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<br /> 4.M addiHao�l wcudly.Tru�for lur�by Q[vw to�nd ooa[�t upoa B�a�Ael�ey!h� t,Puwn�ad�uth°�it,y+d f!M aontlanana
<br /> Hao nd
<br /> ot tb�Y4��fs to ool4et th�r�ata.iruM�ad profip ot wid prop�ety��a�vinf unto�th�ei�ht,Peior m�n� dt by Tnuoor
<br /> '� inp�m�et d�qp iad�bbdmo Meund Iwrby or ia pMfoem�aa at atyr�pwm�nt Mw�r.to oolbet�ad e�o�b aah natr.irwW
<br /> �nd p�a8b�t6��bcom�dw ml purabi�.Upon�qy weh d�tiuit�B�adki�rY m�Y at�qy daM witbont aatda��fdur in p�raoo.b
<br /> .�Je�+y„ �n�.ar by�naiv�to b appoiat�d by�eaart,�ad Mrithout n�acd W tb�sdsquao7 ot�ay Meurlbr far thi iadobo�d�6�nb7�
<br /> � +sr i, .,�,�..; �nntu npon u►d fake paw[oa Of nid p�op�rqy or�AYprt tMnof.in hi�own nam�rw tor or othtrwle�aol�ct�uoh r�nb,iinw aod
<br /> �t'`���' psvflb,ir�cludin8 fJ�piut due a►d w►pdd.�ad�pplq fM s�upon�qy ind�bt�dnw Mcund Iwnb9.and in wch aed�r u Bao�6ciae�
<br /> •' sv
<br /> -� ""' m�p deqemia�.l7a nih*faQ upoa and t�kina Pow�lun ot sdd P�op�rt7�th�aoll�ctlon of wuh nab,i�w��ad pro(f4 wd tb��ppllntfoa
<br /> :d��� •.1s;K.�s�.:�.lr�r'��� tharof�u dwwid.vull aac cwr or.v�iv�any ddiult or notia of d�hWe Merw�d�r or intilidate�qy kt doa�puewwae to w�h oaNa.
<br /> 4�,.• '�•w�:'.'� �
<br /> ,�.. . _ , t 6.Upou iMfinl!bq'llnutor in fiw p�ym�at of aay iud�Efda�r�.vnd Iwnby ar in tM p�efortnano�af�ny�msat�atsiio�d hurin,
<br /> m�
<br /> �' ... . ^•�-,� .11 ww.�cund iior.bq dull im�diaMly bkoaa�dw aad p.y.bl•.t sh.option of rL.B.n.tki.ry.In ae6 waat.nd npon wriwn rquat
<br /> ` � �`°''a:'�'y'�w�`�� - of H�r»fichry.T,v�t�.�hdl wll th�teud p�oputy.la �000rd�na wlth th�N�6raata'14ure Dwd�Aet.ae pudl[c auation W tb�hi�{M�t
<br /> ,•�':'•' ' �`•., � . • ' bidd�r.My Pa�oa�:orpt 11vdM m�y bid�t Trwbs�wl�.'hu��11 �pply th�peacMd�of LM wla sa fblhp�n:(1/to tb�
<br /> ,.^..�� � �r' d t6��,fneJudina�esuowbb 1tu��fir,(21 W fh�obll�Non Meund by fhb DNd of Tnu�l31 th�wtyltw,it�ay,�II M dl�ut�d
<br /> �:. � to t)�p�non��ndtl�d th�nto.
<br /> . .3::;�..-,,..
<br /> , b.�,:;?'�.i .. e.14wt�e duU ddlwr to th�purehusr�t th�wb ia drd. �vithwt�varranty,which�hdl eonwy W tbe p�u+ehaser ths iabn�t ia r,_•
<br /> � � , . , tiN propety which 7tu�for h�d or bad N�s po�nr to oonwy�t th�tlm�of hi��s�ucion ot tbi�DMd of True�urd ntoh w ir may have
<br /> �oquind fherwfter.74u�tee'�ded�h�ll recite the fiicb dtowiaQ that th�wls wu cotducbd in amplGtnd wtfh �1)tbe nquiremenh
<br /> .: ,.` � . . of'ia�v ud o[thL D�nl oi 7'rw6 Nhieh ncital�hNl b�prfau�fui��vW�ao�ot aeh oomplf�aa and conelueiw wfduaa titenof'in fivor
<br /> ' „ . ot600a 8d�puechu�n�nd�ncumbranan for wlw.
