse of tuch tlme as may be requlred by lew lollowfng the recordation of Notice of Delaull,and Notice ol Default and Not�e ol
<br /> Sale having boen qiven as requlred by lew,Trustee,wNhoul demend on Trusta,sAall 8eN ihe Properly,II not redeemed,In one or more
<br /> parcels and In euch ord�r es Trustee may determine on the date And the time and place deslynated in aald Notiee of Sole,at puMlc auetion
<br /> �-� aecordfng to law.
<br /> " LL (b) When Trustee selle pureuant to ihe powers herefn.Truatee ahall apply the proceede of the sale to payment of lhe costs end erpenses of
<br /> t. ~. •.�, s• . ��` exerclsing the power of eale and o1 the sale.Including,wlthaut IlmilAtlon,ananey B tees and the paymeM d Truatee'4 Fees Incurred,which
<br /> ...- Tructee's Feee ehelf not in tF1e aggrepate exceed ihe fallowing amounls besed upon Ihe amount secured hereby end remelniog unpefd at
<br /> : �• ' �^ the time scheduled for sale:S percenwm on Ihe balance Ihereof;and then to Ihe Ilems�n cubparapraph(c►�n tho ader ihare staiad.
<br /> +.4:...
<br /> `�'ti;;.":,•' .x:� �
<br /> ` ...,,.:. (c) ARer peying ihe items apncNfed in suhparagraph(b►.If Ihe sale le by Trustae,o�II ihe sele Is pursuant to judielal foteebQUre,tha praceeds
<br /> ^ �:,%. ' ' of sale shall he applied In ihe tollowing order:
<br /> . yt r,�.
<br /> (1�Coet of any evbence ol title procured in conneetlon with such sale and of any revenue iransfer lee raquked to be pald:
<br /> (2)All oblfgations aecured by thls Trust Deed;
<br /> , • . .� (3)Junfa irust deetls,morlgages,or other Ileoholders;
<br /> �. . ,• (4)The remainder,If any.to ihe person tegally entllled Ihereto.
<br /> `'`�. ' 13.APPOINTMBNT OF SUCCESSOR TRU8TE8.Beneficlary mey,irom ume to lime,by a wrftten instrumenl exeCUted end acknowledpeci by Beneticiery.
<br /> '`�""""'""""''� maNed to Truetm and recorded In Ihe counly ar counties In which Ihe Proparty ia located and by otherwfse complying wilh the provlcMrw ol lho Ypplicobla
<br /> � lews of the State of Nebraska substltute a suaessor or successors to the Truatee�amed hereln or actfnp haraunder.
<br /> �.' . ,
<br /> 14.IN8PECTIONB.Benef�Nary,a Its agents,represenlaUves or employees,are authon¢ed lo enlor at any reasonaWe time upon a in any part ol the ,_:.
<br /> .�„ Property lor lhe purpqse of Inspeoting the same and lor Ihe purpose ol performing any oi ihe atls d is authonzed to perlorm u�der the terms of Ihe Ttuat Oeed.
<br /> �' °� '' �� 15.OP710N TO FORECLQSURE.Upon Ihe accurrence of any breach and upon Ihe declaraUOn ol defau�l hereunder.Bene4ciery ahall have tha oplion
<br /> �.ti ' to foreclose ihis Trusl Deed 1�Ihe manner provided by law for the foreclosure of morlgages on real property.
