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<br /> 93. 1�2 . . •-,
<br /> 1. tbt. aeew�p 1.wd�yo�wl wr�at t�th�r�thK erwt tMt tM wro trwtor �htt n�.H� tn �
<br /> ,, qut�t and ��� �Nnle� M th ahsw/rJnhd�nd M�orf�d�r1�IMt�IId t�k� th proflq tlrnof to
<br /> htt ww w��wN1 th�dNa�lt M Mdr 1�Mqr p��t ef �n 1Mbli�t iw w a1d � er Is ths pa�fawicR
<br /> """" : ` *,;r7���w ��u or oondttfom eo�t�lMd threl�er In thls ONd of Trwtt +�d� �lro ta Moun tM
<br /> , , -� ,� � n t of th� MNt1aNry er u�otl��holdK of wtd�ot�. tM tr4�tM er �ny wb�tltNt�trwtar of
<br /> . i.�'4+r1.��.��� � � ��� �i0at�flld�IIM11�M �1ICrR�� �IIO�f11� NM�011N1��EZ01'INy�t�MS� 011 �OOOQI� Ilf� ��t� t�l�
<br /> �, � rhlob �yr aMM vlth htp�ot b tMt� Tryst or Mlth a
<br /> rs�ct to tM Indrbt�bw�wldrne�d b�r wtd eeb. th� .
<br /> .. : �., .,.
<br /> prot�atlo� �d rletwwno�d tlr Oroartr h�nln�bew dao�tb�d or 1n obt�lnln�pou�sNoe of tald PhMKy +%��.'
<br /> • �ftK q�r t�M Nhloh r,p w�a I�ntMft��prvrld�d.
<br /> 'L��y;,�t. .
<br /> t. . . �.,e
<br /> •. . � t�M IY�I
<br /> �r•. •. r. a: _• P+l�t ot tM InrNbt�dna� wld�ne�d bp afd eot�+nd tM let�ewt tlMno�,�tht �
<br /> .� "' � W1� M �11 othK wr Iw�le pro�vtd�d tor. th� np��rnt of �1) �ontn��wd ar a�idrd�t to „
<br /> _ �a+�. :. , _ sald eot� or thts festnwMt. �nd �pa� tM wf�nt of�11 otl� Onap��ao�b. dY►�s. �ta/oM. �1•
<br /> `' ., � sx�nta. tly abov�dua�lb�d prop�rty�fl 6�n1Mad ud noonw�d ts ai0 at tF�oost of th�Tn�tor.
<br />�s. '�'�':.: . . _
<br />;�:•y". �. e��' . , �' �. lbai d�tault tn � of th eonv�nt� or eaiditian a! thtt In�tnw�nt or af tht eot� or lwu�
<br /> s - .. ,. ,� • , -• 5 �pr�wnt s�eund 1»nbr. th M�fkl�ryr or ht• �ntpn �y rltbout eotlet Mb rlthou! n�M to the '�
<br /> I� .{, � �s;:. .. � .,.
<br /> �d�qwey of peuMty /o� th tndt6t�dnnr aeund. •1tfMr p�r�lly or by�ttoe+�r or p�nt rlthout brinAlnp ��:,
<br /> ; - � �nr �tton o� proeMdinp. or by• rse�lve� to be appotnhd bp tlr aairt. �nt�r upm• �nd t�ln pssMSNm o� ,����'. .
<br /> �,...:.� � p��y o� S` t.�y,;.:
<br /> s�id �tpr �rt thnal. ud do �ny acts Mhfah Mn�TtoUryr eUw pfap�r to prot�at the s�ouHtr ,.
<br /> � ' Mnof, �nd �1th�� �ith ar Wthou! Wcl saHan of afd �
<br /> . �D P� P*q�rty. oollrct aeid nalw tM nnts. ��:r'''�' .�'
<br /> . <��,'.� , , roy.ltl�s. t�su�s. �nd rotttt tMn�of. 1a�iudl �ts aearwd�nd ?
<br /> , t P �p un�td. aid apply th� �w, 1nr awts ot �iy�r'��.�•�• .
<br /> ' _.!•�''.,: •. - i f:k.�+^.
<br /> , op.�.tfo� and aotl.at�oe, upa�th� 1nd�e:.ai.s�.«un.a by sAa o..a of t.�wc. s.la nna, e�r.tcta. 1nu.�. 1:;.,...: ;.:
<br /> i ,., c%,rtr;• aed proflti. b�lnp INrtby hN�d to tM Nn�ffat�ry u tYr'tl�� peuPtty for th� pq�wlt of �ueh L�;�`�'�
<br /> . ;• ted�bt�dn�as. E�nrotw of HOhts und�� tMs a��p��ph th�ll nat arry a� wlve any dtfautt or notta of ;�ft�•��'�:;�'
<br /> " d�fault htwnd�� o� Iev�Hd�t��n aCt daw • s• rr rt�<,-�;.
