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<br /> � -periads that t�ender�equirGS. The insurance cazrier pmviding the�insuxance stu�ll be cho§en by Barower subject tn Lender�s �� .;�
<br /> apExoval whic6 s1iaA not 6e�mceasonahly wit�eld. If Baimwes faits ta maintain covetage dessribed a6nve.i�nder may.at `' '��``:
<br /> — � L.erider'�op[ion.obrain�overrge to pc�ntect i.end�r's rights in the�roperty ire ascordancr witli paragrapti 7. ,:'��':�"
<br /> — ' All insdta�lce policies and irtxwals shall•tie accxptable to Lender and shal!include a standaN tnortgage ctause. I.tndet
<br /> = sliall tt�ve tI�right to boId the policies and�ats. If Lender requi�es.Boirower sh�11 pmmptiY gi�+e ml.ender all r�eceipts
<br /> - - of paid piemi�s aad�enewa!natices. In the event of loss.Barmwer shal!give pramQt notice w the insuranee carrier and �
<br /> Lender i.ender mny matce proof of loss if not m�e pmmptly by Boaower.
<br /> — Uaqess Lendat and H�sower othenvisQ agtee in writing,icuurance proceedc shal!be�lied to iestorarion or tepait of
<br /> - � the Ptopetty datnagcd.if tlse resctxatian os cepaa is econom�cally feasible and Lendcr's security is ncst[essened. if the
<br /> -- cestoration or�rpais is nat uortomis�y feasibte or Lender's security would be tesseaed,ttie inscaence proceeds shaU be
<br /> - spptied to d�e sunc5 serared by this Security Insnumen�whether or nat t1�er►due.witlt any excess paid tu Bosro�v�er., if
<br /> Borranrer abandons tl�e Fruperty,or daes not ansaver within 3Q days a notice fmm Lender that the insuraricc carrier has
<br />-= offered to settle a claiak then Lender may coltert tI�insurance pmceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to sep�ir or nstore
<br /> . the Propc�ty or to pa�►s�uns secured by this Security Instrumem,whether or nat dten due.The 3aday period wiil begin whCrt
<br /> . [he notice is given.
<br /> _ ... • Unless Lender and Batrower otheswise agree in writing,any applicatioo of praceeds to principa!sfia11 nat eatertd ar
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthiy payments refemd to in paragraphs I and 2 or chanae the amouns of the paym�ents. U
<br /> _ under paragraph 21 the Pr+aperty is acquired by l.ender,Barrower's rigi�t w any insurance poticies and proceeds resutting
<br /> , _ from damage.to d�e Ptoperty priar to the acquisition sfiali pass to Lender to tke e�tent of the sums secured by ihis Security
<br /> Instivment iimnediately prior m thc acquuitian.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Prestn�a6on, Maintea�noe and Pmt� of tHe�Property; I�orce�wer's l.oan App{kutloQ;
<br /> _ l.qseholds Boirower shali accupy,establish,and ase the Pmp�tv as Bnqvaer's princig�l:a,r�ence withia sixty days after
<br /> the execution of thls Se¢urity(n.,-iror.�ent atrd shal!cantinue to ocxapg tf�e'�rty as Bvrtowes's pri�ci�sl.reside�e for at
<br /> � Ieast one year aft,er. tir, date oF occupancy. ueless Lender othern:ise'�.� in writing, which cor:-.�en� shal! aot be =
<br /> ' �asonahly withheirt;,Gi's ss�lc.�s e�i:atina cf3wmstances exist whic6 ane�;t?nd Barrower's conuol. Bormwer shall not --
<br /> destroy,dainage or itirpair the Ptc�ity.allflw[tie Prioperty to detertorate.or commit was[c oa ihe Praperty_ Bomower sha11 —
<br /> be in defauit if any forfeitu�actiac.ar proceed"mg,v�i�ether civii.ar criminal,is begun that in Lender's gaod faiffY jadgrr�enl ��—
<br /> _ - could resuft in foafeiture of the Property or otheeuzse matezi�l.ft impair�he lien crrated by thu Security Irntrument rn ��;;
<br /> Lender's security interes4 Bonower may cuze such:�.e�efaul��seinstate,as provided in paragraph 1 S.by eausing the�ction �'""`--1�
<br />- . . + ur coceedin to 6e dismissed witb a rulin that.,ir�&.ender's ood faitf►determination. recludes forfeiture oiti�e Borrower's �'�-�°�
<br /> P B g 1 P s, ::•:a,�r:�:=
<br /> ��`�'� intecest in the Property or other material impaim:ni oF the lien created by this 5ecurity Insirument ar Lender:s security �,r,�5.w-:
<br /> :�� � interesh. Barrower shal! also 6e in default if Borrower, during the taan appiication process.gave materiaUS false or •
<br /> =�.=,. .�-_`��:,�:;.
