, ,. ,�-.•
<br /> � � . ,..,;�.
<br /> ,�-• � ..�• �.
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<br /> �r..� , ; .:i�
<br /> �, .. . ',
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<br /> {93- 1��
<br /> � !hs P►op�l'ty I��o fdc�n or d�m�p�d,l.sndsl rhall hsve th�optlon,ln la sols�nd�batuf�dl�orMion,b apply all WOh'�
<br /> afE�r d�dw�tlnp tl�nkom�II aasb and�xpenM�Inoun�d by it In aonn�atlon wlth woh Proo��,upon�ny irt�bMdn�M
<br /> � � fwr�by�nd in wah ard�r u I.�nd�r mpy dstermins,or to�pply al�wob ProaNd�,afW woh d�ductlonti to 1h�nN�roYon al M�
<br /> Prop�Ay upon woh aonditlon�u L�n4er may d�hnnlr».Mp�ppllaedon of ProoNd�to Ind�bMdn�shall nol�xMnd a po�pofw
<br /> ! qu dw d�b of�mr paym�nb und�r ths Nots,or oun�ny dN�ult th�nund�►o►h�nunda.Any unappN�d Wnd�rhalt b�p�ld b
<br /> Tnato►.
<br /> 8. P�elomn�by L.�nd�t.Upon ths 000urr�nae oi an Event of Mf�ult h�aundW,or If�ny�of Is t�k�n a Npd prooNdltlO
<br /> aommenced whtoh mpWrially afPocts Landers tntarast In the Property,Lender mey In Ile own dleoredon,bul wMhouf obll�eN�n to cb
<br /> �o,end wid►out noGce to or demmd upon Truetar snd without rulea�lnp Trwtor(rom�ny obllpaqon,do�ny aot wi►loh 7rwtor ha�
<br /> ��rsed but(alle to do�nd mey alw do�ny oth�r aot It deems neoseeAry to p►oteot th�aouriry h�reof.Ta�tor�holl.imm�dl�{Ny
<br /> uppn damand thqrefor by Lendsr,pey to lende�all aoah end expenees Inaurred�nd�um��xp�nd�d by L�nd�r In oonmoUan wlfh
<br /> tMlszerciae by Lendar oi tho tors�ol�p riphte,tapetha�wllh Intereat the�eon�t the dW�ult rab provld�d in tho Not�,whloh�h�N b�
<br /> #dded ta tM kidqbtednea �aur�d her�hy.Lend�r �hall not Inour any N�blliry MoauN of�nythlnp II rtNy do a omit to do
<br /> htRfrunder.
<br /> 9. M�s�►dou�M�bNd�.Trustor ahall kaep the Property In aompIlance wNh ell appllosble Isw�,ordlnancn�nd npul�llan�
<br /> r�l�qnp to Industrial hypiene or envlronmental qrotecNon(colleotiveiy referred to hereln a�"Hnvironm�nhl l.�w�"►.T►u�tar�h�ll .,
<br /> k«p ths Propeny Ir�e irom ell substanaas deamed to be he=erdous or toxic under any Environment�l Laws(coll�apwly nferr�d to
<br /> h�reln e�"Heze►doue Materiale").Truetor hereby war�enta and�epreaente to l.ender that there ar�no Huerdou�M�terl�l�on a
<br /> und�r Iha PropeKy.Truetor hereby aprees to indemnity and hold harmlesa Lender,Ite dir�ntore,ofllcen,employe���nd a�p�lnu,�nd
<br /> �ny�ucaonon to Lender's lotareat,from�nd e�alnst any end all alalme,dAmapss,losso��nd It�bllltl���rlainp In aon��otlan wNh
<br /> th�proNnae,use,dlepoeal or tranaport oi any Hazardoue Materlal9 on,under,Irom or about the Propsrqr.THH FORH�OINO
<br /> � • 10.Aulpnmmt o1 R�nb.Truator hereby eseigns to Lander the renta,lesues and proflte of�he Property;provlded that Trunor
<br /> "�'• �hrll,undt the occurrence ot an�vent of Default hereundar,have the rlght to colleot and retain'uch rento,Inue�And pru0ts at thsy
<br /> „.
