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<br /> Ttu�und�tllnpA thal th�dooum�n!that Tnutor I��bout b�x�aut�i�a Owd of Truat an0 nol a moroDap��nd that ths pow�r
<br /> 01 a�l�provkNd Mr,kl,ih�(ie�d of Truil provid�s wb�ntlally dlfNnn!�Ipht��nd ob1lp�Nons to T►u�br Ih�n a mortp�p�In th�wM�t
<br /> ot�d�hult or btaoh M obNQ�tlon und�r th�GMd of TrosL Inoludlnp,but nat Ilmlbd to,the L�nd�Ps rlpht to h�v�th�Propwty�otd
<br /> by tM TrwtN wkhput:AnN•l�1��1 A►ocMdlnp.Tru�tor r�p�nb�nd wunnb that thi��o owl sm�nt wa�x�oue�d by
<br /> Trwtor bNor�th��x�autlan,of,th�M�d of Trwt
<br /> t�I D CK T
<br /> ` 1 _�:add�66dY ��
<br /> Trwto►�,I$ D. $HUCK
<br /> THIS DE�D OF TRUST,ia made ae of ths�day of..A i�L-lis.; ,19�,by and amon�
<br /> tlw T►u�tor, gilztt D �J1CK AND .IUI iE D $Hl1CK flUSB�.ntm wr,Ffi ,
<br /> 2;..
<br /> who�e rt�illnp eddr�la 4db4�D�BTWOOD DH GRArID iSLAND. NE 68803�herel�"7rustor,"wMth�r one or mors),
<br /> ih6 Tru't�6� "nvum n�er�r - �
<br /> .
<br /> `� whose mallinp addraa le_P...LI., Anx �qn n�enun Tsi.axn NE 68802 (hereln"T�uates'7,and
<br /> the Benetlotary� - ",�"'••,,• '••'"T�..,. °.u" "� Cl�eun I3LAND -
<br /> �ti::
<br /> - - — - .
<br /> . ,; who�e m�llinp add�esf+le_P •n BAX 1688 GRAND IQI�eun_ NA 68802 (herein"Lender').
<br /> .�,
<br /> �,;;• FOR VALUABI.E CONSIIAffRAT10N,includinp Lender'e extension o!aredit identitled heraln to �TRK n g�tli�x
<br /> r;.,� f Anl� JULIB D 3HUCK, i3USBAND AND WIFE
<br /> (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the hust herein creaMd,
<br /> fbe�eaalpt of whlah is hereby aaknowledped, Trustor hereby irrevocebly grents,transfers,conveys and aesipne to Truetee,IN
<br /> ��,•�,:: TRU8T,WRH PQWER OF SAGE.for the beneNt end wcurity of lender,under and�ubject to the terma and candlUono hereinalter eet
<br /> ,,•.. toN�,ihe nr,i property,dawrit�ed as tali�w�:
<br /> r' , a�:
<br /> �'�� ���;.
<br /> �' h".,�:,..
<br /> a.,x ..� • '
<br /> Topether with all buildinpa,Improvemanta,fixlures,streeta,alleys,pessapeways,easementa,riphts,prlvllepes and appurte-
<br /> �"•'•`''�'==- npnces looated thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the rents,iasues and profits,reverslons and remaindere thereoi,and
<br /> ��•'��' "s"' auch personel properly that le attached to tha improvemeMs so as to conetiwte a ffxture,includinp,buf not Ilmlted tc,heatlng and
<br /> �'�;�':'��- ��� � cootfnp equlpmenN,and tapethar wNh lhe homeatead or marital intereats.II eny,whlch Intereeta ara hereby released and welved;qll
<br /> of whlah,includinp replaaemante end additions thereto,le hereby dealered to be a pert of the real estote waurad by the Ifen ot thlp
<br /> �,; w t Deed of Truot pnd all of tha fareyoinp beinp roferred to hereln as the"P�opeAy".
<br /> �'��•�.'.�..�:•...
<br /> � .�'• .����' " . - Thia Deed of Tru�t ohall�seoure(a)the payment of the principel aum end Interest evidenced by e promissory note or credit
<br /> �•! �;�,,.t,w�,v....�..
<br /> .�,,
<br /> �•��r.� '�k�`r"" �• �'� apreement dated tr.ItBT 26, 1993 .Fu�vfnp a maturily date o} MARCH 2. 1997 '.'
<br /> 4�' .. : � �
<br /> r.,� . .�P�'C.. -.. .�' �4_(1[I(1_00
<br /> '"�. �� •_.�••�� .,' In th�orlpUal principal emaunt o15 ,and any and all modificatfona,extenslona and renewals
<br /> i �': �. °:;;` " � thereot or thereto end any end all future advances and readvancna 1�Bunvwer (or any ol them it more lhan ono)horeunder
<br /> ��t �!�;� � purauant to one or more ptnmlasory notea or credif epreemente(hereln called"Note"►;(b)the payment o1 other aums advanced by
<br /> Lender to proteot the seour(ty ol the Note:(c)1he performence ol all covanants and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all
<br /> T!!+�_. . '���` � present and future indebtodnesa and obligetlona ot Borrower(or any of them II more than one)to Lender whether direct,indfrecf,
<br /> '`'' • abaolute or coMingeM and whether arisinp by note,guaranry.overdraH or otherwise.The Nate,this Deed ot Trust and any end all
<br /> � •r;._.
