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<br /> S. f�a�d a� p�op�'�r �npp• gormwer vull kap �ba improvaaa�u now exiK[n� or heraRer era�+d aa 1he
<br /> prupehy iniwrod�imt la�s by 8re.bwrdr includod wlthin thc term"extenRkd cove�e' ud�ny whe►Iw�rds, includLn�
<br /> fk�od�or 8aadin�, for wh�h l.er�der roqui�+a Inwnnce.Thi�inwranoe�11 bc m�inuined in the amounu�nd for the pedod�
<br /> th�t l.eride�requirca. 'fi�i�uwr�u�ce curier pmvidin�the imuran�a �II bc ciiu�ru by 8urrower rubjcxt to taider'a apprc►va)
<br /> which�iwdl not bo onrcsuotwbly withhcld. IP BiKmwcr fiilR to nwlrrt�in cnvan�o da�c�ihod above. I.ander m�y. � l.a�lor'a
<br /> optbn.obtain covus�c to proton L.ender'�riQhtw in tho Pn�wty In aworduko wlth praawph 7.
<br /> All i��utarWe poli¢ie� md rcrww�le s�ll bc n�rcploblc k� Lender u�d �h�ll include w uuid�rd monWye cl�uso. L�ender
<br /> �h�ll have the�i�ht to hold the palkies wd rencwalw.it'Lcndcr roquirr�, Horn►wer xlwll prumptly�ivc p�l�+ncf+;r all r¢ccipts of
<br /> p�id prcmiunu wrd�+cnew� natias.In thc event of lau�.Bc►rmwer�il Qlve pmmpt notioe to�ha inwnu�ce caRie�r and Lender.
<br /> Lender may nuiko prooF af lou{f not made promp�ly by Bc�rmwcr.
<br /> Unleas Lcnder and 8on�ower otherwice�rcc in writin�,insurance prcxeods�hall bo applied tu rcrtar�ian or repeir of the
<br /> Property dutwQod,if�he rcatoratio�or rop4ir is xonomicplly fawiblc and Lend�r'�cuu�ity is iwt lessenod.If�hc restorntion or
<br /> �prir i�twx aconamlcally feaeible or Lcnder's sxurity would bo Icssenod,the insurancc proceods�iwll be Applied ta the sums
<br /> �ecurod by Ihia Secudty Inatrument.whMher or nat then duo, witf� ony excess paid tn Burtower. If Borrowcr abandong the
<br /> r'h+np¢rty. or daes iwt�wer within 30 days a natice from Lender tlwt the insurance carrier tws affered to setqe a claim, then
<br /> Lender may callect the ingurance prcx�eeds. Lemier mwy use the prc�ceods to repair or restoro thc Property or to pay sums
<br /> cavred by this Serurity irotrument.whqher or not then due.The 30�day pe�fud w1�� be8in when thc notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower wherwise agrce in wri�ing. any applicntion oF procoeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dxte af the monthly puyments referred to in pprngraphs l and 2 or change the atixw�t of the paYmeMs• 1f
<br /> . •Y' w►der pvragnph 21 the Pmperry is�cquired by Lender.Borrower's riBht to any insur�nce policies and pracads rewlting from
<br /> �"� dwnage to the Praperty pdor to the aoquisition shall pass to Gendor to the extont of the sumc sxund by thia Saurity lnstcument
<br /> �..
<br /> immaliately prior to Ihe acquisition.
<br /> N����1 6.Oc¢upamy,Per�ervAUan,NlalatenAnce nnd Proteclion of the Prope�tY;Borrower's La�n Application;1.ea�dwlds•
<br /> Bomower shall occupy. e.ctxblish,and use the Property as Borrower's pdncipal residence within siaty da�s ifter the execution of
<br /> c`: ;r;�� , this Security Instn�ment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Horrawer's p�incipal residence for at lcast one yeor after
<br /> •• �' ����'{' the date of nccupancy, unless I.e�der otherwise agrees in wdting,which rnnsent shall not be unreaso�wbly withheld.or nnless
<br /> ' �',�'''���i!��• extenueting circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's mntral. Borrower shali na destroy, danage or impair the
<br /> , ,�;,n�,:
<br /> � Property, ullow the Pr�peny to deteriarnte, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defeult if any forfeituK
<br /> �'� `` ,;s: .�. ,,, action or proceeding,whether civil ar criminal,is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in farfeiture of the
<br /> 9^�'• �,:� r
<br /> `�'•• �<<A��i�..'-� Pmperty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument ar l.ender's securiry interest. Borrower may
<br /> ,;ti • .=ti. .;,<; ' •
<br /> cure such�default and reinstale.as pTOVided in paregraph 18.by cau4ing the action ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> t;'�;;i��. ':t �u"r.sr.'`'t, c .