<br /> baaome due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event o1 Deiault,Lender may,either In pereon or by apsnt,with or wit out
<br /> brinp�r�y1 any action or p�oceedinp,or by a receiver appofnted by a court and wlthout reperd to the adequaay of ita eecuriy,ent�r
<br /> • upon end tAk4 po�sesalon of the Properly,or eny paA thereof,in ita own name or in the�ame of the Trustee,and do any acb whlch It
<br /> d�ims naoossary or desirable to preaerve the value,merketebilNy ar rentablllty of Ihe Proparly,a any part Ihereof or intera�t thereln,
<br /> ' Increase tha inoome therelrom or protect the security horeof and,wilh or�ithout takfnp poeeeaelon ol the Property,we lor or
<br /> � , otlwrw{9a coll�ct the renta,isaues and profite thereof,Inclu�ing thoae past due and��npeid,and appty the same,leas co�b�nd
<br /> ;�.5. �xp�mes o1 qperetlon and colleotlon Inoludlnp aflorneys'lees,upon any Indebtednees secured hereby,all in 4uch orde�as Lend�r
<br /> mey d�te►m�ne.The entering upon and tekinp poeeesslon of the Property,the collectlon of such rente,is9uae and protit�and the
<br /> � t �pplio�tlpn.thareol aa aforesaid,shell not cure or waive any delaull or notlae ot deteult hereunder or Invalidate eny act dons In
<br /> � ,, rppoms to eucfi delault or purauent to s�ch natice of detault and,notwithstanding!he continuance In poasesslon of the Property or
<br /> th�collwctlon,receipt and appliaatlon of rents,iaeuea or prollls,and Truatee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every rlpht
<br /> • ,Y provla�0 to�In eny ot me loan instruments or by law upon ucuurrn��cn ui any Event oi Datault,Inctudin$wtihaut limitallan!ha riph!
<br /> ��t�� '��� + to�x�rcl�e tlie power of sele.Furlher,Lender's rights and remedle8 under this paragraph shall be cumulative wfth,and In no way a
<br /> ' ''r'�> I�mu�uon on,Lender'e rights and remedies under any aesfgnmeM o1 leases and reMe reaorded epeinst the Prope►ty.LendOr,Tru�tN
<br /> ..)�'1 �`M1 '�� ond Iho racelver�haW be Ilable to eccount only lor those renta actually reca(ved.
<br /> ����.�y. MJ �IL
<br /> �w:�.,�;�} .�'• 'r 1 t. ev�nl�ol DNaull.The following shell censtitute en Event ol Delault under thla Deed of Trust
<br /> i � ' : ''a�.l�•��` '� �`- �� �a) Fallure to pey eny installment ol princlpal or intereat of any other sum seaured hereby when due;
<br /> :•,�,��,y��,-��,�,r;� �b) A braech of or delault under any provlabn contained In the Note,thle Deed of'frusL any ol the Loan Inetruments,a ony
<br /> .i�j.,. . plh�r Uvn or encumbrance upon the Properry;
<br /> :"' `�"" � (G) A wril ol execution or attachmenl or eny s�milar procesa shall be entered agalnst Trustor whlah�hell become a Ilen on
<br /> � ' �`' • 1,:,�:;�i� tho Property or any portlon thereof or M�erest therein;
<br /> � �;•"'�• � •�;t;"'%'" (4) Thsre shall ba/Hed by or agelnat Trustor or Borrower an acllon under any preeent or future federal,state or other
<br /> 1�Nk. •.
<br /> .:.J...:...�•!; lh.- ����U�Y,Iew or repulatfon relating to benkruptcy,insolvency or other rellef lor debtors;or there shall be appofnted eny truetee,
<br /> �� � rocelvar or Ilquidator ol Trustor or 8orrower or of all or any pert of the Properly,o�the rents,lesues or protits thereof.or Trustor
<br /> ,�'' � . . or Borrowor�hall make eny generel asslgnment tor the benetlt of credlto►s;
<br /> "'g •�� �•• '� � • ��) Ths�ale,transter,lease,assignment,conveyance or lurther encumbrance ol ell or any part o1 or any Intereet in the
<br /> �'�,�; „ ' �� ' Propeily,efthar vofunterlly oi Invuluntarily, without the express Nrlqan consent ol Lender;provided that Trustor shall be � -:
<br /> 1��' ` • ^�y., , pum�tl�d to axocWa�e loaso o11he Property tha►doee not contaln an opUOn to purchese and the term ol which does not exceed
<br /> _+Lti . `,',, . OM yYar;
<br /> ,,_�;,=�., - - (1► Abnndc+nment 4f the Property;or
<br /> �±� . (p) II T�u�lot Is not an Indivfdue►,the leauance,eale,transler,easignmenl,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total
<br /> �"�t ;••,,,�,. �"„ , �1 N/A perce�it of pl a corporatlon)ita�asued snd outstanding stock or(II a parinerahip)a total of�1./�—percent of
<br /> �„ .. psrtnerehlp Intorests duriny the period thls Deed ol Trust remalns a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> � • . „•, 14. IIMnN11N;A�oNe�lbn Upon Od�uN.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as required by
<br /> � ,;��' I�w,doclar��tl indabtedness eecured hereby to be due and payable and the same ahell thereupon become due and peyeble
<br /> . wllhout�ny presonlmenL demand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereaiter Lendet may: 9••,
<br /> � �� � � � (s) D�m�nd Ihat Truslee exercfse the POWER OF SALE granted herefn,and Truatee shall thereaRer cause Trustor'e
<br /> ,,� Inter��l ln Ihq Piopotty IC be s01d 9nd the proCeed8 to be disirlbuted,all in Ihe manner provided In the Nebraeka Trust Deeds ':�.
