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<br /> i Tacl87'HP,It wrl'H d�U�e,impr�wanput�row or ncroatier orecux!aa the p�+npeicy..rd au a�ne+w..ppurtannoe�.wd
<br /> 11�tura now ot hercafrer a patt at the propmty. All replacam�mis and idditiot� �hdl �bo be covarad by tbis Sacurlty
<br /> I�Mtrummt.All of Ihe fiu�e�ic�in�it rofend w in Ihi�Socu�ity It�tn�anen/a the'PmpertY."
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNANT3 tiui 8orrower ia lawtUlly�eiwd of the ausdr iurcby convryod�ud haw�itp.dght w�nnt�ad
<br /> i oonvey the Propeny�nd that�he Pmperly i� une�mbercd.exaept tor encuinbranca af romnl. Ebrrower w�rao4s md wlp
<br /> ! ddetd QenerAlly the title ta the Praperty a��inst dl cl�irru and denwnd+.eubJect to any encumbrar�xx of r000rd.
<br /> THIS 9ECURITY INSTRUMANT co+nbiea uniforne cavenaia�far rouiaal use u�d�ron-ualPorm oovaynts with lin�ited
<br /> vei�tkxis by jud+uiictfon to on�wiwte a unifiarm�avdty in�Uumeru wverinQ rcal P�apenY•
<br /> UNiFORM COYEIVA�JTS.8ortower iutd Lendar covatrat wW aQra a�Wllt►wc:
<br /> 1. P�xa�eY a�!'W»ai�l wil �t1�t: Pse��tNRat �od L,ntR Cha�ea. Bortawer shall P��S PaY when due 1he
<br /> ipdnclprl of anc�intq�t on the deM.evi�tnued by t1�e NWa and�ny��P/�Y���late ctwrges due under the Note.
<br /> i 2.F�s twr Toxer and I�turw�a. S��f/J�ct to applicablu,luw.•ar.ta a wr�tten waiver by Lender. Borrower ehall pay w
<br /> Lender an�he d�y moiuhly payments wre dus undar�e I�lde.until d�a Nate is p�id In full.�sum('Runds")for.(e)ycarly taxa
<br /> ond ascessm�nts which may altain pri�xity ove�thia Scaurity Ins�rument as a lirn an tho Property:(b)Yeariy Isas�hc�id p�ymaN.s
<br /> 4r ground rcntb on the Propehy.iP anY;fe}Y�Y hozohd or prapeny insuran�x premiums:ldl Yearly flaod insuranoe praniwns.
<br /> if any:(e)ywrly mongage insurance pr+emiums,if any:ard(A any sums payable by Hormwer to Lender, in accordanc�e with
<br /> the provisianr of par�mph 8,in li�u af.lha payment of mortgogo imwrance prcmiums.7'F�se i�emc suc callod"Bsemw Iterns."
<br /> i�ender may,nt any �ime, colkct an�!�hu��Funds in an amam4 mN to exceod the maximum wnount a lender for a foderAlly
<br /> related maagage toan muY raq4� f��m►wer's cscrow accoum�undrr�h� fedaral Real F.s�te Senlu�xnt Pracodurcs Act of
<br /> 1974�s arneMad fran timr�w tirrnr. IZ U.S.C.Saction 264i oi.s�p.•("RESPA"),unle.cc anaMer law th�t ap�►lies to the FuMs
<br />_ ., �ir�{,,. �cts y I�ar,ut�trt+tr�t.If so. Lc�u!¢r r�m�. at nny time, rnlluct a�t►f:h(rld Funds in an anxwnt nat to e:ooed t6e kscer amou�.
<br /> '�,:
<br /> Lemlar ronY•estJ�nata the u►xwnt ol'Famd,v due an �he bagin of aur�t daw nnd re�.sonable esttmwea of eapenditures of fudue
<br /> � Eccrow icsmx e3r atlkrwi�c in ac�roriWrr�c with appleuable law.
<br /> t The Funls si�all be held in an institutaon•whnr� depogi�s are inwrod by u federnl agency. instrumentality. or entiry
<br /> li�ludiag l.ader.if Lender ia such an in�tiwtion?uc in�any Federal Home Lou�Bank.L.eixler shall apply the Fwids to pay the
<br /> � !�+''. �,,;, P.�crow Itams. Lender may not churga W►rrower fc�r hoWing and applying the Funds.annually cu�lyzing the escrow accrount,or
<br /> ��F�'�� veriiying tha E�cmw Items, unles.c L,endetr puys Burrower interest an�he Fut�ds and applicable law permits L.ender to malce such
<br /> .'�''. a chargc. Hswtwer. Lender m�y requira B�xrawer to pay a one-timc ct�argc far un indeperdtnt rcal eswte tau repoAing service
<br /> ' usod by Lend�r in connection with this la�n, unle� applicoble law provida�+ otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> �••� ,, applicablc luw nquireu lnheasst to be pnid. lrniler shnl! nrx bc required ta poy Barrower any interest ar e.arnings on the Funds.
<br /> �'. ;�.'� �;f Borrowo�and l�endur,may o��e in.wci�ny.h�wc�•cr. that intamst xhall be paid on the Funds. I.ender sh�ll Rive to Borrower.
<br /> '' Yrithout�hsrg�►.� 91111UR� ��C14���f11�•Itif IMP Fundr,�Mnwinp rr�edi�x and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> :;i � �;�.,'.% debie to tba Fw�ds wuw mndet.The Fundrt uuu pledged ac uddi�ionn!security for all sums secured by this Security Imtrurnent.
