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<br /> 3. H�sard or Propocty Io�urance. BomoNer alull keep the improvemenu now exinin�or harai[ter erected on
<br /> the Praperty in�ured apinat lae�by Iire,h��tdp i�aluded Mithin the term "ertendal ooveni�e'and any other h�z�rde,
<br /> includinQ tloods or tloadin�,for wtilch Lender requlro�ineucanoe.Thie inwr�noe ehdl be mdntainal in the smounta
<br /> and Wr tha period�th�t l.ender requira.TI►e ituuance canier pr+nvldin�the inaurance sh�11 be chaeen by BomoNer
<br /> subjeat to Lender's apQ�oval Nhioh th�ll not be unrouonably withheld,lt BorroMer t�ib to maintain covera�e dac�ibed
<br /> �bove,Lender m�y.�t LendK'�option�obtain oovera�e to pe�nteot Lendar'�rf�hts in tha Property in�ccord�nve Nith
<br /> W�ph�.
<br /> '•: Ali insursnix policies u�d ronowale eh�ll be�axptable to Lander and sh�ll include�ptwndud mort�Qe cl�uee.
<br /> .i;��, L.ender ohdl have the�iRht to hoid the poltaias and reneMale. It Londerroq uiroe, Bon�over sh�tl promptly Qive w
<br /> � �•.- � -- Lender dl receipte ot pid promiume�nd renewal natiaee.In the ovent of lwe,Borrowar shril give prompt notiae to the
<br /> ;� ."�� i��aurance carrier u�d La�der.Lendar msy m��e proot ot(o�e fi nat made promptly by Borrower,
<br /> .. 3 � Unlase Lendcr md Horrowa otharwlac��e+eo in writin�,ineunnoe procoedo ehall be spplied to reetorat�on orre�ir
<br /> ! ,,,�, ; of the Property d�m��ad,it the restoation or rep�ir ie eoonamically ie�sible�nd Lendar's exurity ie not leaeened.It ehe
<br /> � ►r;;t,,.�; roetontion or repir is nat economic�lly teaeiblo or l.ender'eeeourity would ba leaeened,the ineurance procxde aFull be
<br /> � :��"'` ' �ppliod to the sums eecured by this Security Inetrument,whather or nat then due. with�ny excese ps�d t4 Borrower.ii
<br /> �� <,�';.• .��."� Borrower ab�ndona the Pe�operty,or does not anewor withi n 30 daya A notice trom Lender that the ineur�nce carrIer h�s
<br /> otferod to settle a cbim� then Ler►der mey callect tha insurance proceeds.Lander may use the prc�cads to repair or
<br /> l' ��`-��;�"��• restoro the Property or to psy eume eeaurod by this Seaurity Inatrumen�whethes or not then due.The 30�day poeiod wiil
<br /> �p :v° ``� ''.;,� . baQin when tha notica is given.
<br /> ^ ��'T� �...,•,«�„UKi• � Unlesa Lender�nd Borrower othorwise�gree in wrltin�,any applicntion of procoeds to princ�pd shall not oxtend or
<br />�'' ``� �'°'- '�"'"�' poet na the due date ot the monthl p��ap� han� P�
<br /> ,r.,•,',:j: _.'::_:;',. .,.. :, po Y psYments roferced W In he 1 snd 2 or c a the�mount of tt�e yments.
<br />�:_:`(i:,t;r._• ^�',�;,�_,.:�; ;:::::;r,;:;: tt under �ra�aph 21 the Pmperty is acquirod by Lander. Borrowera right to nqy insunnce policfes and proceods
<br /> '�t��-� �`� � +•��� �::��A�°��. t+esultin from d�ma to the Pro or to the� uieition shdl to Lendor to the ertent of the euma exured by
<br /> ., �t: ' ;r,�,,s,<<�t, L � P�9 P�'i �9 P�
<br /> `� 't=�.�: �' '�: this Security Instrument tmmedfstely prior to the ecquieition.
<br /> ��`';:;,�,' .
<br /> '� �' '� �:`�'� 6.Occupancy.Preservation.Mainten�aco snd Protection of tde Praperty; Barro�ve�'s Lwa Appltption;
<br /> `i` . , `' �•�:' �,� . .'�' Lesseholda.Horroaer shdl occu�y,esteblieh.and use tha Property as Borrower's principal residenc�within mxty days
<br /> ;:' � �� � "' after the�xecutton ot this Secu ty inetrumont and ahwll anntinue to occupy the Propercy a� Barrower's princ�pal :� ,
<br /> � ' ' reaIdenco for at least one year�fter the d�te ot occup�noy,unleas Londer otherwise a�rees in writing,whioh con.�ar�t ahall �� ��R
<br /> ';, � ° ' not bo unressombly withheld,or unlass extanuatin�circumstances exiat whioh are lxyond Borrower s control.Borrower
<br /> sh�ll not destroy,damege or impsir the Property.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Ptoperty.