<br /> ; . .. , r purswnt to sueh notle�bu! sl�ll b�arul�tlw to�HDht �nd )��ZfS;y..rrA.•
<br /> .��;1s;4� . �wd1' to d�alara • d�fault and to uus� oot.ta�of d�twlt te b�hcoidrd�� h�ln�ftn prorid�d� �nd l, r.,;..,'`,".�:t
<br /> �. . ewbLtw to any othr HpM �nd/or nMdy f»nu�ww r, o�provld�d bp lwr. .ne.�r a s,�►eiqd aaneun+�nj 1p �� ���,..� � : �^
<br /> o� Ind�pendently Expensn tneurrtd by ln�ftel�ry h�n�wd�� tnotudln0 e��b1� �ttot�y'� faa th�ll�h� l':�:i.lt.�. •
<br /> — _--�_`--= s�cun0 hen�r.
<br /> e�'1 '�: 3,
<br /> �::��.�;�.;�
<br /> � ,'...:,�J��;��� �. TM Trwstor eovenant� �nd �prw� tlwit If M �h�11 t�11 to py �a1d 1nd�bt�dnest. pr�np part ..��r,.::,; .::
<br /> ,j�..• �'. th��of. rhqi du�. or sh�ll f�l) !o p�Hor*�nr cov�n�nt or�pwwient of thf� fnrtru.ent or o th� pruafttorr � �i''; ��.' ; �.�;
<br /> �• ;'•,.
<br /> � . �. notr �ecured IMnby. tFK �ntt�� tnd�btednear hnbr secund sh�11 Uwrdl�biy 6ecos� �. pa�npl�. and • .
<br /> ;r:i,. ,•, ��
<br /> eolleettble �t th� optlan of th� len�flct�r or�ss1 �. ' "'�' '
<br /> ; . , r � �+w•ro�.�� or�w��cy. �na th. e�n.t�e��rr or ;, , .
<br /> ;, �s=Ipns iwy ent�� upon satd prop�rty �nd eolleet tM renta and proflts thenof. Upon �ueh def�ult to py�rnt � • �.4��
<br /> s or ptHoe�nce� �nd p�/on o��ftrr such entry, the Truste�, �otlnp in tl+��reautfon ot thts Twst �fur tb p• " '
<br /> notlp of d�f�ult I�s bnn reeorded. �hall�11 � eopy ot the dRf�ul! to ��ah p�non r1+o ts a p�rtr to thie .•�.
<br /> IML�uaent. at th� �ddreat s�t out in tht� Inttrun�nt, �s wll �a to • ��
<br /> �.� ny prton Mfo h�s nquttt�d �nr fqt Ip d:
<br /> � : of drf�ult and notic�of aale br reeordtnp said ��qwsL for eotice rfth the rep{tt�r of d�eds te th� oounty '
<br /> fo Mh1Ch thh lnstrua�ent ts recorded� �ed�fter thR l�pq of t1�e rh1�h tt nqulhd Ey lar�ft�r r11/np tM F'
<br /> �� notlee, th� Trust�� shall h�w the porer to �ell sNd prope�ty. �nd tt ilrll b�tM irutt�'s duty to sell �- � '
<br /> ; • s�td P�op��ty (�nd tn c�s� of �ny det�ult ot �ny purchn�r. to ns�ll) �t pubNe �ucNon. to th� hlphest ; .
<br /> ., bfdder. ttnt yfrinD t1w�ks' notta ot tfr tl�e. t�rws.•�rd plaa�oi�ueh�ale, b�r�drertlsaent no! loso '. . '
<br /> . tlwn on�.y durlrq Meh of q1d f1r� Nnkt tn �newsp�per publf�Md o� dlstMlwl�d In th� opntr or pollttwl �.
<br /> eubdtvlston 1n rhtab atd praprty 1• sltwt�d. �nd Mrttten notto� of s�t� �11 6��1Nd to wch qnon w!p , �
<br /> '. 1s � p�Ky' � thf� In�tnwmnt �t tM addres� w! forth h�rstn. (�nd tM 6�f/at�r�r o� �nr pa»on on bMwlf ( Y.•
<br /> ' ,�'�:. , of the 6�n�ffefary �y bld �nd purch�e�at �uch wl�). Sueh sa1� rfl l b�!NW�t� wlt�bl�pLc�to b ' .
<br /> .,,, ..' s•l�et.d br tl� �n.ficf.�r «fthln wtd countr or polltfc.l .ubdlvfston. Th�Trwt.� Is Mnby.utlwrfs.d to � .
<br /> �x�cut� �nd�dellw� te th� purclw�� �t tueh al� � wfflelent eonwy�na of wtd p�ap�rq. Mhtoh eonwyano�
<br /> sPw11 eont�ln racital� �s to the IYppentnp of d�f�ult upon rhloh the txacutlon of tlr pw�� of �al� Irn1n
<br /> O�+�t�d daptndi; �ed the ald ?�uito�henby con:tttut�s �nd�ppofnts the Twsl�a�h1s �p�nt �nd�ttarn�y
<br /> A tn f�ct to w�k� sueh hclt�lt �nd to exeeutt w�d eonveyan�.nd he��by en�enant� and�petes tFwt th�
<br /> ; 't r�eltal: so yd�sh�ll b� bindlnp �nd conclustw upon tl� T�wtor. �nd w1d eonwr�nu �1w11 E��ff�ctwl to •
<br /> ! � i bs� •11 eputty or Hyht of rsde++iptlon. Nose�te�d. dow�r. Hpht of �ppntt�went. �nd�11 oth�r Mpht� �M .
<br /> ,, .. . •
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