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<br /> S. Hiwrd or Pwparty toar�aa. Bormwer �ull iceep the improvementw a►w axirlfpt��qr� aw�tal on tbs
<br /> Property inrwrcd�nct Icux by flro. huard�includod within tho term"eatondod crixqt�ga`�ntt s+rr u�har i�uard�, includins
<br /> n«�a.o�n�a��. for whkh Lenckr requires inwnu�. This inwnu�oe rhdl be mpiMninad iq,t!►e unounts and for the pa�iod�
<br /> thu Lencler roquircs.The inaun�ncc curier pmvWin��he iruwratice�II bc chnnan b�r Bnraro+�er wbjat ta l.cnder'�qpmval
<br /> which�hall not bc unrcaconably wlthheld. If BMrowcr fiilR to main�ein rnvcAgc daFCribdd�bove. L,ender mry, u Lender's
<br /> option,obtaln cavcr��e to protxt Lendcr'�ri�hts in the Properly in�nao wiq�ppraRr�ph 7.
<br /> All iawranae policiea ard reoewals shall be�cept�ble ta l.endar a�d shall inclUda a.st+�ndud mo�tg�c clwse. l.ender
<br /> �lu+ll iwv.;tlw right ta FwW tt�c.p�►licics vnJ rc�kwi+is. If LcMk:r rcquirM, 8+x�ruwar sh�ll p�ily yive tu Lxrxk:r WI recelptc of
<br /> paid prcmiums and rcncwal nalcca.ln Ihe event of losr, B��rruwer�lt�ivo prompl natico tu t1HS insuraace carrier wd L�ender.
<br /> u l.ender may make proof oi lass if not mado promptly by Bnrrower.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwfr�t agr�in wriling,insurance proccedA shn11 be Applisd W�+¢sturrtion or n�air oP Ihe
<br /> Pmpetty�gal. if the rcator�tion or rcpair ie ecnnomically feasible and Irndar's serunity la nat le�med. li thc resWratian or
<br /> rcpair is not xaamlcally feaslbla ur l.ender's srcurity would be lea�sencd.d�B insurrncQ procaeda shull bo applied to tha wms
<br /> accurod by this Sixurity Instrumant, whcthcr or not ihen due, with any excess pald W HorroWer. If Borrawer abu►dons the
<br /> Property.or does nut nnswer wid�in 30 days u notice irom Lender thpt the inxurance carder haa offerod to settle a cla�m.tFKn
<br /> _ Lender may collert U�� inwrance praceods. Lender muy use the pnoceed:► W reps�r or restor+t the Pnopeny or ta psy sums
<br /> serurcd by tbia Securiry Instrumem,whether or not then dus. The 30�day period will begin wl�en the notia is given.
<br /> Unless Lender wM B�xruwer atherwise agree in writing, uny �pplication of proceeda w pdncipal slwll not extend or
<br /> p�t�oa the due date oi�ha mu�tthly payments rcferned t�s in p�ragrapha 1 and 2 or chpnga tba emount of the paymerNs. If
<br /> *'�'�'"' undar pang�ph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by lxndar,Borrower's right to any inaurrnue pdiaias and•praceods rrsulting from
<br /> t� f �7 ;°.�:.litil! � dom�ge to the P�uperty prior ta tba acquieitfqn,shall pnss a i.ender to iba eatant of 1be sums secunad•by•�his Security I�n�ent
<br /> � imn�odialcly prior to the acgui�it�vt�.
<br /> ' ;�����., '
<br /> �.���'-r�� ;+�-.k,: 6.Occupvncy.PreserraWae,Malntenance and Protectlon otthe Pfropertys Boaru�wer's i.ona Appllcallon;I.ease6oldv.
<br /> . ti.
<br /> ` � '•:'<<;�..,; .���i�'° ' Borrower shall occupy.establiah.And use the Pmperny as Borrower's prinoipal nesidcnce within sixty days after the eaocution of
<br /> p,�;,°;:.'•�;,•,., .� ;,, this Security Instrumunt nnd shufl continue to occupy lhe Praperty as Borrower's prin�tipc�!resid¢nce for at least one year after
<br /> %��;�?�,�4,•�,'�,•:;•;�;;. the date of accupancy,unless Lender otherwisr.Agreex io wrning, whiah con�rnt sfioll not be unreasombly withheld,or unless
<br /> -t• ����:;.. A„w;:;': extenuuting ��ircvmc�tances exist which ore beyond Borrower's control. Bur�swe� shull not destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> �� ?y`. �=�• •-•„ •� •• � Property, allow the Propeny to dete�iorate, ar cammit wasta on the Property. &►rmwe�shall be in defuult if any forfeituro
<br /> y�• +�;:,.+�� � ,��� oQtiun�or proceeding,whether civil or criminnl, is hegun•that�in.I.endcr's gaxi foith judgm�nt could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> � .. � '�:'�"� P�peny ar dhenvise materiully impair the lien crcated by thfe Sacu�iry Iqstrumenb a+Lendar's security interest. Borrnwer may
<br /> � �� �.y� cure such a deFault and rein�tatrt,as providod in perrgraph•13.by raueing the action�or pnoceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruling
<br /> ;�.,�;.,�..•--�—. tha[, in L.ender's gaod fstith �rniinntion, prrctudes iorieiture ot the Horcower's intsnsct in Ute Praperty or other material
<br /> �. ,, , ' � impairment oi the lion created by Ihis Securiry InStrument or I.�nder'y secority interest. Borrower sha11 also be in default �f
<br /> . . �:,;:,;;;;;;� &irrowe�,during the Inun applKatian pnicess.g�ve material ly fulhe�r inaccurate infarn�ation or swtements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> �"`' � r to provide Lender wi�h any material infornwtion)in connection with�he luan cvidenced hy the Noie, including,but not limited
<br /> ' '... :.i, r.:....
