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<br /> �
<br /> �� � condemnatian a other tai�iag of any pact o�the Pmperty.or for conveyusae in lica oi c�demaa�un.a�berebY�S��-
<br /> = s6�ll6epsidtaLader. � shal! 6� applied to ihe sums secured 6y this Sceutity
<br /> — In the tvesut of a tdal ta{aa$of ttie FtoSxnY- �� partial g P�penl+�
<br /> — [nst�suneak whethcr a not thsn dt�e.�uitt�any exress paid to Borcower. [n ttrc e�eat of a takin of tbe �n
<br /> ° whic3s tha fair mark�i value of ti�e Pivpaty inuncd�ateiy befor the rdking is equu!so ar�rrater th�n thc�of the sums
<br /> secuted by this SectuitS►Iamu�n�imrr�di��9 before ihe taking.uniess Barmu er and t.ender otteerwisc a�ree in writiag.
<br /> tbe sums securcd by this SecuritY Insw�ent sha1l be ceduad 6�ttie arnauni of ti�proceeds mvltiptied by the fo!louing
<br /> -- {��; (a}tl�e t+nta!a�nt a€the sems secus�d imrr�ediatelg 6efart ttie taking,divided by(b)tire fau market vaiue of tfie
<br /> p�rtY�ly 6efore the t3lain� Any balance shall tx paid to Boiraa-er. In the evenE of a pa�tiat tatamg�the
<br /> prqperty u�wluch tbe fair market value of the P�y immediateiy 6efom,the takin$is tess t�an the anwunt of the sums
<br /> seQae�utune4iateLy before the taking.unlcss Barrower and L.ender oti�ermice 3gree w writing or untess applisabk faw
<br /> �rwisa Pta�+ides,tbe Pmceeds shal!6e applied w the surns sec�ucd by dtis Se�rity[nsuument whettser or not the sums are
<br />_= tlxn due.
<br />- If ti�PropertY is abandar�ed bg Boao+tier.as i�aftec aotice by Lender ta BoROwer tte�t tM condemnor affers ta a�
<br /> – an aw�d ar settle a ctaim for damages.BoraaAer fails to cespand to i.ender within 30 days after tt�date the notice os o�i!e
<br /> Len�kr is authorized to collect and apply the procceds�at�u optiaa.eitiier to testoratian ar cepair of the Prapect�
<br /> -_ sums s�ured by this Security instrume�u,wlxther or not then d�_
<br />-�~ iJnless i.ender and Bormv►ei atbeiwisc agtee ia w�icing.anY aPPlication of�pioceeds ta pimcipal shall r�eataid�
<br />��`�� po�par,e tire due date of tfie monthtY P�Y�ts mfeir�d co w paragr�?hs l and 2archang�e che amawt of sucA pa)�s�tts.
<br />';��,��� 11.BorrosP�r Not Rcle�; Fosbarana By [,endec.NaE•a �'er. ExtenSiois,o�the ame fas paymen�,or.
<br /> m�xtifceatian of amoctization af the sur�s secur�bY��S��"�iY��"'ai�autsd b}Lender to any successot in�ntes�st,
<br /> of Sormu•er shall not opeiate to c�lease tt�e lia6ility of the origir.�P 8aiiavrccor.Bosrower's sicscessais in intecest.I.ender
<br /> s6aU not be cequiced to com�e praeed�s&S again.st a�Y succes..dur,in inv�st or refuse ta rxtend 6me fnr payment or .