<br /> 't�,., .. . Borrower shdl ba in detault i[any forteiture actlon or prooeading,whether civil or criminel, ie be�un thet in Lendar's
<br /> �! ' � good feith jud�ment could resulc in forteituro of tha Propetty or othecwise materielly impait the lien created by thia
<br /> �•; �. . • SecuRty Is�suument or I.endar's secut�ity intere�st. Hon�ower may curo such a detault and roinstate�as pro�'idod in
<br /> �i , �: , parograph 18� by causing the aetion or procadinB to bo diamissed with a rulinQ tlwt. in Lender's �oad faith
<br /> . `� ' � determination.precludes tortoituro ot the Borrower's intonst in tho Property or other maurial impairment at the lien ,� ,
<br /> -- � ' created by tlsta Sec�s�tjt Inatrument or Lender'e eecur�ty inter�t. Porr!►wwr Ahnll Atan I�e in del�ult iP Borroaer,during
<br /> . � ,�.: the loan spplication prc�cess, gava materially talee or insccurate lnformetion or atauments to Lender (or tailed to
<br /> .'s i T � . provide lxnder aith any metoriel information)in connxtibn aith the loan evidenoed by the Nou, including, but not ,� �-
<br /> � ':���'� I�mited to ro resenbtione concernin Borrower's accu sncy of the Pro y as a principal residence. If this Security �'� L
<br /> � • Inetrument ie on a leasehold,Borrx�w r shall wmply with all tAe provisions�ot the lease.If Borrower acquircs tee tide to �„�.�t
<br /> rx
<br /> � the Property,the lessehotd and the tea title shal)not merge unlesa Lender agroes to the merger in w�iting. ��I i"�'^�,"
<br /> '�'�• . 7. Protection oI Lendor's Ri�hta la tbo Property. lt Borrower taile to pertorm the covenxnts and egreemants f;,,,;;,,,x
<br /> �,, � �� contained in this Security Inetrumant,or thare ia a lagal praceeding that may si�niticantly affect Lender's ri�hte in the • ••
<br /> �, ' Property (such es a proceedin� in bankruptay, probttn, for condemnation or fot[eiture or to enforce laws or '
<br /> ���` , rogulations),then Lender may do and pay for whataver ia nacessary to protect thc value ot the Property and I.endcr's ' ; . ,
<br /> ., , riQhts in the Property.I.ender's aations mey inoluda payin$ any sums secured by a lien ahich h�s priority o��er this
<br /> ��,�'� � � Security Instrument,�ppearing in court,payin�reasonabla attorneys'fces and entenng on the Property to m�ke rapairs. �,.�
<br /> Although Lender mey teke aotion undar thla pAragraph 9,Lender does not have to do so. �.
<br /> . Any amounta diebursed by I,ender under this ppragraph 7 shall become additionel debt oi Botrower exured by this �
<br /> ' '�j• Security lnstrument.Unlass Bon�a�•er and Lender agree to otlter terms o!peyment, these ernounts sh�ll bear interest ,.
<br /> ;��'�� from the deu of disbu�semant at the Nota rat�and ahatl be paybble,with interest,upon notice from Lender w Borrower ,•
<br /> ' ' requestin8 p�Yment.
<br /> ;�:�'.``� ' . 8. Mort��`a Iosur�nco. IF I..einlnr royui��d cnoetgage inaueance ag e eondition ot making thr losn�ecured by this '
<br /> Socurity Instrument,Hnrcowar shall pay the�pr�2miums required to maintein the mongage insure�re in ettect.lt�tor any
<br /> ''` � reason. the mortgage insurence co��erago required by� L.ender lapses or ceases to be in et�xt,Borrower shall pay tha '
<br /> 1 premiums requirod to obtain�eovaraYv substantielly equivalont to the mortgage insurence praviously in etfect,at e cost ;
<br /> ''''>;;�:: substsntially equivaldnt to the cast to Borroner of the rnortgege insurance previoualy in etf�ct, irom an alternate f
<br /> � c� '�� - ' , mortgsges insurar appro��od by I.ender. If�substantielly equivalent mongage inaunnce co�•erage is not availablo,
<br /> , • Borrower shdl pay to Le�tder each month•a sum eyual w one-twcltth ot the yearly mortgage insurance premium bcing
<br /> �r,;, ....� paid by Borrower when th�insurance ca��erugo lapsed ot crasc�to br in ettc�:t.Lender w ill accept,u.se and retain these '•
<br /> ' paymants as a loss raserve in lieu of mortgago insuranoe. Loss reserve p��rnents mey no longer be iequired,
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