' z,.., � '_`�,,
<br /> ,f. �.�.,� ,.4 ,4•�i,'
<br /> - � . 17. T�aR�r of th� Prop�Ky or � �flatal Inbrut in Bo►rowK.n v «�ny p�rt a th�Proputy or
<br /> • �r krtw�tt b k M�old a Ir�n�Mnd(a M�b�n�oW Inbn�t In Bortow�►h�old a tr�nd«nd md BaTOwu M nal �nMl�rr
<br /> Pw�on)wNhout lw�►'�pda wrlurn oon�nf�t,�nd�r nMY,�t Na optlon,nq�An Ynm�d�t�p�ymmt b tull af M w���aurd by
<br /> thl��oiwMy In�1.Howaw. 1hM cP�Nir►�thAll.not b��rai��d by L�ndw M�ocwois�It P►uhliM�d bY hdwN Iwv a d IIN •
<br /> dM�d thM 8roudry Inth�m�nt,
<br /> N L�ndw awaMM thM op�N�n..l�nA�►�fMA�pM�Batrowr eotic�ot aoo�MnYori. Th�naqo��h�l Provid��prlod af not
<br /> ,�, Na Ih�n 90 d�y�kom th* drt� Ih*n4.�s�N dMwnd a m�Y�d wNhln whiob BarowM mwt P�Y �1 wnN aax�d by thM
<br /> S�airNy Inawm�nt.H BomarrK Wie tq P�l/thN+� ��ara pdor to th� �xpkation ol 1hN P�bd�l*ndv mq►Mrvok�r►y �NdN
<br /> pwmMt�d by 1hM B�owKy{nt�wnM�t,Nd�h9►A,WItAK notla�a dmwid on Barower.
<br /> ' � :,�..�„ 18. Borrow�r'� Ripht to RalnMtwt�. n eoROww m.�t. oK1.in amditlon•, eormw.r.hal h�v th•dpht w ha•
<br /> • �+.�:. (�1 M1fOroMiN11l 01 1h111 �O�M1llI �M1� dII100�IlYlu�d 111 IMIy tk11� prior lo 1h11 N1YN Of: (�) 6 dqn� (a woh otiar palod�s
<br /> appYc�bb kw nwY*P�N 1or ninWot�rn�nU bMon�W th�Propwty purw�nt to any poww o1 NM oont�d In 1M�r B�owMY
<br /> Impum�n� or(la)�ntry of �wd9n'Nnt,�nWrolny thle S�ouiily Mttrument.Tho�condtlons w IhalBomowr: (�)P�Yt Unda Y
<br /> �,�►;.;',,��-.i.r ' wna wh�Ch ih�would b�dw uncNr thhl Bwu�ipf In�dum�nt�nd th�Note a�Y na�cab►atlon h�d oaoun'�d; (b)arM mY
<br /> �."��,:e�.r'!1L� 'n�� M�fwN oi�ny othlf oov�nt or aqranNnts� (c�1 WYa d�ensa fncWted In �nMtdnp thb B�awKy Intkum�nb indudnp�bu1 �
<br /> '..°.°,. .-- not MaYt�d to,roason�bM+atGmN�'IMSi urd(cy,Wcsa wch aatbn a�lender mp►rMSaMby nqWr�to aswn Uwt tM Nw�01 II
<br /> r.;-.. . ..'°. . .
<br /> .,�. ..,,•. thta 3eourfty Insfrummt. l.�nd�r's dgtqs N► thw Pirap�rty�nd Bortowars obYp�llon to p�y the sums t�ound by this S�aRfty M
<br /> � �` q,4�i,e:-;�s � Wquw�Nnt sh� oonthw unohmqrd. Upon rNnWtemant by Bortoww, thb 8�wrNy In�bum�nt �nd th� obYp�tlons Nax�d Q�
<br /> �• �. .. � h�nby sh�1 r�rn�ln G+Yy sff�atN��a a na �aaM�r�tlan had oaaumd. How�vw�ihis rlpht W nki�L�M ah�M�at�DP�Y N th�aw
<br /> �:. ' • oi w�1�Uon w�d�r Pani9�Wh 17.
