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<br /> •� periods thu Lender roquiror. The inwr�nce curler provfdin�tbe in�u�nce Wull bo chcuen by Borrowcr wbject w I.anderti
<br /> approval which�hdl iwt be unroa�oiubly wlthheld, lf Barmwer feib to rtwintain cover�e dacdbed abovo.La�der m�y.N
<br /> , l.a�Mrk�Uon,oM�in covernRe to protect L.enderY riphtc in thc Property in accorclance wllh pu�anph 7.
<br /> . All iiuurance pollcica�nd rcnowals�11 be acccpuble to Lender w�d s�hwll lnclude�stwidatd mort��$e cl�u�e. l..eAder
<br /> shsll have tho dght ta hold tho policies and renowels. If L.ender�equi�c.Barrawer shnll promptlY Qive to Lcnder dl rrceip�s
<br /> of p�id pnmiums�nd anewal notices. In the evtnt of loss,Borrower xhall�ivc pmmpt odka to tha inwnuxx c�rrkr and
<br /> L.ender. I.ender mey make�x�aof of loas if not madd promptly by Bomnwer.
<br /> Unlas Lenckr nnd Horrowe�atherwise egra in wriling, insurance proce�da R1ull be applied w rcstonufon or repoir of
<br /> the Property dAmaged,if the rearotation or �epair is r.conomle�liy feasible aad I.ender� securily is nw Ieaconed. If the
<br /> nestaration or rcpair is not oconomically feasible or Lenderk sxurity would be Iex�ened. tho insurance proaeda shaN be
<br /> applied to iho sums secured by this Securiry ins�mment. whether ar not then due,with any excesa paid to 8otruwer. It
<br /> Borrower�bandons the F'roperty.ot does not answer within 30 days a natice from Lender thet the incurnnce earrler lus
<br /> offerod to senle a clnim,then L.ender may collect the insuronccs proceeda. Lender may use �he procteda to rcpair or reato�e
<br /> the P�ope�ty or to puy eums cxurcd by thia Securiry lasttvment.whether or not lhen due. The 3WIay pedod vWll be�in whe�
<br /> tbe notice ia giveu.
<br /> Unless L.ender nnd Bomower aherwise�gne in wnicM►g, aey aQplicotian of proceeds to pr�ncipal shall not extcnd a
<br /> pestponc 1he due date af the monthly pAyrt�e�rcs�rferred tw in p�ara�gaapha t ar.x�2 or changc�he amount of the payments. Ii
<br /> qodcr paragrapb 21 the Property is acquire�bX l.endc�. I�a�+awer�rigRa to acry in�tance policles und pmceeds rrsuitic�g
<br /> from damege to the Propeny ptior w the acquisition sl�all p��a p,e�cier oa�r exuese of the sums cecuc�d b�t&s Sa'w�it�r
<br /> 4mwument immediatcly prior to the xqer�sicoo� .
<br /> b. Occupanc}� P�servstia�, M�iwt�sa*ce +�ii Pratectiaa ot t�e R�p�eutyi Borcower's I.ow� A�or;
<br /> .:.. l.east�oii� Borrowar sRu�[!oc�cupy,esta6tish,and use�.'s��Ptope�as Borrower�s�virn;ipal rcsidence wt�hin sixty drays d�er
<br /> ;�;:� the e�cioa of dus S�iri�vm�xa�d shaU cominue w ucr.a�y lhe Propeny a� Borrower�pdnclpal residcntc for at
<br /> •�'L° least onz ear aft¢r ri� cl�tit of ua, unless Lender d(k�ruise o rees in wrltin which consent shell not be
<br /> .•.;��z, y� '�Y� � 8�
<br /> unneasonat+tj HithAeia,c�ta►tess extenaqt�ng circumstances exisl�•hich are beyond B�rrowetl�cantml. Bortower shall nd
<br /> destroy,ds►mage or impa:r;he Property.nllow the Property�o dc�erioratc,ur commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> �', n be in default if any fort'eitw�nction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l.enderk good feith judgment
<br /> • � , ��- ,� could result in forFeiture of the Properry or othcrwise materiully impair the lien creuted by ttiis Secu�ity Insttument or
<br /> �'. ��`��; Lender�secudty inter�esl. Bomower may cure such p default and reinstnte,a,provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding to be dismisscd wi�h a ruling thal.in Lender's gc�od fait8 determinetion,precludes iorfeltum of�he 8orrower�
<br /> � interest in the Property or other muterial impairnient of the lien crrnted by this Security Ins[rument or Lender's security
<br /> � a-`�"+'�' intcrest. Bomower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loun npplication process, gave mate�ially false or
<br /> ; , �; inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender wi�h any materfal lnfortnallon)in connection witb
<br /> • the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, repr�esentutions canceming Borrower's occupancy of tho
<br /> Property as a ptincipa)residence. lf�his Security Instrumem is on a leasehold,Horrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> � �t�: of the lease. If Borrower ncquires fee tide lo the Propeny,the leusehald And the fce title shalt not merge uniess i..enckr agrees
<br /> .``,"..� • � i'��� w the merger in wriling.