<br /> 18.FOAEBEARANCE BY BENEFICIApY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any lorebearance by Beneliciary or Trustee In exerGSiny eny right a remedy
<br /> hereunder,o�othervvise alforded by applfcAble lew.shall nol be a wawer ot a preciutle Ihe exerCise of any such�iyhl or rnmeJy.likewle6,the waivac ��
<br /> ±1� ' by Bene�iclary or Truslee of any delault ol Trustor under thls Trus1 Deed shell nol be deemed to be a warver of any other a a�mflor defaulla subsequenlly
<br /> '` ��'�-t, occurnng. ,��r
<br /> . � f•- ,
<br /> ' • 17.BENEFICIARY'S POWER8.WNhaut alfectfny or releas�ng Ihe Ilabdily of 1he Trustor or any other person liable�or the peyment of any obllgi►tlon -,r,-
<br /> ' �••� :
<br /> y,+yr,r'. � hereln mentioned,and without aNeCling�he Ilen or cherge ol this Trusl Oeed upon any porlion of the Property.Beneflaary may,irom ifine to tfine end
<br /> �'• c wlthout notice et the requeet ol one or more Trustas.(�)release any person Ifable,(��)extend or renew the malurlty a elter any of the tBrms of eny euch km
<br /> �� � ' obllgatbne.(UI)grant other Indulgences,pv)�elease w reCOnvey,or cause to bo released or reconveyed at any time at Benehtlary's oplbn any percel
<br /> �� or ell of Ihe PropeAy,(v)take or releese any other or add�llonal secunly for any obl�getion herem mentioned.(vQ make settlements or olher arrangements �•�
<br /> v wilh Trustar in�elation thereto.All Trustota shell be�olntly and severally obllgated and bound by the aCtlons of the BeneliClery or any one or more Trusta �,.,
<br /> t ,j • as atated in thls peragraph �'`�
<br /> � � wi'
<br /> � 18.ATTORNEY REES,COSTS AND EXPENSES.The eenel�ciary ot this Trusl Oeed is entdled to the paymenl ol ettorney'e tees,costs end expenses �•;��;
<br /> r „ as provWed In this Trusl Oeed,except as otherwise proh�bded by lew `�"�:
<br /> �- 19.R6CONVEYANCE BY TRUSTBE.Upon wnqen request of Benetic�ary and upon payment by Truator ol 7rustee's 1ees.Trustee shall reconvey to "��
<br /> '!�� Trustor,or tha person or persons legally enttlled thereto.wilhoul warranty.any palion of thB Properly Ihen held nH�eunder ReCdals m�uCh reconveyance �
<br /> i� u of eny mpllers or facts ShAll be CO�clusive proo�of Ihe Iruthlulness Iherool.T�e graMee�n any reconv6yance may be desCr�bed as the person or persOns �,.. "
<br /> . .�
<br /> � legally enUtled thereto" p
<br /> 20.NOTIrEg,ExCept for nplices,demands.requests o�Olher con•munlCations reqwred unde�appl�Cable�aw lo be given m another manner,whenever �
<br /> ��.; �,;,�.;..�...;• Benelfclery.Trueror or 7rustee glves or serves any nouce pnclud�ng,wdhoul limitation.rtohce o�detault antl noUCe o1 selel,demands.�equests or other
<br /> • :� � COmmuMCatlon with respect to thls Trusl Deed.@aCh Such not�ce.demnnd.request or olhe�commumCalion shall be m wnUng and shell be effeCtwe only 4
<br /> :� . i .,
<br /> � �� �. ' ' ff the same fs delivered by personal serviCe or is maded by Certdied mod.poslege prepaid.eddressed to the address as set forlh at the begmning o�Ih�s E
<br /> � '�'• Truet Deed.Any perty may at any Ume Chenga ils eddress lor such�ot�ces by delrvenng or meding to Ihe olher perty hereto,as alaesa�d,a nouce o�
<br /> �,; _ such ehange Any notke hereunder shall be deemed to have bean grven Io Trustor o► Benetk�ary.when grve��n the manner aes�gnateo nere�n i'
<br /> ` •.� — .. . . . '
<br /> 21.R80UEST FOR NOTIGE.Trustor e�d Benel�aary hereby requesl a copy o�any not�ce of defoult,and a copy of any nouCe o�saie Ihereunder,be
<br /> �y�.y;,� ,,:. , , mall�d to eech peraon who Is a party hereto at the address lor such person ael lorth in the lirst paragraph ol Ihis TruBt Oeed. �
<br /> � • 22.dOVHRNING LAW.lriis Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws ol the Stale ol Nebraska �
<br /> A� -
<br /> � 23.SUCCLSSORS AND ASSIGNS.This T►usl Deed,and nll terms,condllians and ob��galians here�n,apply tu and inure lo Ihe beneld of and binds �
<br /> �'•-1'' „ all part�es hereto,thelr heirs,legatees,dev�sees.persont�l representatrves.successros and ass�gns The term Benel�cwry"5hall mean Ihe owner nnd
<br /> ? • ' holder of the Note,whether or not named as Benehaary herem.
<br /> .. . }�•. �
<br /> ., ":;�,��-��.. i
<br /> . � � ' �� (
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