<br /> otherwise modify asnoitization af the sums secrued by thu Sccunt�(nstinriec��SY�on oF any dem3nd made 6y the onpnal �v• –_—
<br /> Bot�owa�Bomower's successors sa interest. Arry farbeaiartce i��Lend�itr exenysing aay right os temedy shal!not 6e a
<br /> -"'� waiver af Qrpnctude the eacen�ise of any ri�t or remedy. --. , =
<br /> 12. Sucassois�d A-�s BounO:�aint and Sever,►f Li�bility;Ca�i� The covenants and a u of•th:�s
<br /> Sec�rity insuument si�slE�gd and benefie the successms an8 assigns oi Le�s�at�Bmmwer.sublect tb:i�isions of ��_
<br /> s ��:
<br /> . paragraph 17.Barnav�5 car�naars and agreemenG,shall be jourt and severa�:Ruy 8cst�a��er who co-�ig�this Sec�uity =-_�
<br /> �' �.- Y. .. e. �aud convey.ttn�
<br /> Insm:ment iwt dces aaceie�cut,�t1�Nuie: (a1 is co-sigaiatgitns Seeimry insirui:�t�ti��,ta;r�orcgaS �ra� �.�
<br /> ` Hatrower's interest in tixP�-�ty under the tertns of this Securit}Insuumerts; (b�is no�p•rarsm�lR}�obligated to pay the:,u�ds it�"'�
<br /> :i�}�: secuzed by this Secuii��s3�ec�and(c)agcees that lx�rler and any a�ttzr Bc�vi�c�-rr�.�.:��Co eutend.mod�fy.fast�ar i�-_�-__
<br /> ��_=.:__
<br /> ar make any acca�-s with regard to the tertns ot this Securiq•�Ir►stiu��ti��6r tt�!��te without that Bormwei's ��:'.:-
<br /> .<<°�,. . consen� �' � - _
<br /> �� �} ��, {��(�secured by this Sec�aiiy Insuu�s.nt�iY sr�3:;ect`tu�a�taw which seis ma�cimum laan �
<br /> S��=
<br /> � qf�: charges�ar�d.that 1aw Qs fir.alty inteipreted su that the iniese.st nr oth�r laan chai�s collect��r ta 6e collected in cormectiai� __
<br /> �.,;(� with the tc�eaceed tl-.e pesmitted limits.then: Inl any such lcnm r.h:ug�.shsll be reduced Csy iir$amaum necessary[a re�oe -- 4.-
<br /> Y '"" tho charge to the perm.ir�limi�and(b)any sums already'cc�ib:ci,:d'�aa►Ban°wer which eza�ded permitted limi�.s wr��• �_
<br /> � � � refimded to Borrawec I�adcr may choose ta m31r�ttes refwr�by��ringd�eprn��Pa�pWed under the Note orby mak�;a ___��,_
<br /> ' . - ditect payment to Ba,-�sr�er. lf a refwnd redicces•'prire:i�ltis�reductian wi3E�treated as a partial ptepar�t withaut any .-;ry��_--
<br /> . ��,'� .:a ; prepaYment charge under 1he Note. �'.i�°°``==`,_
<br /> � �-` 14. Natices. My notice ta Boaawer providsd fnr,in•this Secuaty 4ra�--�-nent tihall be given by de.:x�ering it as by �` �.:?'.:�....-�
<br /> ,r,-�.�,,���,r,��;;:.
<br /> ';�;�'�' - mailin�it by fitst class mai!uniess a{�sli.ab.e law nequ�s�c u�e o€,3r��iher me��ad.The notice shall be directed to ihe Presp�cty . .a�;z.:_
<br /> �`.�c•�....,:_.
<br /> Addmss or any other address Bmmv;er.d:si�nate�:+fsy notice ta F-.��.sder. A.ny f�7al;.e to f.ercdec sha11 be given by firat clac.c k ,L,��;�;s;;;:`_
<br /> mail to l.ender's address stated hereir.•�oT anp ottn:r.addrsss I.ender designaces l���n�;ticz ta Borsuwer. Any notice provideci for r��.,-.;:.�:.��
<br /> ., � - in this Security tnstruca�ena.�haU i�deemed to h:�r�Txen given to Borr.s��c Lz,�.endcr.whPn gi�•en �provided in this �•(.;;.L..-.,;•,;`,�
<br /> Da��Ph• ''•"s" –
<br /> - 15. tioreenirtA 4�r�; Se�crn'bIl�ty:: Thi, 5ecu�ty lasmul�nt shall be govemed�'���1 law and the la��of the �h �` -:� i,�-�
<br /> ' jurisdiction in which che P�roy�rty ss lc�ca�:d.,In the evem tha�t aisg(siovision ar clause af thisS.rurity Instrument or the_:���.
