<br /> : ..v.fiq�.
<br /> ;� � - . � ��"
<br /> ,td., �d. �
<br /> ,�. . � _._ .
<br /> . - - - - .• .� 9o�qw��r a..won .aiWt .na nraYi.r a pwfd�d b vrw�v+� 1e� bY o.wkw uw.a�on or p�vo..un�b a.
<br /> dN�M�«f wl�hh a niny thM.�n t;�nda'�000d 1�IM dN�nnr�n,p�oM+dM Ir�MMun d tM Sarar�'�Inw«t in tlN A+a�p�rly a
<br /> �
<br /> o1Mr mM�hl Y�Mn�M d th�Yn arrMd b�►thN 8�aitMy �a L�ne1M'�uarM�r YM�t. Baroww�hW�o b�b
<br /> dMM�I M oenowrr.duAM!M lo�n�PP��P���Y��M�►Iw�a�Inlanwlon a MWnNna a L�nh►(or
<br /> IWid b port4� Lw�wltlr�► n�Y Inbrn�Mbn)N aoaNallon w11A qn b�n �id�na�d b!I tM NM�, M�Miq. i�A aot
<br /> anM�4 a. np�wMMbn+ ooeo«Nno tarow�I� ooa�p�nw a un Prop«+y a R prial�l �ww�«io.. r Wt a�a.N�r
<br /> Inmq�nt M on�Iwrhold, earaww�hM oo�iWY wllh�1 IM prorMion� d tM IMn. M eonoww�o�YM i»Ilw l01M .,
<br /> f4'q�IMpi,.tM1 Iws�hald�nd tM IM 1MM�IW not n�q w�Nss L�ndrr�P'an 101M n�'0�►In w�MM�p,
<br /> 7. Probc�lOtA.�o/L�nd�r'�Ripl�ts In!M P►op�My.N eortowu wb to p�larn tlw oovwwnt��nd qr�� .
<br /> o�MNd In tbM B�rtMY M�tru�M.a tlMn k�NpM prot�dn�tlW n�l sip�Ma�nYli�N�al I.rnda'� dphlt h th� i4opwy
<br /> In�nh a�a piv�Ar�g b b�ktuP�Y.P►ab�tt lor candNen�tle+n ar 1aNlpin or W�n1aw k+w a npuMtlaH�.tlwn Lw�d�w�f►
<br /> dn and WY br wA�Mvw 1�twoMUry b prot�aM1 th�vNw ot tAR ProP�b�nd Lw�d1r's dpM;b tM PropMy►. L�1r's�Won�
<br /> m�► (nqiud� i�lMO �Y� s�d by a Yn whbA.h1��R�MMMY arw thls S�arlY Inseu�l�ppMrk�fn aaurt.P�1iMq
<br /> n�onM�M altan�y��1� �rW�ntMNY on tM FRop�ly to�rM�l►�+�i•AlthaqA Lwdu ms1►tMr�ktlon und�r Wa p�tM
<br /> 7.Lw�d�doM naf lMr�to do w.
