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� _ . _;;, _ <br /> _� . , '. .. E�a• :•_�; ' - ' _ - <br /> - , n. r - � <br /> „ . � . . .__ , . � -— <br /> ., ..a 1..-: . ' c F:'"'� •� -�� ' . • c .-- _. <br /> .� . - ._.._. . �"� . <br /> � _ _,.:� . � . - ' <br /> F� . _ <br /> . c _.. 3 .. _ " ...._�..�_.��...t.tia"_ (' 5... <br /> � . ... . �_ " ""_'__ " <br /> rt . . .�,�..� <br /> —�k:.' ' �{.- . � . ` ' ' . . < . t ( . ' . - <br /> _;.�r - -- �j , r . .: �. 9�._ . i 0�5�8 , - ` <br /> � �coc�x wr��i uK u��u�►.��m�a a;�e o�y.�a��c�:��. : <br /> . ` ,�a�,�r�h�er o put os,�ha property. At���u�,a naaitions st�u�Iso be cov�ea ey ws se�ity . <br /> tesqama�� Aq of tAe facegoia�is cefdtr�d to in[Qis Scc�itsr;iitsttuma�t as the"Ptopetcy= <� <br /> BORR�WFR COVENANTS ttt7�h.�urtawor is taw�tulig•,s�'ss�d of tht cst�te Qet=by oomeyed aad Rtis the rigfu Ro gant <br /> . aad mnvey the Ptopaty and ti�t thc Ptopert}t is��bar+�9.estrpt fex e�FCUmbr.�ccs of retord. Bortuwe�wurants aud <br /> , wil!defrnd generilly tl�dtie m the Rtt�arty agunu s+ll wlaiacrs�,�t!demands.subject co uny encumbrarioes of�ecad. � <br /> TI�IIS 3ECqJRITY INS7RUb'�15P!'.rnmbt�s unifotm��venants far naticnai use and rton unifarm coYat�nts wit1E <br /> �____ _ _ . �isd wari�tinns by jurisdictiaa tn�roi►stitute a uniFoam seai�i�.F instrume�t ca�ering real pmpatyr. - <br /> � CTN�'ORblC�VVE[+tAKis. Bamo�+erand i.eodea tav�t.and agi�eas foltows: <br /> 1. 1'aymert d Ptindpal a�d�teresl;Pre�Finat atid L�t+e Char�s. Bon�awcr slwli P�P�Y P�Y wlien dae the <br /> .- principat of aad intaest an t!x debt ev,idencod by th�Note ac�d�nY P�PaY�nt and late cflarges due andc�tbe Nata , <br /> - — L ELtls[o�'�i�us a�d Iiwr,rnca Sub�ect to appiic^diTs law or to a written waiver by ix�►der.Romower shall pay to <br /> -_-- - l,end�er on t6e d�Y��Y PaYmentaac�due under tt�Nar�„unu'1 the Nae is paid in full:a sum("Fund4'��Y <br /> - — pxes�ct assess�nenis whicL may aMitin�priariry avc�tbs Se��irity Tnsuvnxnt as a liea on tbe Ptapnry:�ib)Y�Y�°M . <br /> __- WY� °r 8�ou�Ienis on the PtopertSr• if�sy: (c)Ya�rl� huard or Pr�r►y inswance Premi�uns: (d) ye�rIY t�ood . <br /> y insurance piemiums, d any:(e)yea�ty mottgage uuurnace g�mium�if any:and(�aaY�uns PaYaMe bY Bo:mwa[u <br />:��- I.ender,in acc�rd�noe urith the pto�tisians of parag�stpla S,in��eu af the payment of mortgage:,�n•��'a p�etniums. 'iUese � <br /> �����'�- it�ans�e calle3"ESCmw[tems.° any hm��n�f4�aad hald Funds in an amount ont to exceed the maaimum <br /> T;-�.. . <br /> :� am�unt a ir�der far a feder�liy ne�ied mottgage toan ms�r,require fuc Botroa+ers escmw account uMer t6�e federal <br />_•<'�;� • ' ESKate SetHemen/Ptocedures Act o6 d97A as amended frt�•tit�i�s tu time.��IiS G.$260i et seq.("RESPA"1.iurless� ' <br />- 7aw that applses to the Ficnds sers a l�sser arttaun�. 1f so.C�e may�ai any o�a�Il�ct and hold Fimds in an amount aot to <br /> . excaed t�e.tesser amoun� Lender:;mng esiimate tfie ast�ntaltt a€�mds due mr.tin:.basis of currene data aud c�asonabte <br /> ,--'`��° � � estimates vPexpa�dit�res of funue Fscm,x Usa�s or otheswise itt ac�lance witt�ap�icable law_ ;. <br /> :i��;. . . <br /> -°:.- The�'"�ds stull be 6etd in ar�,insti.fu�oo whose dz,pasets are nssutr�by a�feckrat�a�ars-k.instrumentaliry.or e9rtbity�-._ <br />- =�`� - (i�clud'ar�.�er.if Lxnder is suctilan in�tion)03 in ar►y,5ederal Home Loan @�!",�c. l.ende�r�ail agp(y the�unds to pay....._ . .— <br /> �'''`'"" � d�e Escmtiv Efems. l.endes may nnt c6urge Bormwer ftA hp&Ting and applying�fun3s.annuallY analYzia�the'e��.'�'�w -... <br /> • � °.. . � accoun�or vetifying ttee F.scmw�itCms.unless Letfdn P�3�S��wer interest°r��e Funds aad appHcaitie I��+petmits , '-=-=- <br /> ,: i,� �fder tv make such�d'3�e. i�klwever.L.ender may.reqsura Borrower to pay ae+3ie-time charge for an ia�d�mt real :�" - <br />:���r:�•'� -' � estate tas rq�ing sesiir�used bp;ixnder in cormecti�wazb�tltis loan.unless a Ic�able law rovides otherwise. Unless an <br /> PP P ' �-� <br /> 'r.`�'r'" . � .. <br />.;'c;r,;s:, agreement is ra�e or applicable 1aa+requires int,erest w bt �.I.ender shalt not be reqaircd to pay Borrower any inteiest or• „;_- <br /> ,E,:<i� :�''' .. <br /> .P;�1�, ;� eamings mt t�fimds. Bonnwer and I.e�der r�ay agree in.vrndng.however.that intenesl shall be paid on the Funds. [.ender . ' '' �r�� <br />,, ,; =j� shall give to Borrowes.without cQ� annua!acxomnting of thc Fimds.shawing credics and dehiis to the Funds and the�. . ���, <br /> :� putpose for which each debit to tfta Futtds was made. 'ITio Purtds are ted ed as additional securi fot al!sums secured �=_ <br />