�1 •G.:
<br /> '/• . .'� i�;. ' ' .:i
<br /> i. ,.. -..._�. � - ._. -----r���
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> 43: i4�
<br /> I . cc�demna�ion or dhrr Wcin�of�ny pan of iFww Roperty.a for cunveyaMx in Iku of condcm�ution.ore harcby aui�ned end
<br /> th�ll bo p�id to Lend�r.
<br /> 1n the ovent of a tdal t�kin� of tho PropoAy, 1bp dv ah�ll bc applied to Iho sume Recured by thia SxudtY
<br /> tqRttvmrnt,whether ar nw then due,wflh�ny excesx ppi ��o Horrawer. In the evcnt oP�partiol takin�of tha P►operty in
<br /> whlah tbc f�ir markct v�lue af Iho Pmp¢Ay Immediatcly bcfurc the ukin�is cqu�l�a or Qrcate��hw►�he nnwunt of�he suma
<br /> �ecurcd by thlA Secud�y insuumcM immrdirtely betoro the takin�,unle+s Barn�wcr and Lenckr atherwlre o�roe in w�itln�,
<br /> thc sumr Reenrcd My Ihia Security Inr�rumeni khrll bc nrdiked hy the am�wnl of the praceeds multiplied by�he Pollowing
<br /> fry��ion: (n)tha IWaI arn�unt of the.rum�sccured immedi�lcly before Ihe luking,diMided by(b>Ihe fpir market value of It►e
<br /> Prt►�urty immediutoly 6efbrc thu t�icing. Any I+alance xhNll be paid to B�xmwor. In�the event of a partial u�king af tho
<br /> Ptq�Ay in which�he fiir mnricet volue of ihe Prupeny immediately before Iha�qNing ix lesa�han the sunount.of the aums
<br /> secured immediately befar�he tuking, u�lox,� Borrower and L.ender dherwi�u u�tec In writing or unk.vs applicAble law
<br /> ' aharwissa p►q�vidBr.�he pmceedx xhnll,be a�licd�a�ha�umR Fecurcd by ihix Seruri�y Inatrumen�whcttier ar na thc sumv are
<br /> than due.
<br /> !f 1he P�perty!s abwtdnnad by BqfAvJwQf,or if.aPar nruice by l.ender tu Bnrn�wrr that�he condemnor offar�to moke
<br /> an,owurd or settks e cluim foc dumugax,&xrowor fuile nr me(K►nd to Lendcr wlthin.311•dt►yS ufter thc dute�he natiaa is given,
<br /> Lcndar ia awhwized to cnUact and.apply the prw:oadN,�t�itn o(►Uon,either�o�Ntaratian or rcpair of�he Prap�ny or ta�he
<br /> � s4ma secuRd by lhis Security(nAtrutnanl�wbathar ac n�H lhan dus.
<br /> I Unlesg L.endar and Bo�rovrer aharw.ine ug�c In wriiing,uny appliautiun.��f pror.eeds to principul shall not eattnd or
<br /> poa�tpone Ihe due du�e of�ha munlb)y p�ymante r¢fe�md to in pura�r�phn I und w�x ahcmge the umount oi such p�ymemq.
<br /> 11. Borrower Na! Releaus�da Flurbe�r�nce Br l.ender Not A Walver. Extunsion of the time for payment or
<br /> modification of nmortizudqn,oE d�a sumn saured hy�hiK Security Ins�rument.gran�ud,by Lender ta any r�uccetisar in intere�t
<br /> sz;,,;.. `�,... of Borrower shull nw operrlu w rcluurx tbq liubility af�he cxiginnl [iurrawer or&�muwerti�ucccxsorx in imerast.Lender
<br /> •+. shull aot be�quired to commanae prc�ceedingR aguinst uny�uccexxor in inture�t ar refur;e to eatvnd time tor payment or
<br /> � ' c
<br /> t;� � #{� y, .:�;,.�.,,i ' otherwisc m�►dify anonizarion af ths sunm�ecured by�hi,Srrurity Inrtrument by rcu.�an af any damund madc by thc original
<br /> � . • u;� . ,, ,,.,.• Borrower ar B�xrower's xucccswr�in intumat. Any forbeuruncc by LrnJer in excrcising s+ny right or remcdy nhull not bc a
<br /> •�'' ��•�,M�.�� woiver of or pirclude the excrciKC oF any�ipht or remedy.
