, ...-., �
<br /> ��t�' ... ��.w
<br /> �r : � ,•� ��•�
<br /> 1 . � �. . w
<br /> li� � � .. .
<br /> � • � �aroww n�►ain woh . a.Mirt .na nUnn.� •. a�+� � P�•�n ��. bf► �o �••ata�a pooMtwq a e. +
<br /> , ��MriMu�d wNh�nilnp tMf�.b.L«�d�r'�,00d Wlh d�AmIM11iMM��p�oMwlM Ialtllin 4f tlw�owu'�N�t b tM lh+oprry ar
<br /> ahw nwMIN bqMnw�N d Ih�Nn awMd b�v thk �taNy�n�1nNn�M a I.�ndN'� N�� lonoww�dwl�Me M In
<br /> dii�r eonriwr.�1 tlw lo�n�sptoMla�poo��p�w w�MM�i►Mis�a In�oar�MM��an�M�a W��b b L�ndr ta
<br /> f�Md b p�oMd�L�ndr w�b�ry nMMw MMa�nMia+)In aw�albn w�M�qw lo�n wldr+ad b�r qN WaM. I�ekMnY.Iwl no�
<br /> I�Nrd b. �P�'�s oaeun�Y� 8aru�n�'a oa�io�r d tM Prop�rly M� • pM�a�l n�ldena. M Ws wouib
<br /> In�MunMM M on a MaM�o14 Oonoww sIW aoniPN� d IM provWau d IM Miw. N donow�r�o4�1►M/M IMM b th�
<br /> P�op�1y.th�I�M�ok!�nd tM Iw 1MM ahd not mw'p�unlM�L�ndw�pr�s to Ih�m�rpu it wrMiq.
<br /> 7. PraiMoflon af L�nd�r� RlOhb In tiM Prop�rly.q eorroww �.1. co p.rlan�th.oov.n�na�nd�pn.mwx�
<br /> �onWn�d In thN 8�au�►Ir»�f. a tlNn Is�MOr P��q �M �f► M►�h►aMot LNMlr's dp1�N h Ih�PrapMb
<br /> (woh a�proowd4p in banknPUY. p���tu coad�enndron at toA�un or to aUore�krvi a ropul�tlonal.then la�der m�r
<br /> do and py far whW+nr N n�oKwY W Prot�ol tM nkw d�P►ap�ty md Und�r's dphh h th�Ro�ty. Lrb�r's�aMons
<br /> roay InaMid� pnyMp.�nY a�n� s�a�nd b!►� M�n wAloA h�s prlaNy or�r tl�M B�aeNy bspun�t, �PP�O„ ioowt� P+�YtiY
<br /> rwsaMbM+dtGm/N�' MM�d�Y on th�PiopwN to mMc�r�ln. Nhaqh L�nd�r m�y Wn aal�n unda thN p�q�ph
<br /> 7.L�nd�r da�nP�.Miw W do so. .�
<br /> N►Y Ntp�mpi eMburs�d bY UntNr undK P�uW�Ph 7 shM b�oanu �ddiUon�l d�►t d BoROw�srcur�d b!I Ihis S�a�MY
<br /> w►.a,�n«n, w�a eamw«.nd ��ndr .�rs.w an�unn. a p.y�n�n►,u�a. .mauna .�a.r�ne�..e rom u,.a.a a �
<br /> �b�nMnt,d tha.NqDa.n�b.nd rfal b�p�y�bt�,wph Int�rut, upon noUa t�om lw�d�to 8onowr nque�WiD PM��
