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<br /> applk�ble Lw nuiY qx�cily'foc roin�tatement)befaro We of�ha Pnpperty p�uu�t,W any pawer of�le con4�a�d ip�bl�
<br /> Socurity Insuunieat:or(b)enay af a jud�t enforein��hi�Socurity�n�trumont� 't'ht►�camUdons�ro U�t�mnwee (a)
<br /> pty�l�ender dl anu whlch tlKn would bo due urder�hi�Se�curity I��pumant,�nd �t�a Nato +u ii no acc;eler�tion hwd
<br /> occurnd;(b)cura any deFwlt otiu►y aher covenants or pproemante;(c)pay+��11 expenies InGUmed in enforcin��hi�3acudty
<br /> laetnunea�includin��bW not Nmited to,rea�onable atwmesy�'faoa: and lcl)tako�euah,AaUon ar I.ender may rc�uonably
<br /> require a�wu�+e Uu�t the Ika of�hia Secutity In:trument.Lcnder's dghte in tha Prapaty�nd Bonowery obli�tlon w pry the
<br /> eums secured by thic Sccurfty Insteumeac sh�ll condnuo unchanaed, U�n►n �in�tutnmant by Bonower. Ihis Securlty
<br /> lactnrmnt u�d the obli�ulons saw+ed he�by chall romain fully et�iscdvo ps if na wacelemlian�d�d occur�ed. Howaver.thia
<br /> riRht w reinstate shall not apply ia tho case ai acceleration undar pWragmph!7.
<br /> 19. S�le ot Nale;Cban�e of I.uan Secvfcen 'I7u Note or.a pru�ia)intaroct in�ha Nota lwgother wlth this Securfty
<br /> Instrurnent)m�y be wld one or more Umes wlthout prior nadca W&�rrower. A�ala mAy racult,in,a chwngc in the entity
<br /> (knovm as tbe"I.oan Servicer")U�at colixta monthly puymenta due undac tha Note end thfw Seeu�ily Ini�ttument. Thero alco
<br /> mRy 6e one or mae changer of ihc LAan Serv[cer unrelated to a sala of tha Nota. If thota ia a chunge oP•tF�a L.oAn Servfcer.
<br /> Botmwer vrlll be given writtea notice of the changc in accanlanae wlth paragrnAh 14 abave and eppliaabla low. The aotice
<br /> wfll state the name and address of the ncw Loa�Servicer and 1he addnws to wbfah paymanta shauld be mada. '[ho notiae wlJl.
<br /> aL�o coataim any other information nquired by appliaable law.
<br /> 20 l�xwrdout Sub�tancer. Bormwer st�a0�nat cause oa patmit U�e ptesanco,ues.disposal,sto�aBa,or rcicase of any
<br /> Hazardoua Substancea on or in�ha Property. Bomnwar sball acN dn.n4r alJow anyona else to da. anythinp affecdng the
<br /> Property thAt is ia violadon of any F.�vironmental L.aw• 7'he p�ceding n�'o uentenaea shall nat epply to tha pnescnce.use,or
<br /> storage on Uie Propeny of smap quanddes of H�xotdo+ia Subctanco�that are generally reaogpizod w bo approiMe�e w no�mal
<br /> reaideobe!uses attd w maintenance of the Piroperty.
<br /> . . �.�'°�� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice ot any invesqgeaon,claim,demand.lawsuit or other+x:Uun by any
<br /> � .,�j J govemmentel or regulstory agency or pdvate party 6�vulvina the Rvpan�and anyr HaxEUdaue Subctunae or Environmeatal
<br /> • ' ;•;� � , Lew of which Baxower hes actual knowledge. lf Borrower learns, or is �otifiad by pny govarnmantal or regulatory
<br /> ?"��� authoriry,thet ony removal or other�emediation of any Hazardous Substance affecling tha Properry is necessary.Borrower
<br /> <<�. �� ahall promptlY mke all necessary remedial actiona in accordurlce with Enviranmeotal I.aw.
<br /> : , i;;.;(,,
<br /> '• � , .t�J;,; . As used in this paragraph 20, "8awrdoue Substnnces"cue choae substances definad as taaic or hnzardous su s�ences y
<br /> �,�, . ?�'ti� Environmentel l.aw and the following subswncea: gexoline,iceivsene,c�er flummabl�r or toaia petmleum praducts,ooxic
<br /> pesticides and hefiicides, volutile solvenlx. matereala cantnlning asbesloF or form�idahyda.end radioacdve materials. As
<br /> ' � used in this pnragr�ph 20,"Environmenta!L.Aw"meanR fedcral laws and Inwa of tfiB jurtgdfdtion where�ha PropcAy is located
<br /> • ''^.�.,;�•:�ft; that relote to healt(�.sefety or environmentel protcction.