<br /> My �tmts d�AUIMd bY Lmdw und�r P�npty� 7 shM b�ooRN�ddllonM dlbt al BorrOwR s�olNld by►fAM d�arNY
<br /> In�Irun�R unMa BarmwR.nd I.�ndu.pm to eth� 1MnM M PM��• �hu.onouna .h�M bw r�n�t trom fh.d�.a !�
<br /> �f+d th�t�k1M rW and�IW b�Wf�.wNh blanqt„uPan notia�Irom I.�ndrr to Bara�wa nquMttnO p�Im� �
<br /> 9, pp�byp� MIitM1i1�C�. M L�nquM�d mprt0#AA ineumnao a� a oondlbn ol m�kiny tM lo�n a��d by 1hM
<br /> S�auily In�bum�t�.9onowK�A�A P�Y�P�*��tn�In th�matpy�bsu�na in MNd.N.lor N►y nasan.IM
<br /> nxw�paOs Inaumna�aiw�pu Mqulnd b�r Lw�le►I�PF�or ce�sa tn ba in �f(�d. Borrow�ah�N p�y tM P�ums�ird to
<br /> dM�k� CovM�pR WAelantN�MY�Filv�l�nt W th�mc�tg�00 beWranaR pnvNluely in eM�cf. al• oaR wbslar�tYty�quNY�i W qN
<br /> coet w 8onr�ww n�.th� matg�ge inau�uw� P�ueM.� eRnct, l�om �n aNem�ta matp�bsuw �pwo+���'f� ��►. n
<br /> ` �; � w4wnNMY�v�+��Oe tn�wronw aove�oa Ie nat av�,Bormww shN WY w��t�r aoh momh�s�n� �quM to
<br /> . . ;;�� awr*wMh d fhe�wfil����a P�n�9 f��Bortow�r whm/M Inwr�na awrwp�I�p�d a crad W
<br /> �• �. . bc h�aL Urtd�r wq scc�pt, ua�and taWn these paymaMe�s�ba n�tw b Mu oi mat�hsu�r�ce. Loss rwrv�
<br /> .. ,: �;. .:r,:.';• .
<br /> it„� �• ;,:,:v:
<br /> '� ��.a+k,-y�:;�,,,., wr�a m..,y.,rno bnpa�b�nq1,.u,k�d,at lh.oplioe a I..aaur.u mat9i�s In.unr�oe cov.rw•(in M..roount.ea f«a�.pwloa
<br /> :i�� ;•��'.,�:.�b"d i�,. � r 1�1M'LQI�•�Y'•••�•�pfOY�l�..7 all�1lsl/R ��lIGYb�1�OIIdR a�l aG0111�i aY����b O�Ib. e01fOW�f f��
<br /> •r T..t'C•..; �Qfr1�INl1s fi�lll�d 10 I�M�111Y1 IIIOffQtO�NIiU1�11C!MI�1Q01, OI t0 Pf0Yld9 R bif fMlIYl.UIIfN fIN fpll1fM11M11 101 IIIOIt�Q�
<br /> j.,;,.:� �. ,. �wMda h accordrnae whh�ny w�ltw��yroanMnt betwwn�arow�►�nd Und�a appNqd�le Mw.
<br /> .. .��rY;���:- •`°j'.` 'g,If1s�Otip11, l�ndar or qe a0ent nnY m�k�rMSOnt��nttNs Wwn�nd in�p�otfona d th�Prq►�rly. L�nd�r sh�M pka
<br /> . ,,,. •..� .? rMSOmbis dw�Ta th�i�
<br /> .:.;.,,.,.�•._:..•.. ..�.. . 8aeowrt aotloe at the tla�a ot or plN�r to an inspeetlon speoNy4�9 apectiu�•
<br /> . •. , . - • � 10. C011dMnmM1011.The proaade ot m►��wrrd or d�im for d�pN.dfnct or aompwntld�b oonn�ctlon wNh my
<br /> , � condmn�UUon a othx�MM�Y �+�Y P�of the Pr4Paty�or for carv�y�nc�In Il�u oi cond«m�don, w h��by astian�d�nd �
<br /> ` .nrr a ww w�..naK.
