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'F- Y_:'�,``"� <br /> ,�.�`-� , ' <br /> . ,.,. .. -�:.�e-w <br /> 93- io�4 <br /> YO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS TRU8T DEEO,TRUBTOR HERE6Y COVHNANTB AND AOR8E8 A8 FOLLOWB: <br /> 1./AYMlNT Of rIMNCIPAI-AND INTEREfT.Truqa�11 promptlY p�Y wMn du�Ih�pinelpN ol�nd IntKNt on th�Ind�M�dnns�vW�ncsd by <br /> tM�Not�.uid NI oth�r ch�uya and f�w provW�d In Ih�Not�.ub th�princip�l af�nd Int�rwl on�ny Futur�Advanc«Now�d by thls T►uq Owd. <br /> 2.WARRANTY OF TITLl.Tru�tor Is I�wlully Wl:ed end potwea�d of pood and IndN�aslbf�tltl�and��IN�lo th�PropNry henby conwY�d a^A <br /> h�u lM ripht W prant u�d comvy Ih�PropoAy:th�Prop�rty Is trM and cNu of dl Il�ns�nd�ncumbnnoM��c�pt If�ns now ol rlead;�nd TrwWr wi11 <br /> warrant and defencl Ihe tH1e w the Prop�►1y agdn4t dl nla�m��nd d�^'iando. <br /> 3.MAINTENANCB AND COMPLIANCE WITN LAWS.Yru41a�hall keap Ihe Prop�rly in qaod rspalr and eondltFOn and shall na aommft,w�st�a pnmll <br /> imp�irment or del�rlaation ol lh�Praperty and shall eomply with ths provislon�of any leaw 11 thla Truft Deed fs on a lea�ehold.No improv�m�n►nov+ <br /> a herYpfler erected upon IM Prope►ty tha��be o��erad,removed a demollahed withaut the prlor writtsn conssnt of Benslicl�ry.Truata�hall compty with <br /> all lawe,ordin�nCes,repuletlona,coven�nq,condltfont and rashktlona aHectinp the Property and ral commll,wNsr a p�rmit ony aal ro b�don�In or <br /> upOn thp Properly In vlobtion pf anY law,ordlnanee,rogulatlon,covenant,wndltlon a restrktion.Trustor ehrn eomptats a resta���Y�nadndnl�n�q� <br /> workmmlfNS manna any Impovem�nt an the Prop�►ly wh�h may be damayed ar deaUoyed and pay,wh�n dw.aU alaimo lor labor <br /> fumith�d tharela and fa anY alt�raUons Ihsreol. , <br /> 4.INBYHANR�.Tructor,at Its ezpenee,will maintaln with Insurors approved by Bendiclary,inwranca wilh respact Io the improvemsnte end personal <br /> prpperly,apnstltutlnp ihs P�operty.ogalnat lot�by flre,Ilphining,tornado,and othe►perUs and hazerds cove►ed by standard e�tended coverage indase�nent. <br /> in en amount equa�to at least one hundred percent(100%)of the lu�l replecement value thereof and f�surance ayalnat such other hezprds and fn such <br /> emounts as is customarily carried by ownars and operatas ol simltar properties or aa BeneNelary mpy requlre for Its proteatlon.Trusta.will comply wilh <br /> „ s'' A��� such olher reqWrements a�Beneflciery m�y ham time to time request fa Ihe protecNon by inauranCe of tha intereats o1 the respective partlas•All Insurance <br /> ��{;.,. ' poNclee malntalned purcuaM to thls Tmst Oead ahall name Trustor end 6�neficlary as fnaured,as Iheir respecuve Interests may eppqar,and provide Ihat <br /> .�:��•, tlrxa be no e8ncellatbn a modifitatlon without at least 1b days prla written nmifleatlon to Truslee a�d Benellciary may procure such InsurBnae In oa.�ordance <br /> ��' wllh the provfeiona ol paragreph 8 hereot.Trusta ahall dellver to 8eneticiary Ihe aig��al pplicles of Insurante and renewals theraqf ar memo eoples ot <br /> ^��'�'!�� ' � ' .� such policles and renewpla Ihereot.Fallure to lurniah such Inaura�ce by Trusta,or renawals a�required hereunder shall,at the option of Be�ellclary, <br /> „k� :.Y;: <br /> .rl.'