_ _ _
<br /> _ . �
<br /> .--�—� � ,-�!, -4.x _ _ .. .. _ . _ ..
<br /> ���f ' ��`;SYH� ,•N.. ATw�` }- ' -. ' ' ' _
<br /> �� . i . . - C`:1� : . • _� ^�t�:..• _",� ' ` �. - _
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<br /> -,�'�, � .
<br /> - P�I'- `` ` � - . � � g�� `1OS58� �
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<br /> ,17.'rl�r!!0�f�l��Ot S$���i!�1'�!R!!w U'i��OP adjf�K 0�tI1C ptOpCRSt OT atiyt�AtCl��1f;� ' ,
<br /> � is sold or t�aasferred(or i a beaeficial intecr�in Bortower is soW or teaasfcesed and 8onrc►wcr es not a a�ral person)witi�a►t
<br /> - . Lendet's prior written oonseat, i�eader may:at its option. roquice untt�odi�e Raymcnt in full of ull sunls secutod by t6is
<br /> � Sowrity Lnstnurua�However,this optioa shall not be exeirised by Lcader if ezec+cFsc is pmhibitedby federat lav�►ag of the d�Ge
<br /> � ' oi ihts Security Instmment. , .
<br /> - � If Le�er axe�isesthis opaon,La�der shalt give Borrower naice oi acaet�iation.The notfoc shall�rovide a period of ncx
<br /> _:�;�� iess thaa 3�days troni tht date the notise is deEivered or mailcd wittdn which Barnower must pay al sums secured by this
<br /> =—- — Soc�uity Insuuaun�If Borrower.faits ta pay these sams prior to the espiration of this period.Lendcr mtiy invokc any rc�nalies
<br /> '`_ —� pecmitteri by this Securicy Insuument withaut fitNter notice or demaad oa 6orrawtr. 8h �_ -- --
<br /> _ 18. Snrt+s�ver's RiE6� to Rd�tate. If Somo�rer aocets ccrtam wn�'stivns. Qorrower shati have the ri t to dave
<br /> enfomtntat of this Seeuricy Tnst�urneat discontutued at any time prior to thc eartier of: (a)5 days(or su�h other petio�as
<br /> appli�abte!aw may spxify fot reinstatement)befoce sale of the Property pursuant to at►y pawer of sale cot►taiaed in this
<br />-- - Soc�rtty Insuument;or(b)eatry of a judgmeat enforcing this Security Instcument.Those wndic�ons are that Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> icuder all sams wEich then would 6e due under t6is Security Iaswmeat and tbe Note as it ao acce[eration had oceurned:(b)
<br /> ? c�res any default of any other covenants or agreemcats;(c)pays al�e.xpenses inrvmed in euforcing this Securiry Instrument,.
<br /> -.- ;�' ineloding,but aot timited to.re�sonabte attomeys'fees;and(d)tatces soch actcnn as Ic�der may reasonably require ta assuce __
<br /> tLat the tien of thia Securiry tnstiumeat,i.ender's rig6ts in the Pcaperty and Borrower's obligation to pay tde sums senuvd by =
<br /> ,. ; � tl��s Secur►ty Insdvmeot shall continue unchanged. Upon rein�*�^t by Bamnwet, this Stxurity lnstrument and tbe -
<br /> ` ;'.• obligatiat�secured hereby shall remain futt�effective aq if no acceteratio�had occur�d.Hawever.ihis eight to r�einstate shall ---
<br /> .�.°" �'•` not epp/y in t6e case ef a�elerarian ander paragra�h 17. ez-�-_ -
<br /> � � 19. 3ak ot Not�;�aage of I.oaa S�ek�The Nntc nr a partial irterest in the Note(together anth this 5ecurity --