<br /> • t,�a�',�•;;��:_•• ,�;, 12. Succeasor�pnd Asstgaa Baurd:Jofot und SevQrpl t.lobiltlyi�'aglgnars. The cavenants nnd agr�emanta oi�his
<br /> :t '".': �'���f'�°•�r.<;����� � Security Instrument�sbnll�bind und benat"u�the succewsnm unJ urxignw of Lendcr and Bnmower,xubject ro�he provi�ions nf
<br /> '��.;��.•.�.f.
<br /> �`'.�4 �;;�; �����.. '`'�, � ra 17. B��mowerR ccwennntn and,a ►�em�mn�hul4 he u�n� und seveml. An Burrower wh�co-xi n�thix Securlt
<br /> , w�r� � a 1 ' y � y
<br /> '�'t '�i.Rix:?�'�t;c,; � Inntrument but d��ex nnt exrcutu thu Nutuc (a)isca-rigning Ihix Serurity(nn�rument only to mortgo�ee,grant and convcy that
<br /> ^ . "•,�, `�•t�,r;f,:;.';:•; i Borrowcr s inture�l in tlta 1'tv�rty undur tl�a�crms iif thi�S�tiuriry Inr�rumem: lb►iti no�penonully obliguted to pay�hc xum�
<br /> ,��'•:�. •. �' ,�t�I:� :.•� ,-,,.
<br /> ,�•; �. .�.•. ,,� eecumd by thia Security hiktrvmam:nnd(cl ugrecx thu�Lender uml uny othn�Bo�ro�ver m�►y ugrce t�extend,madify,forbear
<br /> :�•;���,,,•',.�,•.,� ,•-�
<br /> ,. ' ��', :,,;.,,:,,•.;..r.„ or make uny uccommadu�iunK with �garJ ta �hr term�:nE�hf►� Securi�y In�;�ruman6 or �hc Nwe without thut Bwr�wer�
<br /> ��', .. r �,• ��'•�'T'; ronnem.
<br /> ; -::;tLt. `.. �;,, 13, lAUn (.'Iwe Qe. IF the loan�crured hy �hir� Secunry In+;�rument �. �ubject io a iaw whieh sets maximum ioan
<br /> ;," ;` :. ." ,..••.���.� ,
<br /> , ,}.� �..'�•��!"'+� _ � '�� rhar es,und th�rt low�s linull inte re�ed.a thut tin inlere��or other lo•rn rhur �..collcwted or lo be collected in ronnection
<br /> ., ,�. � � g Y T �'•
<br /> � , .•.±,r.,•.. . ",';,.
<br /> n �: ;•; . with�he loun cxcecd tho peanitted limi�ti,thcn: lu)ony such laun rhurge.hall lx�reduced by�hc umount necesxury to reducc
<br /> .,,- ,. ,,r .;�:;;�; . •' .
<br /> ;,;hyr,+..+�. . the chnrge lo Ihe permiqod limit;and(bl uny rumti ulr�audy collecteJ fi�c►m Bnrmwcr which exceedcd permiaed limil�;will bc
<br /> i' � .. � ntfunded to Barrower. Lender muy chix►.e�o mukc Ihie rcfwiJ by r�ducing�he principul owed umler the No�e or by muking a
<br /> !'•' • �`��`�'''''� din;ct r mem to Bum►wer. If a refund reducex rinci uL�hc reJuc�iun will he i�+¢uteJ us o �niul re o ment without su�
<br /> �..::�:;;• P'Y P P P' P p Y Y
<br /> . ' „•� prepuymem churRe under tBr Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Born�w•cr proviJeJ far in�hi� Seruriry In��rumeni shall t+c Fivea by dclivcring it ur by
<br /> � <�' • muiling i�by Gr�t cla„muil unlrxs upplirat�le luw reyuiR�.u.c uf anothcr methal.The n�uice,hall t►e directed to the Prc�xny
<br /> :..��.,, . Add�xs or uny olhcr adJreys Barrowrr d��ri�tnulcs by noticr w L.cndcr. Any notirc tu Lrnde��hall tx givcn b��tint clux,
<br /> ' .���•i., � • mail ro Lcnder z s�Jdrezs slated hercin or any otlxr vddrc.�l.cndcr dr.igna��+by nu�icc tu Bom�wcr. Any notire pro��idcd i'or .-
<br /> • Y.. , �;�..�;' • in thiti Securiry Inztrument shull Ix dcemed to huve hrcn �eivrn �o Horrowcr �x Lrndcr wh�n �iven uti pmvided in Ihi.r
<br /> " � , ,.. � �' �: Purugruph.