<br /> :7, .: •' ' �'r-
<br /> �"' �� ��� � � � 18. S�I� oi Not�; Ch�ng� of.Lwm S�rvlaK.'rha Not. or . �p�Abl interht in ihe Not� (tapMho wNh ihl�
<br /> , . ," g�pi�ly Instnwn�nU m�Y b�sotd on�or nare Nmes wqhout pibr aolio�to Boi►owK.A sal�m�y nwk in a oh�ny�fn th�wdNy
<br />, '�` •„ �' ��, . 'i•.. . , pviown�s M�'Lan 8RViar')th�oolleds monthly pRymente due und�r ths NoU�nd thb S�ou�ily In�trumrnt. Thw��lio m�y
<br /> . � ._ _ . b� on� or nqre chany�s of tha Lan.9wvlcer unrat�ted to � sds ot ths Not�. 0 then 1: a ch�npe of th� I.o�n 8wvto�r,
<br /> � Baraw�r vrfl be plvsn wtltten nodc�of thp chan�e h acoord�nce wlth puapmph 14�bov��nd appYcabl�I�w. The naNe�wiA
<br /> � ,. ° stats ih�n�rne And�ddy►s�ot ihe nar Latin Savica�nd tha�dd�ss to wbkb W►yrnp�tp�hat�ld bs n�da. Th�nMla w11�Mo
<br /> � ,• . aonWn�ny other InfamaUon reWked bY ap,pW�bk I�w.
<br /> ' � .� ' 20. Huardous 8ubsdaqasa. Bowawx sh�p not ause ar pertnft ths preamae,uae, dNpaal, staaye, w rde�a of
<br /> ', a�y Hu�udaw Subst�noea on os b the PropMy. Barowa ehwl not do. nw dlow�nyone ets�to do, �nylhinp Mea1k►p th�
<br /> . , �,� Pro��ert!"th�t ls In vlotetbrt oF aoy�nWronmental l�w. The pracedfny Mro erntmces shaA not apply to the praonce,us�� a
<br /> ��� . . ' , atonqe on the Prope�ty of am�4 qwnW�s ol Ha�dau�Subat�nas th�t �n yenan0y ncop�ed to be appropdW to nanW
<br /> � raidentlat uaes end to ma�Mawnc�ot the Pn►peAy,
<br /> . ' , ' . � 8pnprypX gh� pfp�ll�fi�l 9h1!! LM1�iif Mt1�aM nodce of �ny MvesGpNbn, a�lm, deirw�d, lawaufl or other aotlon by �ny
<br /> , aavanma+�W or r�toy�ymcy or p��te Pu1Y hvdvinp the Properly and any Hamdous Subahnce a Envkonmont�l Law of
<br /> ��h 8on,ow�r Iu�s oawl knowledpa, M•8ortoww le�mc, or Is notfAed by�ny yorKnmentN or ropuNtory�ulhairy. th�t�ny
<br /> ---. — rMniw+d �r► 4+thar ronudetloa ot �ny Hstordous Substm�e �flecth9 ProPertY I� neceswY, Bortow� sh�N promptly Wu a1
<br /> —„ - n�es�ty�ert1�71�CtId1Y III MOCO�d1t1CQ Wif11,Hf1V1�OM�11611t�1 I.�W.
<br /> � � As used M►thia pungrnph 20. 'H�zartloua 8ubctances' +ue thoae subsLnces ddlned as toxic or h�rerdous subatanaa by
<br /> .'. � EmrironmenW Law and the 1dIc�M9 subst�nces: y�soYne, keroaens, other 11�rmu�bb or toxlc petrokum produots, toxtc
<br /> pesti,,,idea�nd her6kldts, votntib eoA+ents, msterlala conUlnhy aabestoe or fomuldehyde,and radbactive mate�i�ls. As ue�d In
<br /> ;I' ���;; � p�ph 20, 'Emko�nLt1 l.aw'means fedanl I�ws �nd laws of the Judadlatlon whwe tha Propaty la loated that retate to
<br /> hadh,afep�w enlrone!+en?�I prat�ctlon.
<br /> � NON•UNII�QHM C01►�NA7�1T3. Baroww md Landw turlher coven�nt and�yrw at toYowa:
<br /> r� 27. Aaoel�rotlon; Remadle�. L.�ndor �hall qlva notta� to Bo►rowor prlor to accN4rdlon �" .