<br /> �~" � �:� �' other docuenW that seour�the Note or otherwlae executed In connection therewith,Includiny whhout limltation yuarenteea,eeaurly
<br /> - apreements and ass�gnmt�nla of leases end rents,shall be referred to herefn as the"Loan Inatrumenls".
<br /> a. ,:... Truator covenanta and eyreee with Lender as lollows:
<br /> ,, ., � 1. P�ym�nt of Inde6tedne��.All Indebtednesa secured hereby shall be pefd when due.
<br /> . _ ,a,. ,��. _ 2. Tlti�.Trustnr ie the owner o1 ihe P�operty,has the right and authority to convey the Property.and warrants ihat ihe Ilen �,
<br /> �'•-�. _.. . created hereby la e Ilrsi and prfor Ilen on the Property, except for Iiens and encumbrancea set lorth by Truator in writing end
<br /> • delivered to Lender befare executlon of thie Deed of Trust,end Ihe executlon and deHvery of thia Deed ot Trust doea not vlolate any '�••f
<br /> �•^,c=1..-.-.�:.�` conuect or other obllgatbn to which Truetor is aubJect. ;.,
<br /> {•� •n� 3. Tax�s,Aas�s�imenlY.To pay before delfnquency all taxes.apec�al esaessments and all other cherges ayainet the Properly
<br /> , •'-•';• now or hereaRer 16vted. �
<br /> .;,;;.,. � �;� 4. Inw�ena�.Tn keep tne Property Insured apeinet demege by fire,haxerds Included wflhin the term"extended coverage",and ,?'`�
<br /> ��� ' � �c auch other haiardt�s lender may require,in emounts and wllh companles acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an edditlonal ?',' �
<br /> .. ��,;::;;'> :• �,;r.. •
<br /> named Inaured,with f0�peyeble lo the Lender.In case of loss u�der euch polic�ea,the Lander Is authoil2ed to adJuat,collect and ',��;,
<br /> `;y';�; compromise,ell Claims thereunder and ahall have the option ot applying all or part ot the Inaurance proceeds 11)to eny IndaCtedneas
<br /> •"'--y -- - secured he►eby and in suah order ae Lender mey determine.(fi)to the Truator to be used lor the repafr or reataratlon o11he PropeAy
<br /> '�.: ".`°� � � .r�" or(iU)for eny other pu►poee or ob�ect aetfe(eotory to Lender wfthout aHecting the lien of this Oeed ol Trust lor the full amouM secured ' :
<br /> .,,.- - '' hereby before auch•pl�yment ever took pleae.Any applicetlon ol proceeds to fndebtedneas ehall not extend or poatpone Ihe due l;.
<br /> • �,� s.•...,...: ' l+�i,
<br /> date o18ny ppyments under the Note,or cure eny delault thereunder or hereunder. �..;,
<br /> e e�.w� �iw..+�aM.�.+o.�.nr�hy I anAwr,Tn�ntnr�hwll eny lo Lender.In wch manner as Lender mep deslOn9le.euHlClent � _
<br /> . '.�..
<br /> � sums to enabte lendor to pay as they become due one or more of the lollowing:(i)ell taxes.asaessments end other charges agafnst f
<br /> "�' '� .��.��=•+ ��R`• � the PropeAy,(ii)ihe premiums on the property Ineurance requlred he►eunder,end(Ilq the premiume on eny mortpeye fnau�ance
<br /> �,�'n ��':.•.�z.�•. requlred by Lander. �'
<br /> '�`` ` 8. Maintanano�,R�Wk�and Compllane�wlth L�w�.Trustor ahall keep the Property In pood conditlon end repalr;shall � • �
<br /> ��' � y prompUy ropslr,or repl�ce eny Improvement which mey be damayed or deatroyed; shell not commit or permit any waste or ��,,,
<br /> dste►lOratlOn ot the Property;ahaM not remove,demolbh or subetent1811y elter eny ot the Improvements on the Property;fhall not
<br /> � �•.�,,��,� comml�tuNer or permlt any aat to be done In or upon the Prope�ty in violetlon ol any law,ordlnance,or regulatlon;and shall pay and � ,'�
<br /> promptly dieeharpe at Truetor'�cost and expenee all Ilene,enaumbrences and charyes Ievied,Imposed or aesessed e�efn9t the
<br /> ' 4 PropNly or any p�A thereof.
<br /> -,;,:, . ;•�•^�l�;:. , 7. En�nl Domaln.Lender I�hereby aselpned all compeneadon,awarda,demapes and other paymenta or rellel(herelnafter
<br /> "ProcNds'y In conn�cdon with condemnotion or other teklnp of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyence fn Ileu ol condemna-
<br /> Uon.L�ndN shatl b��ndtlsd at Ib optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In Its own name any ectlon or proceedinqs,end
<br /> '.r ; ��� �hall also W�rHItlW to make any aompromite or wttlament In conneotlon with such tekinp or damape.In�e evsnt any portlon of
<br />�� � ,�` ' . INC i{N INaiprwAwN OM�Ibv IO�M
<br /> }
<br /> O 1�MMMMMIMMMCpM1iMMT�W1 Md{MMNAMOtWiw4 Lx�OeM.NWrq4
<br />