<br /> fy;�:�' :�� IS. l:overoing I.ow: Severobilit�•. Thi,Srcuri�y In,irumen� .hull Ix �;ovemeJ by teJeral luw and Ihr luw of thr
<br /> , '{,
<br /> � �.•, " � '<< jurisdiction in wblch�hc Pro�eny is I�xutrd. In�hc rvrnt Ihcn any pravi.i�m ur rluu.c of thiti Securi�y In.trumem or ihc Note
<br /> ;I�` . , conflicts wilh upplicuble luw,rurh rontlirt yhull no�alferl other pruvision,uf�hiti Sccurity In�lrumrnt or the Nrne u�hich cun
<br /> ;`ii:" , be given ei'fcct with��ut the cantlicting pruvi�ion. Tii�hi�.enJ ihe pn�vi.iun.of Ihia Seruri�y In,trument und thr Note ore ,�
<br /> + cleclurcd ti�be xeveraBlc.
<br /> � . �,�.M. .
<br /> ;';'•'•• - 16. Bn�rnwer'x Cn v Borruwer.h:dl Ik �iv�n unr runf��rnicJ ro ul�hc Nrnc und nf this 5ecurii Imuumcnt. '
<br /> '.t,,�;�;�, • p. b p> Y
<br /> +y,, . � .� 17. 71�ansPer oP the Propert,r or a Bnnrficial lnteresl in B�Mrmver. If aU or an}•pan uf�he Property or any intrrc�t in
<br /> �'%:��, '. '. it is sold or Irantifcrr�d Inr il'u Ixncliri:�l inlrre,t in Borrowrr i�+nld nr Iran�l'rtrcd and Hurruwir i+nnt a nulur•rl�xr+onl l�f
<br /> ��:� �9� '"�� . � withuut Lender:priur writtcn ron,ent.LrnJcr mu�.iu ih opliun,requirc immrJiatc puymrnt in full ul'all+um+.ccureJ bY .'� .
<br /> .F.:.. ��'. , thi,Security Instrument. Howevcr.thi+uption,hull nat Ik rxcrci�cd hy l.endrr il'escrci,r i.pn�hibitrJ by 1'edcrul low sis of �,,;.
<br /> �' ';,.;,,� � Ihe ds�te nf thiti Security Inv�rwmmm. �',?�,
<br /> .,. ' If Lenckr exercix�.this op�ion.LenJrr.hall�!ive F3urcuurr m,ticc uf ucrrl�r:ui�,n. 7'hr nrnicr tihall praviJ�u perial cif
<br /> �...t�;,��. .;;�`�' . nol Ie4s thun:aQ dny�fn�m the dulr the notice iti delivemd ur mnilyd�aithin�vhich BnRO►vrr mus�pa.�:dl wm,,ecumd My this
<br /> -��' ' Security Inrtrument. It'B��rmwrr fail. ��,�t�y �n�,� ,um, prior l0 1hr rspiruiiun uf thi+ �xri�Hi, l.�ndrr nuiy invi�hr unY .
<br /> ��:� i remedics pennittcd fiy thi�Security In��rument wilhuw t'urlher n��tire ar Jemand un Hurn►a•cr. •
<br /> ���. I8. Borrower s Ri�ht to Rcinsls�tc. If Horrowrr mect. rrna�in randi�i�m.. Bi,RU��rr +hull huvc tl�c right �u huve ,
<br /> � ,,, enfurcement oi�hi.r Security In�trumcnt Ji,r�+ntinurd at um•timc priur tu�h.rurlirr af: lal S Ja��.�ar,urh u�her p�riuJ u� �
<br /> �.; 1`,','., .
<br /> �,�, . S :l.y..�� , � Sinrlcl•rmd�..F'uaaleSlyc�FrrddlcSlucfVIF11R�11\I�'1'RI'S1F.Nf 1'mlum�l'u�.num, 9�911 �Pu.Y��J��rn�r�Yr.i �
<br /> �"� i��,' ':i,',:•
<br /> �!'.' '.j:; , ' .
<br /> � �� . I'
<br /> P.��• � .
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