<br /> e. �1q�rtp�p+ In�wr�nc�. n UndK nquk�d mort�p. inwmc..s . oo�alk,n a nw�w th.�o.n..aind by tha
<br /> �MP Inlihuminl�.9ortpw��hM P�Y tha P(��b to m�hWn th�maty�fN insur�na In�IMd.M�fa�ny rwsoe�th�
<br /> n�aitg�p�Inaur�naa oav��rsquted,by,I,md��P�+a aMS�a to M In Ml�ol� 8orroww�pry tbe pnmiixtn nquk�d lo
<br /> obqdn oavamYa aubRpriql�y equ�Y�lant.RQ thtl moKq� Inwnnc�pr�baly M�fNat� ri � cost wb�qu►M�If►q��r+l�t to ths
<br /> oaat M Botmrvp�.of.tha ma�t8� Inlur�nP� P�'�aY b �fl�st. koan�n alt�nnUs mortWW Inaunr�pProved by Lw�d�r. H
<br /> �o.�:s� � ... � wb�twntl�My�quN+�A�t,m1►�tB�Ya�na�aovr�4�It not�v�EN, Bort+ow��h�l WY to Undw waU manth+� wm�qu�l W
<br /> ' ' _. f; onF/wMllh of tha yMwly maAp��hs�un�nu�Prom4n11.b�ir+0 P�d bY Bartow�r when th�Insumnos oov«a�Mpwd a o�wd to
<br /> y'.�.>;; .��i�, -�•eav�:�r� be in.efleol. Under wil�oapt�uue md,rMWn thnue peYmmts as a bsi nsws In Yau of maRq��tnsw�na. laas rwwv�
<br /> +'•t�.,"-��`• '.+^,' .,�y � P�f�a+�Y��9�be roquiad.d.tha optbn of LandK.H morty�p�Inaurmoa cav�(In th��nw��nt �nA fa th�prrlod
<br /> ••�':';:��..�,�:•=.�. 1hR1 lender nquMnl Pmvided bY�n Neunr �pprowd by Lond�w�QaYi 6�aoma�aval�bN and Is obtrn�d. BomowK MM P�Y
<br /> �;.`,�,"•�';' .: ,:..Y th�pnnium�rpukM W m�MU�k�rtwrtp�y�inwr�nes N �flsol, a to prc�vkb a bes rawve,unt]th�nqulrwmnt lor mMtp�ps
<br /> fi,�_`,'"a.,:t,.�. 's.. ..: iraur�ncs�nds In�aarndana�wNh�ny wdlhn aprewmnt bMwNn Bortow�r and leodsr a�ppNo�bM I�w.
<br /> � � 8. Insp�atlOh. Lender or Ns aqent m�y m�ke n�sonabts�nbiei upon and Inap�adons of th�Propaty. LendK tlu�pN�
<br /> �^��.�L;�xi.:-. ,^M, � Bot►ava noUa d ths f(me of or qbr to�n Insp�oUon M�ciNino n�son�blo caue�far 1h�Inspentlon.
<br /> ` ,..• • . 10. COI1d�Mflit10t1. Th�praoaeda of�ny�ward or cl�Yn lor damupe�,tArsot a aonaequentW. M oonn�llon wNh my
<br /> oondam►�Nan or other Wdnp af my Patt o1 lh�Properly�a lar aonvywnw in Y�u of oa►d�u►tbn,�n h�nb�► as�p��d md
<br /> � shY W p�W W L�ndar.