<br /> _3.,�,= inaccwate infomtation or statements.to Lxnder(or failed to pruvide Lertder with any materiat�nformation)in connection witli --;!�
<br /> � ~:;�-?�'.� � the loan evidenced by the.Note, including. but not limited to, repmsentauons co�scera��Borrower's occupancy of the r.•';,M'�
<br /> "��=�` Praperry as a principar iL�:�dNnce. If this Security Instrument is on a teasefiold:B.rsm.►:ties�h�xC�comply witt�all the provisions -`l �,� r
<br /> - i:. of the 1ease. If Bar��;i�:�cquires fce title ta the Property.the leasehold attd sf�a fii�rule st�.�fl not merge untess Lender agrees f�=.
<br /> , '.� ��:� - tathemergecinwr:iiia;2� • i�==�' :_
<br /> ` contain,af�r�tfiis•5ecuri�In trrum a�or there re.a t��rca �o�that fma s�it�icantithaffect Lender's ri?hc�i�rir�. -a��z`.,-_
<br /> '� }�, ty €a P '�in8 Y P�� Y S �:�..
<br /> ' ;''.i ,; .��- ;,, � Prepc-n.y t.�tch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,pro�;.�;for ecn�r,rrstion or foReiture or ta enfcme laws or regulations).�t:n ;�t 1� 4_�
<br /> �� "'- i.ender may.do and pay for whatever iz neces�v ix>protect thc vulue af the Propeny attd Lcnder's righls in the Praperty. ���' �' � -
<br /> ..;; � _�::�,:,.
<br /> ;.�3 ixnder's actions may fnclude paying any sums 4r:�v.retii by a lien�vhich has priarity aver thic Securit��Instrument,appearing �. �;r �7�
<br /> :�s' i::;. : .�r.
<br /> �.� _ i n c o u r l.p a y i n g r e a s o n a b l e a t t o m e y s'f e e s a r c d e�t t�i n g o n t h e P r o p c n y t a m a k e re p a i r 5.A l t h o u g h l.e rt d e r may ta k e a c tio n K, .,_
<br /> ,�•f �� ° under Ihis paragraph 7.Lertder does not have to�a so. '� --�
<br /> �'.:�;:: .;'''i�" .1'. ';1..' . . . �v.
<br /> . 1
<br /> - �, ,,- Any amounu dis6uned by Lender urtder this para�,naph 7,hall berome additianal debt of Bnrrotvcr secured by this j.. _ -
<br /> -,�>•c +��-- � Securi InstrumenG Unless Barra�ver and l.ender a ee to nther tertnx nf �` �''�' . �:�`
<br /> tY gr paymenL ihese amoun�v�halE bear interetit from the , -•�
<br /> , .�•jr�,c �,: ; �'� �,;�.:.. . . '
<br /> ' � date of dislwtsement at ihe Note rate and shall be a able,with intere�t.u n natice fram l.cndcr ta Rorrower rc uehtin ���,��'�°�� �-
<br /> ;•r h� � P Y PQ y 8 , .:..r�•.. :.-
<br /> ,i;:,;; �., `:' � � � payment. �;•'i�:�t. ;*
<br /> ? .���;t':F:;�., '_ �'- . 8. Mort :,L::'� _ � �.