<br /> • 7.Th�power of ab cmfimd by thi�DMd ot 7tu�t i�oot on�uludw nm�dy;B�mtki�ry mqy c�uw tbie Dwd af Trwt M b�foneloMd
<br /> � . as a mort�a�e.
<br /> � 8.in ths eveat of th�death,inc�pecity, diw6ility or rosi�tion of 14wtea. Il�ruflct�uy msy appoipt in Mriting�woeawr trurta�,
<br /> �nd upon the roeording of�uch�ppoinlaMM in the mostg�ge rocord�d'th�eouaty in which thle Deed ot Truet ie naoMed.tl��ucow�or
<br /> .. tru�tee�11 be veated wit6 dl powers of thc origi�ul trwtee.The tnutee is not obliQed W notify�ay pwty henta otp�adis�a al�under
<br /> _- =- �ay athar Dsed oi Tnut or oi wY action ar prooe�din�in whkS�T�vrWr.'I�uataa or liatsaticiary ahaR ba a part,y tu�k�s a�cl�act�oa or
<br /> �;�;; proasdti►�ie brouoht by che Truau..
<br /> ' ,j':::.- : 9.17de pesd of Trud�ppliee to,inures to the bene0t of, and ie binding not only on the partiee hersto, hut on their hain,d�vhaa�, �"�"+
<br /> i ;.,i: ., leQatae�,admini�tniforo.executon.�uaeswn and aniQns. The ts�m B�nQB¢��ey �1ui11 mean tha holder utd aaner of the nob wcurad ��`.�"•'
<br /> � m '.,S.Y
<br /> henby.wh�tber or not n�med w Ilenetiei�ryr herein.
<br /> ;. � 10.Reque�t Ibr Notios of Dsfiul!or Notice of 8sle.It i�reque�ted that a copy of�ny Notks of Defeult or Notiao af$�la b maibd to
<br /> �
<br /> ..'� � weh penon who b mm�d in thi�Trwt Wd�t th�m�iliop addnw of sucA penon u wt out�bow.
<br /> �' � �'-•� NOTICE TO CONSUMERs 1. Do aot eign thie paper before you read i� Z. You are entltled to a copy
<br /> ,;.!;: ot thie paper.9.You mey prepay We unpaid bplaace at eny time without penalty and may be entitled �"°{'
<br /> ;��.''.: ;•; � ta receive a refund of uaearned charges in acaordance with Iaw. �'",��
<br /> !��o�'� • .`��.., Signad thie 8 day of Se�tember ,n.n.is�—.
<br /> � , ' X �, w � �' �
<br /> i '+� STA'CE OF NEBRASKA 1 � ��;,:'
<br /> • • He l l COUNTY 1� x � . � . ��'j�:�e'
<br /> . �: ,,,,
<br /> On thie 8 dHy a;_ September� A.D., is 93 ,before me,the undersi�tned,a Notary Public,duly ��, '��
<br /> commiesioned and quallfied for and reaiding in seid county, peraonally cemeMltCh@I1 D. L8U and Jona S. Lau� � ,;
<br /> husband & wife as joint t�.natbt�ne k�o� to be the identical peraon 5 whoae nnme 5 a �ce to the toregoing '�'�
<br /> ' inetrnment ae Truator S and ecknowledged the same W be �n��r vol-
<br /> . unf�ry act and deed.
<br /> � Witnees my hand and Noturial3eal the day and year '
<br /> My Commiseion expires the 8_—__— y ���'�`��T� -t J . ;
<br /> of February , t9 95 Y �� ,.� � .:��- � .
<br /> . ry ublic �
<br /> � , # I
<br /> �.� � STATE OF -- --- -- � I .
<br /> , 1!:R- � �
<br /> ; . � County � i. '
<br /> ' ' Entered in Numerical Indea and filed for record in the office of the Regiater of Deeds of eaid county,the �
<br /> ` � dey of _ , t9 _, at _. ._._ o'clak and _ �
<br /> ' + minutea _ __ M., and duly rernrclyd in Book of _ �
<br /> �? Mort88B� Pe6e --- ---- — � � ,
<br /> �-- �.--- - - - . `� I,
<br /> -- � - � - a ------- -- � -- — �
<br /> ReginLer of Deeds I
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