<br /> .! , to, rcpre.r•enta�ions conceming &►rrower'��xcupuncy of the Properly as a principul rewidence. If this Security lnstrumem is on a
<br /> ,;' � lea.sehold. &►rrower shaU rornply with ull the provisions of�hc lease. If Borrower.acquims fec title to �he Property. the
<br /> .� ' , �� Ieusehold and ihc fcc tidc shall n��t mcrge unles+lAnJcr rgrec.�o�he mcrger io writing.
<br /> 7.Protection oi I.ender's Ri�hts in Ihe Piroperty. If Buaower fails to perform the covenarNS and•rgreements conWined in
<br /> �. thiH Security Inslrument, ur there is u Ie�rl prc►reeding thu� may aiFnifieunlly uffeet l.ender':�rights in the Propertp �such ac a
<br /> ���+� proce��ling in bankruptcy,probatc. fi�r condemnution or forfeiture or t��enfi►rce luws ar regulutiansl. then l.ender may do and
<br /> i ; " • p•ry Pi�r whutevcr is n��e.wry in prut��t thc raluc i�f�hc Prc►peny unJ Lender's rightti in the Property. l.ender's cs;tions m�y
<br /> �r include paying uny �um� kYUreJ By u lien �vhich hu� prii►rft�• ovcr this Security Intitrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> � � ,.. • ���,.��w��i��c�����rcy,' i'c�,.�nJ entering un�h� Prapeny tu nwkc repuir+.Althaugh l.ender rtuiy take nction under this�wragr�ph
<br /> 7,Lendcr dixs nrn huvc w du.o.
<br /> " " � Any anxwntti Ji�burk•d hy LcuJcr w�Jrr Ihi. parugraph 7 .hull bec�imc ndditionul dcM of BoRnwcr sttured by Ihis
<br /> �� Secunry Instrumcnt. Unlcti. Harrowcr •rnJ LenJcr agr« tu uUkr tcrmti��f paymcnt, thc�c am��unt.r shall t►cur interezt from the
<br /> dutc ol'disburtiemeot u� thc N�He rutc and .hall i+r p•ryrhlc, with intere�l, upon nntice 1'ram I.xrnkr tn Borrower rcyuetiting
<br /> . (wymenl.
<br /> A 8,11for1gA�c Imuraner. If L.enJ�r rcyuin�l nwngr�c in�urunrc u+u conJi�inn of m:�king�hr loan,�wurcJ by this Security
<br /> - In,trument. &�rrowcr.hull pa}� Ihe prentiwm rcyuir��J tu main�ain the nu�hguge inxurun��e in cl'Icct. II', li�r any reu.�on. the
<br /> �� m�►ngugc in�uraixc rovrragc reyuir�J h}• Lcndrr lap.r.��r cra,c�1��Ix in cffcrl, N��rraWrr.Ikdl r•ry the prcmiums rcyuircJ to � ,.
<br /> } � , , obtuio�rrveraFc �uh,tautiall�•cqui�•ulrrn tu thc m�,n�;ugc in.ur�nrr pr<<•iautily- in efferi. ut a cu.t .uh.tanti:�lly cyui�-alent to the
<br /> ru.t ta&ir�uw��r��f Ihe mung•r�r inwranre prc�iuu.l�• in rllcrl. I'r�nn un uhern:ue m��rtea�r in,urrr uppruvcd b� lAnder. If
<br /> .ubstamially ryuivulrm m�,n�:agc in,uran�e�a�cragr iti n„i c��ailohlr. liarru��•cr sh:dl pac tu I.rnJcr carh monih a,um cyuul to '�.::•;
<br /> �. ..
<br /> anc-�weU'th ot'thr yearh rrx�rt�agr imuranre����„���»n����� r;���n� f3��rn,��er��•hen Ihr irnuranre cmrraEr Iap.rJ i�r crakJ to + •:,',
<br /> � � t+r in cffe�t. l.�iiJer a�ill urccpt.u.r anJ rrwin Ihc.c pa�mepl�a. u I�+.. reun�.�in hcu ol' murlgug. insurunrr. l.oti, rer�n�
<br /> 1 � Form 3028 8i9D
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