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<br /> TOCIETIiBR WITN�II�he improv�rtienu now or heno�ftcr eroctod on tho property.�rd dl aaKmaua,ippurtaunca,and
<br /> fixturca naw or herafler a p�u1 oP thc propenY. All repl�oemCna �rd �dditlani RFWI alw be oovmnd by Ihb Sew�ity
<br /> � I�uumen�.All of the fone�oin�i�refemed to in thlr Sav�ity InWrument ar the"Pmperty."
<br /> �ORROWBR G�OVBNANTS thRt Bot'rower i�I�wiblly�ei�ai of the e�t�te herel+y oarveyed�nd h� Ihe�ijht W QniN�td
<br /> comey the Property ud �t the Prapaty is unencumbercd,oxcept for encumbnnce� of rocbrd. Banovrer warranlr rnd wil!
<br /> defad Qenerally the title to the Prnpeity�ainst dl cl+�imr w�d dempnd�.subJoct lo�ny enc,�umbranoes ai rocord.
<br /> TH15 3ECURITY INSTitUMENT cumbiner uniParm covenant�for national use w�d non•unifurm�vawnt�wilh IGnitod
<br /> vuiWian�by Jurhdicllon to cauti�ute a uniform�rity instmment voverin�rwl pmperiy. �
<br /> IINIF(3RM(:()VL�NANTS. Bcirrowcr rnd L.ender rnvenwnt And agroc rs follows:
<br /> 1. P�yaunt at IMocip�l qnd laterad; Prep�ymeat �tid l.pte Chu�er. eorrower siwll promptlY paY whcn due the
<br /> p�incfpwl af pnd inter+eut on the debl eviderKxd by the Note and any pre�wyment aod Ipto chugea due under the Note.
<br /> 2. l�und�tor Tases and Ir�rurAace. SubJoct ta appiicable law ar ta a wdtten waiver by Ixnder,Bortowcr ahall pay to
<br /> l..ender�ia lho doy monthly payments arc due under the NWe.until tha Noto ix paid in full.a sum('Funds")for:(p)yea�ly taues
<br /> end acse�smentR which mAy aqpin pdorlly over thiR Secu�lty Instrument us a Nen an tho Pmpeny;(b)yeuly leasehc►Id pAymenta
<br /> � a�gnx�nd rcnta on tho Pa►peny,if nny;(c)ywrly hau��d ar prope�ry insumnoe premiums;ld)yeariy flaod insura�wo premiums.
<br /> � if any:(e)yeArly mohgage insumncc prcmiums, if uny;und(��ny sums payabla by Bormwcr ta l.ender. in s�rdwnoo wilh
<br /> � t{u provisianc of parngroph 8. in lieu oi the paynxnt of mortguge insurnnce premiums.Theso items aa called"�erow Items."
<br /> � � Lender may, ut any time, collect and hold Funda in an amount not �o exceed tho muximum amnant u lerder for u federolly
<br /> relatdd ttx�rlgAge loan muy r�c�uire for Bornnwer's escrow accaunt under �he federal Real Rslate SetUement Pmcadurcs Act of
<br /> �� 1974 ue ameaded Eran time to tirne. !2 U.S.C. Section 2601 er sey.("RFSPA"), unless anuther law thxt appUes to the Fw�ds
<br /> " setK u lesser amc�nt. IP sa, I.e�der nn�y, s,�any time. rnllect and hold Funds in an amount not ta eaooed ihe le.csor atnount.
<br /> �� i.einler uu►y rstir�rawr Ihe wi�►uiq u�Fa��ds d�e on thc ba�i�af cur�nt data and rcw�onable cstimates of eapcnditut+cs of iutune
<br /> �`.:�;,.;,.
<br /> ., � y Fsctuw Items�u'o�herwise in acrorda�x�e wilh oppiicable law.
