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<br /> TO(3BTHBR W1TH al dw imprnvemena now a hereoflar�eclsd an Ua propeAY.Nad ul asanodti �ppurtaur�ca� -
<br /> u�d ll�ctwa now or liee�e�fler a pMt ot!he prope�ty. All�t�ent� md�111ons�hall dw be otwa+ed Oy tbfs SF'auiU►
<br /> In�pwnw�u A���t d�e rcxe�dng is rafenea co un tl�s�ecurtty uuavmant�s a�+"Propeaty.»
<br /> � BORROWBR GOVPNAN7'S thAt Barower i�l�wfuliy ui�ed of tho eawe heroby convayed�nd Iw�tho�ijht w�M
<br /> and convey the Propeny uid t6at tho Pmperty i�unen�wnbet+od.txap tor encup�bcrnca of rocord. Boaower wur��and
<br /> ' wUf detend�eneral{y the dlla ta the P1+aperty s�inst�II cWnu wd dem�nd�.wb,jxt a�ny ax:umbr�nas aF r�ecord.
<br /> THIS 3ECUR17Y MSTRUN�M' combines unifam coven�uts for �utianal �ne and �wn•unitorn+ cuvawu: with
<br /> limtted vuiatlaru by Juri�diction w cautitute�unifonn xcwiry insonaneat corerio�rcal p�opertY•
<br /> � UNIPORM COVEIVAN'1'�3. Bormwer�nd Lender wvemnt�nd agroe as tolbw�:
<br /> ' l. Pa��t ot PriNCtpd�ed Iakrati PireW7med�wl Late CY�r�a- Bamwer alisli PromPUY WY wbai due the
<br /> princi of�nrl inte�rst an tha debt evidenced by the Note and�ny prcpayn�ent and late ciw�es due wider tde Nate.
<br /> I �Frud�for 71�:a aad I�ar+�aa. Subject to applicable law or to a wriaen waiver by 1.eMer.Barrowu:Aa11 pay w
<br /> � L.taider on the day manthlY PAY��are due undu thc Note�until the Note is paid in full,a aum("Fluds")for:(v)Y�Y
<br /> t�ces and assessment�whlch may�ttaL�prioriry over this Secudry Insava�ent�s a lim on the Pmperty�(b)Ywr1Y leasehold
<br /> payp�ents or gtow�d renp on the Praperty. if any: (c)Yearly he�rd or p�opaty insurance pnmiums:(� Yearly Hood
<br /> insurance premiums.if any: (e) Year1Y mo�tgage insuruice ptrmiwns.lf any; and (�anY aums PaYabk by Aorrower to
<br /> i.ender,in acco�danca wi�h the provisiona of paragraph 8.in Geu of the payment of mortgpge insurance premiums. 'Iliese
<br /> Iteme arc called"Escrow Items." Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not w exc;eed the mauimum
<br /> amount a lender for a fodtrAlly rclsted mortgage loan may �equire for Borrower'8 escrow account under th fcderAl Iteal
<br /> Estate Sealement Praccdwes Act of 1974 aa amendod from dme to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RPSPA").unless anothcr
<br /> law thet applics to the PuiMati ects a lesser emoutiG If so.Lender may,at any dme.collect and hold Pbnds in an amount not to
<br /> �• eacxd the lesser anwun�. l.ender may esNmate �tie ��mount o'' PUnda �'ue on the hasis of cuirent data �nd�bb
<br /> �_.•r• estimates of espenditures of future Escrow Itema or aherwise in accordance wiih applicu�le IAw.
<br /> '�f' '11�e PUnda s6all be held in nn institution whose deposiva are insured by a federal agency.insqumenWiry.or endty
<br /> • (including Lender.if Lender ls such an inst�tution)or in any Federal Home i.oen Benk. L.ender shall apply tlic Fbnds to pay
<br /> `'� ' the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and apptying 1he PUnds.ennually ana�yzin8 the escrow'
<br /> ,:;`,;� ,�r;: account.or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the PUnds and applicebk law pemiits
<br /> ' � L.ender to make auch a charge. However.Lender m�yrequire Borrower to pay a one-time chazge far an lndependent real
<br /> eatate tax reporting scrvice used by Lender in connecdon wlth this loan.unicss applicable law p�vides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ,' .. ;,i,. ag�oement Is ms►dc or�pplicable law requires intercst to be paid,L.ender shal l not be requi�ed to pay Romnwer any interest or
<br /> ;�q; eamings on the Funde. Bomower and Lender may agrce in writing.however.that intenest sh�ll be paid on�he FLnds. [.ender
<br /> shall give to Bomower. without charge,an annual uccouMing of the Fi�nds, showfng credits and deb{ts to the Funde and the
<br /> pu�pose for which esch debit w the Pbnda was made. The Funds are pkdged as additiawl security for all swna secured by
<br /> °��c . this Secu�ity lnstrument.
