r�- ..
<br /> I. �'s y, ..� - . .. ' .'
<br /> L."�+ .:11
<br /> 'A�1• __UtJ
<br /> :�.._ vr�
<br /> i . .
<br /> 4:.
<br /> '
<br /> • • • �7. T��M�Q�� rfO�f�y O� • Nii�O{i� �f� �fl OOff�1f�M�r.M �01�II�1 pift d tll�P/Ojlllty oI
<br /> �ny M�rM1 N Y N�aW a YMUiinnd(ar Y�b�n�oW int�t In Qaroww M wW or trMtilwnd and 8onawrr M na! �nlu��
<br /> P�+�1 wMhan L.�d.r�p11ar wdp.e eon.wM,�..ndw nry,M�a opYa�.hquka Mrm.e�b p�ynNta 1n tuM of M wnM uand eyr
<br /> tAM Ma�rry In�ln�n�nt�IM�wrv,lhY tp�on�h�l nol b��d by L�ndn M MwoM�N prql�MiMl�d b!►Md1�M�IMM:�n d tlN
<br /> d�M d IhN WarM�t NtlnN111h1�
<br /> M�wKiw awoMw 1hM apNoe� lrnd�r�h�M plw 8arowK notlo�d�oo�NnYon. Th�notla�sh�N PmvkM.�pNb4 al t�ot
<br /> 1�tla�n�0 dry� Amm th�d�q tM noYo� N d�Mr�nd a nMAu!wNhM wl�lah Boaow�►muM p�y M ann� s�ound b�► MN
<br /> B�aNMY bwAunMnt, M 8artow�►I�M M ph►thw�unM P� W tM�ntion ol thM�I�aeL lw�d�m�Y IrnOk�+�nj! NnrdN
<br /> P�el►YIM S�o�rNy NI�1nmlMit wllhoulluM�r noNo�or d�nMnd an Bonoww.
<br /> ..: . 10. oorrow�r'� FII�NR ta Rdn+�bt�. M Barown mMt�cwtrn aondlqom� 8orroww shM h�v�th� rfpl�t to haw �
<br /> -•+ .ntarowMnt a a�M a.auAt�r In�mmm�t dNaontlrw�e a.n�r tlm.pAo.w m. �.wr or. (.� a ayi (or won oth�pMlod a
<br /> :� .�pla.a.Uw m.y.p.oNy�a.ninsad«Mm)e�a.sw d ui.Prop«�y wuw�n�a.�r vo►w►w s�r.aont�inaa In.a�M e.ou�Nr
<br /> In�runmr,a(b)«iW ot�p�1pn«d�ntorobp thw s�arllr iMw�n�nt,ThaN aondlqon�.�th�t 8�mw�: I�I n�1A�.�d�•r
<br /> ` wnM whbh th�n waAd b�du�w�du thi�S�awMy ImbunMnl md th�Not�u M na�oaMwatlae h�d oewwnd: Q1)� NY
<br /> d�Niull d my otbw aovwuiM a sp�nb: lc)P�!►s 4�nas inwrt�d N mloraln0 ihb�S�auMr In�bumunt� inoiu�Anp� bul
<br /> nallmlt�d to.nu�u�bN man�ya'tMS:and(eq Wcn�uoh �aqon as Laidr m�y rwon�by nqutn to aswn�th�1 th11 Mn W �
<br /> Y • � � � thM S�ou�Ny In�nmwnt� L�'f rqlNs fn tM ProMAy and Barow�'s obfp�tlon to p�y ths swmi s�aunM bp thia S�axNy
<br /> �
<br /> .� �,.,.. ,•,,� In�t shd aontlnw �p�d. Upon nN�ritanmt by Bonaw�, thN S�airity Inspum�M �nd tA� ob�s uow�d Q�
<br /> ,1.;,,., :, t.... y.., hw�by�MiM ninMk�IuMf�i/��Mctiv��s M no �oalw+�Yon Mid aeairt�d. FbMr�vw.ihb riphl to rMn�t�shM nM�PPM in th�a�a
<br /> 'f.. y=4��- .;�I.I�' �����"""� �7.
<br /> J • - � 1�. SN� d Noa; Chtn� d Lo�n S�rvk�r. The NotR or� a p�rHM inteatt b ihs Nots (fppathar wAh tlds
<br /> `ihf,�a,.S:,:�J.,:;_ g�p�ity hnU�rrNnl)m�y be taid aa ar mon WrMS wqhoul pdor noda�!o Bortorv�. A sda m�y rtwN in�nh�n8p In th�whMf►
<br /> •k-• ' ."` �,. .: (knqwn as M�'Lwn S�niar')thq aoMatt monthy p�ynwnts �a under ths Not�and thh S�owitp Inepumant� T1un allo m�y
<br /> �.,�."'" • •r.