<br /> f,. �,� � ,, -�.`, , - �C�r s�n e e. l i'L e rt de r re�:iit�f mo rtgage intiurance ar a cem di ti�n n f ma king t he la,u�secure d i r y t fiis ;�r• ..: � i�=��°-
<br /> ti .•+. ;. -� : Secutit}�tnstrumer+�'�atrowet�ha'.t pay thc��*:��-nt mquirez to maimain the mnngage insurance in effecc. li,for an1� %;:.. �
<br /> , �•.� , . =:.: :• ' reaso:�;.�h�:.-:ortga�_insurance w�,���e r-...�qr�:�i hy l.ender. iap.re, or cea�cti ta be in �flect. Barrower�haU pay �� �; :�. . .
<br /> ` � pnmiurm= .r�uired !+a abtain cot�a-;�= ,��:a;,y_•�ts'y eyuivaleni to the mongage in�uranee Qreviou��y in eiiect, u1 a �.c�,c � _r�
<br /> '�• ' `� - . � sub�tw t�,t'iy eyui�:r.:srt to the casY:�`Borrr•-�u.cf�:'�e mortgage insurance previaurly in effect,from cn 21i�rnate murtgage ;;f. - ` ��'',
<br /> ;'•'-:�• '�, �;.,::: - .
<br /> . :°;'t: insurer approved�+6:�,;,iec. Ii subst�ntialt.:c,�� �_ent mongage intiurartce cmr�age iy no1 avttilahle.Burru��cr shaU pay ta � . _
<br /> ,- - Lender each mont��:�,�t�equal ta onc-twc[Hli:.:��,fic ycariy munga�;c in�uranrc pr�nnium hring paid by Barrawcr when ihe ��I` � �'`,.v>:�
<br /> ° � insuranct caveragr Ta;sed ar ce:��ed rn S�e in effect. Lw:nder wi0 accrpt,utie and re�ain these payment�:as a tos�re�erve in lieu +�� ^' �'�
<br /> K � � 1'.
<br /> . af mortgAge insurdnce.. Lasti reyen�s:aymenG� may nn IEmgcc he rec{uireel,ut the�+ptinn of Lender. if mnnga�e insurance ;.,- � • �
<br /> . � . coverage(in�he amc+..-:t:mc1 for tY;��riod Ihsi L.cnder rcyuircti►pr��vided by an in.rurcr appm��ed by Lcndcr ag�in become� ' •
<br /> �:.� available und is oUa„r��i.8orrowrr�h.�tl pa}•thc Nr�mium�rcquired to maintain martgage in�urance in effect.or ta pro�ide a �. ' .
<br /> ,'�� � loss reserve,unri@ rl;e r��:irement for martg:sgz iss;ur:inre enet,in accurdunec:»ich any�crilten agmement beta•een 8cm�wer • •
<br /> 4 . and Lendcr or ap�E�atJ.:;aw.
<br /> ` � 9.. lnspeetion. Lcnder or it.a�ent may -nakc rca�e�nabte emrie�upon und in�pectionY of ihr Pr���uny. Lcndes shaf! '
<br /> . give�orro:ver notice at thc tima of or priuz t��an;nti�xrtian�.pecify�in�•rearonablr caare for the inwpection. �� '
<br />, _ � Il41�. �'ondem��Bo�. Thc proccrd�ut.�np s.vard ur cl:�im ti,r damagc�.dircct ov cisn�cyucntial.in conr.rction��ii�:3n7 �
<br /> � , !
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<br /> • .:� � . lrtr.n lrkcs t4;�:,fum9 Ir.� / � .
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