<br /> ,; '•�, , If th� FUnds held by Lender exceed the amowts permined to ix heid by appiic�+bie iaw, t.��r ai�ii accautii ta
<br /> �;'.�°� ;, �,�c„S�{ Bomower far the excess FLnds in accordance with the requirements of Applicable law. If the amount of�he Funds held by
<br /> ��' "�`-''".'4����+5�� Lender at any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notify Bomower in wridng,and,in
<br /> ' u� �'�'"?{_.i�:�i'��� ,�;` such case Borrower sholl pay to Lender the amount nxessary to maka up Ihe deficlency. Borrower ahall ma�e up�the . .
<br /> ' ,��,.4,�`':�., , , s.. .
<br /> r. ' ,;���+"«!,�.�,1 �•:,:.,R • deftciency in no mare Ihun twelve monthly paymenls,at Lender's sole diacretion.
<br /> '���� � ' �`'"��;�;' . U n a en1 in full of aq sums secured b this Securit Instrument.Lender shall prnmpUy�tLnd to Borrower any
<br /> �;',�� �,::.� '� ..:,�;,. Po P Ym Y Y
<br /> .}.. ��. J3'`• ��",. �r`.••;.' ` � Funds held by L.ender. if,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell Ihe Propeny.L.endnr.prior to the acquisition or
<br /> •-,''4c.,.�'. sale of the Pro shall a I an Funds held b L.ender ut the�ima of ac uisitinn or sale as a c�r.dit a einst�he suma
<br /> .' .:,c.t�- ' , peR!'• PPY Y Y 9 B
<br /> •: a..., b,, secured by this Secudry Inspument,
<br /> y�,,�;r.�r; .� :,�w 3. Applicadon of Aaymenls. Unless upplicabie law provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under
<br /> „ parographs I and 2 shall be applied:firsl,to uny prepayment cherges due under the Note;secand.to tunounts payabla w►der
<br /> �,:' l � ' puegrnph 2;third,to inter�st due;fourth,to principal due:ond last,to any latc chtuges due under thc Note.
<br /> �`•� :" ',. . ��� 4. Char�esi Liens. Borrower shall pay all iuxes, usscssments,chs�rges,fines And impositions attdbutable to the
<br /> •? � . Property which may attain priority over this Securily Insuument,and lensehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ! . „-.��. • ,
<br /> shall pay these obligadons in�he manner provided in pamgraph 2,or if not paid in that mnnner.8orrower shall pay Ihem on
<br /> �'" �.�������•�'••�" •�"' time di�ecUy to the person owed pnymem. Bortower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounis to 6e paid under
<br /> 9,..:,t. ..
<br /> F4 ,_��L _ this paragrnph. If Borrower makes these puyments dfrec�ly, Bomower shal l prompdy fumish to Lender recelpts evidenci�g
<br /> �, � �' � the PaYment�.
<br /> ' "�t:;; ; Bomower shall promptly discharge any lien which hus pdority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrces
<br /> '� �� '"�"'�.� in writing to the payment of the obligAdon r,ecu�ed hy Ihe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(61 conrests i n good feith the
<br /> ,, . . .,:,•;,
<br /> ��''"�.. »���. '���;+`�� lien by,or defends ngainst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in�he Lender's apinion operate to prevent the
<br /> . '=-- ' „� � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secure�from the holder of the lien•rn ngreement wtisfactory to Lender subordlnating the lien
<br /> �y .x�:, , to this Security Instrumenu If Lender determines thut nny purt of the Prapeny is subject to a lien which may atlain priarity
<br /> ' °'�' ! over thfs Security Insuument,l.ender may give Bormwer a notice identifying�he lien. Borrower shall satiafy Ihe lien ar take
<br /> � ��'" �,�^"_a�'" � one or more of the ucdons set forth nbovc within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> � �� S. Hazord or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep�he improvemems now existing or hereaftererected on�he
<br /> � ,• �
<br /> ��,. � •• •� Propeny insured ngainst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coversige"nnd any other halards.including
<br /> *t- t" floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. 'I1�is inwmnce �lult be maint�ined in the amouMs pnd for the
<br /> ; �
<br /> � 3 . � ; .
<br /> �!` ' '�.�,�..
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