<br /> ..�;.
<br /> � �' ..Yi • .
<br /> ,.., ��y . .�;��
<br /> ., �
<br /> �J� ' 93.a�o�'3s
<br /> TO(38'I'E�R WITH all the improvemants noN or heroatter erected on the property, md dl euempnv,
<br /> •ppurten�ncar�and ti�turornoN or hera[ter�qrt ot the praperty.All repl�cementa pnd�dd(t�qna�h�ll dw b�oov�nd
<br /> by thi�Secw'ity]nettument.Al1 ot the fore�otn�i�rotared w in thie Sacurfty inetrument w the"Ama�ty,"
<br /> HOWtOWBR COV$NANT�th�t HorroNer i�I���ully�ei�ed of the eetate hareby a►nveyod and Iw the ri�}►t w
<br /> arant�nd convey the Property�nd th�t the Property ie unenaumberod,e:cept tor anaurr�bnnc�ot rovord. Borrower
<br /> Marrante snd will de�end�Ily the title w the Praperty�pin�t dl cl�ime�nd dam�nAa�wbjecs w u�y�aumbnnvM
<br /> of reoord.
<br /> `+. THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiqar unilorm covon�nta for.nqtt4rud uae�nd non-unitorm cuvemnu wlth
<br /> li�nited vari�tione by'uriedictton w carunlwtu s uniform aeaurity inAUUmant coverin�r+ed property.
<br /> UNIPORM CO�E[JAN'I'S.Harrower uid Lender coven�nt�nd��e+ee�e follo�e:
<br /> ? I.ihyment ot Princlpd�ad Intere�t;Prepsymeni and I.ata C6�rse�.Aarrowor�11 promptly p�y when due
<br /> the prinai�l of and interaton the dobt evtdanced by the Note�nd any prep�yment snd(ato chsr ea due undet tha Note.
<br /> 2. Fuads for TaYes�nd in�urance. Subject to�pplicable I�a ot W a wcitten Naivet by�, $orrower ahdl
<br /> Qay w Lender on the dsy monthly pRymanta�ro due under the Note.unt31 the Now i�p�id in fulf,�eum("Punds')for.
<br /> (a)ye�rly tues�nd�eeemanta whiah msy att�in�ority over thie Seaurlty inatrumanc�• lien on the Property; (b)
<br /> ymrly le�sohold p�ymenta ar �naund rents on the roperty.it my;(c)yos�ly haxend or'property ineuranca pramiume;
<br /> - - (d)yeprly tlood ineunnce prvn'i�.ums�i[any;(o�yarly martgeQe insuranco pnam�uma,it uny; �rtd(f)any suma pysble
<br /> by Borroaer to Lender,in�acordenco aith tho provis�ons of par��caph 8,in liau of tha piymesnt of mort�s�e iAeursnce
<br /> _ premiums.These itema sro cellad"Eecrow Items."Leader m+�y,at�ny�tima�collect and hold Funde in�n+�mount noc
<br /> " to exceed the maximum �m4unt� tendor fpr• feder�Ny nleted moittgege larn may requfro tor BorrowePg esarow
<br /> .. •`• -._•.�M � account under the tadaral�Resl Betate Settlemant Procedune Act ot 1474 sa�mandad Irom. ttme to tima, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> ; ",. �'''�' - Section 2601 st aey. ("ItffiPA"y,.unless another I�w thnt A�lice W tha punde scte s Iesaer�r�nount.It so,Lendur may,
<br /> � � Z-.:�.y., r. �
<br /> ' � � :; �.;_ � • at�ny time,collect and huld Punda in�n,amr►unt not W cueed tha lasser smoun�L�endar may eatim�u tha emamt ot
<br /> �"- ° " •�.. '���-� Funde duo an tha butie�i curront d�ta md tsanonAWe e�t!m�tea ot e:�mdiwree of tuwre Beanoa�It+amu or otherwise in
<br /> T'�'�;'��,-�' •: � � uxordance witA�p�►li�ble law.