<br /> � i�, f
<br /> �I��F`���4 ''r' �� �'�� ' �: 19�he Flinds held b L.ender exrecd the Amoume rmitted to be held b l�cnblc luw,L.ender shall account ta B�rrc►wer
<br /> ;�;,�.��.•,•t ;i. �. � Y Pe YAPP�
<br /> � ;�;.::! ..;•:�•; :�.�,�,. fw tha excess Funds in necordance with the requi�ments of applicable low. li the amount of the Funds held by Lender at eny
<br /> � `''='�,`'•=•��'• tfine ia nat sufficient�o pay the Exrow lusms whcn duc,l.ender m�y so notify&xrower in wri�ing,iud.in such ctue Borrower
<br /> 1'� ''`v� �� S��'���` �' shal� puy to L,�mier Ihe unx�unt nacer+.c�ry �o make up the deficien�w•. Bormwcr siwll make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> �,,:�. ,, . ..,.-•;:a`,
<br /> "' . • twelve mcentldy pa�'ments.a1l.eiuiu�'ti wde di�crction.
<br /> ��.:�•, . '''�':`°.` h` Upon paymem in full of all sumti securctil My�hi, Security Instrument. Lender shall pmmptly refurwl to Borrower any
<br /> �' �' "''"�'�' '` ' Fwxis hcld by Lendcr. If,unJcr pamgruph 21, I.enJcr.h•rll uryuirc��r�cll thc Propen�•,LenJer,prior to Ihe ucqui�ition ar sale
<br /> �, -�.;',.;�;:-�� - ��'�"�� of Ihe Propen�•,tihall apply :u�y Funds held by l.erwler ut thc�ime of ucyuinition nr sule a.ti A credit uguinst the sums secured by
<br /> „�:.� .,.;.,.�,-:. .
<br /> :�',.,r.,:.,..'. . _.,;;,,,;.. thfsSerurity{itarument.
<br /> ,�,.' .`;«;;;• + 3.Applicalion of Poymen�c.Unlcsti applicablc luw pr�wideti�ulknvi�e,ull pvynxntx recci�•�i by Lender under paragrophs
<br /> .;; ; •�''�.lz'`. ..,., . :':•��.'` 1 and 2�hall be ppplied:first. to uny prepayment charge.Juc un�icr thr Note: +econd.t��amounts pay�ble under parugraph 2:
<br /> �� �f��`��,•�r�"•'." third,to interes�due:fiwrth.�o prinripal Jue: and 1��1, to uny lute rharges duc wxicr thc Niuc.
<br /> � ,,:;�r''".,''`• � �. • 4.Cl�r�es; Lteng.&�nower,hull puy all ts�e+, a�yc,+nx:nt,,charF��, tincs anJ imporiti�►nx anribu�able to the Property
<br /> � `�3��"��.•�;i`.��•s�•- which muy wcaiu �iuiil .�ccr thi.r S:�urit In�rum�nt. and I�aklt��10 �mcnt� or rciund rent�. if un Bnrrow�� ehnR a
<br /> �.:�,� , , � .. r � N y Y' F�. F Y� P Y -
<br /> ,� . ....i�,.._., : .
<br /> •� ��'r;:�,:;. thcse ubligatiana in�he m•rnncr pro�ided in p•rr•rFr.�ph 2,ar iP n�x paid in�hu� nwnncr, &�rruwrr shull pay thcm on time diroctly
<br /> �''��+ :..,,. , , �:fi.�
<br /> .�1•c°,' ..A- � •�",;i1;��°`�" to thc pennn��u•��l payment.&xrawcr shnll promplly fumish to LenJer ull notice.ol'umuunt�tu tn puiJ undcr this p•rrugrnph.
<br /> �- ��'"� •: .. If&�rrowrr makr,th�t.e �nx:ntr Jircrd &�rrower,h•rll rom tl� 1'urni.rh tu L.cnJer r��ri t,r�•idcncin the ments.
<br /> � � ,;�` . f�+. Y• P P . P R P�Y
<br /> ��.., �= A�,Jy�.`"•" Bormaer shull prnmptly dixrhargc�ny licn which ha�prii►rit� uvcr�hi.S�xuri�� In,irument wilex.&irn�wer. (a)ugrec�in
<br /> "° , � t::�� .. writin a.�he mcm��f�he ohli auon,ctiur�tit b the lien in a muunc�arcr tablc to LcnJcr.�b�cante�l.in ixxl f•rith�he lien
<br /> °, yF��x�� :•. .. : 8 P�Y 8� � Y P g
<br /> . . ;�,+�ti'f't , by, or detendv uguin.t enti�rcemrnt of �hc licn in. Irgal pr�kreding. ahirh in the I.�nd�r'. upiniun u�rate tu prt�ent ihe -�
<br /> ��_.. y.,.,,n� ,, � .
<br /> �'• ��' . t': ,,!i�,P��:`;.' e n f o r c c n x:n t o f t h e l i e n:u r I r l ti c r u rc+frum thr holder ul'Ihe li�n an a�tn.m�nt ,a�i.fac���n t��(ander.utx�niinmin g the lien tc� �'
<br /> "y�M ;� „ � - , this Securily In+�runknt. It'I.�ndrr Jrtermin�,th�u any pan ul thc !'n�peh� i..ul.jrc� ta a lien ��hirh ma� attain priurii� �n•er , :ti
<br /> �1`� :,,.�;�:,:..: .
<br /> •,��, r,:; °(;: . this Security In,ironknt.I.�nJrr ma�•give Fi��rruurr a nntirr id�n�if�mg dic Ircn. li��rrawer,hall uli.ia tha lien ur tuke��ne ur
<br /> �k�, . '�e,;;;,,, more of the uctioua set forih ubove within 11�day�al ih�gi�i»p ui n��ti�r.
<br /> � .i�,;!;:�yi; Form 3028 91Y0 ..
<br /> , { •'-. . i," �.c 11�4
<br /> '. �'' .�'�r Paye?V�F
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