<br /> ���� Mllawing Bormwar's brwsoh of �ny coven�nt or �gnomont in thts S�cu�ity Indrum�nt (but not ��''�,
<br /> '{� pe�ar to acaelaratlan•und�► para�r�ph 17 unlesa applleabl4 Iow provldas otFwrwiso�. Tlw ndtce � ,5;.
<br /> � '', �� �hall speaHy: (a) �� defaufti (b►�the aation roquind to cur�th� defaul� (c) a dot�. not I�ss thsn
<br /> � , 30 deys irom the data th� nptloe Is givon to Bo►rowor. by whleh tFw daisult must ba cur�d; �nd "�+.
<br /> � (d) th�t tallun to aurn the default on o► bafora tiw dato epocffiod le tho notico m�y r�sult In
<br /> aaoelor�tlon of�tha �umA reou��d by thls Secu►Ity Inatrurnont and sale of tha Propaiy.Tho notioe �•
<br /> ahell fu�her inMrm Borrowor of the ►Ight to rdnst�t� aRor �cea�eratfon and th� right to bring �
<br /> ' eourt aatlnn to �saeet the nan-exlst�nao of � dafault or any other dafanso of Borrowor to
<br /> accdoratlnn �nd �afe. If tho dnMult ts not curod on or boforo the dato opacHlod In th� notica.
<br /> I.onder at its optbn may rQqulrQ Imn�edlato paytnant In full of all sums sacurad by thlo S�curHy .
<br /> . InstrumeM wiihout �uKhe� dom�nd �nd may Invoke thv power ot sale and any oth�r romodlea �;��
<br /> , pennitted by�ppllcable law. l.onrler ahall be antklod to collact all expansas incurrod in puraulnp , ' "
<br /> � i tho romedies provided in thle �tarapraph 21, Ineludinp� but not Nn�itad to, r�asonabla attornoye'
<br /> '. � t�os and coete of title avldenea. ��
<br /> ^, ' � N the powor of aala ts Invokod. Trustow ahall record a notic4 of dofault tn �aah county in `
<br /> whlah any part of the Property is located and shall me{I coplea of such notice In tha mannor
<br /> �� � pr�scrlbed by appHaablu taw to Borrowp� and to the othor porsons praecribed by appllcablo law. �
<br /> ARor tho time ►oqulrad by appllcable law. T�ustoo�hall qivo publfc notice of �alo to tho pwsons
<br /> and In the m�nner praacrlbed by applicable law. Tru�teo, without damand on Borrowor. shalf soll
<br /> � • . �� tho Property sit public auotton to fFw higl�ost biddar at tha timo and placo and undor the torms •
<br /> � , � deeignafid In the noNco of eale In ono or moro parcola and in any ordar Trustoe dotermines.
<br /> . �' Truet� may posipone aalo of all or any parcai of tha Proporty by public announcemont at the
<br /> � i_ � • tlm� and placa of any provloualy actwdul�d �lo. l.ondor or ita doai{�noo may purchaao tho
<br /> .� Prop�Ry at sny s�lo.
<br /> • . Uqon r�coipt of paymant of tfw prlce bld� Truste� shall ddivor to tha purchasar Trustaa'4
<br /> 1�___ . __ . d�ad convoyln� the Proporty. The rocitals In tho Trustee'� daod shall bo primo hclo �vld�nco of
<br /> '� �� tfw truth of the dat�moMs mado thenln. Trustao shall apply th� procooda of tho sale in tfw
<br /> ' � � tollowlnp ordar. (a) to all costs and oxponsos of oxQrclsing tho powor of sala� �nd the sal��
<br /> Includlny tlw paym�nt of the Truet�'�f�a actually incurrod, not to axceod throe
<br /> " i� I 96 of the p�inafpal amount of the
<br /> � ' t not� d tho timo of tha doclaratlon of datautt. and roa�onablo attornay'�fooa aa pormittod by law;
<br /> � � , �, (b) to dl wm4 socur�d by thia Socurity InstrumoM; and (c) any axcas�to tho porson or peroon�t
<br /> j �,� � bpally�Mldnd to R.
<br /> � r?, �/ )���/1 )
<br /> ; I pa �cf 9 ir•(,(„!. L?��.".
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