<br /> �' T In th� w�nt a? � taW WdnO of ths Property. ths proceeds ihN bs �ppAed to ths sums �eauM by this �ourily
<br /> . Inebum�nt whatber or nat then due, wNh any exa�sa p�ld to eom�wa. In th��vent of�p�l hkkip o1 ths Prop«ty M whbh
<br /> .`,` !he talr snxlstt Yalue d!!te Ptop� hm!MxARiply b�+�«•ths Wckig Ia equd to a gre�t�r tlwi the atnount of ihe aumf aaxsd
<br /> � �"�i',' by this Seau�ily Mabum�nt Mn�n�dNitcely �cdoro the t�ktng, unleas Bortaww and L�nder othe�whe aqros In vKKinp. th� sums
<br /> �.e,'�.'�:.' ,�_:'`�f:,:;:
<br /> r�� seauned by ihb SeauriAy InaWma�1 �hap be nduced by the amount ol lh�proceeda mulUpllad by the(oNawk�p kaadon: (�)the
<br /> � ���'� •,., , tottd amouM 01 ihe suma 9K�Irod Immedldely befo►e the UWnp. �➢vid„d by(bl 1ho fab nwrket veilue of th�Proparty knm�dl�tey
<br /> ,;f,
<br /> �,�,� ` �,:r'�', . befort ths tekinp.My ba{wnct sMiA be pald to BoROwur.U the 4vent of �psAW takiny of the Roperry in whloh the talr m�rlc�t
<br /> ,�;y ti,' �� •' ' .,, wlue o/ihs Properly immadWeh+befae ths taldnp is less thm the amount o1 the suma aecured 4�amdlNety before ihs Wdnp,
<br /> ��.� ., :'.�/� univie BoROwer �nd Lands othrowiae aqne in wddnp a unbas appliablo law otheiwise provides. the procerds �h�1 bs
<br /> •�'`i�:<: l:;;;.%,:
<br /> :A,,,.. ..,,.:,;, �ppped�o ihe surm saured by thia Securiy Instrumenl whether or not the sume are then due.
<br /> �� �� � �",�;;�;;,� it the PropMiy Is abandonsd by Bonower,a B. �Rer notlae by Lender to Bortow�r th�t the condeanor oflen to m�k��n
<br /> ..{i.,,., awud a settlo a dalm.Tor d�pes. 8artowK hNs to respond to Lender wNhin 30 d�ys after tlw deits tha�ada b qiv�n,
<br /> • ;,.;�,.. . Lendw Is�uthaized to eolect and apply Ihe proc�eds, �t Re optlon,�ilhsr to reetoratbn a r�pelr o1 the Prope�iy a to the ,
<br /> � ``' wnn secund by this Seoudly Inswment,whethe�a not then due,
<br /> . K;
<br /> ��i;i"'..,� � •... ' �. .. Unleaa Lender and Borrower othervvlse eyree in wdtlnp, any apPNadon ot proceeda to prinoipd ahaN not eodax! w
<br /> ,�,.,. :, ' '.• poNpone the due dste of the mwdhN payments relarrod to In paragrapha 1 and 2 or chu�qe the uncwnt at such p�yme�is.
<br /> ;1., �•:' '� .�:; . . . 11.Barrovao� Nat R�Wased; Forb�uanc�By L.rader Not e Wdwr.Exlenebn of ihs tims ia p�ymcnt or
<br /> � �;.�`�:_ �;;'• madilloWlon o/unarti�tion o1 the auma secured by thls Securily Inatrument gnnted by Lender to any suaeeaaor in hitereet of ,;.,
<br /> � �.`''�� • Bortnwer eh�N not operate to rekase the tl�btlily of the origirwl Barowr w Borrower's successoro in Interest. Lenclet eFW not ,",.!•:�.
<br /> +;�;�, � Ae teq��i�etl tA aomm�nCe prxeedinga ag�lnnt any eucceeaa in intaeal or refuae to extend iNne lor payment or otherwise � ;;�a
<br /> • , %:�'• mod�y amc�rtkatlan of tha eume sreured by thia 3ecurity Instrument by reason of any de�n�nd rtuide by tha oiiph�BortowM or
<br /> ':�',. .�;:_ �� 8ormwar's auoeesaon in intereat My torbsaranae by Lender In exercislny u►y rfyht or rwnedy sh�ll not bs a w�ivr o1 a
<br /> '�t. pradude 1ha exen.iss oi my rlgM or remedy. �
<br /> . 12. Suaaessora and As�i�ns 8ound; JoiM and Sovaral Uabflity; Co-sian�n.Tt,e coven�nta�nd ,. '
<br /> ayrewnente of ihis Secwily InaWment shaM bind and beneM the aucceasors�nd aasfgns oi Lender and Borrower, eubJ�ct to the �:�
<br /> . � pmrlNana ot pvapraph 17. 8ortower's covenents and apreements ahdl be jdnt end several. My Burower who co•ai�ns this ,
<br /> i• , , Seauiq+fnatrument bul does not execute the Note: p)is co•signing this SecurNy InsGument ony to mortg�ye.g�nl and convey '"'�
<br /> �� � ' th�l Bortower'�intarest In the Roperty under the terms of this Secudly Insirument; (b) is not pereonaNy obli�ted to pay the
<br /> " ��� ' � sums sec�ured by this Security Instrument: end (c)agreea that Lender md �ny other Bortower may agree to eMtend,mod�r.