<br /> .. Inswment)may be so�i o�or arore times vqit$a+a¢��or notice to Barrower.A sale may msutt in a change in the endty(known '�'�``_�^ —
<br /> _ • .- as the"Loan Senricer"1 that eollec�c�aathly pa;.*.•ar�.es due undcr the Nate aad this Secutity Instrument.'f'here also may be one .:;°��.- -
<br /> Y�.`` os mose chauges of the Loan Servi�r a�.-e�ased�r�-��ie of the Note.If diere is a change af the l.oan Servicer,Born�aer wiA be �—
<br /> • k_{/�v+._ —
<br /> ' ' � : given,written notice af the change i�a�esdaiu�'��paragr�ph I4 above and applicaDTe law.The notice ariA statc the name and ''�=='�_
<br /> . Y' - address of the new Loan Servicer and the ad�r�s t�vuhich paymenu should be made.The notirc will also contain any other s:. >TY-�::_
<br /> " � infom�ation rrquired by applicable taw. ,. , :=r:��"�-
<br />� ° ' 20. Ra�Nous Sqbstsiac�. Borrower shadF.�ot cause or permit the presence.use.disposal. storage,or release of any 'k z��r ,
<br /> ' - � i Iiazardo¢s Subst�ces on or in tiz:l�pe�ty. Borrower shall ttot do, nor allow anyanc clse to do, anything affec�cing the ; �,t _
<br /> ` �.'�``�w,,.. . ' Property that is in violation of�.k �alironmental iaw.The pt�ading two senteaces shall not apply to the prraence...use.or -__
<br /> ��`!�':�t�"•`�. s t o i a g e o n t h e P n o p e rt y o f s m a l l q u a:r r t t i t i e s o f H a z a r d o u s S u b�t h a t a r e ge nerali y reco gnized to be a p pro priate t�nom�al J�,' ;, =__
<br /> ± �<=sf'�;,•_ , qu , -
<br /> �, °° residential uses and ta r.ma�*•nn,a�ce of ihe Pto�tt�',. . . , <<,i 4:: ---
<br /> ` � yF . �c" r�'� - ,,ir�-:-.�.
<br /> ' "`_���="' _ Borrower shall�eoa�cp:y give I.ender urr��:rauce of any investigaaion,claim, demand,lawsuit or other actian by any , , ..�,.�.F�,��,.,
<br /> ;i�x 's,i,i,';: : '• �::°.'r'•;:-:, ` �,
<br />. , �.;...;�:;i,h ff,, , gavemmental or regulatery ageney ctc x�rivate ge.�rg�rvolvin�the Pcapecty and any Ha7ardous Substance ar Ectvironmental Law {,,�•`a,��' r;:_2��_
<br />• :;'���'`'«7 j ; of which Borroweshas ach�al kno�i-�: I�L-��:r�:.�r tear�as, ur is notifed by any govemmental or regulatory autho�ty.that j��rr,r��:
<br /> .li, r � :.
<br />' � . r s�,' �'t `;`..' any remaval or other remeci�ation c�;��c}�,3��.=��:.�.�s",.s$ubstance a€fc�ting the Property is necessary.Sorrawer shall pramptly take �r`y� .,, 1 ��"'=
<br /> < <,, ,, . r..,.S�,.,x
<br />, � t;;��:f�t��':;� all ne�xssaryr remedial actions in ac«^:r3aitce a�;':x�::YisonmeafaII�.aw. ' t�.. � "'—'
<br /> ,.,:�;.,�.,s;.:_=---
<br /> � `ar As used in this Paragr�Ph 1A:.�r�,�'.�^�«s�i-stanc,es"are those sobstattces defined as taxic ar hazardous substances by �`'"•`:`�f���'j��;'�=
<br /> ' i� , . -. l.'.
<br /> - Envimnnjental law and the follow,�g•su6��c'..�.jgasaline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic ►•oleum roducts. to�ic ��� �-��'��—�
<br /> � � a P� P ;'_: .r:;r�','•�:`=---_
<br /> ��•.;. �, • pesticides and herf�icides,valatite s:.-t.`±'�s,inatenaa containina as6estos or formatdehyde.and radinactive matenats.As used in r.�.�;�---_
<br /> : � n ; +•;,r4'�i,,:.
