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<br /> . w�1w N elr Tnntar�11 M M�lah,on h�ner qnaty w�wd rd oMw� a eh Tw�a.. Ie tlr wwt
<br /> d • MM N M�nt�M� MP��� tM Tewtor N��r Mr� 1�M/1MrIM �dn�tlr IrwtK. �M11 tIN� •
<br /> W1� M/i�pM�t�INMin/w�MI/MMIi IntAdtl�i�llwr'MMNIIiI1,R�th� �wrob�'�t woM wM K M
<br /> �11y �f�MrN. M �owriMO� �Ith tM M+wf�f�d 1w M1towM t�R�t�Ir1/1�/w�. 1M
<br /> �111/� �II/ �II� M1�r�HII�Ad�M 001�iM1 Mltll M IMM'Mt M1�Nr IN'�M�O��by�M�O►��MIMIM. M/
<br /> �n R�t�d u aar�latlw te�il otM� ►wOWn tor tb csll�atla p1�Mt� t�d�be��. i1N�wllaUry K
<br /> Aat� �y tMa rq►�Rhlr ��/e+Nil��otia�w�w�t b�!�K i4�N��qtYt�A11AK b Hala K /�►�1
<br /> Mwt K�tMni1N tK!M�IN11�1Ria of tA�/ror►ty.
<br /> ,+�
<br /> :. 1� ftr wMt �1 • wl� �a �rovtd�d M Mn�aph �. th� TrwRN sh�ll M aa�iM A� th�
<br /> /�fbl�ryr 1� M. �R �at In �s ef p��t of tM� �amt o�wf/wM er wia.
<br /> N+a►lid. ha�wr. th�! tM rawt ef suoh IM Mwll a rau�dN.Md�hll b�Mip'swd h►tA�IMMtkNry
<br /> a te n��1�na�. f�W t��Mll r 1n�ddltton to !1�catr Md�+�w lec�un�ad Op th�Trwt� 1e
<br /> oo�d�et1� wd� wM. tIM �a+�t of woh cat�MO�� Nwll b�dlduot*d Md Mid Iro�th�wL'�
<br /> /e�oo�. It 1��urtMn pn�d tlw� 1� w1d pnup�rty Mrll 0�adwrtlwl�t�wN��Mnl� /rovtdd wd�ot
<br /> ald� !h� ?natM �Mil M�ntitl«d to�e+��aiabl�tM. te� ��t�oo�bbN to tM MeN9o9�ryr tK tM�
<br /> Mhlon �nd. 11N Tr�tM �Mlt �l�o b nNEurs�d by tfw II�tlol�ryr fa►all oats aid�m�s
<br /> I1�e11rlyd 111 p1lw�elilp�l�Mlth !M tlr�rt1s111�0/Mld�ropKty fot NN 1t.�fN Mh 1� Mt eoM1l�t�d.
<br /> �. T�e peqeMd� of �y wl�of aid orop��ty In �ccordm�rlth purqr�ph� �hall bt �pplt�d flnt to
<br /> ='""� �• `'�-'t:�,�, M�t� et t�. oo�ts, Md ap�nw of s�W�1�. tl�a�m Inwrnd b�r tM O�m11ol��y fer tM M�P�
<br /> , ,w� � ' , ..• o/ orat�et/q or M/ntNMtg afd prap��ty �nd na�onabl� �ttorm�' IMa= Meably. to p��nt d tM
<br /> �r �
<br /> .`'-�.,, .�-�';'.•.'�:.'_:::, lad�bt�dntss taw�d Mn�yi and tAirdly. to p�y any surplus ur.e�ooat ta th� p�rson or�►�aq lpal/y
<br /> . �ntltLd th�nta,
<br /> h•'. ..a
<br /> !�'..^'•1•. ::"�:��:i�'`c
<br /> ; .�,,,:;• �. In tM w�nt ald prap�rty ts �o{d purswnt to th� authorlR�tlon aont�lnd 1n thls t�atruw�t o��t
<br /> �.r;.'� ,. °; ; � �nd1n1�1 fon�alawrr� w4 and tM proc��n noe wtt�o�w�� to wr.tM tos.� �na.K.aM....r.�w�s��.
