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<br /> S. Hwre or Propaty Y�utynce. Aotr�wer sbdl ko�p tNe impruvw�aw now exl�Ung or heraRer erected oq tb�
<br /> � Property inwrod �ina la�by tirc.hazard�included within the tum 'exterded aovera�e"ar�any othcr hiward�.inc�udlr�
<br /> floods o�1loadina.for which L,aider ir,quire�insunnoe.Thi�irou�anoe�!u!1 be m�inWned in the�rtiountsand tor�he paiud�
<br /> thtl Lender roqufro. 71ie inwranoe curie�provWin�the inanmae thal!be chacn by Harrower wbject to L,crider'�q�nvd
<br /> which �11 not be unroasanably withhcld. If Borrowcr fail�t�maimain coveage dncribed al+ove. l.arkr mry, at Leada�'�
<br /> op�fon,abWn covera�a ta p►�otxt l.ender's�iQhts ia the I�apaity!n�000�dance wlth pn�n�ph?.
<br /> All iiawau�oe policfa�nd �ewdp �h�ll be Auoqx�ble to l.ender�nd �Full include a wnda�d mort��e clwwe. L�kr
<br /> otwll turve U�e ri�ht w hold the policiea wrd renew�l�.tf Len�ler roquires.Borrower stu�ll promptly Qive to Lender�II raciptc of
<br /> paid Prcmium��nd rencwd nalcca. In U�e event of loas.Borrower�ull give prnmpc naioe ta the inwr�nce carrkr�nd L�ender.
<br /> [.eoder m�y m�kc proaP ai Icna if nat m�de promptly by Bormwe�.
<br /> Unless L�er�ier nnd Borrower otherwica agroe tn writing.insuranoo proceed4 shpll be appliod ta rostoratlon or reair of the
<br /> Pmpe�ty donuiged,if the rcctorxtian ar roW►ir i�eoonamic�ally fpuiblo arwf Lender's secu�ity ic not lossaned.If thc neswntlnn or
<br /> repdr ic not aoonomic�lly fe�iblo or l.cndcr'a socu�lty would bo losccnod,tho incuranco procoedc chall be qrpliad w the sumc
<br /> �ecured by this Socurlty Intrument. wh�thcr or not tlnn due. wjth any excess pAid ta Barrawer. If Borrower�bandons the
<br /> Ptnperty. or does not answer within 30 deys a notice from 4ender thwt the incunu�ce caRior h�s aff'ercd to�ettle�el�im,lhan
<br /> Lender may oollut the insu�nce procoods. I.eoder may use tho proceods to ropair o� restoro the Property or to pay swn�is
<br /> cecurod by lhie Security Instrument.whethor or rtot tl�en due.The 30�day per�al wlll begin who�tho notice is given.
<br /> A1a�ess Lender and Barrower otherwisc ogree in w�iting. uny applicatio�of proceeds to priaci{wl �hall not extetd or
<br /> postpone tbe due date of the monthly paymenta refemed to in pwragraphs I and 2 or change the�nou�t of the payments. lf
<br /> u�der paragraph 21 the Property is�cqu�aed by L.ender.Bonawer's right to any insu�policies and pnoceede�suldng from
<br /> � ►.��� danwge to�he Praperty pr�or to tho aoqui�iaian sAall pass to Lcndcr to the oxtent of the�ums socurod by thia Secudty 1nKrument
<br /> jw: immediately prior ta the avquisition.
<br /> ..'•'M'k'.� .4 6.OvcupAncy,PreservpNon,M�inten�ace Aad PROtectiav,wf the Propertyi Borrower's Lonn Applla�doni I.ds�oltL4.
<br /> �,r Bornower sliall occupy,eswblish,ar�d u.ce IAe Propetty as Bornonver'�principal rcsidence within sixty days After the execution of
<br /> . this Se�vrity Instrument and shpll continue to occupy the Propeny ac&Nmwer's princlpai residence for at Ieast one year after
<br /> � r �s�t=:�.' 1 ..