�!��.;,:, �,r ,, ,:�:�`,*?,�«�;-, constitute a delault. <br /> s ti �, r:�n .��,• 5,TAXEg��ggEggMENTB AND CHARtiFS.Trusla ehall pay all laxes,assessmenls and other charges,fncluding,without limltallon,fines and Inposlllona <br /> ' ' ° ����;��; iLV° aflributable ro the Property aed�easehold paymenls a grau�d rents,d any.belore the seme become dellnque�t.TruWa shall promptly fumish to benelkiary <br /> '•��' ,;.�� - ' �� � �� �`� .ZS all notices of amounls due under thls peragraph,and In Iha event Trustor shall meke paymenl direclly,T�ustor shall promptly turnish to Benellelary reGeipts <br /> , ,: '''.'•;�i'��,;?;•,;° ;,' <br /> ��!'y,.:��. �;.�T�.�� .t. ., �;,�;; evidencing euch paymenta.Trusta ehell pay all laxes and assessments which may be levled upon 9eneflclary's interest hereie or upon Ihis Trusl peed <br /> ���••,��� ��,� µ�t:r..��,.�b! Y � g <br /> �E.�:?,,.;`. H,.�,,.; u�i wllhout repard lo any law Ihat me be enacted Im in peymenl of ihe wha�e or any part Ihereol upon ihe Bene iclary. <br /> i:.v`, ,_ ��.�'. •, . :,}�)_ <br /> -'�-'�!;�!���o�• +'�� 8.ADDITIONAL UENB AND PRCTECTION OF BBNEFICIARY'S SECURITY.Trustor shall make all paymenta ol inleresl and principal end payments <br /> �!(t� ..f.t.:..:;r�,:j,: '�'x <br /> �';•;� ;,.i,;{"r�' • •• ol any other cherflee,fees and expenaes contracted to he peld to any exlsting or subsequent Ilenhotder or beneficlary,under any exisUng or eubsequant <br /> • mprigage a truel deed belae the date they are delinquent or In delault,and promptly pay and discharge any and all other Ilens,claims a charges whfch <br /> ��, `Yr � ''��= Y y� mqy jeopardfze the securlry granted here�n.It Truator Iails b make any such paymenl or falls to perform any o1 the covenanta and egreements conlelned �," <br /> � T— b � - � In in�s I rust Deed,or iha Huiu��eferred io herafn,or In any prior ot sutrsequent trus!dt�«t,nr It any actbn or proceeding Is commenoed which materlally <br /> �� •�t . �� aHects Beneficlary's interest m ine Property,including,bul nut limded to.emine�t domaln prceeedings,proceedmgs involving a deaedent,nottce of sate <br /> � , . „- 'it <br /> " �Y by Truslea,notice o1 delault by Trustee,moAgage loreelosure aclion,or il Trustor talls to pay Truator's debts generally as ihey become due,then BeneliCiary. <br /> � '� � at Beneilclary's optbn and wrilhout notice lo a demend upon Trusta and without reteasing Truslor hom any obligatan hereunder,may make auch appearancea. <br /> �. •� .. <br /> .ti; , o '� � dlsbwsa such sums and take auch eclbn as le natessary to protect Benefic�ery's Intereat,Including.but not Ilmlted 10,disbursement qf reaso�abla eriorney'6 <br /> •; . � '.j, fees,peyment,Durchase,conteal or compramise ot any encumbrance,charge or lien,entry upon Iho Property to make repalrs,a declaratlon ot tletauH <br /> � under Ihis Trust Deed.In Ihe event that Truslor 8hell lail to proCUre insurante or to pay taxes.assessments,or any olher charges or to meke any payments <br /> �y;� to any exieling a Subsoquent lienhotders a exfatmg or subsequent bene6cianes,Benoticlary may prceure such insurance end make euch payment,but <br /> � �� shall nM be obligated lo do so.Any amouMs dfsbursed by Beneliclary pursuam to this Paragraph 6 shall become add�UOnal indebtedneea of Truslor secured <br /> • by thls Truet Oeetl.Such amounls shell be payable upon nolice lrom Beneliaary tu Truslor requesting paymenl Ihereof,and shell bger�nterest Irom Ihe <br /> �;!