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<br /> �� M�tc�iell D�. Lau and�ona��.au, us an an wi e as �oint tenants ,
<br /> ��O°����� t e nsurance ompany �
<br /> ' „ a- . �74u�mn�
<br /> ��,,,��„��n..�. 6800 College Bla� Overland Park KS 66211 ,
<br /> ru T�wtN.�nd Noewe�t fln�ncid �r.�.. u►e.,avhore rn�ifln 1� 2319 N. W2bb Rd.
<br /> 3� , na P.0 gox 13�3 Grand Island, �IE�802 ,,.��.se+.ry,
<br /> RrI7'NF�BSER'H.T�+uWea i�nbY IrnvoaWY.�raat,ab�aia.MII,�ad oonwy w 7�in aurt,with powr ot��e!N PalowlnQ dt
<br /> ' �aib�d peop�ety ia f� Couu►t9�N�bea�iu:
<br /> • ���
<br /> ' . . Lot 1� Hawk's Nest Subdivision. Hall Caunty, Nebraska.
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<br /> ` Togethe�with tensrn�nb,ha►edisunente,and appurten�nas thereunw 6elonRinQ or in�nywi�e RppeAaiaing�nd the nnte,ierues�d :..�
<br /> ; pmfitr th�teof. �"�'
<br /> ti Thi�oonwyanoe i�inttndud for the puryo�e o[�ecuring the p�ymeat W Benetici�ry of Tnumn'peomi�ory note of wen date in tM ,:.;
<br /> � �mount�tat�d�bov��"Total of PRymsnta". 8�id"fotaJ of Payraents"i�repay�ble in th�num6er of montAly inetalments afated�bove.
<br /> � '� The�mount of!he inatalment poyments due on wid loen fa etar�•d above.The BM snd final in�telment due date�on s�id lo�a�ee�tabd
<br /> ��•� . �bove.P�yment nuy be mede in advonce In any amount et any time.Defiult in mal�ing any payment ehall, at the 8ene8slary��option t
<br /> �� �nd�vithout notia or d�nund,render the entire unp�id balana oPsaid Inan at once dw nnd payable,lesa my requind r+eb�t�oteh�raa.
<br /> - To prat9ct th�Mcurity of thfe Deed oiTnut�Trwtor covenants and egrees: �:
<br /> i
<br /> 1.To ke�p the property in gaod eondltion and rep�ir,w permit no waetQ thereof;W complete�ny bufldina, et�ucturo or improvem�nt �
<br /> 6eing buil!or about W be built thereon; to reaWre promptly any buildmg,etrueture or fmprovem�nt thenwn whkh auy 6�d�m�ed a i
<br /> • dntroy�d;and to eomply with nll lnao,ordinenc�w,regulatione,covenante,rnnditions and rertrictiono afFecting the property. ;
<br /> � 2.To pay beforo delinquent all I�wCul taxes and ueeaemente upon the property:to keep the property fiee�nd clar of dl other eharQe�. ;
<br /> liene or encumbrances impairing the Recurlty of thir Deed nf Truet.
<br /> • � 3.To ke�p�II buildings now or henatter erected on the propetty de�cribed horein eontinuously ineured�Rainet losr Dy fire ar other
<br /> hesarde in�n �mount not lee�then the wtal debt�ecured by thi� Deed of Truet. All policie�eh�ll he hek by the Benetiei�ry,�nd 6e
<br /> in�uch rnmpaniee�e the Beneticiery may epprove e�d have loee payeble bret W the Flenelfciary ae fa fntenyt msy�ppear�nd th�n .
<br /> W the 14uetor.The amount rnilected under eny ineurance policy m�y be�pplied upon eny indebtedneee hercby�eeured fn ruch order u •
<br /> the Beneflciury�hdl determine. Such epplication by the 8eneifeiey ehell not esnw dixont�nuance of�ny proaeding�W foreeloee thf�
<br /> Deed of Trutt or cure or woive any defeuit or notice of detault o�fnvelidate any ect done pursuent to such notlte. In lhe event of foreeb�un,
<br /> � dl�ighte of the Trwtor in ineuronce polkiee then in force ehell par�w the purchaser at the forecloaure eale.
<br /> 4.To obtain the written rnneent of Beneficjery 6efore selling,conveyinR or othorwise treneferring the propeRy or any pert thereof and
<br /> �ny euch stle,rnnve,yance or tranefer without th�BeneBci�ry i wntten eoneent shall rnnetitute a deteult under Ihe te►me hereof
<br /> � 6.To defend any acdon or praeeeding purportmR to atTect thQ eeeurlty hereof or the���hta or power�of Elenefinary or Tnwtee.
<br /> ' � 8.3hould Truetor fail W pay when duo nny tazee,o�+�eumenGs.�neuraace premiume,liene,encumbrancee or other eherge�a�ainat the
<br /> � ! ; ; property hereinn6ove deecribed. Beneficin�• mny pny thn snm�.nnd the nmount eo p�id,with IIIIPfpRI HI IAP rote Vet forth fh the note
<br /> . eecured hereby,ehell bc added to ond bemmc n port of thv d��t seeured m th�e Deed uf Truet ae permfeted by law.
<br /> , ,
<br /> • 1. In the event any portfon of th� property is taken or damaRed in an emment domain proceed�ng,t6e entire emount of the eward
<br /> � or euch portion thereoi ee may 6e neceseary to fully ealiefy the obliQet�on eecured hereby,ehall be pofd W BeneOc�ary to De applied to
<br /> eeid obligation.
<br /> . 2.By ateepting pa,vment of any eum aecured hereby oRer�ts due date.Renefic�ery doee not warve�u�ight to require prompt payment
<br /> Mhen due of all other aum�eo necured or w declere default fur fnilure to eo poy.
<br /> 1� �• 3.The Ttuetee eha91 reconvey all or ony pan ot the property eovercd by th�s Qecd of Truet to the pereon enti!led therew.on wntten
<br /> r_ � . requert of the Twetor and the Renefieiery,or upon eat�+foct�on of the obligut�on eecured und written requat for reconveyrnee mede by
<br /> - :.`.'o P'o:.:,n�. - .._ _ .:.�,a.t_
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