<br /> , � _: = �' ' - this par�graph 20. 8nvironmem.a� i�.a.� means federal laws aad.laws of the jurisdictian whcre tl�e Praperiy is lacated thai ..�3,,.,� ,,.;� .�
<br /> ��f. � . : _ �:,�:-:,��.��,
<br /> ;,;.,,�. , : . _ re{ate t.�E�ealth,safety or enviroa-�e-:.u�i ptotedian. �->r�{-'rs!.:.f {
<br /> �--� N€D�T-UPJIFORM COVEN�i:�"'7'�.�orrawer and Lender Far.si�ec covenant and agree as follows: ��;;;G';,r'"..�.'_•�
<br /> . 'f, -.. �` •` 2l.Acce[eratioa:,��aae�e�.iEax�der shaU glve noNce ta Borrower prIor to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's breacb ''`;��y°;'.;•`''� ''�
<br /> , ry,' �,=�",::.� '�' o!any ouvenant or�meat ia thfs 5e�vrity inshvmen: Slsu! not prior to acceteration under`ra�tgraph N nntess . ,. . • :�;
<br /> ��s�: • stpplkabte Iaw proc3�s�oCJ�estiv�se?-The aotke shall speciiy: (a)the detault:(b)the actton required to cure the default: .-,.. : �;'�;;
<br /> • '. ;,:;.�%:' (c)�date,not te�ttran 38 da�s�iaw�.t6e date the notice ts g,iven to Borrowec,by cvdich the default musl be cured;and , .�:;:(''::';:.;',` .•;;
<br /> �' •"�` (�tlwt fatlure to cure the def.u�€��or before the date speciited in the rtotice may resWt in acceleration ot the sums :;��1.,;.j=;�.•,,,::�:.
<br /> � •:�J' •':�(:,1..� �
<br /> � f. .; � • , ' . sec��ced 6y tdls Secur�ry instr���i.snd�saie of the Prapeety.'1'6e aotice shall tYrrther intorm Bomower of the Np6t to r �;.,j;,� , . .,�s�:
<br /> � . reiaswte atter accelerat�on ancl2�e sight to br3ng a court actlon ta s�ssert the non-existence of a detault o�any other ����T�ti '�. <+::�
<br /> � ` �� deiease of Borrower�a acceterati�a and sate. �E d�e default is not ciared on ar 6etarn the date specified ln tbe ootice. �.-�"� � ;.:,�,_.�
<br /> �` ' y•: . l.ender,at its optian,may reqa�e immediaPn�meat in full o!all sum.g secuitd by this 5ecurity Instrument wit6oat -� �:.` :.':.;:%�.:-
<br /> farther demand and may invoke�,lr��ower ai��a,"e and a�7 other remedics rmitted b a plicable faw. Lender sha116e �,'�- ` '"%s���;�:.
<br /> P� Y P .�'-'t:`�.:'"-: ,� ....
<br /> ; • � entttled to ooiled aU expenses i�ti in pu�sving the re����.�s provided in this paragraph 21,incJuding,but not limited �;'�.�:;:'.;�It .','':',;
<br />� to reasonabte attorne s'toes a�rd.mmsts o!titte evidence. �'`'``''�`'t':``•�' `
<br /> '.;: ,�� � • y � • � `�;�'l;i,','��`�it: ..�
<br /> � ' � �' If the power w�sa3e is ia*rm�ed,Tncstee s6aii recor�a notice of default 1n each cou�tY in which any part oi the �.;rr;4;�:��,;,:::�..
<br /> . pmpe�r is toa+ted�shall mai}copies of such notice tn the manner prescribed by applica6le law to Borrower aad to � •.�•� , ,,:�����'��':•}"`
<br /> , �s�.;�,.-.::
<br /> ' the other perso�prescelbed by ay��licabte law.Aiter the time reyuired by applicable law.Teustec sfwll give public ratice j �'•r, : ,;,.�1�
<br /> • • • ot sale to the persoag and in th�rt�annee prescrl6ed by appticabte law.Tntstee.without demand on Borrower.snafl sell �� . •,!,, �
<br /> n .
<br /> - - � the Pra rty at bHc auction t�d�e hi est bidde�at the N�re und Iace and under the terms dcsl ted in tt�notice a! � � �r'��• � �
<br /> Pe Po fi� p K� ; _ ...v,�.;,-:,
<br /> ' sWe tn one or more paRets and on any arder Tru.ctee dctsra�in�.Trustee may poctpc�nr wte o�all oe any parcel of the i ,:.;.f;;;
<br /> �. properly by public announcement at the time and place oi any previously schedWcd sale. I.ende� or its designee may � .,: ,1,;,
<br /> . ` purchase the Property at any sate. ' '
<br /> • . • �
<br /> , .. . . ;•.<'•
<br /> . . . � ?r. .
<br /> � ,;:': }:.:
<br /> :;. � iam 3028 9/90 i .
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