<br /> , � :k���a.�,.�;;�,•,; �s that. in t..ender s good faith detcrminadon, precludes forfeiture of the Bornower's interest i� the Propeny or other ma�eriai
<br /> h�°9�,•' . �''' •4'.�. N: impAirment of�he lien created by �hic Secu�iry IaStrumen�or lxnder's security interest. Sarrawer shall also be in default if
<br /> .r�,�t;,:.,�,,:x
<br /> �• s '; �L'�::. � ,, Barrower.during the loun upplication pracess,gave muterially false or inaccurate infamu+tion or statemeats ta l.ender(or failed
<br /> J��� �i:
<br /> !nr �`• A��'�,t;;•�,,,•�;��. to provide l.ender with uny material informutianl in cannection with the loan e��adenced by the Note,iacluding.but not limited
<br /> �:'• •r'�t•������ � •'.°'�A ':' to, rcptesentations conceming Borrawer's occupanc�•uf the Property as a principal residence. If�his Security Instrument is on a
<br /> �„, . �.�:,�.y��r•,..
<br /> . ;��.,",��,�.;.":,. leatiehold, Borrower ahull camply with all the provisions of the leuse. If Borrowcr acquires fee tide to the Property, the
<br /> . ,.,5y.�w,
<br /> � � ���, �;� lenicehold and the fec�itle shall nnt merge unless LxnJer agrces t�i the merger in writing.
<br /> � V»i4:��.,;f...�:'•'ty �
<br /> ` ,���'y,,.. �,� ,.?t °: 7.Protectlon of I.ender s Ri�h4s in thc Property.lf&�rrower failx t��perform thc rnvenants und agrecments contained in
<br /> ' �� this Security lnvtrument,or there is u legal proceeding that may significantly affect l.ender's rights in the Praperty (such as a
<br /> }�a,r��;i�.tr��t�
<br /> `': ; !._ :
<br /> • j�"`'�'� '•'. ' . � �� proceeding in bankruptcy, prol+:ite, ior cundemnution nr forfeiture or w enfi�rce luws or regulations),then l.ender may do and
<br /> , r`�� �`�,. ';�;°2,. ` � pay for whut�ver is necessary �o pmtect the vulue of the Pr�►peny und Lendcr's rights: in the Property. l.ender's action�may '
<br /> ,. ��r ' '�"�{yAY',` ` include paying any sums secured by A lien which hw, prioritp over thi. Serurity lnstn�ment, appeuring in coun, paying
<br /> �: _, ,:�:.•;,:<-:..�,...i:, .«
<br /> �d ,. :�!;,^4�*�^•°'°'`=�; T rea�nable uttorneys'fees and entcring on thc Piropetty to make repain. Althou�h L.ender may take sictian under this paragruph ��
<br /> � .. 4.:�,r.�w:;:_��.._„�"!7t
<br /> ��•-.' vc ,�.;��. .> :.... 7,l.ende�dces not have to do so.
<br /> �1� . "'r��;".;�`"�?:'�;;;i..:;�:�. : Any umounts disbursed by l.ender undcr this purugrnph 7 shall lx:cume udditional debt of &�trower �ured by this
<br /> "���"� ;.�;,4;:;'?;�ti Security Instrun�ent. Unlcss Bonowcr•rnJ L.ender agrce to oth�r icmi���f payment,ihc�e unxiun�� shull bear intcre�t fn�m�hr
<br /> '�%'��'�� ''`�'•`��"�� date of disbursement At the Note ratc und shall be puyablc, with interc+t, up�m notirc from Lendcr to Borrower requesting
<br /> ? '.1����,..".._..��•;,wt.�
<br /> .. ,y�u ! payment.
<br /> r. : ' �;�` � � '" � � 8. Morlgage Incuronce.If L.e�xier rcyuired �mingugr inwrance a,a condition oi'm+�king the loan secured by thi�Security °
<br /> . "�=::,;i+�'s:. •.
<br /> �.:?;,,. . '. Instrument. Bormwer slw0 p�y the premiums requircd t��muin�u�n �h� mortFage in,urance in efTc�t. If, for any rea.+on, the
<br /> , f� ', ,, ,
<br /> � � y�}t;�.�;'. mortgagc insurance coverage required hy l.cnder lap�cs��r rca�s to ix in effect.Born�wcr shull pay�he premiumz requireJ to
<br /> � �' r •• obtuin covera c subs�antiall u�vulen��o the m�rt A � inwrance revi�iusl m eft�Yt, u�u c��s�.uhs�antiully equivalent to the a
<br /> `�Y g Y�9 � F F' P Y � >e
<br /> �� ;A;�:�� � � ,.t�' cust to Borcower of the mortguge insuranrc pre��i�wxly in eit�ct. fram an uUcrnatr m��n�age in.urer uppr�weJ by L.ender. li
<br /> ��,. +. substuntiully equivulent mortgage inwrrnrr�ti»•cragc i.nut avuilaMc.Burr��arr,hull puy t��lanJer each mnnth a+um cyual to
<br /> {.� �'�.,,, ` .rti• , . o n e-I w e l t i h o f t h e y e u r l y n x�n�s�F�i n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m 1►r i n�p a i J b�• &�r r o N•e r w h c n t h r i n.urance coeeru ge la p.re�or ceas�tii to
<br /> . '�,:.',,,rre ' ,
<br /> �� �t °; �• : � be in eff�wl.LxnJer will ucccpt.ux and retnin the��paymcnt.a+ u luti. r�.cnc in licu ol' murt�ta�.e inwruncc. l.os.r- rescrve .r.
<br /> . '"�•�:;;'`; Form 3028 9180
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