<br /> , �,..><��;::::-
<br /> . canflicts with appDical�e law,sucts c�ntlwc•+hallt�ct atfec�b�r�n�visians af this Security Instrument or the Note w::i�:s c��* �' .. .�'.'":"'��_
<br /> be�iven effect withaut•thc cnn.flwti�;�pt�v�vi�- T�cfi=s er��.�:5=Provisians of this Security lnstrument��d�he t«a•tie -
<br /> declared to ba severz�bBe. � �° –
<br /> �-� , � 16� Barower'�Gop►.y:•�cezovnr shal�[n;,gi�e�one cunfi±r:�.ed capy of tfie Nnte and of this Securitu��-c��mer.t.��i . .,:, �
<br /> �;� 17. Tiwesfer o�thc Pt�trty ot�a Hehef7ciat tnterest�:u r3'ias'rower. Ii all or any pa»of thc Prope;^��Y�rany ia;x...c.r in ��- ,a
<br /> it is sold ar trt.rtsfeaed(c��if a b�ru�f^.iat�inierest in Barro�,w��iss;�old or tranyferred and Br�owes is not a naturai�:rs:.n) ;. �,,,,�;,,�-
<br /> M,��
<br /> � without Lender:,pcic�r�v�rim3roc�,�:icnt�Len der may,_at its o���_�':rcqui r e i m m e d i a t e p a ym�r,c cR iull of uQ sums secured by , � �;�.;_
<br /> � f �. � �,' this Securit3�irL�utn�ent:� Hn+�e+er.lhis nption shslf;nut bee;c,:rci�ed by Lendcr if rxercis�:�:�.-�hibited by feder�l law as of . � 1, �,,;�..
<br /> Qi;. ` thedateofelu3•Securitj G�trument. � '... :. �2 .;•.�•,,•' ,� --
<br /> �� ;�� � . . (i l,ender exerc�ses't0is optian,.�.ender cha11 give Bomi�c��notice ai acceteratian. 'I7`�;�f�:ire�haii piovide a period of ..�.. ;
<br /> � '''' `' not less that�3G�lays fram�he date tl+�enoiice i.delivered ormaiL�a3 wi�bin which Bmrm�c'�ti��°��►y a0 sums secured At:ifiis •�` �
<br /> .� �r�: •. .
<br /> ••��,%'1�'_
<br />�`-`:� ' �•� � .;?W,,t � Security Irstrumcat. If Borrawer Cails w p�ay these sums privs ta ihe expiratiun af�hi5.��iod. L.enJcr may invoke:�ny ..,.:�,i;,':::
<br />!:'li�,",-`�,.�. "�` ' ' �:.. remed:�'�pem'uted bX lhis Security In�trument without funhet nrnice��r dcmand on�nrrouer. , .
<br /> �="�'`%-'` �� lt�. Horroa'er's: Right to Reinstate. If 8naowcr mect�eenain conditiunti. 8��ao��er shall ha« the right to have
<br /> ',. �'�� �.�'�`'���� enforcemenc,of thiy�ccuriry In�trumem dircontinued at any tinze prior tu�hr carlier of: In�5 4ay�lor�:�n other period a,ti
<br />�:;�:,:,.< . ..
<br /> .- � �� � �X 't)H1111\tiTRl;t71:�7'•-L'nit�+m�Corcnam� S�,4N q►�g�•l��jn�,.:':rY� • �:�
<br /> , l". Singtc F.undy--ianek�fae heAdie.tu t !1
<br /> � �', ,.
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