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<br /> '_-_- I:` _ . . ' ' .
<br /> __ . . . . � 91-- ��►.�:���: : ,
<br /> ' � - ,pplip6ie tawmay apaify tar edas�ert�enc�6eforeaale atthe Propetcy,p�usu.ns.t+o ony.pc�►�pr:at�sakaoutainal;in,tdir: : .
<br /> _- Sa�rity�ar tbl eix7 of aNdBm�t eafan�fng ttus Sx+uitY L�aanae�. Ti�as+acaoditiaras a�ttuit Ra�waru:.(�i,; . .
<br /> _ piys E,ender �ii�s wAkb then waatd be d�t ander t l u�S t c u r ity.�n t u t►�a n d;t h e N a t t a s i f;o n�a o o�i t r t t,h t�l:
<br /> - ucxarred:@1 aaes auyi defwltaFf any ottscr coven�nts ac�arxnts:fcl�Yg���xi�'�in�ute�in enfurcutg 3ttls Sexz�tit)ti•.
<br /> - • tnstrtmsea�inctudiag.bttt not limited t0.reassamabie attaneys'fxs:a�d(dl taic�sc�oclioa as�at�y.�s a�►S y�,;. �
<br /> ' cequice u�ass�ue twt ltie lien of this Secarity IAStnnn��[.ender�righh�in tI�Ptopaty a.�nd$asraw�s�obliF,ation sa,�.+1t�g
<br /> — satas'sxated by ti�is Sauriry instrument shali caatiaue �nchwgod. [Ipoa,�t b�,Bcnmwzr. th�s Sa�urit}��: .
<br /> - ` ttu�s aad the oUtigaHons secut�od herstry stwti ret�in fidi�effactivs as��f t��tiofs ts�ct:ost�nt+e�l. H�we�Zr.t�s� -
<br /> ri�m��u��ty;na������s��T.
<br /> lt Saie d Nafe;�d Wa�Se�vioe� The Kae ar a p�raal wtaest in,thc Nat�(ta�th�,aiih�this Secvn'ty
<br /> 4 y_.�. Iasuument)may be sold one a mae ames wiibnut pria aotice to Bo�mw�r. A saio may.r�sait�in a c�tinga in,ihe eatity `-
<br /> � (im�m as tbe"Loan Se�vicdi tdat coHe�.s menthiY P�Y��dae under the Nataand this Sccwity�insaumaN: 7'i�ae al;a. .
<br /> °_---- may be anc or mae c6aagrs of the l.o�a Stn►icer wueluea to a saie of the Nnts. If thzsG is a s�tba+af,�I:mn-Saviast,:.
<br /> ��'�• Barower witl be given wiitten aotice of tbe d�ge iu�asca�rd�noe with psr�ap�b.l+i at�o�a and sp�pti�.t►k�l�.sc:•:Tt�:saCste�-
<br /> `t'"" wI�1 SiBte t�C 11aIIiE 80d Sddit35 Of thG aEw LO�fI SCltil�C3�thC�S to W�11C�f�lyDltdlii sdMltd$Y«'�..�'iA iflVEliL',v�^��i
<br /> S�SO C�dlp 8il�l 0I�1Cf IIIfO(�GhQA[G�UUOd���1C��W.
<br /> 0
<br /> - • Z�. Ba�rdo�s Sn6ahsces Bamwa sba11 aot rause a pemdt the p�sence.use,dispt�:.scu�.ar,cetsuse af atty
<br /> " " H7Z�d0119 SIIbSt�ClS Op Qf ilb(bC�. BOITOWe!5�'I7Cli dtlr IlOf�pW 'J�'inS:.'CI�IP Ip L�i�:3l.lj'i�1►A$'��n8�'
<br /> .`��; _ Ytopnty tt�a[is in violation of a�r Favitonmenta!i.aw. The pcsooding two semtean�es sb�l Aat�ap���a�p$i3 Ptssence�use.°r =-
<br /> � starage on tbc Pmperry of anall quantities of Hu�dous Sa9st9nt�es that ane g�o�ly�.�eoo�iiz�ed sa ata�oFriate to aamat - —
<br /> nsida�t'rai uses aad to maiatea�ce of the Pr+operiy. '
<br /> Bosmwa s6aU psua�I�Y�ve Lec�der written sjotice o�any invessug�atio�cl�oam.d�.Cawsuit or otber actian by any �
<br /> e er
<br /> , � gov�tal or�egulawfY ag�.y or ptivate par[y.im+olving th�Pmpertg attid�a��N's��slms's-Substa�xe ar Eavirotunenutl
<br /> a xe
<br /> Law of votnidt.Barower t�as actual tawwledg�. If�Barav�es ltacrss.-.ar,��nuRifted�.t�n�,au�:�gmramnental or reg�lazory �:
<br /> •° :,,.r aaA�oritJ+,tBat aay nw�vai or o�her re�od�on af any Haaudws Suli3t�rrae�fft+�i1�tii�F.r��is neressary.Barrowec =_-
<br /> s�l prvmp�ly i�e a11 i�eoesguy re�ned;aF�as in a000ntuice wici,�iveroum�t�LaN: : ..
<br /> As nsed m this Qaragr�plc�0,°Ii�v.�Su�sta�es°are tfr�se�sa�d�ritt�l�s ttnia os�h�ardous svhsr�oes bp �--�°�-
<br /> �� �airuoamental law and tlr�fu�Sawia�.m,rxr�.,�ec: gasali�,kt,rosest�.t�fl�os�taue petroleam pcadu�t�coaic °-�i
<br /> `C4. Q.