� • date ol dlabursement al the rate payabte Irom tlme to lime on outslanuing pnncipal under th@ Nqte unless payment ol mlerest at euch rete would be contrary <br /> • ' •�' ' � to appticable whfch event such emounls shall bear mlerest al the highest rate perm�ss�b�e under applicable lew.Nothing containad In IhlB Perapraph <br /> �r 8 shall requlre Benellclary to incur any expense or lake any action hereunder. <br /> ��� � „ �.�.+' 7.A881RNMENT OF RENT8.Benelfciary shall have the nghl,power and aulhonty dunng Ihe conunuance o�th�s Trust Deed to collect Ihe renls,i88uus • `'' <br /> , and protits ot lhe Property and ol any personal property;ocnted Ihereon with or w�lhout takmg possess�on 0�the prOperty ellected hereby.antl Trustot <br /> �� �•� � hereby absolulely and unCOnditlonally assigns all such rents.�ssues and prof�ls to Benetic�ary.Bene�iaary,however,hereby tonsenls to the Trusta'e �� <br /> y .. <br /> • � CWlectwn and retenllan ol such renls.issuea and pro��ts as they accrue and become payable so�ong as Truslm�s not,al such Umg,in default wlth respect :?'; <br /> ' lo payment 01 Any I�debtedness secured hereby.or m the per�ormance of any agreement hereundar Upon any such default.B8n9f�C�ary may at any tlme. '.. <br /> � , , �;r ellher In person,hy egent,or by a rece�vai lo be appomted by a court.w�thout nohce and with0ul rega�d to the adeqvecy��any senuity tor Ihe Indebtednoas �:+!•�; <br /> J%�� hereby secured.(8)enter upon and take possession al lhe Property or any part Ihereof,and In ds own name sue�ar or otherwise collect auch rent8,Issues =��;`� <br /> " ' end protfts.intluding those past tlue antl unpaid.a�tl apply Ihe same.less costs antl expenses of operalron and cdleCtion,mcluding rensonable etfoiney's .f}.�,' <br /> '. � lees,upon any indebtedness secu�ed hereby.and m such order as Banel�cinry may delermme.Ibl perlorm such ucts ot repau or protection as may be �' <br /> I,., : <br /> � necessary or proper to conserve Ihe value o1 the Property:(c)lease the same or any pa�t thereol for such rontal.term,a�d uqon auch Condlt�ons as Its <br /> �udyment may dfctale,Or lerm��ote or ad�uel thA lerms end tonditions ol existing leases Unless Trustor and Benehc�ary thereof agrBa otherw�se In wnling. �'�;; <br /> �; r � 1 -;;r����� � any appllcauon ol renls,issuBS a prohls to any�ndebtedness secured hereby shall not exlend or postpone the du0 date of Ihe inq1811ment peym9nt8 a& �� <br /> " 't provided In said promissory nole or Change the t�mount ol such installments The entenng upon and takmg possessian o1 the Property.the collectio� <br /> � �,� ol such rents.