<br /> ` v..�:. . Y. b�ons or man dwnpa ol Ih� Lan Swvbw �wN�t�d b � wM of tha Nat�. If tha� b � oh�n8a o1 d1R Lan 8«vloa�
<br /> , .T#� BortowK vr�be¢rwi writtan ootlo�oP tM oh�np�In�eoord�na�wMh P�O�Ph 1A �bow�nd appNwbt�qiw: Tha natlo�w11
<br /> F;'. • • shb the n�n��nd�ddins W 1h��►Lan SMVieK and ths�ddra�b whbh p�ynMnta st�{d bs m�da. ThA�natlo�wi wo
<br /> ' ' ; �. conpdn anY otAw tnfo�mntion�quh�d EY�Pf�Nw.
<br /> ,. �... ' ' �O. H�dOU�Sc�bibnGt. BomowK�hq n4t cauee ar pam�l ths pmNna��us���+powl, stonpe, or nUts�ot
<br /> .� :�;, �ny FUwMoue Sub�t�nea on a in Ihs RqpeAy. 8aroww ah� not do, nw abw�nyone Nw tq do, enyd�lnp alf�lina th�
<br /> ' Pro�ty 1hM ie in viol�tlon W any EnvkonmanW law. Tha paewina hvo s�ntena�s sfwA nat applp W ths pRS�ncs.u�e. or
<br /> F� � stanpe on the P►opaty ol u�A qu�ntida of Fiawdous SUbsMnaw M�t�n 9enamR�aaoqni�d�0 4s�PProP�to namd
<br /> nnldeMW uea�nd W m�inh�nc�ol the Ropaly.
<br /> �r ,.. 8ortoww �h�N prvmptly yha Lw�der w�Mhn noHce oi any innsqp�tlan� d�tm. dem�nd.�Iqwsuii or othr aoUon bY �Y
<br /> �� pmanmanbl ar nWt�taY�Oenoy a plir�te p�Ay Nrolvinp ths Property�nd�ny Hiwrdaus Subet�nce a�Envkonmmtal law W
<br /> YYhIOh BOIf�OWR IM��fid1Al Ip1A1YNfdQO. Ii�da►owK Iwns. or is notfsed by�ny yovanmental,or r�gu�Wary wthaNy. th�t my
<br /> -___ nmowl a other nnedN�tlon of any Haiardaue Substano� allanrig RopeAy Ia neasw�, Bormwa shall pmmpW Wc� �M
<br /> naaws+uy��cMans in aacord�nae wllh Envkonmantal l.�w.
<br /> ' ! " . 1la uasd In thf�p�apmPb 20. 'hl�rdoue Subetpnaes'�n tho�e wbatanaes d�nad��taxla a h�zardoue sub�tanaa by
<br /> EnvlronmeNal law �nd the fabwing aubsmnaes: y�aoYne, karoaane, othnr �turpnwble or tawta petrolaum produd�, to�da
<br /> ' � . pefNoldgs�nd fiu�bidde�,vol�tlM eakqnta.m�terWa conteining�sbeatae or tomnJdehyCe.�nd mdbactiv�m�te�ials. As u�sd in
<br /> • ' pwOmph 20�'Lnvlronmantel Law• me�ns toderal I�wA and I�ws oi.tha iudsdiailon whero the Prnpary is locat�d th�t nht�b
<br /> • � � ' ' �:�' haqh� s�fetl�ar aivkonmant�l Pmt�dlon.
<br /> ;,,._.; ,
<br /> ; NOIiMUNlFQRM.0011$NAIJTS. 8arowr and Lenda IuAher eovqn�nt ru►d�pn��o lolbwa:
<br /> . .