<br />� ... , p�5picides and i�bicides,;�6L�ui�:sni►cx�,�.tmterials c�st�sanin�asbestps_ar fo�itt�3t�yite,as��.rad'snactive m�r�rs As '•�,���;;��;•�
<br /> �:��'4? , i�af in tliis p�rgapb 20,"Em�crom�eatal I.aw"mme�ms fedtaa!iass�•s�ari�•I6.ws of ti�jarisdttiun,wt�etfie Ptopetfy�is Iuc�ecF +:;�.:r y��
<br /> ' �� • that ielatr m[�ltb.safety or envuon��sratecgio�. '::' : � . : .;_,' �;�
<br /> ' t�� � NON-[fNff�[3M COVEN/1NTS. 8u�ow�and�.:er►�.,3•fiuth3s.c�venam and agrce as follows: , . . :;.�:y. •�•J
<br /> �` .�` �� 21. A�;Rernsdies I.ea�ers69►'�l�g3teuaiia�tb,Bo�rower prior toaccderation idtowiog Bonawer's ``•_pY. =
<br /> � ��'�� ,` •. tr�cb of anp caveaant or,a�mant in thls Sece�rtty.tastram�t�(but nat prbr to accekration ander parag�aph 17 ;.;,.;:>;,,.:� _
<br />' .^°f,; � - anksg appiicpE�k law pravid�s Mhtiwise?:,T6e atrtiorast�Ai'ss�ttcdty:.(a)t6e de�aolt;(b)the s�ct�on requirM to wre t6e ��__,;�: ;�
<br /> v��4' .•::?f : ._.
<br /> �`y';fi":; defa�it.(c).adata nw 1e�tba�30 dx�sfruen.thodutq tlla na�Tle Ls gtv�to Bovrower,by wbkp the detAatt mast be � '�u•._;
<br /> "�`,�:�° '��- � � car�d:awd t�4tr�ttailaretocnrethedeC�ll,ua�mbtfttmtt{xdite�ecifred inthe notice mae resuft in accderatioo ot ��Y;:.�:::.w
<br /> .�•�r ca
<br /> � ' t's the s�s stcared by,Wis�SaarI1Y Ip�tit�tpUaa�tt�sdt��tUe Prop�ccj: T6e notioe shaU titrtl�iafonu Borrower ot.. ,1„ -°-
<br /> � �,�;�, ':,' .4vrf<..s
<br /> . the ria6t to reia�ataafitraa�ees►time.an3'SbF ri�,titUb�rtng a conrt nction to asser!the non�exfistence of a detaott or ��;•..,;��.,,�-��;�-
<br /> - .. '# �:�r �. 'any dber d�ea4e of,B�rrsv�e��tb�oo�C+tttm,?in�'snl� If ths ddualt�s n��ed on or betore the dats specitted in �,5��'`,��
<br /> � � t6e aotic�Leader at its o�ttrim mqY�rer�fre immtdl�tepayment in 8�A af aU'scmr�secnred by this Seca�tv�asirament �:i'��;;;;;�..,v��
<br /> " m
<br /> ,� � �:� wlWout �urthes demand-and•rt�y,laY�dt�:e tlie poWerof sale and ausg ather s�m,edies permitted by a�icable law
<br /> , l.euder s6allibe�entiiled•to.colltd�aii��iacorred in pu�cv�¢he re�i�s provided in this p.��ra�ph Zl, �.
<br /> `';,�� + � � :;
<br /> . tncluding,b�t not li�ited ao,eeasonabk e�torneys f�esand casts af title evide�� '
<br /> `='� ' -�a, . , It tMe power•ot�sal�ts i3�tnvaked,7Y�tee shatl�m�rf a noUce oP defaWt tA�h county ia which ang�acl ot the .�__
<br /> �~�•�� �� � .ffrrrptrty is�aeated and'sic�.i!�il copks ot sucb natic�in the manner presati'h�1�appikabte taw to Bora�t�i�and to • _ --
<br /> ..��_,�:..._ . , :�n
<br /> •�.;:. ;�y�.,. ' tltie Mhtr p�ta�ns prescribed by applk�trte taw. After the time requir�ed by ag�yCaca6le faw,7lrustee sha�.���pu6lic , --
<br /> �,� � �. ;a:
<br /> :.::,,7,. • '•.��' ; ootke af sa[+etolhe persons and in tbe mr�nner prescribed bY AP��Ie law. Tcastee.wit6oat demand o�t l�urroaer, . . :,_
<br /> • '��•s'' • ,���:�• - �' . shaU sep thp P,roperty at public ancttue�fi�the highest bidder at the t�me and pin�and nnde�'tl�e tern�designated ia � .. .�*�;_
<br /> r tse�wtice of safe in one or more arc�and in an order 7tvstee dttermines.7�ostee may�9one sak o�all or any '•••�=':_.
<br /> � '�•��' ral of tbe Pro by�tic anav�ncement at the time and lace ot an t�eviousl scheduled s�le. Le�der or its `-``
<br /> . .;}, _,ri�.-., • Pa PcrtS' P Y P 9 � ,;��.
<br /> desigaee msy porc6ase the l?i��pettn�9ny sate. ,-,*
<br /> ' � :L�';��i�� Upon recelpt oi paymc�l'€►9���rsice bid.71�nstee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the • . ��--_
<br /> :. 5• 4_�,.;,,.
<br /> ' '�' �,'�� Property. The recitals in t6e 7lrostee'�dc�d sdall be prlma facie evidence ot t6e truth at the staiements made therein.
<br /> �°,�{i`' 7Yvstee shall apply tde praceeds o!tft�stbe in the foltowiag order lal to all c�ost.g and expensc.w of exere�siag the power ' � ` �
<br />