<br /> '� ��`"°�f The Funds shull be heW in an imtitution wAose dc �cits are insured b a iedcral a enc inslrumentalit or enti
<br /> r`:��C;�:.,,.��,:„_,'i P�• Y � Y� Y� �Y
<br /> � ' • }: �'��y>�r�� (including L.entler,if l.ender is cuch an ins�itutiw�)cu in any Federal Home Locsn Bnnk. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �.�t'7�=?`.�.;;`.`��i ',�• Escrc►w Items.I.ender rtwy not clu►rge Borr��vrer far holdi�g and applying Ihe Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow xrnunt.or
<br /> � ��°� -� •, • � ve�ifying the Escrow Items,unlesx l.ender�cs Bormwer in�erest on the Fund�and applicable Inw permils I.ender to moke such
<br /> . '�`�i:-""'���: �•''' a charge. However, Lender may rcqui�R��r�rwer to pay u one-time charge for an independeM reul estate uu reporting service
<br /> ����• ` .��,?(!�� used by l.endr� i� ce►nne�tion with this k�an, unless applicable luw provides othenvise. Unless un agreement is made or
<br /> ` '�iri�'i��:�':�:�:�•':�''f upplica6le law requires intcrest to be puid, l.�nder shull not be rcyuired to puy&irrower uny intereu or earnings on thc Funds.
<br /> , ::;,, .,,., ,
<br /> '•+"•` �;'�%�'-�t��""s.'•:'•�:'':���:::#? Bomawer and L.emier may agree in w•ritin�.however, thut interc+t ska{I he puid on the Funds. [.cndcr shnll give ta BoROwer,
<br /> ��i. .. .I�h��j'•`d::n�4��Ai«,;�..:,�.
<br /> ' ,�1<<;4rt":.;+�•.>>:;,.::;�'.;°';�°, without chnrge, an onnual u��ec►unti��of the Funds, showiog cr��lic::anct debits w lhe Fuods and Ihe purpose far which ea��l►
<br /> ; ',i�� � ":i::"a/'i��'•.V:a''..,7��• • 1.IGu�n
<br /> _�;,:� na';;;,"a;,�TMr'°'�"i`;•'•• dcbii to ihc Funds uas�`.�::.'!'h:Furuls sre pled�,c�d s.,�... .u!sfcurity for a!I sesms securec!by this Sec�rlly Instsumenl.
<br /> ,!`°��.-•� '�'�}{� If the Fuoda held by lxnderezceed the umcwnt�prrn�az�ed to 1►e held by upplic�ble luw. Lender shall uc�cx��t Ka 8urroa•er ;;s
<br /> ' for the excess Funds in urronlance with the requiremems oP upplicablc luw. It'the nmount��f ihe Funds he1J b� �.•�n�:r at�a�v �"'�;
<br /> � .3�S�y
<br /> ; . °,�``r time is nw+uiGcient tn pny the Escn�w Uems when due,l.ender muy �n n�xify&►rr�iwer in writina,urxi,in such ru..e Bormw•er ,�..;
<br /> - . ri : r+r:;_ r:,�<'
<br /> •....,. . .. ° � �,••�:�., sholl pay �o Lcn�Be�the umount nece�sary co make up thr deficiency. &�rmwer tihall make up t0�d�ficiency in no more t0lara � 1
<br /> •�.•�.��.. �; . •� •; .
<br /> ,':'., ,�•;_ ;; ' , twelvc monthly payn�rnls.At l.ender's sole diuretion. ��`�
<br /> ( Upon paymem in full nF all sum�+ecured hy thi, Scruriry In.�runknt, laixlcr shall promptly refund �o Borrower uny
<br /> �4 ...f',..:�. .
<br /> :,;.. '. Funda held by l.ender.If,und�r puru�mph 21,lsixlcr.hull•rryuirc�+r.ell thc Property, l.cnder, prior a�the ucquisitfon or wle 1; �
<br /> .�+ ' '' • � ' of the Pmperty. shnll upply any FunJs hclJ by L.cnJrr:u Ihr�imc of;Kyui.i�iim ur sulc a.u credit ugAinst the sums secured by '�
<br /> � " ' . this Sccurity Ins�rwnent.
