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<br /> � . , , 9� _ �.Q�583
<br /> _- � p,ymr�ts msY no cw�gsr be teqa�rr�,et are opdon cf I�der,�f moKgAse;nsuraiwe oa�►aage rui tLe amouat�rot the pwia�:
<br /> • tLat I.asder.requins)Providal by an iaws�er approvcd by Lender ag�in beoomes avaitabie and is d��d.Barrawer�ll.pq��
<br /> � �p�tum�ceyui�d in maindia rc�tg�ge iasurance In effect.or to pr�m►ide a loss ceserve.uatil the taluirement for aioctg,�.
<br /> — insnranoe eads in acaorda�s with Qay written agreement b�tv�oen Bormwer aad 4endes or appiicsbte law. �
<br /> _ ' 9 I�ectbe.Lendes ar its agent ao�y mahe teas0nabte eetrics upon att8 iaspaciFniis of the P�opccty.Lemder sh�ll give
<br /> - -- ' Barrower not'ree at the time of or prios to an inspxtion spatifying�onai�k ca�se far ihc inspaxion. �.
<br /> IA. Coademmtion.'17ie Pra000ds of any award or ctaim for damages,dire�cE or consequtntiaY, in caaneaion with aay
<br /> oondemnation or other takiag of aay patt of the Ptnpecty,or for wtrvayanoe in lieu of candemnatian.ate hecebs a.ssi�od amct�
<br /> = stiati be paid to Lender.
<br /> _ = in the event af a totat taking of the Praperty,the proceeds si�all be applied to the sums secu�ed by tLis Searisy Instrameat,
<br /> --_r;_; whahar or not then due,with aesyr tacess paid to Borrawes.Ia the event of a partial rrldng of the Propettp ut alucb tGe fair '
<br /> �_�.� a�ricet v�Iue of tbo Pmpeity�romediatclY 6efote the taiciag is eqnal ta or greater than tlie amount of tha sums sec+�red by dus
<br /> ,�y°' , Sowriry Iastnun�►timaiodiatcly bofore�he taking.unless Barrower aad Lender atherwise agt+ee ia writing,Ne sams setnred by �
<br />-�' � t6is SocarityR Lts�ment shaf!be nduad hy the amotwt of the Qmceeds mtildplied 6y the foltnwing fi�ctian:ta3 thc t�wl
<br /> � �ottat of tbe sv.ms sewred imtnediatcly before tUe taking,divided by�(b)the fair markes value of the.ptvperty immad'atei�
<br /> -- ' befate tt�ta�ing. Any balanee sfiali 6a paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taldng of the Property in wtucb the fa�
<br /> � . , amrTat vaIue of the Pnoperty immediately hefuta the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediatelg before tfte
<br /> �8,unlay gorroq,tr and i,ec�der otuerwise agree in ariting or anTess applicabDe!aw atherarise p��ides.the pmoeeds sh�t
<br /> _ _ -: ��uod to the sams secarc:d bv this Seaiirity Instsument whether or a¢t the s�uns are thea due. . � .
<br /> • -} • If tir properly is abauduned by BorroRer,or if,aftcr Qotice by i,ender to Bornnwer that the ooademnor offer�to make an
<br /> awani�r settie a claim for.d�es, Bormwer fails to ses�rad w Lsad�er within 30 days after the date tiiee a�•is giveit,
<br /> . I��auti�arizec�to ealted r�appty ttte gcoceeds,at its v�ivn,eitF�€to cestoration or r+epair of the Pcope�or a�i the sums _
<br /> seoutaS 6v tits Socs�ty Instrument.whettser ar aot then due. . ---
<br /> . �Iets ten��i aad Hamnwec atherwise ag[ee in writing, �sY aPpiiration of pmceeds ta pri�ipal sha@Y�t extend a�
<br /> . po�e the due date of the monthty payments refcrred�o in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of such pa�eats.
<br /> ` 2` .� 11.Borrowa Not Rete�ed;Farbwrance By Lenaes NM a Waiver.Exte�sion of the time for Qayment ar�odifcration _
<br /> • of amartiration of the sums secured by this Security Instrua�c�t granted by Lender to any suecessor in interest of Botrower sha11 ��:
<br /> - not operate to reTease the tiability of the origivat Bamawer vr Bormwer's suexessors in interest. Lcnder shall not 6e required to �`'�� _
<br /> ���-_._�_.
<br /> ��nc�ptoc�dings against any saccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otheswise mod'af}r amortirasion• �-�°_._�`_
<br /> �'d
<br /> of the sums secured bY this Security Insttttment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Banower's . ��;;;;;-
<br /> E�.-�:
<br /> s�ax�ssors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exerc^aing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ;�_�,y�.__
<br /> e�era�se of any tight or remedy_ ,•:�.. �`---
<br /> � . ' !2;Soca�and A�s Bound;doint and Several LlabAtty;Co�signe�s.The covenanjs and agreements of thts ,r;��;=.