<br /> . ��" `� ' The Punda ehell be hald in sn inetituttqn.Nhoee deposiu sre insu�+ed.by�fcdeal�$ency, insortmnrntality,or entity
<br /> � ce
<br /> "' �"�� `''�'�, (includln�Lender�it Lendar ie soch 4n institvtion�or in env Pedersl Hame l.oan Bank.l.endarehalf epply tDa Funds tu
<br /> �' ' '�1�' ' �f�r;'., the F�crow Itema.L.endBr may not char Borrower far holdin and a I i» tbe Funde annoelly snel
<br /> �";°ti,.;;';�:.,...�;. Pa9 � � PP Y B � y�ine tho
<br /> ��'� ' ,�v;'��.:,,•ti:�:`� escrow�ccount,or verifying the rscroa itam�,unless Lrnder�ye Ba�rower intar+eat on the Funda and applicAble law
<br /> 4 ;.,�..,
<br /> 'f, ,::t��.�:;4•Y.•..:,..r`;,.• �ermits Lender te meke such a chsr�e. Nawever, Lender cnay c+equire Homower tv p�y a ana-tima chae�e tor an
<br /> �:, '`�'��,•.�.,,; �ndependent reat estete tax reporting serviae u�ed by i,ender in connection aith this loan.unlesa applicable laa providea
<br /> �;� I: �,;;,:�s;.� ,:;. otherwise.Unlesa an agroement is made or applicable laa �+equires intereat to be paid, Lrnder shell not ba required w
<br /> ';�...� pay Borrower a�y intercstor earnings on the Funds.Borroaer a�d Lender may sgree in writing,however� thetintereat
<br /> ' � ' ahell be paid on the Funde.l.tnder ahall�ive to Borrower,�rittwut char�e,an ennual eccounti ng o[the Punds,showin�
<br /> `"";''�"' �� '"' credits�nd debits to the Punds and the purpoeo tor which each debit to the Funda w�s made.The Funde�re pled8ed as
<br /> �. ' � . .
<br /> _- �d��ti�nsl Reourity tar•al!auma sxured by this Security Inatrument.
<br /> � If the FunAa held by Lender eYCeed the amounts permttted to be held by spplicable law.Lender shell account to
<br /> ' Hcnrower tor the excess Funds in accordance with the requiromenta of applicable law.If the am�unt of the Funda held
<br /> } . • by Lender at any time ia nat sutficiont to pey the Fscrow Items when due,Le�der may so notify Borroaer in writing,
<br /> • , � :,�.,,�.,,,`,..;�sn��, and,in such cese Borrower ahall p�y to Lender the amount necessary w make up ths deficiency.Borrowvr ahall make
<br /> .. ;,.;;;.;.,,�;�� up the deficiency in no more thnn twelve monthly psyments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> � • Upon paymrnt in ful)of all suma secured by thie Security Insuument,Lender shdl prompt1y rotund to Borrower
<br /> �• , - . sny Funds held by Lender. If, under paregraph 21, l.ender ehell acquire or sell the Propeny, C.ender, prior w the
<br /> � � " acquisition or eale o[the ProperEy,shall apply any Funds hald by Lender ot tho time of acquisition or eale as a credit ,�`
<br /> �� , , . a�ainst the aums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> . � � 3. Applicatlon of Payment�. Unless epplicable law provides otherwisa,all psyments received by Lender under �'
<br /> ��, • ' � paagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment cherges due under the Nou;second,to�mounts psyable
<br /> under peragraph 2;third.to intereatdue;iourth,to pnncipal due;end last,to any lata charges due under the Note.
<br /> y�• . � 4. C6ar�er, I.iene. Borrower shall psy all uxes,�.ss�sments,charges, tines and impositiona attributable to the
<br /> "' ., ..� Property which may ettain priority ovBr thia Security Instrument,ar.� :°...:�:.::.13 �.�.;.�.cni.; ar graund ronts, it any.
<br /> � � � � Borrower ehall pay these obligations in tho manner provided in paragrsph 2,or if not paid in thet manner.Borrower ; .+ .
<br /> � � • shell pay them on tlme dircctly to tha person owed peyment,Borrower ahell promptly turnish to L.ender all notices of E
<br /> " � " ' emuwda to Ue paid under thls paragraph. If Borrower makes thase payments directty,Borrower shall promptly fumish � .
<br /> ` ` : to Lender receipts evidencing the paymen�4. t
<br /> '�' `��'�� � .•� . Borrower shell promptly dischsrge any lien which has priority over this Security Inatrument unless Borrower. (e� f '
<br /> �:�.
<br /> " ,� agroes in writing to the payment ot the obligation securcd by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender;(b)contests in
<br /> good faith tho lien by,or defends against enfarcement oP the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion �
<br /> � � operate to provent the entorcement ot the lien;or(c) secures trom the holdar of the lien an agaeement satistacto�y to ( �
<br /> � S ; . � I.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.It Lender determines thet any part ot the Property is subject ;
<br /> �, � to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lendar mey give Borrower a notice identifying the
<br /> «t.' lien. Borrower shall satisty the lien or take one or more oP the actions set torth above within 10 days ot the giving ot
<br /> A� , � . .
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