<br /> .�'' • Act; .
<br /> '� • (bl L■e�clso eny ond a:l nyhls provided lor In any oi the Loai� Instruments or by lew upon accurrenCe of any Event of
<br /> � ' ' ON�wt,and �'
<br /> �� (c) Gummenco an acl�on to foreclose this Deed ol Trust as a mortgaye,appolnt a recelver,or apecltically enlorce any ot the ��
<br /> covonpnlY horeol
<br /> '� No rom�dy h�rv�o�unlorred upon or rdeerved to Truetee or Lender Is intended to be exclusiva of any other remedy herein,In the
<br /> t+� " . Losn In�lrurn�nls ur By Ipw provided or permftted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In addilion to every other remedy glven
<br /> � •" h�reunder,in Ihe Laan Imlruments or now or hereafler exlattng bt law or�n equity or by atatute,and may be exercfeed concurrently,
<br /> .M " �••• �nd�nd�ntly u�wceeulvely
<br /> � 13 Trud�a.Th� Tru�lee moy res�yn at any time without cause,and Lpnder may at any tlr�ie and wltho�l cauae appolnt a
<br /> �}•: r ��. "� �ucca�or or�ubttHulo irusten Tru�lee ehall not be liable t0 any party,Including wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrowar,Truator or any
<br /> �: . ;�q;::ry.,� ;,�;., •. purchowr ot the PropoHy.for wny lo�s or dnmage unlesa due to reckleas or wf INuI mlaconduct,and ehall not be rpqulred to take any
<br /> ;7 `� � acllon In connoollon w+th Ihe enforcement of ihis Deed of T►uat unlesa Indemnlfled,In wrlting,tor all costs,compensatfon or
<br /> ' ----�-
<br /> �...��_.-.�...,.........�.��w�w�..,.,.�h �ti o,�.�+n�� Tn�afna mav harnma a rnnchaaa►at anv sele o1 the Pro06►tv(IudlClel O►
<br /> . . . .��..�...�......,.....��..�..��........._.....-••........___..._... --•-- -• ---- -
<br /> _�� L ": _a i.';;' Y und�r Ih�pow�r ul�w�r prenled hereml,po�tpone the sale ot all or any portlon�ol the Properry,as provided by law;or eell the
<br /> '" '• . PrOpnt�r a��whole,u� in sop�rnte percels or lots at Truetee'e dlecretlon.
<br /> � ��t' . �'� t�. ��N�nd l�p�n�N,ln Ihe event T►ustee aells the Property by exerclse of power of eale,Trustee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> .' ,� •'•ti.• �ny wl�proc��do lutl to prymord ol sll costs and expenses ol exerclsing power ol sale,Including all Truateo's fees,end Lendels
<br /> � _�;,•,,,;,�. •„=..�,,� �nd TrwtN'��tlo►noy'�I�w�.acluplly Incurred to Qxtant permltled by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Truetor exercises eny �
<br /> , ,;�w.,, � ,• rlpht prov�A�d by I�w lo curo�n Event ol pelaul►,lender ehall be entNlod to recover from Truator all costs and expensee aclually �
<br /> inCUrr�d a�p n�ull ul Tiu�lnr'r dd�ull,Includ�np wdhout Ilmltatlon all Truetee's end attorney's teea,to the extent permitted by
<br /> •. :.� " ' �PPllc�bl�I�w �
<br /> --,,-.:�";' � 16. Rutun Adv�naM. Upun ioyuost nl Borro►rer, Lender may,at Ha optlon,meke addltlonal bnd luture�dvencea and re- �'
<br /> �•••• -••+i�w•.: �dvona�l0 6orrow�r 8uch rdranc��ansf roqdvance�,with Interest thereon,shell be secured by thls Deed of Truat At no dme ehall �
<br /> • f.;-�.,. �� � th�prinolpNl�mounl ol lhr�nUObtwfn���socured by Ih�s Deed of Truat,nol Includln sums advenced to protect the security of thl0 `
<br /> ;�' �. ���•-�� DMd o)Tru�t��ra�Ih�u�ip�nrl pilnolpel amount sl8ted hereln,or 5.�.._�whfchever Is preater. F
<br /> .. •.�1,`�;'t�.' f �
<br /> ...� �
<br /> 1w� U �
<br /> l'
<br /> ' k4 , _._ _ _'.A _t._..-._ ' _� _.. .... ._ {
<br />