<br /> ' Mstn�i and wld�crd b�r Mfd oro�lstory not�. tA� I�tlot�ryr MI11 b�Mtttt�l to a d�ttalwiop �idY�t
<br /> . far tlw �o�wt ot th�d�llat�neY Mlthou! n�M to appratsw�nt. tM T►wta�IMVIna wtwd�ud�pt/MO�11
<br /> .'�• ;!'��;. �IOhtY of,�a/M�! to tM Tewtr.
<br /> ' ' , ;�:'�..
<br /> ,�,.,,•;.
<br /> .• ��� �. tM Tnuton oo+rwmts and�onn a� follaa: .
<br /> , , .
<br /> � '',:t�. •. IM �f11 Pna�ptly aY the f�fd�badnsat�vldurc�d br u1d pro�lnory not��t tM 11MS�ud 1� !M .
<br /> �:••�,•
<br /> • "-;'�•' ' �nw� tl�ertln pravUMd.
<br /> :c;'
<br /> °� � b. IM Mtit p�y �11 taas. n�e�aNnts. wt�r ratn. �nd otf»r porsrrwrnt�l or wmlelp�l eMryea.
<br /> fims or Upotlttons, for MAfeh p�ortalan h�s rot OMn� hrotnbfor�. and wtll pta�tly dtltrn
<br /> t!M oft1o/�1�atpts th�rsfor to tM Merflel�ry.
<br /> I�
<br /> �ri, a. IM M111 wy woh u�nsas �nd fMC ���y b t�eurnd f�th�prot�otlon and�fnt�ne�oi ptd
<br /> � i
<br /> : a p►ap�erRy. Meludlnp tht fMS of any�Rtonry rpioyd b�r tM l�itaf�ry� fo� th��o1MoNon of My
<br /> • or �11 M tM 1nd�bt�dnKS h�hbr s�wnd. of such�,�pMqrs and f� n w�y b� 1�eun�d tn �ny
<br /> j fe►r�elow►r Nl� 60r the TruitM. Or ea+rL proeNdlnpt ar 1n a�qr OtIM� HL1q�t1N�or prooMdl�
<br /> �-; �ff�attno w1d prop�rty. �nd�tton�y's fMt ��on�aU ineurrrd�Id Mr otl»�wy.
<br /> � •w
<br /> �1�:.
<br /> � � d. Th� HOMr onat�d by thla eonwy�nce dy11 e�tn� tn Iull /oret �nd�ff�ot duM�g�ny '��'
<br /> r postpo�w� or �ctrafon ot tAe tlr of th�pr�ent of th� Ud�bt� �rld�nc�d b�r wW�ot�er
<br /> � � �P��t tAtnof paind Mnby.
<br /> . „ �
<br /> _ . 5 , ':�.�' •. !M wN1 oo�tlnuou�ly ylntNn hu�rd fesur�nc� ol sueh t�q or typt��nd tn weh�t�a th
<br /> . +. .
<br /> :'��.,. W�Het��y w�y ter� ttw to ttw rpuln. on th� Ipror�nts wor or Mnatt�� an ptd pro�rty. =:��
<br /> � �; � < • Md �rtll ar o.o.�tr.�dw.�r onwNwt th�htor. A11 IMUtM� �h111 Ot e1i��Nd 1�o0�qnlq
<br /> t+ ='��' � . �p�t�ble to I�ftotrry and !M oolkles �nd nn�w1� th�reof �11 b�IrW by I�ftel�ry Md
<br /> ':,' . hw atqeMd tM»to lass ar.bt.e�.wa ��taror ot ana in to�.•eapt�t.eo tn. Mn�fkfaryr. �..
<br /> ¢ ��'” in th� wrnt of los�. Trustar vtll qIw t�MNt� notla 1�Mrlttnp to B�ftat�ry aid MNfklaryr
<br /> 4,� . .i `_�.+� Mr w�k� proot vT tas tf not w�de praiptlr by inuta. MO weh 1�au��nc�so�p�ny earc�nwd t� :
<br /> �� � • lwnb�r authOrlt�d �rb dlneted to rlc� p�y■ent for weh losf dltyctly to t�flef�ry ImtwO ot to
<br /> ;.` . T►u�tor �nd BaKttol�ry Jotntly. �nd th� Imur�ne� proeMda. w �ryr p�rt tbnof. wy b��pplfed br '
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