<br /> . Seasriry Instr�meu¢shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�s af Lendcr and Borrower,svb�e�t to the provisians og. �,.J�,.�
<br /> : p�aph 17. �SQrower's covenanis and agreements sha1L be joiat�aad sevczai. My Borrower�-�iA co-signs this Sec�rity. ��!-A,�.>:�'
<br /> .; , �,-
<br /> �„.,=� IIc�na,.^jent but daes not exccute the Note: (a)is co-signiu�i#*��s�Security Instr�ment only to mortgage,graat aad canvey that �Y=,�:.;�
<br /> - �.�.; " �o�rer's interest tn the Property under the terms af t�is:�srity instrument:(b)is not personally obli�v�c�y the sutn� '����• �� -
<br /> � _ ....�;:; �•,.�r. ._.",=,-
<br /> . s��red by thls Secisrity Instrument:and(c)ugrees that�3ter and any athcr Borrower may agree ta estend.modify.fo r b e a r ar -�-
<br /> �� make any ac�ommodatians with regard ta the eerms of this Security Ins[rument or the Note withaut that Borrawer s wnsent. ���
<br /> �''^:�"�� ' !3,I,oan Charges.If the laan secured by this Secwrisy instrument is subject ta a law which sets manimum laan charges. . `��"`
<br /> �� � ' �t3:at law is finally inteqsteted so ttuit the interest ar u3ser laan charges collected or ta be wllerted in conr.�ion with the • ,, •;�
<br /> ' . Ysa�an eaceed the pemtitted limits,then:(a)any such la-,x�rge shall be reduced by tho amount necessary co rz^lca the chargo �•- -
<br /> w a�e pemuue�L%mit:and(b)any sums already colte�'-a3::TOm Borrower which e�cceeded permitted limits wiil.lie r�funded to _
<br /> '�;`�,; Borra�wec. t,e:�.-�dear�ray choose to make tris r�°,,:aQ.�_ r^�.ducing thc principal awed undcr the Note os by r,,a�i�g a �in�T ' -�
<br /> ;,;��;, ga�a�t to Sasevv��rr. lf a refund reduax.��r.�cr�f, rhe reduction wiU be treated as a partinl prepayment without aay ' ,� r
<br /> ' :s � p�:w�ent cfiarge under�he Mate. , '' :�
<br /> `��� P4.Notices.Any notice ra Borrower pravided fer:c rt;is Security Instrument shall bc givcn by deliver.:�t y*or by mailing '.; ", „
<br /> - it by iirst class rnail unless appozcable law requires use oi another method.The natice shaU bc directcc!to th:Lk;�perty Address . ��
<br /> ; or any other a�dress Borrower desig�ra*.:.s li? notice ta Lender. Any notice ta Lender shall be given by fi'r.st class mail to `'
<br /> `*-'' Lender's siddress stated herein or aay ot:�es:3dress Lendcr dcyi�natcs by noace ta Bnrrower. Any notice provided for in this .
<br /> d
<br /> �'.� �
<br /> ."� 5ecurity Instrument sha116e d�o:med ta ha��e been given to Borrowcr or Lcnder whcn given as providetl in this g�iagrAph. • _. :
<br /> ' '� �s'y � 15.Governing Iaw�Se��ra6iUty. Thic Sccurity fnstrumcro shall bc gnvemed by tcderal taw a�� S:�e faw of the . .
<br /> .��' .
<br /> . ,:::�.:..t�..«
<br /> I,�f_��:• �. jurisdiction in which the Praperry is tac�c3. ln the crent that any provisian or clause nf ihis 5ecurity Instn:r.ta:.��r the Nnto
<br /> .���.�1."_.� K�•_ � '
<br /> eonflicts with applicablo taw,such canfi:�t�:�1�ncst affect other prm•is::�.csy�+f�his 5ecurity Instrum�,:�as the ticire which can ba
<br /> 1�;�� ` � given efFect without Iha r�onfliceing prov:s��a+� To this cnd thc pmvisiom of this Sccurity Instrum.r<a�:�d thc Note are dee��d
<br /> � ��_� ' �. to bc severablc. '
<br /> � .� ' 16.Bamower's Copy.Barrawcr shall he��vca o°�:��sf��rmai rupy of thc Nutc anJ�►i'this Se��ray 9n.:.curr•��rst. • �
<br /> . , ' " � �ann 8028 9/90 ,• . ..
<br />. .. . , ve7o 4 ul o .
<br /> ��; .. . . . � .
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