<br /> •�..;.,:.': ;4 k► th� wont W a toW ukinp of ihs RopeAy. the proeaeda sh�N b� appYsd to the suma secured by Mis 9aaily
<br /> , . ;�.;.;:�.��` beMamw+f.whatber or not ih�n dw,wNh�ny exaaa pdd bo BoROww. In th�ewnt o1�par1W qldnp of th�Rrap�ry In whkh '
<br /> � ' fM frtr rtwk�t v�dus of th�P�oprty Imm�tuly bdon ths WaY+p is�qud to or qrah►thu+Ih��mount of th�sums s�cured
<br /> by � S�awlly �na0ument Amm�datdy bdora tha WdnY, u�eas 8onaww id�i Land�' oiiiatwir�e a�a 5�s wcpinp, ilta atar�t ,
<br /> • a�cw�d by tl��e 9rcu�ity Inek�nn�ft�h�1 be nduoed by ihe amouM of ths proceeds muitipNed by ih�foYowing haefbn: (�)th�
<br /> . � ,' toW�mount of�he wme a�cur�d Ymnadl�lely belon the Wdng, dNkwd bY (b1 the fek maket vahis of tho f�opwly in��hly
<br /> ,�'� • ' � ` ',:,.�>.!•���,;��i: bdorr ths Wdng.My bdonae ahal be pdd to Borrow�r.In the event o1�puUal taldny oi lhe Prop�Ay In wF�Ch th�fak muk�t
<br /> �'�`�,�:::�.:�;:.,'. Y�t@ W�114 RCP41Q1 ifplllfJ�INIy(1610�!fh�i�kk19 16 If6s th�ll lh8�IIIQY11t O}11N /UI11� YBCU�Bd MIMIi�Illy b�10f�lhR 1d(i10.
<br /> . '."•,f;;�'•..��:�, � uieas Barowe �nd L�nder othe�wlae a� In wrMh9 or unlesa �ppMc�bls hw othNwise provldss. th� praMds �M b�
<br /> , �
<br /> , ... , �ppNed to fha eume a�curvd by thls Seouriry Insbum�nt whethw a not th�suna�n th�n du�.
<br /> • ;. �.�• ' , B the Property is absndomd by Barows,a H, �Rer noUce by Lender to Borrow�r th�t ths condKnnor olfas to m�ce�n
<br /> ; •� �wprd or aattle a ddm for dam�yea. Boirower hlla to rospond to Lender within 90 days �aer the d�te th�notla b pNm,
<br /> �Ir ' � lw�der is wthwit�d to coAed �►nd�pply the praeaeds. �t ila oytlon, aNhrr to ratoraHon or r�p�M of tA�Propwiy a to 1M
<br /> 'i• - , wma aeaursd by thlt 3ecu�iq�InsUument,whNher or oot lhe�+due.
<br /> ' : � Unl�sa Lender �nd Borrowor otherwiae ayroe in w�itinq, any appYcadon of procseds to prindpel shaM not �xlen�d a
<br /> ���� � poetpona tha due date of the monthy payments relerted lo In p�ragnphs 1 and 2 or chenpe th�amount o1 weh p�yments.
<br /> !, i t. 8orrowar Not Rd�awd; Forb�a�anc�By l.�ndor Not a Waiv�r.F.xt.ns�on ot tr�a ttm��a paynbnt or
<br /> 0
<br /> � � � maddiwdbn•of�matiaatlon ot the aume secured by this Secuiity Inswmant pranted by lender to�ny wrxx�so► b interent of �
<br /> � Bortqwqr�haN not opente to�e�th�N�bWty of th�aipinal Barower a Borrowars successors in Inbra� Lender �ha0�ot
<br /> �' . 6e roqu4�d to commpnae pmeaed�n0a �pNnat �ny auccassor tn Interest or rcfuat to extend time fa p�ymw►t ar dherwfee
<br /> . madMy�matia�tion ol tA� wma s�cured by thts Sacurity Instrwnent by reaaon ot ony dvnwnd made by Ihs nriylnw{Ba�ruww or
<br /> � Bormw�r'� suaaasaoro In Inlerost. My (abwranc�by LendK in exardeln9 any �ight a ranedy aheN not 6s� wNwr of or
<br /> , pirplude Iha eKerobe o1 any dght«remady.