<br /> 21. A�rcNw�tiar,� RMn�dt�s. I.,�nd�� shalt qiva� notia� to 8o�srow�r prior to acc�l�ndton ` �
<br /> � � fdla�rin� 6or�ow�r's bewch of any cov�n�M or a�rsartaM in this S�curity� Instrum�nt (but not °
<br /> ' ' � prlor to a�l�eatlun undrr ponpraph 17 unl�ss eppliaabl� I�w prawid�s dMrwis��. Th� noNca ��,
<br /> �'' � shal! spsciPj: (a) fha dsiaul� (b) th� aetion r�quirod to cura ths dNaul� (e) a dat�, not I�s�thsn
<br /> , • 30 days irom tiw ds�br ths notico ts qtv�n to Barow�r. by which ths dNauk mud b�cur�d; and �'�
<br /> � � (d) that hNun to our� the d�huk on or beta►� the d�b
<br /> �p�cifiad in tiw aotic� my hwR In -t.�:
<br /> ' � iccNenidon of tiw w�ns s�cur�d by thts S�curity Inatrument and sab of th�Prop�rly.Th� notiae
<br /> •�� shall iasrlEemr IMorm 8orrowa of the right to r�instat� aR�r aceobration and ths rlgM to bring a
<br /> � ������ ' i court aation to �ss�rt th� non-�xfd�nco af a dMauR a any Mh�� d�ns� af Bo►►owK to �>
<br /> ��'' •� � accN�ration and sal�. R th� dNsult ts not curad on or b�for� tiw dat� sp�cHi�d in tIM aotic�� ;�;..-
<br /> �'�''��� " ,
<br /> `,�;;�;,•;; L.�nd�r �t ib option n�ay ��quir� imm�diat� paymont In full of all �ums socund by this S�curit�►
<br /> .'';'� ' i IneMum�nt without iurth�r d�mand �nd may invoko th� powar of �lo and any Mh�r nm�dt�s �;:�'�.
<br /> �;�: >; . ,
<br /> �•','�:. � ' pannithd by applic�blo I�w, l.�ndor �hall tw aMttlad to coll�c!All oxponsos incurr�d in purwin� r .
<br /> ',14'i_�• , t ,
<br /> j . � tho romadi�s prauidad In thia pora�rsph 21, includM�, but eot NmR�d to. reasonabb �ttorn�ys
<br /> � fNS and costs of titla ovid�nco. i`''
<br /> ; If tho pow�r of �alo Is Invokad� T►ustaa ahall rQCOrd a natic�r of dofault in oach couMy in �'� ��
<br /> � ' whkh any part of th� Proporly ts locatod and shall mail coplos of auch aollco In tha mAnno�
<br /> ' � � prascribe8 by opplicabla law to Barowor and to tho otlwr p�r�ons proscribed by appUc�bl� law. '
<br /> ' �' ' •' Aft�r tlw tlmo raquirad by appticabla law, Tructao �hatl gtvo publk notico of oalo to tho por�w�s
<br /> �•; ,:��,,�•. and in thv mannar prascri6ad by applicabla law.T�uatoo� without demand on Bo►rowa�. sh�q �all
<br /> ; ,,.�:,;;;•.:,: ,' th� P�oporty at public auction to tiw highast biddor at tha time And placo �nd undK th� brms •.
<br /> '-����::� �• d���natod In tho nartica of saM In ono ar mon paroots and in any ordar Trust�e dot�rmin�s.
<br /> � ��!•_.�.;:d:�'.��.� �.., ,
<br /> ...��„.:.... �.. Tn�� may Pa�tpona salo of ail or any parcol of tho Proporty by public announcomont �t tho
<br /> � ��`;;-' �• '., ,; •, tima and plac� af �ny prwiously �cMdul�d �Io. Lendor a Ms dosipnee may pu�oha� the
<br /> . ;�;;•:,, , Prop�rty at any salo.
<br /> Upon rac�ipt of paymoM of tho prico b1d. Trusteo shall dotivor to tha purchasor TPU�teo's '
<br /> ' •,�;,:., �_� dNd convaylnp th�Proporty. Tho �ncftals in tlw Trustoo's doad shall ba p►Ima facl� ovidonco of
<br /> ' th� truth of th� atat�m�nts mado th�raln. T►usto� shall apply tho procwds of tFw ssde in tlw
<br /> ' ' � followM� ord�w (a) to all costs and oxponsas of oxarcising th� pow�r of salo, and tha aal�.
<br /> � ,�. inatudinp NN psym�nt of tM Tn�dw'a ivos aatually fnaurrad� not to oxcood thr�a
<br /> '�6 of tha principal amount of tho
<br /> ' 4 i� , nob at th�tim� af tlw d�cl�rallon of d�fault�and naaonablo attamoy'o h�s as pormitt�d by lavw,
<br /> p (b)to dl sums s�cur�d by fhis S�curily Instrum�nt; and (c) any �xc�ss to the poroon or p�nons
<br /> ; , Ipdty�ntitled to it.
<br /> , i
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