<br /> ,. .
<br /> �:� . , la�beu or mwk�onY �ccommoda�ona wHh re�ard to Ihe terms of this SecurNy Inatrument or the Note without th�t Bamwer'a i,
<br /> � ; . �
<br /> ; :;. �' � r',��;�,� ���19. l.ot�n Char�e�. N the loan aewred by lhis Secwity Instrument is aubJect to a aw whkh sets m�ximum loan �'�
<br /> '�� , . charges,and that I�w is fi�wly interpreted ao tlwt the Interest or other Iwn clwges coUeeted or to be coYeeled In connectlon ,
<br /> wlth the ban e�cceed the pe�mitted i►Nta. then: (a) eny suoh loan ehArge shal be reduced by the amauM necesauy lo reduse `
<br /> ' � th�charqa ta the p�mFtted Iimi1: and (b� any aums akeady coilected Irom 8ortowa which exeeeded pemnilled IhnHa will be � •
<br /> . ' relunded ta 8artower. Le�der tnay choose to make tMs retund by redudng the principal owed undar the Note a by rn�king a
<br /> C•, direc! p�yment to Bortawa. If� rafund teduces prindpal, ihe reductlon wiY be traated as a pa►U�I prepayment wilhout any ,
<br /> .� .. � pr�ymmt ch�rpa under the NWe.
<br /> ., „ �•.. � 1�.NOt1COt.Any notke to Barower provlded Iw In this Security Inatrument shW be gM�n by delivukty It ot by maling it
<br /> by tnt elass m�i unNts appRc�bte I�w requkea use of�nother method. The noUoe ah�N be dkected to the Property Addrcss
<br /> ' or �ny other�ddresa Bortower designatea by noHc�to Lender. My notlee to lender shdl be givsn by lirst dsas m�Y to
<br /> J ��..d..�� - - • A...L. n.r.w nll�r■i4Y.e. 1 r�elr AwLnalwa hv nn11P.o tn Finernw�r Anv nnNU O►AVid9d �O►Y1 ihLs
<br /> .. . ..� �.......�..�.�.�� ....�' " _y __'� __�"' ""_" ____�._.__ _• _ _.__ ._ _. . .
<br /> ' S�aNMy InsLumdd ahaA be de�n�'!to have bean gNen to Bortower a Laider when gNen aa provided in thfs puapraph.
<br /> }': � �, ' 1S. �OYKfIi� LAw: Shr�frab��ity This 3ew+qy Instrumd�t sh�N be yovemed by ledaral taw and the I�w oi tbe
<br /> ! ��rk�cllon In which the P�opariy is bcat�d. In the event th�t any provlslon a d�use o1 this Sacurily hatrument or the Note
<br /> ��• conpicla witA rppYcabi�{�w, such conNcl sMM not�ttect olher provisfo�a of this Sewrily inatrument w the Note whkh can be
<br /> ''�'� : ' yiwn a1Nct w�lAou!q�canlW�iny qovfaion, To ihls end the provlsVons at thls Searily Madument and the Note are dad�red to
<br /> �r � ��i
<br /> � . r bf uY1�b1l.
<br /> �" . 1g,6o�'�pMrl�'a COpy.gorrowe►shar be qnen one conlamed coPY oi the Note and of Ih�s Searily InsUument.
<br /> r �I F,a,s.uac3 a�, Peo. a c�s L�. C.�Gt1.
<br /> ,;�
<br /> � ,, •
<br /> - � �
<br /> 9f1tB LM �
<br /> . `
<br />