<br /> 1' . 3.ApplicatMn oi Paymentti. Unlesti applirahlc la�� pruciJc.i�therH•iK,all paymrnt.r��ew��d by Lerxicr under purs�gtiphs q;h
<br /> '� 1 s�iui 2 sholl t►e a IicYl: firs�,to un re r men�char���Jue unJrr th► N�ite; Kc�mJ, tu mnuunls a uble under aru ra h 2;
<br /> .,t;.;��.�•�;`,-� . PP Y p P'Y �' P'Y P � P
<br /> `•'''' � third,to interex�due;f�unh,to prirkipal dur;w�d la.t,w uny lat�rhurEc�Juc undrr thc N�NC.
<br /> ' ,;"',>;•
<br /> �,,; , , .;fji;`.;;;'•. ��:T 4.Chorg�.w; I.ienc. &�rrrnver shull pu�• all t.�xc.,a.u�.nun1.. rharge.. linr+arxl im�►�iti�im attribumhlc to the PmpeRy
<br /> '� ,,:�,•• i.��.:.°�:�.: which mu attain riorit� ovcr t6i.S«urh�� In+trumrnt. anJ Ira.ch�,W �•mrnt. ar mwid nnt., if:m Bnrn�w•rr ,hull a ,
<br /> Y P ) r�5 F Y• P'Y
<br /> �•y;�1,� �' ' these obligu�iona in�he mannrr prnvid�J in prr:�g�•rph 2.u� il'm�t pai.l in that ntianner. B:+rra��•cr�h:�l! pay them im time directly.
<br /> , , r,;. ,,.
<br /> •: i ,.".`:y, to�hc perrcm owec!puyment. &�rr���e�r�ha0t prnmpth• furni,h t��LenJcr all notire�ul'unwunl.tr h�p•riJ mHlcr thiti par•rgraph.
<br /> , ;.,;;;�:. If I�m+wer makes thc,e pu,ment,�lirrcll�•. li��rniarr�hall prumptly 1'urni�h In Lrndcr r«cirt.cviJenrin� tlk puyment..
<br /> �'T'�" &�rri►wcr xhull prom�t)} �li.,har�.c any licn ��hich ha.priuri�� ���•cr thi.Srcurii� In.trumcni unl�,.Bunow•cr: �.�►a�rer.in
<br /> �����'.'•i:� � wriling tolhe p:iymem ot'the�rhligi�iia.n.�rurcJ hy ihr lirn in u munnrr:�:�rptahle 1��LrnJrr: ih•;ame,�. in E�wxl laith the licn
<br /> :',+�i? ,
<br /> .�•.• � � by. �►r dcl'cnJ� aguin.t rntittcrnunl a,l'Ihc licn in. Irgal praccrdin,�. �tifiirh in thr LrnJcr'. �•;iri�,n n�ralr tu prevrm thc
<br /> �'`�'� � . .,;. enfi►rcemem��f thc lirn: i�r Irl�rrurc�frnm Ihe h�ildc�at'�hr li�n:u: u�►.enum ,aii.1'artun a�Lcnd,r.uhnnlinatin��hc licn ta .�
<br /> � ;,f.••:;, thi+S��curiry In�trumcnt. If Lendcr dcicm�inr�Ihai an} p,�r:,�f Ihr F'n��m• i. .uhj�:t 1��a litn��hich muy uU:iin priori�y urrr ;�',- .
<br /> ,�,• "}��• . ' �his S��urity In.trumrnt. LrnJcr ma�• girr N��rn�����r d r.n1i:.�drntil'�m� th.• hrn. R��rr����.r�I�.dl .�h.l\ t1i.• I�cn n, lakc une or �':.
<br /> ,�� � . ' ,.'�!i"��•. morc uf�hc ncai.�n�ki ti,nh ntx��•c Within 11�d��y���f t1i.�i�ing��1 nntirc. ,
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