<br /> ' ';'�•i�.?' .�f��=f��.� ��•� 7. Pratectlon of Lender•s RiRhts in the PropeMy. If Bomnwcr fuils to perform the covenan4c und agreemems
<br /> � ° �• � "' �"''�`.`� contained in this Security Instrument, ar there is u legul proceedin�c Ihut may significandy affect L.ender�righis in the
<br /> ,.; :...... .
<br /> � `� ,,;�k:�:;�g:��b.'4s�•'•" Property(such as a praceeding in bnnkruptcy,probate,ior condemnation or forfeiture or lo enforce laws or reRulations),�hen
<br /> ��;�-,�, '� ` � '"• ' ' ' '� I.ender may do und puy for whatever is nece�sury to pratect the vulue of�he Propeny and Lender§rights in the Property.
<br /> �r�'�� ' ^�•'•_ � � Lender's acdons muy include paying nny sum.c�ecured by u lien which hu�prioriry over�his Security Inxuument,appearing
<br /> f H . -�; •_\h'^r- �� ,� " in court,paying rensonublc auomeys'fees und cntering on the Prc�perty to make repairs.Al�hough Lender may wfce action
<br /> ��I ,c�Q�-�-���: ^�. . under this pnragrnph 7,Lender daex not h•rve�o do so.
<br /> �, : � �w,•,•. _; ;.� Any amounts dishursed by Lender undcr thi+ parugruph 7.hall herume Lddi�ionol dcbt of Bortnwer secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrumenl. Unless Bamwcr und L.cnder ugree to Wher lertm of p•ryin�nt.[he�amounts shall bear inlrrcst from the
<br /> j�o �6+5 '" .:t�::..:ii�ic:
<br /> � _ date of disburrement at the No�e nne and xhall be puynble,wi�h intercw, upun notice from l.ender to Born►wer rcquesting
<br /> ������,?;�;... • �,,•.:, .... . � �Yment.
<br /> �: ;, ,•:°i4;,t�i-°�� ; . 8. Mortgage Insurance. 11'Lender requimd mortguge insurnrxc a�a condi[iun of muking the loan secu�ed by thia
<br /> � �%F''s' �"''r��r''.�'�"� ,� Security Instrumen6 Borrawer rhall pay the premiumy rcyuired to muintain the monguge insurance in effect. If, for ciny
<br /> � ' n
<br /> 1"� �*'••� � � • reuson. the mortguge intiurnnce coverage requimd hy Lrndrr lapses or ceu�es to he in effecl. Burrower shall pay the
<br /> :0�,,, .J.,�;��.� _�•�-.- premiums required to obtain cuvcruge subztuntiully cyuivulent to the mortgage inwr.u�ce pn:viouxly in effect.Al A CQtiI
<br /> ':;��; , -,, :�;;;�;;, substuntiaUy eyuivulent la the cutit lo Bcxrower ol�he m�mguge�muranrr prcviou�ly in eftcct,from nn altemnte monguge
<br /> ` ' �• „���;;i insurer upproved by Lender. If xubxtuntially cyuivalrm mongugc in,ur�nrr cuvrrag�iti nut uvuilahle,Borrower shnll puy to
<br /> � ,,a;;,�;. � .d. Lender eacb month a sum eyual to an�-Iwelf�h of'Ihe yeurly mungugc in+urunce premium txing paid hy Borrower when the
<br /> �'�s. - insurance cavernge lupsed or ceuxed io he in effrc!. LenJrr will arcrp�,u.r und reluin thr�e paymentx us n loss reserve in lieu
<br /> "���.�' ' _ .. , , �. ", of mortgage insurance. Lus�rescrvc puymrnl,muy no longcr i+r reyuirrJ,•rt �hr upti�M uf Lendcr,if mortgage insurance
<br /> . :� � covemge(in the umoum anJ Por Ihe period that l,enJcr reyuirc.l pruviJcJ hy an imurcr approved by Lender again becom�s
<br /> • �' �� availublc und is ob�uined.Borrower sh►�ll pay�he premium.reyuiRd i��muirnain numEuge in�uruncc in effecl,or to provfdc n
<br /> �� . ��` loss reserve,until the reyuirrment far mnn�!uge in�uruncc r�xlr in i�cccxdunce w•i�h•rny wriuen i�gmement hetween Bomowe�
<br /> �� • „ .. .';�:' ,�•.. and Lender or npplicuble luw. t`.
<br /> '�„ 9. Inspection. Lrnder or i�.u�em may mak�rea.onahlr en1rK+u�x►n and in+�xrtiun.��f the Pniperty. Lender yhull '
<br /> �� ' � ' . give Borrower notirc at the timr u(or prior�o un in.�xctii�n+�xrdj•ing rca,onahle ruwr ti�r thc in�pecli�m. ,,,
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The pnw:eed+ot'�ny aws�rJ��r rlaim ti�r dama�c�,dircr�or comryuen�ial,in connection wilh any �'�~r
<br /> .. .�:'
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