<br /> ; �he date af occupancy,unless I.ender utl�erwlsc agoees in writin�, whic�e��ment shall not be unreasunobly withixld.or unless
<br /> ,.,� ` �;,,, extenuating ci�+cumstances exist which are beyond Borrowe�c mntral. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> �� '�.�,,,�;":� ., Propeny. allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Propeny. Born�wer sh�ll be in default if eny forfeiture
<br /> �� � ' i�,�' action or proce�ding. whether clvil ur•;riminel, is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment rnuld result in forFeiture of the
<br /> � ''�.y�, Property or atherwise materially impaf�the lien created by this Securlty Iostrument or Lender's securlty intcr+est. Borrower may
<br /> ,3 n ' = � cure such a default and rcinstate,as provided in pAragrs�ph 18,by causing the action or proceadin�to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ;,f:�,,,• • .; ,.,: , „�,_ that. in Lcnder's good faith determination, pnecludes forteiture of the Bormwer's interest in the Pr�opert�r ar ather material
<br /> '{ '�'���� ,;��;;;_ ' impairme��t of the lien created b this Securit Instrument or I.ender's 5ecurit Mterest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> ti�: .,.,...;..L y y .ec y
<br /> ;;:'�;..�.';,�,-;;;��' :. Barrower,duting Ute loan applicatic►n process,$ave mute�inUy t'ci1se or inuccurate inPormatian or statements to I.ender(ar failed
<br /> � , �:�"� " ''`'''��� � to provide Lrnder wi�h any material infarmution)in conneclion «�ith Ihe laan evidenced by the Note, including,but not Iwmi�ed
<br /> ,;� ;�,';;:�' ,_ � ' ta,nepresentations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Pr�pe�i}•ac u principul resiJence.If this SecuritX Instrument is on a
<br /> .• .`,.;.}�',' .� . � leasehold. Borrower shall mm I wi�h nll the roci,i�,ns of �'� iease. It Honower ac uires fec tiUe to the P K the
<br /> ...•� , i•�•�:�,,. ` PY P q � Y�
<br /> ", ,:; '•, .'s{�;�.;,�,�; leasehold und the fee title shall nvt��erge unless l.ender a�rers•tn the merger in writing.
<br /> `���:-r,.; 7.Protection oP l.en�er'c I�d�hts in the Property.If�t77nwer fuils tn perform the covenunts gnd agreemems contained in
<br /> �,�.,
<br /> �....,,.. • .'' ' this Security Instrument, or thefe is n Ic�a1 proceeding�ha�ma� sipnificantly uffect I.ender's rights in the Propeny (such as a
<br /> � : � . proceeding in bankruptcy, prnbate, fnr condemnation ur forPellurr ar t��enfarce laws or regulotion�),then l.ender may do and
<br /> � �;' • . .. ' pAy fix whatever is necessnry Ir pr+�tcct tlk valuc of thc Pm}►cny unJ Lcnder's right. in the Property. [.ender's actiuns muy
<br /> • • ° , include paying any sums r,�curra h� u lien which has priorit} rn•er this Security Imtrumem, �ppearing in rnun, paying ��
<br /> � • ' ° reawnable attorncys' fees and entcring an the Pmperty lo ma{,�e repAin. Although Lender nwy take u�tion under this paragraph
<br /> � 1 .• 7.l.erxier dues not ha�r�o do u�.
<br /> � •� � ' Any umcwnts c0aa3��rwri by Lender under tfii+ puru}tn�ph 7 shall becomr ndditional deht ot' &�rr�wrr cecured h}•�Fais
<br /> ' •� ,,, Securi�y Instrumem. t al��,&�rn�wcr anJ Lend�r agrec to nther tcrni�ot'pa�ment, thc.c amoums tihull hr;�r interest frc�m the ��
<br /> . dute of disbursement at the Nntc rute und shull bc puyuble, with intcrc�t, up�m naticc t'mm I.enJer to Borrower rc�;u�s�ing
<br /> -?�- ',k'` . W+Yment.
<br /> � : . S.Mottga�e InsurAnce.11'Len.l�r r�•yuir�l mnn�agc in,urancc n+a ronJition ut'muking thr lo•rn u�urcd by thi.S�curity
<br /> � ' .,� Ins�run�nt. Born�wer shull pay the pmmiums reyuiral t�� muiniain �hr m��ng�ge inwrnnre in eli��t. II', for any rrau�n,the
<br /> � �'��'�' mon L e inwran��r r�ivcrn�� rc uired h I.cnckr la .c.��r rca�c.w�Ir in�ft�rt. Rurraw�cr+hull ,�• thc r�miumti re uired to
<br /> ,� !3 8 b' 4 Y r r•> P ' 9 ..�
<br /> t i:•• _�'�`" . abtain coverngc subswntiully equi�•a1:nt to thc mongugc in�uran.�e;�ret iou.h in rflcrt.ut a ru.t.uh.�untiully eyui�•ulenl to the ,
<br /> `,�' ' .. rost te►florrower of thc monga.��: a�suranre previou�ly in rff..t. �rr:n an aUernatr ��wngagr inwr�r approved h� l.rnd�r. If
<br /> +1 substaaioally cquivalent monga�r ir.ur,�ncc ravrruEe i>.nnt •r�•au]ah7.•.Burruw•rr.h�ll p�� tu Lrndrr r•rrh numth a�uu�e�ual to .
<br /> .��: . ' one-twtlfth of thc year,�. �ngugc inwr�nre prcmium t+cing paiJ by &,rr��acr�.hcn thr in.uran:c ru�rru�e lap.ed or re:�uri ta
<br /> �', ' be in effert.I..eiuier c�i::acccpt,uk�ixl rewin�hr.r prynkn�.a. a lu,. m.rr��in liru ��t' muNgagc in.ur.�nrc. Iw»+ rc�rve
<br /> �� .. '•'.{:l;��, Fu�m 3028 9190
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