<br /> • 1�. S�sson snd As:i�ns Bound; Joint �nd Sev�ral Uabllity; Co-�tpnon.The cownan�a .nd
<br /> � �praemmte ol this 3e�uiry Instrument shtll bind and bwidit the successors�nd asatpne of lander�nd Bortoww,wbject to the •
<br /> pmrh+pna of p�rrpaph 17, 8orrower'a covansnts �nd agreements ah�Y be jolnt and several. Any Bonower who co-aigna Ihis . _
<br /> � -,,j t '.., � 9eoudy lnebument but dwe not execut�the Note: (a)is w-algning this 3ecwiry Inebument ony to morty�qe,grant md convey
<br /> �, that 9ortowere intenst In ihe PropeAy undar the te�ms af thla SecWily Inatrument: (b) Is not paeonapy obll�ted to p�y th� �
<br /> +r� aums sewred by thls SeeuNry Inedumenk ond (c)agrees that lender and any other 8orrower m�y�yree to exlend,motYy, '
<br /> ti., tarbeu a mak� any�ccommod�tlons wNh rtyard to ihe t�rtns of Ihle S�curity Insdumant or the Nota wllhout thd Bortow�r's ;
<br /> � ;� �.,� aonsent. ;
<br /> � �; 13. LOl11 Charp�s. It the loan aecured by Ihis Secwity InsWment Is subjecl to a I�w wh�h nWa maimum loan
<br /> �..�, charpes, �nd that Vw Is flnrlly interpreled so Ihat the Interest or other loan cherges eoilected or to be coMecled in connectlon
<br /> �': ;. � � wNh ths lan ateeed the psrmmad qmits,then: (e)any suah loan cherge ahaU be reduced Dy the�mount neceaauy to nduce '
<br /> :, „ the charys to the pemiFtled Iimfl; and ib) any aums already colkcted hom Bonowe►which axceedad permllted Wnhs wW be
<br /> �• ; � rakindM to Bor►oww. lendw m�y choose to meke Ihla rotund by rcduch�the prinetpat ow�d under the Note or by m�Wnp a
<br /> i : �. I dtect paymeM to 8onowv. H a rchmd nduces prinelpal. the reducdon wY ba matad oa ■ Part�l ProPaymant wiMaut �ny ,
<br /> :_� ' � pnWymant charge undu the Note.
<br /> • } � � 14. NOtiC�s.My notice to Bortower provided for In thfe Securlty InsUUment ahsp be given by deliwring N or by nieHfng R
<br /> , .
<br /> : �� � by flrat d�sa map uNeaa applicable law►equkes use ol�nother metl►od. The nodce shaN be dkected to the Prope�ty Addmss
<br /> • :�+ , ot�ny other �ddress Bortowar deaignetea by notice to Lender. My noUce to Lender sheA be 9hren by lirs! d�ss m�Y to
<br /> � � Lander's�ddRaa stated herein or any other addrosa Lander dealynates by notice to Bortower. My notice provided for in thia
<br /> __ . , ,^ S�q1111y Medument ahal Ce Oelnted[o Ileve beefl glvefl to qortower or i.ender weai yiren as provided in inis pmg�pn.
<br /> . .��',';•.�';�': 18. Oowrnlnp L,aw; Sovarsbitity. Thla SecuNy Insuument shaM ba yovemed by lederal law �nd the law of the
<br /> ''�.°���', jurlsdkdon In whkh tM Properly fs loc�ted. In the aveM thel any provision or cl�use of thla Secudty Inatrument a the Note
<br /> ��� � eontllots wlth�ppYcabM I�w, suoh conNd nhW not�tled other provltJans of thia SewrNy Inawmcnt or the Note whlch can be
<br /> �,-•'� 1� •. yhran N(eet wthout th�conAicqnp proviabn. To this �nd the proWsbna of this Sacurily Inatrument�nd th�Not�ue deduad to
<br /> �, „ ' bt swenble.
<br /> �;' ,�. .. 16.80ff�Ow�1''f COpy.Barowar shal b�qlven one coMomred copy ot the Note end of thia Secixiy Inatrumd�t.
<br /> �,F �
<br /> i a � F1318.LM0(1N3) P�qt 3 ot S
<br /> �'� � I/-�
<br /> '1 1�S ' _
<br /> 97t�1.tM �
<br /> e • I
<br />