<br /> ��!�-�:� NON-UNIFORM COVENAM'S. 6orrower and L.ender[unher covcsnant and a@rea ac fvllows:
<br /> .,• ; `:.',t �=;`,.•'.�, 21. AccelerAtton;Remedles. i,ender shall give notice to Borrower prbr to accelerntion [ollowiag Borrower's
<br /> '.. r � �'•°• brtack Qt eny coy�snl os ag�ment In tWa Securltp Instrue�ent(but not prior to pcceleratbn uoder para�aph 17
<br /> � � �"'' '� ualess appNcAble law provides WLerwise). The aoUce ahaU�speciCyt (u?tne defnult; (61 the Action required to curo tUe
<br /> ;. • iet�l�:.�',h.,.,_
<br /> 'i;�J•;•� �•� : default;(c)A date,not less than 30 daye from thQ dute the nottce is given to Borrowcr,by w6kh the detAWt must be
<br /> � '� %j:�" cured;And(d)thAt t�ullare to cur�the defAUlt on or be[ore 16e det,r speci&ed ia We notice may result in accelemtlon of
<br /> �h;.:� -;.�';,.;�,.:,:,....
<br /> � t6e sums securcd by tbis Security Instrument And ealu of We Pr�perty. Tde no@ce s�afl ftirther intorm Borrower of
<br /> . ''��:. ` ...;';c;:.;.�;'' • lhe right to relnsfate after pceelerAdon ond the right to bring a coart action W assert tbe non-existence ot a defaWt or
<br /> ��'"��� • • ;�?•• � any other detense at Borrower to accelersbbn ond sale. UI tihe defau➢t is not cured an or betore the date epecitted in
<br /> �'}�'�' � �t'�;;. . ��.` '� `' `� !6e notice,l.ende�A1 its optlom m�y require immediota paymeat in fai!uP all suma secured by this Security instrument
<br /> �':'�•• ,h ' without turH�er demand nnd mAy Invoke thn poweo oi s�le and any other remcdks permitted by applkable Ipw
<br /> � � � �� ' � Lender slwll be entided to collect all expen�es incurred in parsuing t6e remediev p�+ovided in lhts parogra p 6 21.
<br /> .'�" .,'. .,'`:. .. ' including.but not INnited b�nrsonabk Attorneyg'1'ees and cosls ot titic eviden��e.
<br /> '`� � ��'� It lhe power ot sale is Invoked,7Fustee shnll recor+d a notice of dQit�ult in eaab�county in whkh any part ot tbe
<br /> .,�.
<br /> � r '''.�"•+,:�'''•. Property Lv located wnd shall mail copies oPsucB notice in tAe manner prescribed by appllcable Inw to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons pnscribed by applicable law. Mar the time requrred by applica6le law.'IY�ustee shqU glve puWte
<br /> •� �, � � , . . � nodce ot ss+le to We pe�sons wnd in the mennor prescrlbed by�ppliraDle law. 7lrustee,withaut demond on Borrower,
<br /> � ' � �, � � shail sell the Property At public auction to the hlahi+st bidder at the time And pluce und under lhe ternis destgnated in
<br /> . ;,„ .. ;�s�.;,, the notice oF sale in one or mon parcels and in wny ordar'lYuslae duteemines. 75rustce moy postpone sWe of sll or any
<br /> �..:�� ' � . pwt�cel ot the Property by pubNtr announcement ot lho dmo�nd pluce af any prevk�usly scheduled sWe. Lender or its
<br /> h • _ --�� :. desisnee mey purch�se the Praperly at pny salu.
<br /> �' ° � Upan receipt ot payment of the prire bfd�7lrustee sholl�doliver to tha purchascr 7lrustee's deed conveying the �
<br /> �' . , � „ Property The reciWs in ihe'Itustce's deed shall�be prima iweW avidnncc of tho Iruth of the stwfemenfs mstde therein.
<br /> . • 7}uetee chW! ply the proceeds of the salu ln thc i'oll�����ing orduri lul lo•Ail�coslr+wnd•expenses of exercising We power � <I
<br /> ,,�,�-r' `�'�.,. � � 4���
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