�s9ues and profits,and the appliCalipn Ihereot as a�oresaid.ahFiu not warve or cure any defaull or not�ce of delnull h9reunder or mvatldate <br /> �i,i ;�,.,�, <br /> �, any act done pursuant to such notiCe.Truslor also aseigns lo Benel�c� furt he�secun ty lor Ihe pertarmance of the obll yatlpns seCUred hereby,al� <br /> � � prepald rents end all momes which may havQ boen a may hereafter be depos�ted w�lh said Trustor by any lessee o�Ihe PropHrty,to secure the payment <br /> t•�' i S �,�1' of any rent or dameges,or upon defeult In the performance o�any ol Ihe provisions hereof.Trustor agrees lo de�rver suCh reMa and depos�ts lo Benehtfary- � <br /> � ° � E ''��'� Delfvery ol wntl9n notite ol Benelle�ary's exercise o�Ihe righfs granted herem.lo any tenant xcupymq sad qremiaes shell be euNlc18n1 to requve sa�d F <br /> �;•14�' ; ,� � tenant to pay renl to 1he Benot�c�a►y untd lurlhe� nat�ce � <br /> �`! <br /> w, . 8.CONDE'MNATION.II tillH to any parl ol Ihe Property shail be taken in condem�ation proceed�� nghl of emineM dOmA�n or similar acUOn.or <br /> • r �, � shall be aWd under threal of condemnaUO�.all awa�ds. damages and proceeds are hereby ass�gned and shall be O��d to Benehc�ary who sha�l app�y <br /> ; � 8uCh award6.damages and proceeds to Ihe sum secureJ by th�s Trust Deed.w�th the excess.�f nny paid lo Truator 11 Truslo� �ece�ves any nohce or � <br /> other Inlormabon regard�ng such act�ons a praeetl�ngs,Trustor shall grve prompt wniten notice thereo�to Bene�ic�ary Banehciary shail ba <br /> . .#: ' de option,to ca�+mence.appear x�aM prosecule m�ts own name any;uch aclan a proceed�ngs and shall be ent�lfed to maNe any COmpromise ar setllement � <br /> . " In connettion wdh any such aclwn a proceed�ngs <br /> 9.FUTURE AOVANCES. Upon requesl ol Truslor,6enehciary at 9enelic�ary's option.pnor to reconveyance of Ihe Property to Trustor.may mahe <br /> I <br /> luture advances to Truslor Such luture advances,wilh�nterest Ihareon,shell be seCUred by th�s TrUSI Deed when ev�tlenCed by(1rOmi5sory notes statmg , <br /> - ....�..a....... ..a..s..�..��...,..,��� <br /> , . � . .. .---�--...... -- -...___-_ _.... ......, <br /> -� Ihel 88fd noleS ere 6@CUred heraGy.pfOViOBC that at no ume snnii ii�v ac�.��w N������Ma�e��..�,.,...o o.......,,................,.,....a..,...._.._._..---•-,•-•--. : <br /> 1,. <br /> ' Ihe sYCUr�ty.exceed Iwo hundreA percent(200°0)o�Ihe onymal pnnapal amOUnls secured hereby <br /> ,;�, �, 10.REYEOIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Benet�c�ary,ynd rtach o�them,shall b�ent�tled lo enforce paymenl.�nd pertormnnce o�any mdebtedness . <br /> �+• i or obligatlons SeCUred hereby a�d to exerc�se all r�ghls and powers under Ih�s Trust Daetl or under any olher ag�eement executad�n connecl�on her�w�th <br /> ��� ' or any laws�ow a hereaper m IOrce,notwdhstandmg some o�all ol tha such indebtedness and ob��gat�ons secured he�eby m�y now Or hereake�be <br /> �� � otherw�se 5ecured.whether by moitgage.Vusl deed.p�e�dgo.iien,nssiynmanl or otherwise Neither 1he acceptarice o�th�s T�u�t p8eq nor its enlorcemenl <br /> . wh61h@t by eouA att�on or pursuant to Ihe power af sole or other powrrs harom contamed.ahall pre�udic�>or m:�ny m.tmit�r,dle�cl Tr u�lee's or Deneli[�ary s <br /> nght lo reabze upon Or 9nlorce any olher seCUrdy now or hereMter held by i rustee or BenBhc�ory,d being agreed Ihat T r ustec+end Banehnary.antl each <br /> �. <br /> r� � � , <br /> � <br /> �l � � . <br /> � <br /> . , <br />